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Filipina Arrested At Suvarnabhumi With 3.2kg Of Cocaine

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The gov't should grant her complete immunity from persecution, total absolution in return for the info leading to the arrest of the money men.

These are the real problem, here.

you missed some very well put points here... go back and read them again..

1. Thai Police

2. Lot's and Lot's of Drug money to be spread around..

3. do you really don't believe that the Thai police don't know who the money men are? duh...

Funny you should say that



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When will these people learn?

No, when will governments learn that prohibition has not worked with anything in humanity. We are an adaptive species. Alcohol, gambling, prostitution, drugs. Alcohol, gambling and prostitution are now legal in most countries. All a bust like this will do is push up the street value which then pushes up the amount of crime the addict has to do to afford their next hit. So, when you are happy to see a bust like this, it has just made "the street" a more dangerous place for you and increased the chances of you being a victim of property theft or robbery by violence. It's all a supply and demand market force. When will governments, around the world, view it as a medical issue, instead of a crime issue. This would cut out the black economy. Most western countries prescribe methadone as a substitue. What deterent did the death penalty have on this courier? Zero deterent. What deterent does gaol sentences have on users, zero deterent. Having said this, more people die from alcohol and tobacco than illicit drugs, WHY, because the government taxes alcohol and tobacco.

You get my personal "makescents" post of the day award.

While it's easy to say she tossed her life away, know that it's not uncommon for gangs / mafia, especially Asian and African, to force these young girls to do this. I have no idea her case, but I've read about many cases where they threaten to kill their famlies and so on. Very sad stuff.

The sad part is, every government knows about this, and the prisons around the world are full of poor women (and stupid ones) who have been caught doing this.

The fact that "cops were tipped off" tells me they used her to take the fall so that many others carrying drugs would pass without fail. That is the typical decoy system used, and the cops are too freakin stupid to ever catch on. They probably let millions of dollars worth just slip through as while they were looking for this desperate Filipina, who will now spend the rest of her life in prison, while the African gang she did this for will continue to gather off Soi 3 and sell their drugs without problems, and usually on overstay and here illegally.

ive edited some of your post.

but on the whole QFT.

there are thousands of these women in south american jails also,many desperate poor women :D many with a baby to bring up whilst in prison :)


screw this hey should have followed her and cought the real gasters and give her a few ears of jail tops but give the gang leaders who probably have many more crimes on their nemes a good aass whipping. but hey it doesnt work like that does it? only idiots go to jail. Only way a drug boss goes to jail is when a other drug boss makes it happen, sad really but ....

F...k knows how many of the drugs gets in and in which way mate lol but it seems to be enogh to get the people who want it high :D

Another of the gang was just busted down south with 15Kg of heroin hidden in frames.

This just still breaking in Thai news links.


what you know them??! hmmmm

All you guys saying she is desperate or stupid have no idea how much gets through. Had she not been ratted out she likely doesn't get busted. I'll bet 90%+ of shipments make it through undetected and 75%+ of people busted just lose the drugs and a bribe to the cops.

I won't be running coke anytime soon but I can easily see the risk/reward being attractive to a personal with titanium testicles.

titanium testicles haha gret comment

I don't do drugs/am scared of talking to people who do drugs in thailand etc. But everytime i check my luggage a few times just bein paranoid before going to the airport and don't let any one come close to my stuff ( in south america they seem to put drugs in the bags of unwary passangers...haha they can't do that to me i keep checking any one who is too close to my stuff, yeah i know it is stupid but i am not white so the dutch government will not send their minister of foreign affaires to get me back :) so i have to be safe and not get in troubel)

For once, I feel very sorry for that desperate lady and hope she gets leniancy. She was being used.

Why did the police just not track her to the bastards who used her and are the REAL criminals?

they would not want to catch the big fish as they will loose financial support but they do have to work sometimes. why do you think panthip and tukcom are still on the business on pirated software, movies, games, etc.? they do bust them once or twice in 2 months just to find the store are closed due to tip-off.


Firstly, I’m not a drug addict or user of any drug legal or otherwise.

Davis is one of the most respected investigative journalists in the UK and was winner of UK Journalist of the Year some years back.

The article itself, there’s a few of them, was originally published back in 2001 to accompany a documentary on Channel 4, Drugs – The Phoney War.

Needless to say, it caused quite a response

Have a read:

http://www.nickdavies.net/2001/02/01/what-s-wrong-with-the-war-against-drugs/ ://http://www.nickdavies.net/2001/02/0...against-drugs/

brings me back to a TV show I say recently cocaine cowboys. channel 4 again.

south east Asia is heading the same way as old USA in the 80-90


Same like always, a poor woman sees an oppertunity of making easy money on a dirty offer, she gets caught, her life is over, the big guys walk away as usual...

