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Trial period tonight 4 till 10 pm, then normal till Songkran, then every friday 5 till 10 I think. Electric carts for transport & 3 parking areas available of what I'm told.

Maybe someone can confirm.

cannot confirm but saw it all being set up tonight and it looks ok.Nice to see something positive being done.

Maybe the big discussion we had on here earlier on, actually did something.Looking for the old link.

cannot confirm but saw it all being set up tonight and it looks ok.Nice to see something positive being done.

Maybe the big discussion we had on here earlier on, actually did something.Looking for the old link.

It would be nice to think so,i do remember the topic.I go to FV everyday,love the place and its people so i hope something good comes of it.

cannot confirm but saw it all being set up tonight and it looks ok.Nice to see something positive being done.

Maybe the big discussion we had on here earlier on, actually did something.Looking for the old link.

It would be nice to think so,i do remember the topic.I go to FV everyday,love the place and its people so i hope something good comes of it.

The original thread

cannot confirm but saw it all being set up tonight and it looks ok.Nice to see something positive being done.

that road is annorchy. people never go the right way anything that is done can't be bad. they should make it walking steet all day and night, i get sick of dodging motor bikes and ladies with prams and kids on bikes going the opposite way or people walking with out a clue i have a 2 tonne truck up there a.... not the peoples fault though. there is no where to walk.

anyway i am up for it. DO IT!!

by the way i wll give 100 baht to anyone that can moon walk the hole road!


Great idea............

The people incharge in FV defo have their heads screwed on, banning girly bars another great idea, I have nothing much against them, but it is almost unique in Thailand to have an area that is so touristy without the tacky red light bars and music blaring out accompanied by hello hansome man calls.......

The village has a great sleepy ambience, banning motorised vehicles will make it even quieter and help even more with the atmosphere. It's also nice to have the old wooden shop houses, there should be a ban on knocking anymore down. A few have gone, but the architecture on the most part is decent, lose any more though and in my opinion it would be a disaster.

Just wondering is there a commitee or Pu yai Baan? Who exactly is resposible for these ideas/rules.

Wish Chaweng beach road could be a walking street, imagine if between 7pm-6am no motorised vehicles. Golf cart taxis without horns, main taxi ranks behind on the lake road if you want to go out of town.

It would be amazing, infact it would be a great model for all tourist areas in Thailand, and it would be a great way to attract more families and those high end jet setters that the establishment seem to be so desperate to attract. Try pushing a pram down the pavement, imposible in places, means you have to use the road :) , with all those taxis and songtaews, scary experiance.

Failing that, why don't they at least have taxi's waiting in car parks , and have pick up points every few hundred meters where someone with a walky talky could call for the taxi. 90% of traffic is Empty taxis and Songtaews looking for punters, the money saved on fuel would easily pay for using a few carparks as holding areas for taxis, aswell as a few staff to man the pick up points with walky talky. Couple a system like that with sensible prices and not only would the area be more pleasant, but I reckon it would attract more tourists and more people would use the taxis. I bet they would make more money if they lowered prices. Thing is most of them would prefer to do a few rip off jobs. Less work involved.

We obviously already have far too many taxis and songtaews, but how long till they announce another 50 or 100 yellow taxi permits have been granted......Someone somewhere must be making serious $. Both here and Phuket the taxi problem is so bad it without doubt costs the country big $ in the tourists put off on return visits. Everyone knows this, so the people at the top must be very influential.............

Anyway perhaps those influential people could make even more $$$ by making it a walking street and issuing licences for battery operated silent taxis, golf cart style.

We all know that for anything to happen here someone important has to get paid and paid big time. Hopefully they read this.........



Most of the songtheaw owners don't see any point in having one because of the increase of licenses for yellow 'metered' taxis. The songthaew owners/drivers etc protested repeatedly against the handing out of more yellow taxi licenses but the local govnmt keeps ignoring their pleads.

As a result, my father in law sold his songthaew but kept the license and 'rents' that out.

Most of the songtheaw owners don't see any point in having one because of the increase of licenses for yellow 'metered' taxis. The songthaew owners/drivers etc protested repeatedly against the handing out of more yellow taxi licenses but the local govnmt keeps ignoring their pleads.

As a result, my father in law sold his songthaew but kept the license and 'rents' that out.

yep the people whoo make the money out of taxis are the people that rent them out. normally the people that rent them. don't rent thm for very long. hard to make money. think they charge allot to there customers. then if they get allot of money they can either give te taxi back or use some of there profit for thenext day. though it is a gamble cause they might not make aything the next day. some taxi owners charge 800 baht per day to the drivers. probably contributes to the motor bike accidents. people can rent a bike for 200 baht a day. problem is because of there lack of experience of motor bikes and road knoledge in thailand. they smash them up. have to pay for the bike and hosipital bills. seems like a recuring thing.

i wondeer how many people need to rent motor bikes in bangkok when un can get a motor bike taxi for for as little as 10 baht

Most of the songtheaw owners don't see any point in having one because of the increase of licenses for yellow 'metered' taxis. The songthaew owners/drivers etc protested repeatedly against the handing out of more yellow taxi licenses but the local govnmt keeps ignoring their pleads.

