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That is dreadful news. I was once surprised by a rip current in the Caribbean and carried out a bit and had to swim parallel to the beach for quite a long way to get out of it.

Pretty easy to panic.

Apaprently 17 year Thai guy, not found yet as far as I know.

The body was recovered near the reef outside Ark Bar late last night. This area, to Koh Mud Lang, is where nearly all the drownings are washed up, as did the police officers two young daughters and another two young Thai toddlers several years ago. IT's so needless, almost every day I'm having to tell parents (both Thai and farang) to bring their kids out of the surf when it is rough.


I have been on Chaweng Beach nearly every day for the past six years and have seen hundreds of near drownings. It is usually up to one or two farangs who go out and get the people. It must be a horrible sight to be drowning only fifty meters off shore while people are just watching and pointing. A couple of years ago ropes and floats were put out along the perimeter (around 10,000 sqm), but they were most likely stolen or damaged. I've noticed that a few hotels have posted red flags and have security guards standing by with a vest and rope. I suggest that if you go to the beach this time of year, one person take a life preserver so at least you can save a friend or loved one. It would be wonderful if the city would put a rescue buoy with rope every 100m along the beachfront, but I won't hold my breath for that one.

I have been on Chaweng Beach nearly every day for the past six years and have seen hundreds of near drownings. It is usually up to one or two farangs who go out and get the people. It must be a horrible sight to be drowning only fifty meters off shore while people are just watching and pointing. A couple of years ago ropes and floats were put out along the perimeter (around 10,000 sqm), but they were most likely stolen or damaged. I've noticed that a few hotels have posted red flags and have security guards standing by with a vest and rope. I suggest that if you go to the beach this time of year, one person take a life preserver so at least you can save a friend or loved one. It would be wonderful if the city would put a rescue buoy with rope every 100m along the beachfront, but I won't hold my breath for that one.

:) The hotel's ropes and floats are meant to keep jetskis out but when big surf arrives, they can tangle your legs or strangle you when they break free ! The standard rescue ring is useless ! You need two arms to swim to the person and this is where the Aussie Surf Lifesaving belt with tow strap and 100 m. of line is the best kit. We import them and have sold them to several resorts on Chaweng. We saved a family the first week we installed ours and regularly lend it out when needed, as it is very portable.

This is mandatory kit for EVERY beach in Australia.


I dont no why they dont employ some life guards on the beach. But the Thai way seems to be if it costs money then dont bother. If you think about it really the way most thai people look at life is a awful way to live. They look at life in a way that, money is more import than a life. If a crash happens they dont really care about the people involed they just care about how much it will cost them or how long it will take to fix there car / bike. If a Farang dies , then if the police know they can get away with it, they will just say its suicide no matter what really happened. They dont really care about other thai people and they care even less about Farangs. It is aboput time that travel books and goverments start to issue warning about what sort of place thailand is for farangs.


Wake up Mr Mayor, you go to other countrys on your holidays. You seen how much better they are why not try to copy some of there ways and make samui a better place.


happened to me once in Accapulco, really strong curent took me out, panic set in straight away but i eventually got back, close call though. drowning seems common all around tourist destinations in Thailand, they just dont care, then again when the red flags are out and the surf is rough i still see people going in to the sea.


I usely go to Chaweng Noi beach every day. And most of the days in January, February and Mars the resorts and hotel have put up the red warning flag and boards who tell tourists NOT to swim when the red is up.But what do I see every day, stupid tourists dont take care of them self but go happily into the see.


Have been at the beach seen the waves and YES, the red flags AND people on those flimsy "surfbords" made from Styrofoam...and yes heard the terrible "news"... was a child, playing got caught up in the waves...


the only way to get life guards is if people volenteer but then u probably need a work permit. big hotels dhould have life guard staff. look after their guests maybe even other people aswell

the only way to get life guards is if people volenteer but then u probably need a work permit. big hotels dhould have life guard staff. look after their guests maybe even other people aswell

If the big chaweng hotels had any conscience they would be paying for this already. More interested in greed than responsible tourism. :)


i dont get the posters that place blame on these drownings on any one other than the person who went in the water. the great thing about living in asia is life outside of a police state of mind which means everyone must be responsible for their own actions.

I dont no why they dont employ some life guards on the beach. But the Thai way seems to be if it costs money then dont bother. If you think about it really the way most thai people look at life is a awful way to live. They look at life in a way that, money is more import than a life. If a crash happens they dont really care about the people involed they just care about how much it will cost them or how long it will take to fix there car / bike. If a Farang dies , then if the police know they can get away with it, they will just say its suicide no matter what really happened. They dont really care about other thai people and they care even less about Farangs. It is aboput time that travel books and goverments start to issue warning about what sort of place thailand is for farangs.

what a disgusting statement of fact in your own eyes! clearly you know nothing about human beings and even less about thailand, do you know what human beings are? you talk like a machine and i hope you never go to thailand again with your holier than thou statements as if they heard your pompous self indulgent statements you would not be welcome so why are you here?

the only way to get life guards is if people volenteer but then u probably need a work permit. big hotels dhould have life guard staff. look after their guests maybe even other people aswell

Just for the record, some of the bigger hotels do have life guards on the ebach, Centara Chaweng is one of them.

the only way to get life guards is if people volenteer but then u probably need a work permit. big hotels dhould have life guard staff. look after their guests maybe even other people aswell

Just for the record, some of the bigger hotels do have life guards on the ebach, Centara Chaweng is one of them.

true, a couple of yrs ago i saw a young boy being saved by the crenta staff and they were very quick to get in the water and pull the boy out while the parents who were in the water near the child the whole time simply stood still and looked on in shock. the sad thing is the parents did not even aknowledge the staff after they had rescued the child. the red flags are there for a reason. tourist should learn to read the books that explain red means stop.

