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Thai Red Shirts Declare 'Class War'


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yes one of the biggest injustice is certainly the access to a proper Education. The quality of the Issan educational system is far below Bangkok and if you are a poor farmer you have no choice:

- you cannot pay the Bangkokian fees (+ boarding). Your children have to go to the local school.

Concerning the leaders, a lot of examples in History demonstrates that it is often Middle class people who are leading (at least initially) the 'War of Class'.

- A lot of examples shows equally that the result is often the replacement of an "Elite" by a "Nomenklatura".

So maybe better to find middle ways and consensus on society reforms,and to negotiate...

Most Bangkokian kids go to 'local' government schools that are not much better, if at all, than the Issan ones.

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As a mere Farang worker in this country I am told to shut my mouth and if I don't like it - leave.

I am harassed by all levels of Govt employees at Immigration regarding continuing renewal of my Visa.

I go to my bank and they do not have sufficient cash to meet a withdrawal slip and now I make phone calls in advance so they can meet it.

I cannot own a house but can own a condo provided the majority in the building is owned by Thais but where to put two kids and a wife in a Condo?

I cannot send money to my offshore requirements to meet credit card payments without providing a statement and proof of who I am even when I have a local bank account.

Banks won't lend me money as a medium income earner so I cannot expand my business - I simply have to pay cash

I employ 4 permanents and look after my staff. I employ 100 at a time on contract - yet I am looked upon as elite or with ATM stamped on my forehead

I have a Thai family and le-kreung kids but cannot get PR without paying for the privilege yet all are dependents on my ability to support them

And now I have to put up with rabble who are being manipulated by a convicted criminal who 'was' part of the elite they so badly oppose, who are all but stopping my possible income to my business as I only deal with international clients bringing money into Thailand, who are being warned by Embassies and bloated media reports that Thailand is not safe...

From me, my family and kids, wake up Thailand. Look at what you have and work to improve it. Complaints and protests manipulated by power brokers who care nothing about you, democracy and have greed as their motivational factor, are destroying Thailand in the eyes of the world and if you don't care, try being a foreigner living in another country and see how this rubbish affects you as right now I have to play by your rules and whilst I can't change them - I sure as hel_l can have my say!

I hear you big time.... BIG time.


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"had Abhisit been home, he would have lost his blood from his head and the blood would have been used to wash the feet.''

For some reason I'm reading that in a Rastafarian accent mon.

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BANGKOK (AFP) - Thailand's rural underclass, vying to revive flagging momentum after a week of colourful protests, appealed Thursday for a popular uprising against the well-entrenched political and aristocratic elite.

Apart from this borderline call to overthrow the monarchy, what else are they going to do? Make everyone leave Bangkok? Reset the calendar to Year Zero? Looks like Thaksin has been taking a few tips from his good buddy Hun Sen.

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As a mere Farang worker in this country I am told to shut my mouth and if I don't like it - leave.

I am harassed by all levels of Govt employees at Immigration regarding continuing renewal of my Visa.

I go to my bank and they do not have sufficient cash to meet a withdrawal slip and now I make phone calls in advance so they can meet it.

I cannot own a house but can own a condo provided the majority in the building is owned by Thais but where to put two kids and a wife in a Condo?

I cannot send money to my offshore requirements to meet credit card payments without providing a statement and proof of who I am even when I have a local bank account.

Banks won't lend me money as a medium income earner so I cannot expand my business - I simply have to pay cash

I employ 4 permanents and look after my staff. I employ 100 at a time on contract - yet I am looked upon as elite or with ATM stamped on my forehead

I have a Thai family and le-kreung kids but cannot get PR without paying for the privilege yet all are dependents on my ability to support them

And now I have to put up with rabble who are being manipulated by a convicted criminal who 'was' part of the elite they so badly oppose, who are all but stopping my possible income to my business as I only deal with international clients bringing money into Thailand, who are being warned by Embassies and bloated media reports that Thailand is not safe...

