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Bangkok Red-Shirt Rally - Live Updates - Saturday

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Saturday March 27 Red-shirt rally live updates

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Red shirts call off plan for march today

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Leaders of the protesting red shirts, in an apparent change of tactics, yesterday said the demonstrators would not march in large groups along Bangkok streets but would instead gather on Rajdamnoen Avenue to wage a "daily battle" against the government.

Jatuporn Promphan, a red-shirt leader and an MP for the opposition Pheu Thai Party, said the red shirts today would decide on further action to be taken to "liberate the Thai state from military influence".

He said it was believed their fight would lead to changes in the country.

The earlier plan for a march through the streets of Bangkok was cancelled. Instead, early today there will be an alms round at the protest site by some 1,000 Buddhist monks, followed by protest leaders asking for comments from the red-shirt gathering regarding their peaceful campaign to oust the government.

"A clear strategy will be announced on March 27 [today]," said Natthawut Saikua, another protest leader.

A red-shirt source said the plan of marching had been opposed by several protest leaders, who agreed it would expose the red shirts to organised incidents by the government or a third party.

The source also said another march would cause severe traffic congestion at a time when there some important events were being held in Bangkok, such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union assembly and the National Book Fair, in addition to the entrance exam for high-school students.

"There could be increased opposition from Bangkok residents," the source said.

The protest leaders yesterday also accused the government of assembling their supporters from communities in Bangkok to pressure the protesting red shirts.

"If there's a clash between the red shirts and an organised crowd, the government must be held responsible," Jatuporn said.

Natthawut said instead of declaring a "final war" against the government, the red shirts would wage "daily battles to accumulate victories". He accused the government of spending the state budget to organise a crowd to protect itself.

Several groups of community residents in the city, including those located near the protest site, are campaigning for peaceful protest and less impact on their daily life.

The red shirts began their protest two weeks ago, demanding Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva dissolve the House and make way for fresh elections.

They staged a march through Bangkok's streets last Saturday, causing severe traffic congestion.

Meanwhile, the Businessmen's Network for Democracy yesterday held a rally on Silom Road to back the government in opposing the red shirts' demand for the dissolution of Parliament.

Hundreds of office workers in the business district took part in the rally led by network leader Somkiart Homla-or.

Somkiat read out a statement highlighting four points:

1. There is no justification for the dissolution of Parliament since the government came to power via the parliamentary means.

2. The red shirts should observe the legal limits for their political activities..

3. The red shirts should not exploit the social disparity as a pretext to start a class war.

4. The red shirts should be mindful that their protests have adversely impacted on the tourism industry.


-- The Nation 2010-03-27



'Earth Hour' at CentralWorld cancelled due to safety concerns

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- An outdoor activity planned as part of "Earth Hour 2010" at Bangkok's CentralWorld shopping complex today has been cancelled due to safety concerns, after redshirt demonstrators threatened to rally at the Ratchaprasong intersection, according to a statement from the World Wildlife Fund (WWW) Thailand.

Redshirt leaders threatened to move from Phan Fa Bridge to the intersection if the government forced them to move their main protest site.

The WWF has collaborated with five Thai provinces - Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Phuket and Nonthaburi - to host the switchoff campaign.

This is part of a global activity involving some 120 countries, urging people to turn off their lights for one hour, between 8.30pm and 9.30pm (local time).

Despite the cancellation of the CentralWorld event, the switchoff activity will still take place at two other major venues - Kad Suan Kaew shopping complex in Chiang Mai and CentralPlaza shopping complex in Khon Kaen.

In March last year, hundreds of millions of people around the world took part in the third Earth Hour. More than 4,000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world's largest global climate change initiative, according to www.earthhour.org.

In order to boost people's awareness of the need to cut energy consumption to ease global warming, the WWF has asked Thais to participate by switching off lights during Earth Hour today.


-- The Nation 2010-03-27



Bomb explodes inside the Customs Department

A bomb exploded outside a building inside the Customs Department compound in Klong Toey district Saturday morning.

The explosion happened outside the 120th Anniversary Building at about 6 am.

The blast damaged glass windows and a van parked nearby.

Officials were checking the type of the bomb.


-- The Nation 2010-03-27




Red shrits 'won't target' international parliament meet

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The red-shirted Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship yesterday said it would not disturb the Inter-Parliamentary Union meeting that starts in Bangkok this weekend.

The protesters briefed Bangkok-based diplomats about their protest in the capital, saying they would employ peaceful means in the struggle to have Parliament dissolved.

Protest leaders Dr Weng Tojirakarn, Veera Musigapong and Jaran Dittha-apichai met representatives of 15 embassies at a Bangkok hotel. They told the diplomats that the protesters would not disturb the Inter-Parliamentary Union meeting this weekend.

The protesters will not go to the meeting venue at the Centara Hotel but might send a few representatives to submit a letter to the meeting, explaining the political situation in the country, Veera said.

The protesters will try their best to maintain peace, he said, but distrusted the authorities as they might set up the protesters as a pretext to crack down by force.

A diplomat from the French Embassy requested the protest leader to take some diplomats to tour the protest site at Rajdamnoen Avenue. Veera arranged a tour for them.

Tjaco Theo van den Hout, the ambassador of the Netherlands, told reporters that he understood the political situation in Thailand and the protest.


