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People Encouraged To Check Their Mental Health Amid Hot Politics

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These kinds of tests and this attitude towards mental illness show that Thailand is a very immature country. A good start would be to check the mental health of all generals and the government ministers. Publish the outcome and we all know this is just another scam which come up with bogus figures that are used for purposes other than caring for people. Put the idiots who came up with the idea out of business.

The average measured IQ, for the Thai population, as per one of the ministries a couple years back was 79. After the various stuttering questions and excuses from knowledgeable folks, additional testing with resultant score increase to 89 was accomplished post haste.

I had no reason to doubt the initial test results, and recalling most of the subsequent, learned statements. political decrees, educational fixes proposed, etc, expressed by many of the so called influential, political people only reinforce my original response.

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They forgot to include the most important question:

6) Are you stupid enough to be concerned about questions 1 thru 5?

If so, contact the Department of Mental Health IMMEDIATELY! . . . :)


"Doctor Doctor! I feel very strange! In the past week I have an unbearable urge to dress in red, stop all the traffic in BKK and pour blood around certain government buildings! What can I do?"

"I am so sorry, dear patient but you have come to the wrong therapist. Unfortunately a therapist cannot treat a patient who exhibits the same kind of neuroses as he or she does."

"But Doctor, you don't have this incredible urge to dress in red. So how is it that we share the same neurosis?"

"Well, when you go out dressing in red, stopping all the traffic and pouring blood around certain buildings, I get the incredibly strong urge to dress in yellow and take over the airport." :)


called the mental health hotline with the result of the stress test and asked them to pick me up. They laughed their socks off

This is sad really. Mental health care is almost non existent in this country. This the first time I heard that there was a Ministry of Mental health. This kind of pop psychology is something you might see in a magazine.

:) AWESOME!!!!! The Red shirts have brought more social awareness to the scene. Now if this clandestine Ministry of Mental Health will enlighten us as to the treatment for Acute Overdose of Politics Bombardment, and Censured One Sided Misinformation by the "news" media, we Farang can lighten up on the choke hold on beer bottles, while expressing agressive,demeaning, insulting, argumentative opinion towards one another in TV, and the Thai can get back to their normal, poor, girl chasing, Scotch and soda sucking, smily lives.


Ministry of Mental Health. TiT. I'm suprized that mai bpen rai wasn't a permitted answer.

This is lower than pop psychology. When they start pushing this drivel to the people, and the people discover that they're stressed to the max, what happens then? If they can break through the stigmatic mindset about mental health, then there will be a phone line that will melt from the calls and no system in place to help them. I wonder what they will tell people who do call in... "breathe deeply, calm yourself, think good thoughts, and you'll be better in the morning?" Or, "Call your local government hospital and make an appointment with a psychiatrist."

Good gawd, I do hope they have something better than that in place... :)

I just can't stop laughing about this one. :) absolutely brilliant.

True, it is not the most sophisticated of tests. However, I don't think that is the point of the announcement. There is an underlying message aimed at reducing political tensions and avoiding violence. I hope the message is not so subtle that it is missed by the target audience.


The Mental Health Department issues this sort of press release evey month. They have a good PR section and have to justify their budget. Some are picked up by the press and some are not. It's almost time for the annual 'students think about suicide' warnings. :)

I just can't stop laughing about this one. :) absolutely brilliant.

True, it is not the most sophisticated of tests. However, I don't think that is the point of the announcement. There is an underlying message aimed at reducing political tensions and avoiding violence. I hope the message is not so subtle that it is missed by the target audience.

OMG stop being so serious. This is nothing more than a tongue in cheek attempt by the govt to slap the Thai faces for waking up, running to catch up to the 20th century and becoming politically active, instead of the ages long living like sheep accepting the lives they have been classed into by the powers of the Elite. Farang prepare yourselves. When they make it into the 21st century, and really do empower change, places like Japan, China, Singapore...... will take notice and ask, "What happened?Who woke up Thailand?" It's coming in our lifetime.


