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Bangkok: Don't Leave Home Saturday: Governor Warns


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Dun worry if the reds march on the airport , the police will be there in force , and disperse them

Its the right thing to do

Problem is that , when it was the yellow there was no one around

How strange ! :D

You can't put the airport fiasco on this government - it was Thaksin's brother in law who was PM then. How strange. :)

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What do you mean don't give me that crap? As for being all over the web I don't need to check been living here for the last 12 years and lived through all this crap.

Of course all coups are illegal so your comment about being illegal is irrelevant. As for your comment on winning a 2005 election you are incorrect, his party (Thai Rak Thai) won the majority of the seats in the house of Representatives. The coup took place about one month before there was to be a nationwide general house election, so get your facts straight!!

As for Samak Sundaravej the PM with the cooking show yes we was removed from office because he violated the constitution by hosting these shows and this was the reason. The rules are the rules. However the guy was an idiot with stupid comments and ideas. Also, you are incorrect that after Taksin was overthrown the PM was Samak Sundaravej , which he was not it was ruled by the retired General Surayud Chulanont who was appointed by the military for 1 year.

Yeah well go buy yourself a good pair of glasses and read again , thats what i said , all coup are illegal .

Yes then why not wait for the nationwide house election just to see who wins ? Obvious answer , is it not ?

Thought the rules are the rules ...

Everybody is an idiot that dont think like you obviously , so i wont take your desciption seriously .

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Dun worry if the reds march on the airport , the police will be there in force , and disperse them

Its the right thing to do

Problem is that , when it was the yellow there was no one around

How strange ! :D

You can't put the airport fiasco on this government - it was Thaksin's brother in law who was PM then. How strange. :)

Yes right but you know as i do that the police did not want to go... then

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Yeah well go buy yourself a good pair of glasses and read again , thats what i said , all coup are illegal .

Yes then why not wait for the nationwide house election just to see who wins ? Obvious answer , is it not ?

Thought the rules are the rules ...

Everybody is an idiot that dont think like you obviously , so i wont take your desciption seriously .

Talk about needing glasses, I said that your comment about the coup was irrelevant because all coups are illegal, so you are just stating the obvious.

Do you know anything that was going on during that time? The reason they had a coup was because Taksin dissolved the parliament and called for a snap election, and with all the things Taksin was trying to achive to keep himself in office forever the coup seemed like the best course of action which was given an ok by the king.

Im not saying anyone has to think like me, Im telling you to get your facts straight. Go do some research and you will find out what happened. I know what took place I was here and saw and understood what was going on where you?

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Dun worry if the reds march on the airport , the police will be there in force , and disperse them

Its the right thing to do

Problem is that , when it was the yellow there was no one around

How strange ! :D

You can't put the airport fiasco on this government - it was Thaksin's brother in law who was PM then. How strange. :)

Yes right but you know as i do that the police did not want to go... then

Well then, you have to wonder why not. Ineffectual leadership? A PM who was obviously a puppet? You can't compare the situations. Its not as simple as you want to make it out to be......

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Well then, you have to wonder why not. Ineffectual leadership? A PM who was obviously a puppet? You can't compare the situations. Its not as simple as you want to make it out to be......

On the contrary the whole thing is very simple ... to millions of thais in the rural areas

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Red Shirts: Democracy equals Taksin coming back to power and his money restored.

Everybody Else: <deleted> GTFO

I, personally, would love to support improving the lot ot the poor (and not just Isaan poor), but, if I have to accept Dr. Taksin as part of the deal, it's a nonstarter. Unfortunately for the red-shirts, their leadership is only using them. They will have to find a new venue to get my support which I would willing to give; just not when Dr. Taksin is involved.

BTW I believe all the leadership of the PAD should serve some serious time in prison and every yellow-shirt who ilegally occupied the airport should serve two week in jail on a rotating basis even if it takes years for them all to serve.

The line-up of the courts was not changed by the military and is one branch of the government all should depend on even if justice is often slow. Even though the current govt. is legal, it is only through a tecnicality. We wouldn't be in this terrible situation if TRT and PPP hadn't got caught cheating. I'm not saying the Dems don't do the same thing, they just haven't been caught.

Is it possible to be against Dr. Taksin and still be for the poor and abused? Is it possible to be against the demonstrations and still be for democratic change? Can the yellows or reds work through the legislative process to achieve their goals?

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Red Shirts: Democracy equals Taksin coming back to power and his money restored.

Everybody Else: <deleted> GTFO

I, personally, would love to support improving the lot ot the poor (and not just Isaan poor), but, if I have to accept Dr. Taksin as part of the deal, it's a nonstarter. Unfortunately for the red-shirts, their leadership is only using them. They will have to find a new venue to get my support which I would willing to give; just not when Dr. Taksin is involved.

