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Abhisit Aged So Much In Such Short Time


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Anyone notice?

At the beginning of Abhisit's term, he was a pretty good-looking handsome young chap. Even if in his 40s, he looked like a "boy" in his 30s. Now he's definitely beginning to look his 40s.

Same with Barack!??

Can being a head of govt. really make you age that fast?? :D


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Stressful job being PM.

Take a look at how Blair looked on his first day in office compared to his last.

Tony Blair aged 10 years in a couple of years. Look at Angela Merkel, a truly committed political leader. Obama paid a heavy price as well. It did not affect Clinton in the looks department, but he finished up having serious heart problems. I look alright, because I only worry about the price of Beer Singh. :)

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In this economic and financial situation, everyone is looking for quick results; therefore the smart politician will only focus on short term for now. If election is in 1 or 2 years from now do you thing anyone cares what could happen in 5 to 10 years.

As far as Barak, he also has some agenda for future, like energy and environment. Keep up with the events and look for the facts

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It did not affect Clinton in the looks department, but he finished up having serious heart problems.

Clinton looked older than his years when he started though.

PMs used to generally be men in their 50s or 60s, when ageing is perhaps a little less dramatic. PMs these days tend to be a bit younger, at an age when i think we all change our appearances quite a bit. Being stressed i'm sure does accelerate things though.

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As far as Barak, he also has some agenda for future, like energy and environment. Keep up with the events and look for the facts

Looks like BO will be a 1 term yank pressie the way things are going for him.

Is fine and I think all politician should only have one chance. Politics is a service and not a

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Not if you are sleeping with the wife while still in office, makes you age real fast.

Best with interns, but then your heart gets in the way. Being real old rules sex out so you look same.

Best is to get into office, then wife goes on sabbatical.

Watch the Tv series 24, and see how these guys live day to day. GWB looked like crap by the time he got out.

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I remember an Italian politician whose hair turned from black to grey in 1 year after he was elected as PM.

I may be wrong,but good ole Mark seems to take his job rather seriously.

I wish him well. :)

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and Hillarry CLifton now looks like aged tranny on face-lifts and hormone treatment. btw, her but got huge, though.

did every secr.of state change that much?

Condie did, Madeline - also developed huge-ass syndrome.

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As far as Barak, he also has some agenda for future, like energy and environment. Keep up with the events and look for the facts

Looks like BO will be a 1 term yank pressie the way things are going for him.

Is fine and I think all politician should only have one chance. Politics is a service and not a

I hope this isn't a fill in the blank!

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Hilary looked old yesterday in Moscow.

I think ANYONE would age rapidly if they had the hectic and constant country to country schedule that HIlary Clinton is keeping up right now. The weight problem is probably due to too many conference lunches and dinners and sitting around for hours with quite a lot of rather overweight men. Hazard of the job.!

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"At the beginning of Abhisit's term, he was a pretty good-looking handsome young chap. Even if in his 40s, he looked like a "boy" in his 30s. Now he's definitely beginning to look his 40s."

Ah, the poor lamb. He could always try putting himself up for election.

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Looks like BO will be a 1 term yank pressie the way things are going for him.

He said last year that maybe one term will be enough. Sure maybe he's being coy, but even if he ran (and won) a 2nd time he'd still be below what most people consider retirement age, so he probably has some ideas for what he'd like to do afterward.

LBJ's metamorphosis was classic: he went from uncle to grandad in less than a year, I recall newspapers back then showing side-by-side photos.

He also made the choice of not to run for a 2nd official term. Before leaving office he commented 'you have to be crazy to want this job.' And this guy had been in politics for about 30 years when he became president.

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I guess it's one thing being brought up in a world of no conflict, the silver spoon set . . . then attain the lofty goal of becoming prime minister without having to battle through an election . . .

. . . to really seeing what it is like being thrown into the fray where very many people are vocal about not liking what you are doing or what you stand for.

He deserves aging beyond his years

Edited by Sing_Sling
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Ah, the poor lamb. He could always try putting himself up for election.

This is a strange one, according to WikiPedia he's been voted in twice as a Member of Parliament.

Excellent, that gives him the automatic right to be prime minster . . . and it seems a bit disingenuous of you to purposely mis-understand Eff's post.

Oh, and using wiki as your sole reference is a bit sad

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Excellent, that gives him the automatic right to be prime minster . . .

You're partially correct of course, any MP can become Prime Minister so long as a majority of the other MP's agree with it, that's how it works.

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One thing I always admire about politicians in the firing line no matter their hue is their ability to get any sleep whatsoever. They're certainly made of sterner stuff then me.

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Abhisit is not getting enough beauty sleep...he looks bloated in many pictures...gaining weight...he is definitely spending too much time on politics and not enough on sex i think! I would be willing to help him lose some weight and get some sleep and in a safe secure place from the red shirts. No one would think to look for him at my place. :)

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The problem for Abhisit is that he'll lose his powerbase, i.e. the Bangkok Chinese/Thai office girl's vote if he ages. If he isn't the type of dreamy politician they all aspire to marry one day, what else does he have left?

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