From me, my family and kids, wake up Thailand. Look at what you have and work to improve it. Complaints and protests manipulated by power brokers who care nothing about you, democracy and have greed as their motivational factor, are destroying Thailand in the eyes of the world and if you don't care, try being a foreigner living in another country and see how this rubbish affects you as right now I have to play by your rules and whilst I can't change them - I sure as hel_l can have my say!

I pick Thailand over my native US on most days. It is true there are many unfair policies (no pensions for foreigners who devote their lives to teaching/civil service here comes to mind) here-for both nationals and foreigners. But all my basic needs (and quite a few wants) are more than met with a crappy gov. university salary. I have access to affordable health care, can walk alone at night (I am a woman), people are not in my face or aggressive (yes the line cutting sends me in a frenzy, but if that is one of my greater issues here, I can live with it). I understand your frustration but when I compare what I have here to a life I would have in the US, Thailand is a much better bet.

Good luck

This issue is not about YOU and how good your life, as a "farang" is here , compared to your life in the US.

It seems that you have a job with the government. If your employer does all the work for you, you will never know how frustrating it can be as described in the post you refer to.

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they must be taking a leaf out gordon brown/labours book in the uk,who have declared a class more against the conservation public school boys party who are out for the upper classes first and foremost..

pretty similar to here

and the conservative and dem leaders both went to eton

I hope David Cameron wins the next UK election. It will mean good ties between the UK and Thailand. Eton has produced some really great leaders and I think Khun Abhisit, given the chance will do a lot for this country.

Abhisit went to Oxford.... he went to school in Thailand...

The PM, Abhisit earned a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford Univ. He received his master's degree in Economics from Oxford Univ., He received his Law degree from Eton, all in England. Both his father & mother are M.D.'s PM Abhisit was born in Newcastle, England, in 1964. He graduated with honors while receiving all of his degrees. Thailand is lucky to have such a well-educated man as its PM. Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

fully agreed, people with low education could not do the job he is doing now.

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I hope the BBC gives their new shit protest idea as much coverage as the blood protest. Check http://twitter.com/tulsathit for more info.

No doubt their clueless correspondant will come up with something like "This is very symbolic for all Thais, as they believe the shit should never be separated from the body." Although, if the red shirts tried separating it from the head, they might make more progress.

Then again, maybe by "human waste" they mean they're going to leave the brains of their leaders in plastic bags around Bangkok? They've certainly been going to waste, but it would be such a small protest maybe no one would notice.

Edited by ballpoint
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The PM, Abhisit earned a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford Univ. He received his master's degree in Economics from Oxford Univ., He received his Law degree from Eton, all in England. Both his father & mother are M.D.'s PM Abhisit was born in Newcastle, England, in 1964. He graduated with honors while receiving all of his degrees. Thailand is lucky to have such a well-educated man as its PM. Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

110% agree with this.

The country could not get luckier than have him at this time.

Regardless of what bedfellows and circumstances he must deal with to do the job.

A normal hazard in politics everywhere by the way.

He is perfectly trained for this position and we couldn't ask for better.

He received his law degree from Eton!!!!!!!!!!!!Its a boys school they finish when they are 18, they don't do degrees because they are not a University, Christ on a bike! you must be American.

christ on a bike, you outta read his thesis from his alleged university. Google it in! man does it suck.

Please provide proper link to this information

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the issue is access to a good education based on merit and not on money... there are certainly some unknown genius in the Issan children but have they one chance to become a PM one day?

Why not? T. did

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"had Abhisit been home, he would have lost his blood from his head and the blood would have been used to wash the feet.''

For some reason I'm reading that in a Rastafarian accent mon.

:) It scans mon, it scans!

Get doown me bad feet!

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Mr Abhisit is the son of a doctor..... his family are not wealthy...

A doctor who happens to be on the board of directors of one of the largest companies in Thailand if we're being completely honest among friends here.