Sad for her, I feel for her.

When will these people learn?

When these silly powders become legal.

Ohhh apparently thats going to happen on the 4th of Never :)

oy a drug addicted fool would call for these tings to become legal. Only the drug taffickers, dealers and users.

Hey, ur preaching to the wrong guy dude, I couldnt agree more. I can't imagine the laws are going to change too significantly but you know the pro group, they going to keep sprouting their rubbish & we all know why that is. :D


Using a slightly different perspective, we could be reading about a bust for a few bottles of whiskey (probably happens in Saudi Arabia, come to think of it). Cocaine is bad, but what's the all-around most harmful drug in the world? Hands down, it's alcoholic beverages.

Why did the police release this info?

They could have sent her to meeting point and nabbed the gang member doing pickup.

My thoughts also. Though there may be extenuating circumstances, such as a look-out for the druggies who observed the bust in process and alerted higher ups.

Pure desperation. Traffickers find desperate people so they don't have to go to jail, themselves. Let others take the big risks.

Change the word 'jail' for 'jihad heaven', and that sentence could fit for suicide bombers

She must have fell for one of those Nigerian Scam artist things :)

Every time I leave Bangkok they search my Luggage, and go through all my stuff, I don't know what made her think she could get away with this? I feel guilty every time they find all my Whips and Chains and Handcuffs :D Thank goodness most of the times have been an understanding Thai Female Customs Agent who didn't give me any trouble about it. :D She just smiled the last time and waved me through. :D

Really? You must look very suspicious. (lol)

I have never had my things checked when leaving Thailand and only once had then checked by customs when arriving in Thailand, this has been the numerous times in and out over the last 17 years. Now thinking about it same for the USA I think only once did they have me get my bags and run them though a scanner and that was because I was bringing back allot of test equipment. Only place I really had an issue where they check every time as in Africa. Maybe I have an honest looking face. (he he)

Seems quite a fair amount of mind numbing substances are consumed in this country. From OTC drugs to very flammable brain roasting substances.

These mules and their bosses dont appear to be that smart either and sometimes I seriously doubt the sincerity of the law enforcements to put an end to it as it easily passes through several borders.

Hate so say this but you are wrong, their bosses are very smart. They use this girl as a decoy to allow a bigger shipment get in. This is a normal tactic used by gangs, they have a small shipment and a big shipment and then they give a tip to the police for the small shipment.

You are probably right. But why then did then give her so much of the stuff. Is this business really so profitable?

These a...holes are taking over Sukhumvit soi by soi. Myself and friends enjoyed drinking late on 13. It was ideal. Now we call it Coon Corner (this is not racial just a comment about the awful characters who accumulate there now) It got to the stage when there was a fight every night. You had to dodge tables and glasses. How do these

indivuduals make their money? How do they get visas? Why do the Thais not realise the damage they do?

It is ALWAYS the racists that state it is not racial. Yes, these guys are far worst then the Thai, Russian, and europeans that engage in the same behaviors.


At first my feeling was - Som Nam Nah!!! But then when you think about it, she is only but a pawn in a larger stakes came. They have not caught the real big fish and that fish will still be able to find other smaller fish to fry. So now I feel sorry for this poor soul.


While it's easy to say she tossed her life away, know that it's not uncommon for gangs / mafia, especially Asian and African, to force these young girls to do this. I have no idea her case, but I've read about many cases where they threaten to kill their famlies and so on. Very sad stuff.

The report says that she is aged 40. Old enough I think to know the consequences of her actions.

She's basically thrown her life away for 1,000 dollars. She must be very stupid or very desperate.

almost seven pounds of cocaine is worth a lot more than 247,000 US. I am sure people who commit these crimes know the risk and accept it, so lock her up and toss away the key no sympathy from me.

Seems quite a fair amount of mind numbing substances are consumed in this country. From OTC drugs to very flammable brain roasting substances.

These mules and their bosses dont appear to be that smart either and sometimes I seriously doubt the sincerity of the law enforcements to put an end to it as it easily passes through several borders.

Hate so say this but you are wrong, their bosses are very smart. They use this girl as a decoy to allow a bigger shipment get in. This is a normal tactic used by gangs, they have a small shipment and a big shipment and then they give a tip to the police for the small shipment.

Bingo, big-babe! You've nailed that one! Thanks for sharing some reality.