I thank you for this test I just took it and got an 8 seeing that helped settle me down. I donot need to get emotional over somethings that are out of my hands.

Mental Health Department Director-General, MD Chatri Banchuen, stated that Thai people should beware of their own minds and not fall as victims of stress and tension.

I'm sorry Chatri but Thai people have never had 'their own minds' due to all the cultural indoctrination, which begins at birth.

I have changed the questions a bit as well as adding a couple of questions & applying a new rating system. See below;

1) I am always frustrated upon political discussion.

2) I must argue with those having different political opinions.

3) I am engrossed in political issues more than personal ones.

This question has been deleted as it is subjective (to the 'political climate'). In a country like Thailand, one can be forgiven for being engrossed in political issues. In other countries with less problematic politics (government), one would expect to see less people engrossed by political issues.

4) I am always afraid concerned of potential violent incidents in Thailand.

5) I always try to persuade others to agree with my political opinions.

6) I am annoyed with the contempt with which the government treats the people.

7) I am tired of the obvious fraud & corruption in Thai government.

Responses can be:

a] always - 2 points.

b] sometimes - 1 point.

c] never - 0 points.

If you scored;

8-12 points - you are a thinker & frustration is normal for 'thinkers'. No need to seek medical help. The elite hates you.

4-8 points - you are an 'up & coming' thinker. Don't consider medical help just yet. The elite dislikes you.

0-4 points - you are a brain dead, programmed puppet. Seek medical help immediately. The elite loves you.

This is sad really. Mental health care is almost non existent in this country. This the first time I heard that there was a Ministry of Mental health. This kind of pop psychology is something you might see in a magazine.

It's also know as the Department of Schizophrenia.

No it isn't.

Yes it is.

No it ISN'T





eeeee aarrrr eeeeee aarrrr.

Failed miserably on the test.

Now it`s official, I'm completely insane.

:) I'm a Derby County supporter and so am classed as absolutely insane by the department of mental health and all Thai football fans DCFC DCFC DCFC DCFC DCCF DFCC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Department of Mental Health is clearly a tool of the elites and the coup-imposed government.

:):D Brilliant!

The questions are unfair, what about those of us who have to engage in political discussions? I guess I get a 10 by default! (just don't tell my girlfriend about my answer to number three! :D )

'Developing Country My Ass'.......Viet Nam, Camb, Laos, even China looks better than this........

Indeed, how many more centuries will it take them to "Develop"? They are starting to attain the same rankings as Somalia, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe....it is more like Regression than development! -Devolution in real time.

I just can't stop laughing about this one. :) absolutely brilliant.

True, it is not the most sophisticated of tests. However, I don't think that is the point of the announcement. There is an underlying message aimed at reducing political tensions and avoiding violence. I hope the message is not so subtle that it is missed by the target audience.

Not the most sophisticated test? a 5 year old could have done better!

And as for subtle.....pardon me but I need to vommit!

This is sad really. Mental health care is almost non existent in this country. This the first time I heard that there was a Ministry of Mental health. This kind of pop psychology is something you might see in a magazine.

How about a mental health check for uncontrolled rage when stopped and scammed by the boys in brown?



have all the members of the current government been forced to take this test?

They could give out certificates, like they do for degrees, (or pay for them) then we finally could have proof that they are all SANE!

This is sad really. Mental health care is almost non existent in this country. This the first time I heard that there was a Ministry of Mental health. This kind of pop psychology is something you might see in a magazine.

It's also know as the Department of Schizophrenia.

No it isn't.

Yes it is.

No it ISN'T





Where is Schizophrenia ?

maybe Thai people can check their love for themselves ?

give us farang same rights in this country as you have in ours...

Interesting observation. We really are aliens in this country. But they do have their own struggles and issues they need to work through before they get to that.

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