As a result, my father in law sold his songthaew but kept the license and 'rents' that out.

yep the people whoo make the money out of taxis are the people that rent them out. normally the people that rent them. don't rent thm for very long. hard to make money. think they charge allot to there customers. then if they get allot of money they can either give te taxi back or use some of there profit for thenext day. though it is a gamble cause they might not make aything the next day. some taxi owners charge 800 baht per day to the drivers. probably contributes to the motor bike accidents. people can rent a bike for 200 baht a day. problem is because of there lack of experience of motor bikes and road knoledge in thailand. they smash them up. have to pay for the bike and hosipital bills. seems like a recuring thing.

i wondeer how many people need to rent motor bikes in bangkok when un can get a motor bike taxi for for as little as 10 baht

In all the years i have lived here i have never heard of a 10 baht fare...atleast not for us Jonny foreigners


@Carmine, Big C was referring to Bangkok.

@Big C, I fail to see the connection with a local having to rent a taxi for 800,-THB per day and 'people' who can rent a bike for 200,-THB per day.

Wow. A Walking Street in Bophut!!!! Hope it's like the one in Pattaya!! :D I'll go tonight and should have a great time! :)

You'll have to comb your hair first :D

@Carmine, Big C was referring to Bangkok.

@Big C, I fail to see the connection with a local having to rent a taxi for 800,-THB per day and 'people' who can rent a bike for 200,-THB per day.

ok. example. it costs me 400 baht for a taxi to drive say about the distance between in dunno say lamui and nathong. maybe 500 baht 1 way.

where as i could rent a bike for 200 baht fill it up with gas for another 50 to 80 baht and drive to nathong and back and use it the rest of the day then drop back the next day.

why i mean is there is more insntive to rent a bike than get a cab. now if i got out to green mango from lamui. i should get a taxi knowing that i can come home pissed. then the homer simpson talks to me in my head and tell me why not ride the bike. and the money i save i can stay out longer and get more drunk. only problem is that allot of people do this and end up getting a cab. only thing is that it is from the hospital with a bashed up bike and a heavy hosiptal debt. that is unless u can lie to the inssurence and say u were not drunk. still think u will have trouble with paying the bike rental.

so i reckon if taxis were more reasonable it would push the demande for people to stop renting bikes. though it will never happen. hence i have my own bike rental company. where some people fail others pick up!


Walking Street also in Nathon today, apparently every Saturday from 3-10PM. Mostly Thais selling 2nd hand stuff, but let's hope it develops into something like the Weekend Market in Chiang Mai, with lots of handmade articles. Another initiative of our mayor I heard.

:) for interrupting the taxi discussion.

Wow. A Walking Street in Bophut!!!! Hope it's like the one in Pattaya!! :D I'll go tonight and should have a great time! :)

i was in the real walking street last night, dont think our friend at the Happy Elephant would let that happen.

think your better staying around soi reggae.

RIP the old eye 90

Wow. A Walking Street in Bophut!!!! Hope it's like the one in Pattaya!! :D I'll go tonight and should have a great time! :)

yep that would save me money in air fairs to get away from the misses. only joking. BANG!!! ouch!

Great idea............

The people incharge in FV defo have their heads screwed on, banning girly bars another great idea, I have nothing much against them, but it is almost unique in Thailand to have an area that is so touristy without the tacky red light bars and music blaring out accompanied by hello hansome man calls.......

The village has a great sleepy ambience, banning motorised vehicles will make it even quieter and help even more with the atmosphere. It's also nice to have the old wooden shop houses, there should be a ban on knocking anymore down. A few have gone, but the architecture on the most part is decent, lose any more though and in my opinion it would be a disaster.

Just wondering is there a commitee or Pu yai Baan? Who exactly is resposible for these ideas/rules.

Wish Chaweng beach road could be a walking street, imagine if between 7pm-6am no motorised vehicles. Golf cart taxis without horns, main taxi ranks behind on the lake road if you want to go out of town.

It would be amazing, infact it would be a great model for all tourist areas in Thailand, and it would be a great way to attract more families and those high end jet setters that the establishment seem to be so desperate to attract. Try pushing a pram down the pavement, imposible in places, means you have to use the road :D , with all those taxis and songtaews, scary experiance.

Failing that, why don't they at least have taxi's waiting in car parks , and have pick up points every few hundred meters where someone with a walky talky could call for the taxi. 90% of traffic is Empty taxis and Songtaews looking for punters, the money saved on fuel would easily pay for using a few carparks as holding areas for taxis, aswell as a few staff to man the pick up points with walky talky. Couple a system like that with sensible prices and not only would the area be more pleasant, but I reckon it would attract more tourists and more people would use the taxis. I bet they would make more money if they lowered prices. Thing is most of them would prefer to do a few rip off jobs. Less work involved.

We obviously already have far too many taxis and songtaews, but how long till they announce another 50 or 100 yellow taxi permits have been granted......Someone somewhere must be making serious $. Both here and Phuket the taxi problem is so bad it without doubt costs the country big $ in the tourists put off on return visits. Everyone knows this, so the people at the top must be very influential.............

Anyway perhaps those influential people could make even more $$$ by making it a walking street and issuing licences for battery operated silent taxis, golf cart style.

We all know that for anything to happen here someone important has to get paid and paid big time. Hopefully they read this.........


:) And doncha just admire Centara for forcing their guests with prams off their half metre wide footpath and having to use the road ? Such intelligent planning, but then we have to use as much of our 30 rai as possible, don't we ?

Wow. A Walking Street in Bophut!!!! Hope it's like the one in Pattaya!! :D I'll go tonight and should have a great time! :)

yep that would save me money in air fairs to get away from the misses. only joking. BANG!!! ouch!


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