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Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

The first real deal for Thaksin was the Israeli brand of radios for the military and police. So is he not connected to each of them? :)

Thaksin had a criminal justice degree from Sam Houston State Univ. in Huntsville, Texas. He was in the Bangkok Police Dept. as a pretty high up. My point was that Abhisit came into office with no ties to the police or military and that is very unusual for a Thai PM. Thaksin was friends with and made money from the Burmese Generals, Cambodians, Chinese, Singaporians, etc.

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what cracks me up is the leaders of the Red shirts are all HI SO's! Wealthy. Just like in the USA, where the Democrats say they are for the working man...as they drive a Benz and take vacations around the world. Same same.

We were watching the red shirt channel the other day. My wife saw a lady get up on stage and goes "Oh! Look at her...she is big time HI SO in Bangkok." And there she is trying to get the poor people to sleep on the street and walk in the sun for them...crazy....amazing what you can get people to believe...

Your wife totally missed the point of the protests. It isn't so much about HI-SO and LO-SO, but about equal opportunities for all Thais, whether they are rich or poor.

Ok, about those equal opportunities. For a while Thaksin was Education Minister and he was clearly in with the Royal Thai Police. What concrete advancements did he make for his constituents that you can point to iin education? Are they better seved by the police now, or even then?


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yes one of the biggest injustice is certainly the access to a proper Education. The quality of the Issan educational system is far below Bangkok and if you are a poor farmer you have no choice:

- you cannot pay the Bangkokian fees (+ boarding). Your children have to go to the local school.

Concerning the leaders, a lot of examples in History demonstrates that it is often Middle class people who are leading (at least initially) the 'War of Class'.

- A lot of examples shows equally that the result is often the replacement of an "Elite" by a "Nomenklatura".

So maybe better to find middle ways and consensus on society reforms,and to negotiate...

I wonder whether the word 'negotiate' should be replaced by something like 'show a logical structured argument, develop strong and sustained credibility, search for / make opportunities to discuss and debate publically, and keep focus, and don't do idiotic things like throw blood around' so that people follow you because they are well concinved of the argument and for very good reasons which have logic which they too can discuss and explain and defend, then the opposition (whoever that might be, will be forced to listen and adjust their approach. And if they don't then the side of 'right' will eventually win the day, because they are 'right' and people will follow them because they know it's 'right' for logical reasons.

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what cracks me up is the leaders of the Red shirts are all HI SO's! Wealthy. Just like in the USA, where the Democrats say they are for the working man...as they drive a Benz and take vacations around the world. Same same.

We were watching the red shirt channel the other day. My wife saw a lady get up on stage and goes "Oh! Look at her...she is big time HI SO in Bangkok." And there she is trying to get the poor people to sleep on the street and walk in the sun for them...crazy....amazing what you can get people to believe...

Your wife totally missed the point of the protests. It isn't so much about HI-SO and LO-SO, but about equal opportunities for all Thais, whether they are rich or poor.

Ok, about those equal opportunities. For a while Thaksin was Education Minister and he was clearly in with the Royal Thai Police. What concrete advancements did he make for his constituents that you can point to iin education? Are they better seved by the police now, or even then?


The actual big 'hi-so' lady has some deep baggage which cannot be discussed here. Selling certain T shirts might ring a bell with some people.

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The PM, Abhisit earned a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford Univ. He received his master's degree in Economics from Oxford Univ., He received his Law degree from Eton, all in England. Both his father & mother are M.D.'s PM Abhisit was born in Newcastle, England, in 1964. He graduated with honors while receiving all of his degrees. Thailand is lucky to have such a well-educated man as its PM. Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

110% agree with this.

The country could not get luckier than have him at this time.

Regardless of what bedfellows and circumstances he must deal with to do the job.

A normal hazard in politics everywhere by the way.

He is perfectly trained for this position and we couldn't ask for better.

He's also well balnced and rational.

If you study what he's been doing for the last few months (not all that well reported because the red shirt lunacy has occupied the media), in fact he's been doing a lot and he's well focused on developing a better fairer situation for all Thais.

But wait, there's a bonus K. Korn another clever well educated guy who uses his brain well and has already done some good thing for Thailand, and he and PM Abhisit work well as a team - a double bonus.