BTW I believe all the leadership of the PAD should serve some serious time in prison and every yellow-shirt who ilegally occupied the airport should serve two week in jail on a rotating basis even if it takes years for them all to serve.

The line-up of the courts was not changed by the military and is one branch of the government all should depend on even if justice is often slow. Even though the current govt. is legal, it is only through a tecnicality. We wouldn't be in this terrible situation if TRT and PPP hadn't got caught cheating. I'm not saying the Dems don't do the same thing, they just haven't been caught.

Is it possible to be against Dr. Taksin and still be for the poor and abused? Is it possible to be against the demonstrations and still be for democratic change? Can the yellows or reds work through the legislative process to achieve their goals?

Good post ! Hopefully Abhisit and the red leaders can discuss

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Dun worry if the reds march on the airport , the police will be there in force , and disperse them

Its the right thing to do

Problem is that , when it was the yellow there was no one around

How strange ! :D

You can't put the airport fiasco on this government - it was Thaksin's brother in law who was PM then. How strange. :)

Yes right but you know as i do that the police did not want to go... then

So why not blame the police whose leadership was appointed by Taksinistas? This current govt. had no power over the police inaction. Somchai should have tried harder; fired the top police leadership until he found someone who would follow orders. Somchai was weak. The Yellows should NEVER have been allowed anywhere near the airport.

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So, Abhisit is a tactical genius for not clamping down on the reds protest, and Thaksin's brother (in law?) is a buffoon for allowing the extended occupation of the airports?

Abhisit will be an idiot if he lets ANY demonstrators, red yellow or orange, get near the airport or shut the BTS and MRT. Somchai is not and never was a buffoon; he was however badly served by the instruments of govt. and he did not take command in the situation of the airport.

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Hooray for the poor! :D

Time to get nasty I dont blame them. If I were Thai I would be in the thick and middle of this. :D

So now you elitists go ahead and bash me :D

My answer to you is simple and to the point ----> :)

Yes ...hooray for the poor, if it was not for so many poor, there would be no rich....Hooray for the poor... and may there be more of them..!!!!

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Hooray for the poor! :D

Time to get nasty I dont blame them. If I were Thai I would be in the thick and middle of this. :D

So now you elitists go ahead and bash me :D

My answer to you is simple and to the point ----> :)

Cant blame them either after an illegal military coup (not that any is legal) and two governements kicked out

on mere pretexts


The coup happened because of what Taksin did and was working on. He was trying to change the term a PM can be PM to keep him in office indefinitely. Even the King made some comments about his behavior, more or less telling him he needed to calm down. Then the sale of his company to a foreigner which is illegal as a Thai company must be 51% shareholding by Thai. After he was out the Military took over for 1 year, where nothing was achieved, but peace was maintained. The one PM after that was an idiot with off the wall ideas and a cooking show. The other PM was the brother-in-law of Taksin who was forced to step down by the PAD closing the airport, no pretexts . so how can you say you cant blame them , they are only puppets earning money from Taksin with no real agenda other than trying to get the PM out and wanting Taksin back, which Taskin still does not realize that will never happen in his life time.

Abhist has requested a sit down with them and they refuse, you can work with people if they refuse to sit down and settle things, so it just shows they don't know what they are doing with no clear leadership or direction other than trying to disrupt bangkok to push the PM.

Well said Eric.....

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I love how hyperbolic language remains the same, although the activity changes.

"Bangkok Assaulted By One Million Red-Shirts"...perhaps 100,000 showed

"Assassination Attempt on PM"...well there was a rumor of a plot

"Bloody Red Rampage"...several liters of blood poured into the street

"Red Shirts Besiege US Embassy"...I think I saw a couple dozen people with red attire

The Red Rampage has been reduced to "Red Shirts to Walk in Streets - Stay Home"

Tomorrow we'll see: "Red Shirt Brigade Buys Sticky Rice and Shredded Pork at 7/11"

A week from now we'll read: "Red Shirts Missing - Conspiracy?"

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If only Abhisit would change his color to be what he promised to be and not just someone on the leash of the power brokers,

Thaksin would just fade away and the majority of people would have a real promising leader.

It would also be a slap in the face of the power brokers.

Problems solved!