I saw a documentary a few months ago about this, especially Eastern European / European girls who got recruited to fly to S.America and smuggle drugs out, they were infact decoys and to quote on of them ; " When I was sitting waiting to go through customs, there were 5 plain clothes police just looking at me and laughing. After a while they came over and just cuffed me. They knew I was carrying without even looking."

She had been carrying a fairly small decoy amount too, and certainly there was a bigger haul split between maybe 4 people on the same flight.

I have heard many of these women say "the gang were holding my children captive" etc. and that is terrible. But then I've heard them explain "I first met one of the gang members when I was buying some coke for personal use, off them in a European nightclub, and it progressed from there."

I suppose these gang mmbers don't just drop onto unsuspecting people from an apple tree, and there are almost always ways to avoid drugs & dealers.

I can't imagine the laws are going to change too significantly but you know the pro group, they going to keep sprouting their rubbish & we all know why that is. :)

Nonsense and shows how far separated you are from reality.

I have never used any drugs and have no intention of ever doing it. Not from not having the energy to find it since it is all around, but because I have no interest in using it.

I do however support Your right to make a choice that may or may not be bad for yourself. And I also think laws should make sense. To outlaw things that are less harmful while having more harmful substance for sale does not promote a belief in the justice system nor does it strengthen the anti-drug campaign against our kids as they will question the logic and might also deduct that our warnings over the heavier drugs might just be propaganda aswell...and that is not good.

When will these people learn?

just having the sniffer dogs ,,

around your luggage at check in is an ordeal . :)

i have noticed at shift cahange , about 12 sniffer dogs and handlers ,

going into the airport .

keep up the good work . :D

I find it amazing.......

Not a single post condemning her for what she is....a drug trafficker...If she was a male there would have been numerous posts calling for the death penalty or other horrible methods of punishment....

A drug trafficker is a drug trafficker and she admits she knew what she was carrying.....Male or female makes no difference.

3.2 kilos is not a small amount by any means.

BTW I dont believe the tip off to protect bigger fish theory.......the amount is too big for that

Yes not a single post except for yours. That may tell you something. Possibly you should think about it more instead of a knee jerk attitude.


Who gives a toss about the drug mule?

Not me.

She can be stupid or desperate or ugly.

Does not change the fact that she is a criminal and thus she should be locked up.

These poor woman comments are an insult to women in general as though they dont have enough brains to know right from wrong.

Forget it, she needs to be locked up for a long time at Thai expense.

I find it amazing.......

Not a single post condemning her for what she is....a drug trafficker...If she was a male there would have been numerous posts calling for the death penalty or other horrible methods of punishment....

A drug trafficker is a drug trafficker and she admits she knew what she was carrying.....Male or female makes no difference.

3.2 kilos is not a small amount by any means.

BTW I dont believe the tip off to protect bigger fish theory.......the amount is too big for that

Yes not a single post except for yours. That may tell you something. Possibly you should think about it more instead of a knee jerk attitude.

I run a bit short of money at the time so I'm thinking of trafficing some drugs,not a lot just a few times that I can live for a few years.If I'm caught can i count on your sympathy and support also?

Seems quite a fair amount of mind numbing substances are consumed in this country. From OTC drugs to very flammable brain roasting substances.

These mules and their bosses dont appear to be that smart either and sometimes I seriously doubt the sincerity of the law enforcements to put an end to it as it easily passes through several borders.

Hate so say this but you are wrong, their bosses are very smart. They use this girl as a decoy to allow a bigger shipment get in. This is a normal tactic used by gangs, they have a small shipment and a big shipment and then they give a tip to the police for the small shipment.

agreed - its simply a numbers game. not one big lot just 10 lots like this girl was carrying - one of them gets framed, caught, and the rest pass through - probably on the same flight!

While it's easy to say she tossed her life away, know that it's not uncommon for gangs / mafia, especially Asian and African, to force these young girls to do this. I have no idea her case, but I've read about many cases where they threaten to kill their famlies and so on. Very sad stuff.

The sad part is, every government knows about this, and the prisons around the world are full of poor women (and stupid ones) who have been caught doing this.

The fact that "cops were tipped off" tells me they used her to take the fall so that many others carrying drugs would pass without fail. That is the typical decoy system used, and the cops are too freakin stupid to ever catch on. They probably let millions of dollars worth just slip through as while they were looking for this desperate Filipina, who will now spend the rest of her life in prison, while the African gang she did this for will continue to gather off Soi 3 and sell their drugs without problems, and usually on overstay and here illegally. It's the same story with this type of African in every country. I'm not sure why the police here do not do sweeps of that area, as they do in Hong Kong, and deport those who are here illegally, as you can count on them being up to no good.