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On an earlier thread when mentioning PM Abhisit Vejjajiva's degrees earned in England, I mentioned that he received a doctorate law degree or maybe I just said a law degree from Eton College, UK. I don't know who posted the following reply as I was unable to reply to it. I quote:

"He received his law degree from Eton!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a boys school they finish when they are 18, they don't do degrees because they are not a University. Christ on a bike! You must be an American.

Yes, I am an American living in Thailand. The poster's words seem to be telling me that I am ignorant because I am an American. This seems to be a majority belief among the vast majority of TV posters from the UK. It may surprise the poster that only a handful of people in the world - outside of the so-called "UK" - cannot name more than one university in England much less a prep school.

But, I am smart enough to type in Abhisit Vejjajiva in google or yahoo and read his biography. All that I have read mention that he received a law degree or an honorary law degree from Ramkhamhaeng Univ. schools, Eton College, UK. So I assumed that Eton was a college or university. It seemed to read that way to me. I often wonder why so many people on TV engage in personal attacks on others who are simply voicing their opinions. Calling other posters ignorant & worse for posting their comments is rude to say the least. And, I guess attacking the U.S.A. (or what many call America) and all of its citizens really gets old. It is a country of more than 300 million people and certainly they do not ALL think alike. I left because of several political reasons but I still think that the average American is and always will be first in line to help the people of any country in the world if it and its people experience a castastrophe. Always the U.S. will be the country that gives the most money. So hating all the people b/c of the sorry lot that are elected Pres. is just plain wrong.

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Abhisit is not one of the 'elite' in education, family background, wealth or any other construct you wish to put out there - the elite bit is in acheivement, drive and building his network.

Any PM requires that. That's how they become PM.

Abhisit is a Daddy's Boy and a smug. and doesn't have much drive either. he stays on top and smiles but don't do much of the decision. the teachers pet does what he have been told to do.

admit he would win a mother-in-law's delight competition, but fail in a 'your cool uncle' contest.

and look at Abhisits "uncles", the characters where where he creeps around. that is his network.

Korn, who is a Daddy's boy too did had at least some kind of real job in the private business sector, meanwhile Abhisit never did anything else then hang around at floors and offices in the democrats headquarters. and it is no coincidence that have been students in oxford together and are now fellows again. delegate by their families. daddies and uncles who building up their dynasties.

is Abhisit a real doer, a rainmaker, someone who spreads verve, a captain, a authority? no, he has as much energy as a sleeping pill.


1.education - 2.employment - 3. confidence - 4. social welfare - 5. strengthen democracy -6. unity 7. hahaha 8. sport

0. expand the state apparatus.

1. give people a career opportunity and hold training courses in clerical activity. (rubber stamp, ink-pad, paper, 'yes boss', form G-D/274.72, paper shuffle). the Government has set a target for the vocational training program to cover 500,000 people,

2. make them to employees of the state. create more positions in whatever civil service offices. for example create new jobs in the schools administration (educations ministry budget have to be spend wise) "a project targets recent graduates for employment in administrative positions at schools and other education institutions. The MOE is to hire 14,532 administration staff between 2009 and 2012 at a cost of around 1.56 billion in salaries per year."

3. gives them some uniform for office work, so that they feel important.

4. give them some social insurance and a small pension.

5. at work there is nothing to do than pencil pushing, they might start getting ideas, better prevent that. so entertain them with bi-weekly meeting and montly assemblies where you invite some Generals from ISOC who provide instructions how important the state and the government for democracy is and what it means to be a loyal and brave citizen.

6. let them take part in fun events like 'white shirt rally of adjusted commoners' or sing a song at 6 o' clock.

7. one time cash hand out to low income tax payers (your civil servants), a signed letter for Grandma Nui, Mark M16 paper bullets, intelligence reports about Dr. Mabuses whereabouts, Kasit, computer crime act, recent polls show that..., PM is confident ... , DPM denies ..., Don't panic.

8. Korn proposes bid for 2018 FIFA World Cup

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