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19k Electricity Invoice?


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I have direct bill from the electricity company.

It says 4837 units and a total of 18,296 baht.

So im paying close to 4baht per unit..

If your bill comes direct from the elect company to your address, have a look at the bill.

It will list not only the current months usage, but will also have the previous 6 months listed telling you the units used by month.

<deleted>? Its a little piece of paper with just a few numbers on it.....how on earth would it do that?

Dont know where you live, or how your bill comes.

Live in Bkk, the bill comes through the post once a month.

Its a white perforated type envelope about 6 by 3 inches.

Just had a look at last months for the month of Feb.

Directly underneath it list the units used by month, from August last year until Jan this year.

Really? I live just outside Bangkok and have always had the little piece of paper in the mail box each month, doesnt come in the post tho, the electricity guy has a little printing machine and he punches the numbers in and it spits out the bill.

The bill is 3 inches wide and 5 inches long, absolutely nowhere on it for previous months, just the end reading from last month and the new reading this month & the totals, the address at the top & so forth.

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Yep you are being taken for a ride or have a serious fault somewhere.

I was the plant manager of a large boat building yard in Sattahip, 65 workwers using multiple power tools, air compressors, circular saw tables, hurricane fans, lighting and dust extractors, working 10 hours a day 7 days a week, average bill was around 13,000 Baht

PMSL!!!!! hahaha.. If this isnt proof nothing is!

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If the readings are correct, maybe check that no-one else has piggy backed onto your electricity supply/meter....


My old house had three air units, one large one that was on pretty much most of the time. Bill was usually around 5000B per month (Inc. the FT charge, it works out to around 3.65 per unit).

And thats about right for 5000 baht per month 3.65 baht per unit. Apparently the more electricity you use the higher the per unit rate is.

My F.I.L is the electricity man.

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The steps I would follow to discover whats going on...

1. Turn off all lights and appliances in the house, DO NOT turn off anything at the fusebox

2. check to see if the meter is still moving, if it isnt then move to the next step. if it IS then someone is stealing your power or you forgot to turn something off.

3. turn ONE item on at a time, check usage (the rate the dial spins) make sure only ONE item is turned on at a time. rinse and repeat

4. make a note of the heaviest usage appliances.

5 get the items with the biggest usage checked for problems.

This should help


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We just turned off everything and the meter stopped running.

How did you "turn off everything"?

Did you use the switches and pulled the cord on the fridge, or did you remove the main fuse?

(Important because someone could be diverting power from your circuit after the fuse)

Very simple. In my condo there is a main breaker fuse and all air cons are on a separate breaker switch. I just turn all off and isolate the condo. Then can check the meter

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I get the same electricity bill as that guy.. with previous month usage and it comes directly from the electricity company. Not sure if its by mail or if the company posts it itself (i think the latter).

Maybe there are just different formats.

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Unfortunately, this is somewhat common here as a way for building owners to make some extra cash by charging more for electricity than they pay for it.  But even then, things get fishy sometimes.  My g/f moved out of her apartment and turned off the circuit breakers, and for four months, she still got bills for around 700 baht.  

Aside form that, griser has some good suggestions.

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I have direct bill from the electricity company.

It says 4837 units and a total of 18,296 baht.

So im paying close to 4baht per unit..

If your bill comes direct from the elect company to your address, have a look at the bill.

It will list not only the current months usage, but will also have the previous 6 months listed telling you the units used by month.

<deleted>? Its a little piece of paper with just a few numbers on it.....how on earth would it do that?

Mine does to, but when I was in Phuket it was the size of a water bill and printed out the same way by meter, here in Bangkok it is mailed and much more comprehensive.. Also even the small ones by memory had an annual comparison and the monthly one was required to provide accurate reads..

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Really? I live just outside Bangkok and have always had the little piece of paper in the mail box each month, doesnt come in the post tho, the electricity guy has a little printing machine and he punches the numbers in and it spits out the bill.

The bill is 3 inches wide and 5 inches long, absolutely nowhere on it for previous months, just the end reading from last month and the new reading this month & the totals, the address at the top & so forth.


what you have just described above is the way the water bill comes.

Water man rocks up on his motorcycle, pulls out glorifed calculator, punches in some numbers, spits out a bill and puts it in the mail box.

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I get the same electricity bill as that guy.. with previous month usage and it comes directly from the electricity company. Not sure if its by mail or if the company posts it itself (i think the latter).

Maybe there are just different formats.

I'd say Bkk has a more advanced format that some of the other places I've lived. When I was living in Bangers it was in a complex, so the manager use to give us our individual bills.

As I was saying, the F.I.L. is the electricity man & spends a few days a month cruising around on his bike punching in those meter readings and slotting the little bills into the little letterboxes :D ......I think he does it on overtime or something, would drive me nuts :)

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what you have just described above is the way the water bill comes.

Water man rocks up on his motorcycle, pulls out glorifed calculator, punches in some numbers, spits out a bill and puts it in the mail box.

Yip yip, same as that water one. it doesnt surprise me that bangkok gets a slightly better invoice, no doubt the people upcountry get theirs scribed in on toilet paper or something. :)

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19K a month is mental, i can't believe someone told you "That's about normal" lol, especially if that's the bill direct from the electric company!

Sounds like you are paying the electric for half the building, your whole floor is probably hooked into your meter and having a right laugh that you are footing their power bill.

