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You might want to add Queen Victoria to your list. Apparently Sir Walter Raleigh? brought it back for her and she used it for period pain.

Which Sir Walter Raleigh are you talking about, the explorer or the poet? The explorer Raleigh was a friend of Elizabeth the 1st, at least for a while, he was the one that went a hunting around the world.

Sir Walter Raleigh the poet did travel a few places but had no contact with Victoria the queen, only with the Queen Victoria pub.

Yeah the explorer. I think he also brought back the potato and tobacco but not sure.

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I was thinking of going to chiang mai for a few months at the end of the year. Would arrests like this be unheard of up there? I enjoy smoking marijuana... I always assumed if I was caught I would be able to pay off someone.


Marijuana has been cultivated in Thailand for hundreds of years, it was used as a herb and included in most dishes. Thailand made it illeagal after pressure from the USA, in the 1970s..The term is now well known in English largely due to the efforts of American drug prohibitionists during the 1920s and 1930s. The prohibitionists deliberately used a Mexican name for cannabis in order to turn the populace against the idea that it should be legal by playing to negative attitudes towards that nationality.

^Standard stuff really oze, whatever bits they don't know they just pull out of thin air, happens alot here apparently but also other parts of the world. Ozzie, Canadian, same thing mate, all from Farangland.

Ozzie canada not the same...Ozzie has far better neighbours.

I was thinking of going to chiang mai for a few months at the end of the year. Would arrests like this be unheard of up there? I enjoy smoking marijuana... I always assumed if I was caught I would be able to pay off someone.

Definitely cannot rely on that. If you must use do not come here.

Incidently the word 'assassin' comes from the Arabic 'hashashin' meaning 'hashish eaters' who were a group/tribe of hired killers who ate hashish before going on a job.

It is a common myth that the word assassin comes from the Arabic word haschishin for hashish user.

Read more -> http://www.alamut.com/subj/ideologies/alamut/etymolAss.html

Sorry for the correction but I find the origin of words interesting.

Too bad for the Aussie though, getting caught with Ganja, soon the world will accept Ganja as a legal drug.

California amongst others are/have made it legal.

I guess there will be more states, which I found out recently, allready have, and countries following that example.

Have never myself responded well to Marijuana but I think if one should use drugs, alcohol is a drug too, Marijuana is a better choice.

Doesn't make people violent what I've heard.

In many countries, marijuana has been decriminalized not only for medicinal purposes but simply because it should NOT share a place with truly dangerous substances such as meth (the very worst), as well as cocaine, opium and multiple pharmacological products.

Liquor was legalized quite some time ago after the 'law-makers' had figured-out a profitable method to accomplish all of that.

'Weed' is purported to be the single, largest cash-crop in California which is, arguably, the largest, agrarian cultivator of fruit&produce in the entire US of A.

Perhaps people in Thailand and elsewhere will someday be able to understand how to discriminate the huge differences found among illicit substances. Indeed, most of these things can be deeply injurious.

But, when's the last time that any legislators witnessed the beneficial effects of marijuana unto cancer patients and to others with medical issues? Indeed, most USA MD's are paid to attend 5-Star events which are little more than drug promotions.

A comment on the beneficial effects of marijuana:

Had a brother in law who hung himself while full of the crap, did him a lot of good

I'm quite sure he drug didn't bring the problems to him, he brought the drugs to him and his problems...i.e. most likely the drugs wasn't a factor in his suicide.

His problem was that he was addicted to the Sh.t he was a good young fella till he started smoking it , worked for me for a time but the crap rotted his brain to the extent he didnt know what he was doing and was unemployable. Before the end he would wander around waving his arms and yelling, all he lived for was the drug and it was the only drug he took, not even booze.

I have seen others whoes lives it has ruined as well so dont try to tell me its harmless or beneficial for I have first hand experience.

I suspect those who say how wonderful it is are users if not addicts themselves, often addicts are the last to admit or even recognise they have a problem.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother in law.

But are you sure it was Marijuana and not hashish he used?

True it's stems from the same plant but hashish is the resin from the plant which have a much more powerfull effect on the brain.

If you allready have problems, don't use any drug as it might enhance any type of emotional state, boredom and suicidedal thoughts.

Allthough it's not common to become a murderer after using Marijuana, it's the wrong kind of high (low), it's probably not unheard of but very rare I would presume.

I am truly sorry for the loss of your brother in law but stop blaming the symptoms, start caring about the reasons.

I said it earlier in this thread I don't use Marijuana or any other drug myself, except alcohol, so please don't accuse me for being one of the drug addicts that try to excuse their choice of drugs.

I'm not using anything except alcohol, period.

Don't believe me? Well I live in Phuket and I'm very easy to get in touch with.

Sorry, the rest has nothing to do with your post but I think it's in order to state a fact, just once, ok, I will probably do it more times as times go by.

People always seem to want to punish, not seek understanding, information or facts.

Judging people has almost become a mantra.

The fact is that possession of ganja or small quantities of yaba does not automically equal deportation and immigration blacklist. Depending on how much "bail" you can pay, you can have your case expeditiously closed in about 7-10 days with no record outside of the local district you were prosecuted in. Thank you, come again!

If you doubt this, I suggest you take a peek at the Samui district court house which has clearly been subsidized by Full Moon Party busts.

This is so I've heard anyway :)

Why they not use the guy to catch the dealer, get the dealer behind bars, do some waterboarding to make him tell where he get the stuff from etc. This innocent guy could have helped them to roll up a whole gang (but guess that's not what they want either)

Not so long ago in phuket a young kiwi guy was done for valium. told the police the pharmacy in Patong where he bought them. read this: www phuketgazette.net/archives/articles/2010/article8252.html NO charges for the pharmacist.

I think the biggest danger with pot smoking is that if done regularly it destroys your drive and ambition.

Heavy Pot smokers by and large are underachievers.

This can have serious consequences for life and career.

The other issue of course is the smoking itself which is inhaled quite deeply and if using bongs leads to lots of chest infections and long term use to lung conditions like cancer and emphysema.

Casual use is pretty harmless imho.

As for the person caught well you should never let yourself be vulnerable in places like Thailand because there is always people willing to take advantage. Don't smoke pot in Thailand or take any drugs coz you never know what will happen.

Having said that the laws are stupid but if you want to blame anyone blame the Americans for a lot of these draconian drug laws around the world because if you do a bit of research you will see it is US govt pressure that has changed many of trhe drug laws in countries like Thailand.

"""inhaled quite deeply and if using bongs leads to lots of chest infections and long term use to lung conditions like cancer and emphysema.""" not only bongs ; the burning temperature of cannabis is higher and this is a danger too; and bong or not, the particles are bigger than tobacco and cover the lung in a way they don't like.

emphysema is no fun; lung cancer has one of the lowest survival rate .Without going into the mental aspect of the effects, it is sad that lots of us have spent years in school studying natural science but nonetheless think nothing of inhaling very destructive smokes, tobacco , cannabis, fin (: opium) whatever .

Many a man is more careful with what grade oil he feeds the engine of his car and the brand of the air filter than of the quality of what he drinks and what he breathes.

If you smoke, whatever you smoke, learn about the way the lungs work , it will help you respect them.


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