Go Abhisit and get a red shirt :)

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Hooray for the poor! :D

Time to get nasty I dont blame them. If I were Thai I would be in the thick and middle of this. :D

So now you elitists go ahead and bash me :D

My answer to you is simple and to the point ----> :)

Has any protest achieved anything, the yellows got into government by a court decision not by protesting and blocking the airport, all that did was cost a lot of people their jobs, and a lot of them come from the north, the reds have not achieved anything by burning buses, stopping international meetings, blocking the city, throwing blood around the city, this cost people jobs and the poor people are first to lose their jobs not the people with money.

if they put the money and energy they spend protesting into being a strong viable opposition they would achiev a lot more and not hurt the people they are trying to help as they do now, this is the same for both parties.

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The Red shirts have nothing to gain, by this brought and paid for democratic demonstration, 2,000 baht is a lot of money to the poor. Most did their job and went home.

Many do not realize that what they are doing will hurt their cause, not gain support for it. Or is it a tactic to incite the residents of Bangkok, to react with violence to the red shirts tactics, which the leadership has been hoping to incite the police and army to react to violently suppress the red shirt demonstration in hopes of gaining wide public support for their movement.

I live in the country and do not see any red shirt activity here or any residents I know to have gone to this Bangkok demonstration.

The poor in Thailand need help, the Democrats have not enacted popular legislation for the poor's concerns, the falling price of Rice, The unlivable minimum wage, the raising prices a food and necessities. and the ever presence of corrupt officials that demand tea money from those that need it more than they do,

Those that are disenfranchised, with no power to effect change in their fight to survive, are easily led astray by those who want to take advantage of their suffering to further their political cause.

That is a bad omen for peace in the countryside of Thailand.

Cheers: :)

Edited by kikoman
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So bored with all this red-shirt / yellow-shirt nonsense now. Seems to be settled already.

Isn't there something more interesting to talk about?

AGREED. The thai visa armchair political experts seem to have all the answers, I'm guessing they'll probably take control of the country directly after the march :)

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I just hope that it doesnt get out of control, or they decide to march to the airport :S

Its a shame they are destroying the tourism here

very unstable times...

Spoke to my mate last night who is Operations Director for the 3rd largest supplier of tourists to Thailand out of the UK.

They are having their best year ever...before anyone asks, I can't work it out either, and neither can he :)

That is because no one outside of Thailand and TV gives a rats arse about colored shirts, Thaskin, and what Thailand considers Democracy. People in the real world look at Thailand and just simply laugh. Danger? I believe after watching the Middle East, Beirut, Central America, over the years Thailand is just a joke with waisting precious time with certain people wrangling for power and riches that comes with said power. All this is, is a bunch of inflated EGOS ruining this country. I like the constraint and patience this government is showing in dealing with a bunch of kids in grown up bodies.....

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This is bad news for Thailand and Bangkok.

Now a lot of tourists here in Scandinavia have cancelled their flights before the easter holidays , its headline news and it wont help the tourism .

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The farang elitists are still mainly pro-democrat I see. Not many neutrals left on here, which is a shame seeing it isn't our country. I hope this doesn't come back to kick us up the bum if the Red Shirts regain power.

Seems to me farangs were already discounted by Dr. Taksin when he has the power e.g. nationalism, early bar closing, etc.

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It sounds as though the Govt is pushing for a fight to start so they can go in and quell the disturbance? This way they won't look bad.

The Red shirts are beimg portrayed as protestors but have not breached the peace. However the Govt. appears to want to portray them as irresponsible. Up to date I haven't seen reports of this; oh the blood letting was a bit gross, but appears to be symbolic jesture.

Sounds more radical from reading TV and the comments of some posters.

"Their being portrayed as protesters"..What the h_ll do you think they are?..Start reading the news..

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Living in Issan, I've started to see changes here but unfortunately the common red shirt man in the street (or farmer in the field) is either unaware of it or doesn't want to accept that it is non-Thaksin based improvement.

Examples being:

I had the unpleasant experience of visiting a relative in a hospital a few years ago (when the country was run by Mr. T). This was a major hospital in a major town. It was like walking into a war zone. Corridors and hallways full of people in beds (if lucky) because the hospital was over-crowded, under-funded, under-equipped and under-staffed. Now within the last 6 months a larger and more modern hospital is being built to replace it (when the country is not being run by Mr. T.) Also health care is now free after the scrapping of the 30 Baht system (admittedly it was scrapped under Surayud Chulanonts tenure).

Local infrastructure (well at least the major roads) are slowly being replaced and upgraded.

Corruption in government offices appears to be falling.

I admit some things are still not ideal. The education system still needs to be sorted out (as well as the large truancy levels here).

Maybe the government needs to better inform its population about the ongoing reforms and how and when other developments will occur.

As a side note, 3 pickup trucks drove around Si Sa Ket town the other night full of red shirts and their clappers (well about a dozen of them) trying to drum up support. The looks from joe public on the streets summed it all up. Not one person cheered or supported them.

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