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i live in a palatial palace where i leave computers on, tvs on, kitchen appliances, grow room lights for my weed, arc welder where i uhh, arc weld shit for hours on end and i still only pay 9K/month. someone is suckin from yo teets, yo!

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We just turned off everything and the meter stopped running.

How did you "turn off everything"?

Did you use the switches and pulled the cord on the fridge, or did you remove the main fuse?

(Important because someone could be diverting power from your circuit after the fuse)

Very simple. In my condo there is a main breaker fuse and all air cons are on a separate breaker switch. I just turn all off and isolate the condo. Then can check the meter

OK, this means the leak, if there is a leak, is after the fuses.

I would now try to switch off the individual appliances by using the switches and pulling the plugs.

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turn off everything in the apt, and the fuse switch

Look at the meter and see if is still going round

150units a day is an impossible amount to use, my 3 bed house uses 100 units a week.

Great idea.....crikey at the rate he's using electricity that little meter must have smoke pouring off it :) ....it would be spinning like crazy.

i am one of the "heavy" users with an average consumption of presently 90kWh per day which peaks in the hot months at 120 kWh a day.

p.s. what is a "unit"? :D

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Really? I live just outside Bangkok and have always had the little piece of paper in the mail box each month, doesnt come in the post tho, the electricity guy has a little printing machine and he punches the numbers in and it spits out the bill.

The bill is 3 inches wide and 5 inches long, absolutely nowhere on it for previous months, just the end reading from last month and the new reading this month & the totals, the address at the top & so forth.


what you have just described above is the way the water bill comes.

Water man rocks up on his motorcycle, pulls out glorifed calculator, punches in some numbers, spits out a bill and puts it in the mail box.

nope! in Pattaya it's the same for the electricity bill.

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p.s. what is a "unit"? :)

1 kWh Naam, as I'm sure you well know :D

I agree with the others, something seems well adrift here (or are you keeping polar bears?). You should be able to get the supply authority to check your meter if nothing is apparent from the isolation tests others have suggested.

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If I've done the sums about right, our OP has an average load of around 6.5kW 24/7

If he's running big aircons at 19C in a poorly insulated apartment then it's possible that the bill is right.

We need more information about his lifestyle, particularly the temperature his air is set to.

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Is there a possibility that you can scan and upload a copy of this invoice so we can all see it? Black out any address and name though.

Do you own or rent the condo? If renting do you have a lease that says anything about payment of utilities? To whom and how much per unit?

4837 units for a month or less is about 161 units per day based on a 30 day month. Even Naam does not use that much. Maybe they have you're condo and a couple of others wired to the same meter? The usage for just you're condo should be down in the 25 to 50 units per day depending on how big the aircon unit is. That would bring an invoice into the 5,000 baht or less range if you actually pay direct to MEA.

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p.s. what is a "unit"? :)

1 kWh Naam, as I'm sure you well know :D

I agree with the others, something seems well adrift here (or are you keeping polar bears?). You should be able to get the supply authority to check your meter if nothing is apparent from the isolation tests others have suggested.

How many units (kwh) did you use as per the account in the month?

Your account should indicate the date read, the meter number, the previous reading and the current reading with the daily average consumption. You can then work out the average cost per kwh.

Take a reading of the meter and note the time and date for your information.

1900B for the month might be nearer the mark. They may have counted the last digit on the meter as a unit, it is actually one tenth of a unit.

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What is suspicious is that the condo people didn't laugh and say right away how obvious it is that something is wrong. Your condo isn't wired to take that much power and if you were actually using that much you would either have breakers going off all the time or start a fire. It isn't possible for you to use that much power without modifying at least the breaker box. Even saying one or both of your air units are faulty and sucking up the power can't be true because that would trip the breaker as well. My guess is it's a problem with the meter itself based on your saying when you shut everything down the meter stops. Like I said a leak or a faulty unit would trip the breakers. It's possible your place was actually wired to serve a bunch of units and has a breaker box to match, but how likely is that as compared to a faulty meter ?

One thing is for sure the condo people at mid management level are not so stupid as to think your bill makes any sense at all. Why they are not helping you solve it who knows. They might just not want to buy a new meter.

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food for thought 450 sq meter house 5 people many appliances, and air cons, water system and a surcharge for owning the power transformer most i have ever paid is 7k. you have a problem and i can not believe tha they would look at you with a streight face and ask for 18k baht on a condo!!!!! hel_l i'll go one step further i had a resort with 9 houses and our electric bill would run 18k with full occupancy.

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in answer to the OP. Don't pay the bill. Buy a diesel Generator and run all your appliances off that until this mess is sorted. It will be cheaper than paying your next bill and will show you are not willing to be taken for a ride (anymore).

GOod luck.

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turn off everything in the apt, and the fuse switch

Look at the meter and see if is still going round

150units a day is an impossible amount to use, my 3 bed house uses 100 units a week.

Great idea.....crikey at the rate he's using electricity that little meter must have smoke pouring off it :D ....it would be spinning like crazy.

i am one of the "heavy" users with an average consumption of presently 90kWh per day which peaks in the hot months at 120 kWh a day.

p.s. what is a "unit"? :D

Theres many answers to this question Naam.

In relation to this thread, a 'unit' is 1kwh.

In relation to the question asked in general, 'you' are a bit of a unit Naam :D - no offence :D

120kw/h per day <deleted> are you doing up there? You must be running aircon in your front yard .....or something :) .

Perhaps you should follow moonrakers example and switch to diesel or solar powered butt plugs :D

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