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Last Number Redial? Tot


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in the UK you can dial a number (191 or something) and it will tell you the number of the last person who called your land line. is this possible in thailand? TOT "customer service" are worse than useless....

it's quite important as my ex has called me, i think probably from a land line and she has run off with my daughter whom i haven't seen now for 7 weeks

any help greatly appreciated


EDIT* i possibly posted this in the wrong forum but though i may get more views/replies quicker here...

Edited by c411um
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I could be wrong, but I believe for that function to work you have to have digital switching which the TOT does not have at this time.

this service has been available in the UK for nearly 15 years, i find it hard to believe the thai infrastructure is not capable of this but of course i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't :)

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You can get a landline telephone which shows the numbers calling (and stores them).

I have one as often I can't get to the phone in time, so I can check the number and call back if I recognise it or was expecting a call that is important.

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You can get a landline telephone which shows the numbers calling (and stores them).

thx cmsally, i am aware of those. that's possibly something to think about for the future.

I think you will find its the only option. Pretty cheap and you can always unplug and take it with you if you move. So maybe a good investment.

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I could be wrong, but I believe for that function to work you have to have digital switching which the TOT does not have at this time.

this service has been available in the UK for nearly 15 years, i find it hard to believe the thai infrastructure is not capable of this but of course i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't :)

With a GDP almost 10 time greater then Thailand, I would hope the UK would far ahead of Thailand in infrastructure.

Did you forget where you are living?


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With a GDP almost 10 time greater then Thailand, I would hope the UK would far ahead of Thailand in infrastructure.

Did you forget where you are living?

you're saying that 15 years ago, before broadband even existed the UK telephone system was more advanced than the thai one of today?

please don't turn this thread into something it isn't. if you have no solution to my question, keep your stupid comments to yourself please...


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The UK last number answer machine service is 1471.

And, NO, there is not an equivalent type service available in Thailand.

For an extra 30 per month on top of the landline rental fee, you can have the user last number ID service.

Just press a special button on the phone and it displays the last number received call and all calls prior to the last number.

I much prefer this system rather than the UK 1471, because it`s so much more convenient to push a button than actually dialling a number and listening to an automated answering service.

Making an analysis of the two systems, UK and Thailand, I would say, the Thai system is more advanced.

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