I dont no why they dont employ some life guards on the beach. But the Thai way seems to be if it costs money then dont bother. If you think about it really the way most thai people look at life is a awful way to live. They look at life in a way that, money is more import than a life. If a crash happens they dont really care about the people involed they just care about how much it will cost them or how long it will take to fix there car / bike. If a Farang dies , then if the police know they can get away with it, they will just say its suicide no matter what really happened. They dont really care about other thai people and they care even less about Farangs. It is aboput time that travel books and goverments start to issue warning about what sort of place thailand is for farangs.

what a disgusting statement of fact in your own eyes! clearly you know nothing about human beings and even less about thailand, do you know what human beings are? you talk like a machine and i hope you never go to thailand again with your holier than thou statements as if they heard your pompous self indulgent statements you would not be welcome so why are you here?

Busybee please wake up and come into the real world.

1: - I live in Thailand

2 : - I will always be welcome in Thailand becuase i have money. That is the only reason that any Farang is welcome in Thailand. Thats all they care about is money. So as long as any Farang has money then they are welcome in Thailand :)

3 : - I make good money living here, that is the only reason i live here.

the only way to get life guards is if people volenteer but then u probably need a work permit. big hotels dhould have life guard staff. look after their guests maybe even other people aswell

If the big chaweng hotels had any conscience they would be paying for this already. More interested in greed than responsible tourism. :)

i am not sure. the safty of there guests is important. they nomally have security guards and all they do it direct the parking. there again. they could employ the life guards but they would charge it to the customer some how. well maybe there is a gap for forang lif guards. can'tbe a bad job. watchin the peaches on the beaches then saving soe bay watch style. i would be up for it though i am not the best of swimmers. can dive a jet ski though

I dont no why they dont employ some life guards on the beach. But the Thai way seems to be if it costs money then dont bother. If you think about it really the way most thai people look at life is a awful way to live. They look at life in a way that, money is more import than a life. If a crash happens they dont really care about the people involed they just care about how much it will cost them or how long it will take to fix there car / bike. If a Farang dies , then if the police know they can get away with it, they will just say its suicide no matter what really happened. They dont really care about other thai people and they care even less about Farangs. It is aboput time that travel books and goverments start to issue warning about what sort of place thailand is for farangs.

what a disgusting statement of fact in your own eyes! clearly you know nothing about human beings and even less about thailand, do you know what human beings are? you talk like a machine and i hope you never go to thailand again with your holier than thou statements as if they heard your pompous self indulgent statements you would not be welcome so why are you here?

Busybee please wake up and come into the real world.

1: - I live in Thailand

2 : - I will always be welcome in Thailand becuase i have money. That is the only reason that any Farang is welcome in Thailand. Thats all they care about is money. So as long as any Farang has money then they are welcome in Thailand :)

3 : - I make good money living here, that is the only reason i live here.

sorry busybee but there is a allot of true in what he is saying. some thai have admitted it to me. i have had the words " u can stay if u have mony".

i not 100 percent disagree with the thai cultue. i just expet things are different out here. just learn to addapt. the people act according to the state and laws of the country.

i dont get the posters that place blame on these drownings on any one other than the person who went in the water. the great thing about living in asia is life outside of a police state of mind which means everyone must be responsible for their own actions.

true to some extent. though having life guards are not police. they just sit there and watch. they not tell people what to do. just drag them out of the water.

i do agree thouh. people should be responable for them seleves out here but with kids parent should be responable for them. then again everyone makes mistakes. you onlyhave to take your eyes off them for few seconds and they can drown. might get a jet ski ad do some voenteer rescuing myself. always fancie a ob sitting o the beach. just need a jet ski. any one else up for it


There are two unofficial and unpaid farang lifeguards just north of the Centara Hotel who watch at least 10,000sqm of water. Unfortunately, they are only there from 3-6pm each day. They have a perfect record over six years and wish to remain anonymous -- might be fined for saving lives w/o a work permit. The limitation of any lifesaver kit is that the rescuer must be near the victim -- in other words, he must be sitting on the beach watching and ready to respond in seconds. The rescue squads and hotel staff have other duties to perform and are usually not aware of someone drowning. By the time they act it is usually a recovery not rescue mission. Many of the rescues I've seen have been of Thais who don't wave their arms and scream, but simply sink quietly. Two years ago I saw a woman and her child swept out with a rip tide and she simply cradled her daughter and sank to the bottom. They were both rescued because someone was on the beach watching.

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