The police used to sweep Soi Africia (3/1) every couple of month then the raids suddenly stopped. For the past year they have spread unchecked up to Asoke where the drug trade florishes and any crime remains in plain view. Lower Sukhumvit rightly deserves it's title "Bangkok Sewer".

Yes, they used to exterminate the rats in the Sukh 3/1 nest quite often but there seems to be more of them than ever these days. Huay Khwang , Din Daeng and Petchburi Rd seem to have growing infestations as well.

Sukhumvit is becoming too Nigerian. If i walked passed a policeman next to 5 Africans on Soi 3 at night, they would search me, examine my visa ans give me a urine test while bowing to the Nigerians.

When will these people learn?

just having the sniffer dogs , around your luggage at check in is an ordeal . i have noticed at shift cahange , about 12 sniffer dogs and handlers , going into the airport . keep up the good work . :)

Speaking of sniffer dogs; Training dogs could possibly be a money earner for some Thais. I don't say that in jest. Granted, training is a precise skill, but dogs have a high value when properly trained to find drugs, explosives, ...even physical ailments in people such as cancer.

Who gives a toss about the drug mule? Not me.

She can be stupid or desperate or ugly.

Does not change the fact that she is a criminal and thus she should be locked up.

These poor woman comments are an insult to women in general as though they dont have enough brains to know right from wrong. Forget it, she needs to be locked up for a long time at Thai expense.

Everone's life takes its own particular course, with lots of twists and turns. It's easy to make a quick judgment from a distance about someone we've heard described in a couple of sentences. At the same time, we've all made dumb decisions along life's trail (perhaps some which were very stupid and/or dangerous).

Personally, I can't justify what she's done, but I also don't find myself harshly judging/condemning her either. For those that condemn her actions, take a moment to think how you'd feel if it was your sister or daughter. You can say, 'Oh, that's impossible. Such a stupid act would never be done by a direct family member!" ...well, maybe so, but for a twist of fate or an unforeseen incident (or series of incidents) in a person's life, much can change.

If it was someone you were close with, chances are you'd be desperate to find excuses and be doing all you could to get her off the criminal rap.


^ exactly.

but - when you already asked - if this was my wife or sister or mother, i would visit her in a jail for a long time, but most likely, my comment would be -"lock her for a long long time". that would be much easier, because i know that none of them had that hard times in life that can justify the fact that they are (in my opinnion) very hard criminals.

i myselft personaly met a people that were drug (heroin) addicts - one is stil alive, about one i do not what is hapenning, -all the others died from aids mainly, and few of overdose.

regarding the fact that i am a nightclub musician, various drugs were given me to try - "for free" for all these years i'm in that business. -and i never tryed - i learned observing the others - that did try.

interesting thing - i do not feel compations for heroin addicts at all -every single one i met - HAD choices in life.

While it's easy to say she tossed her life away, know that it's not uncommon for gangs / mafia, especially Asian and African, to force these young girls to do this. I have no idea her case, but I've read about many cases where they threaten to kill their famlies and so on. Very sad stuff.

The sad part is, every government knows about this, and the prisons around the world are full of poor women (and stupid ones) who have been caught doing this.

The fact that "cops were tipped off" tells me they used her to take the fall so that many others carrying drugs would pass without fail. That is the typical decoy system used, and the cops are too freakin stupid to ever catch on. They probably let millions of dollars worth just slip through as while they were looking for this desperate Filipina, who will now spend the rest of her life in prison, while the African gang she did this for will continue to gather off Soi 3 and sell their drugs without problems, and usually on overstay and here illegally. It's the same story with this type of African in every country. I'm not sure why the police here do not do sweeps of that area, as they do in Hong Kong, and deport those who are here illegally, as you can count on them being up to no good.

The police used to sweep Soi Africia (3/1) every couple of month then the raids suddenly stopped. For the past year they have spread unchecked up to Asoke where the drug trade florishes and any crime remains in plain view. Lower Sukhumvit rightly deserves it's title "Bangkok Sewer".

Yes, they used to exterminate the rats in the Sukh 3/1 nest quite often but there seems to be more of them than ever these days. Huay Khwang , Din Daeng and Petchburi Rd seem to have growing infestations as well.

Sukhumvit is becoming too Nigerian. If i walked passed a policeman next to 5 Africans on Soi 3 at night, they would search me, examine my visa ans give me a urine test while bowing to the Nigerians.

:D:D Oh you werent kidding, were you? :D . Packs of them around Petchaburi garment district just hanging out on the street trying to pick pocket tourists. Seen the same thing happening in Hong Kong, but not as prevalent since they're actually doing something about the problem. Bad image of Thailand for tourists for sure. :)

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