-- The Nation 2010-03-27



THE NATION: The reds riding on motorcycles on Sukhumvit are not concentrated, sparse, single file, horn beeping.

THE NATION: At this time, red numbers are considerably less than last Sat. But with equal enthusiasm &seem raring to go, reporters at the scene said.

THE NATION: Nuttawut said Thaksin remains tired, but phone-in is expected tonite.


THE NATION: Parades forming.

THE NATION: A group of redshirted car procession has passed Dindang area. Many cars are stuck on the road.

THE NATION: a lot more protesters arriving but last week was really massive. Its hard to beat last week.

THE NATION: Nuttawut said the mass "will absolutely march" today. but where and how will have to wait. announcement will b at 10 am, he said.


Large Number of Red-shirt Supporters Gather at Pan Fah

BANGKOK: -- A large number of red-shirt supporters begin to gather at Pan Fah Bridge area.

No official confirmation has been given about the red-shirts' plan to march or not to march on the main streets of Bangkok today.

The core leaders are expected to make a formal announcement at 10 a.m. to decide if they'll go ahead with the plan to march the streets of Bangkok today.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-27



TAN Network: Red-shirt protesters entertained by music and poem-reading while red-shirt leaders prepare to take the stage.

TAN Network: NOW: Key red-shirt leaders standby on stage, ready to make an official announcement on plan of action today. Protesters in high spirit.

TAN Network: HOT: Jaturporn P. "Today, red-shirts must free Thailand from control of soldiers. They must return to their barracks today".

TAN Network: HOT: Red-shirts to peacefully confront and pressure soldiers, stationed at key locations in Bkk, to return to their barracks.


THE NATION: jatuporn demands Army "return to barracks". He vows to "take red shirts to see soldiers" and tell them to go back to barracks now.

THE NATION: Unclear yet unsettling statement by Jatuporn who suggested protesters "with bare hands" would make soldiers rturn to barracks


Red-shirt Leaders to Confront Soldiers, Force to Return to Barracks

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan announced on the main red-shirt stage at Pan Fah Bridge area that the red-shirt protesters will peacefully force soldiers who've been deployed in various key areas of Bangkok to return to their barracks.

Jatuporn added that the Abhisit administration will have to take responsibility of any violence broke out.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-27



THE NATION: Jatuporn said protesters will "take soldiers by the hands" and send them back to barracks.

THE NATION: "If something happens to any red shirt, every drop of blood will be paid back with all lives that gave the orders", Jatuporn said.


Nuttawut Saikua Calls for Red-shirt Supporters to Join Main Stage at Pan Fah Bridge

BANGKOK: -- Another key red-shirt leader, Nuttawut Saikua, has taken the stage at Pan Fah Bridge and called for red-shirt supporters who are watching red-shirt TV, PTV, at home to join their fellow supporters at Pan Fah Bridge rally site.

The locations at which the red-shirt protesters will march to to peacefully force soldiers, stationed at key areas of Bangkok, to return to their barracks, have not be revealed.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-27



THE NATION: Nuttawut _ "If we win no liberty today, let's lose all our liberty".

TAN Network: CAPO: Security beefed up to highest level at Siriraj Hospital, where HM the King resides, as red-shirts plan to confront soldiers

THE NATION: Prai, soldiers, we'll only do whats necessary. We demand the troops leave. You'll fight, right?, leader asks the crowd. YES0.

TAN network: Red-shirts to use monks to lead procession to force soldiers to return to barracks at 5-6 key locations;incl Nang Leng race track

THE NATION: Veera is listing temples in the area we soldiers and police are stationed nearby. We aren't to war. We are taking flowers


TAN Network: Locations red-shirts will march to: Nang Leng race track,Wat Kae Nang Leng,Wat Bovornniwet,Wat Tri Tossathep,Wat Makut (con't)

TAN Network: Locations red-shirts will march to: (con't) Wat Sommanat Viharn, Panich Phra Nakhon University and Dusit Zoo.

THE NATION: Analysts&commentators on TV say they were "worried" by latest developmetns.


Red-shirts to Use Monks to Lead Procession to Force Soldiers to Return to Barracks

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirts to use monks to lead procession to force soldiers to return to barracks at 5-6 key locations;incl Nang Leng race track, Wat Kae Nang Leng, Wat Bovornniwet, Wat Tri Tossathep, Wat Makut, Wat Sommanat Viharn, Panich Phra Nakhon University and Dusit Zoo.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-27



THE NATION: Red shirts will go 7 spots where soldiers are stationed, most temples in the area.

THE NATION: The 7 spots include Borvornniwet, Tritossathep, Khae Nanglerng, Makutkasat, Sommanas temples, Dusit Zoo, Nang Lerng racecourse

THE NATION: Red shirt hardcore leader Arisman has put on bullet-proof jacket


THE NATION: Hundreds , perhaps thousands, of reds arrived at Nang Lerng racecourse, facing outnumbered troops in full gear, separated by walls.

MCOT: M79, M203 grenades found close to Pattawikorn Market, believed to readied for attack,abandoned to aviod checkpoint search nearby

THE NATION: Troops inside Nang Lerng racecourse wear full armour but do not carry firearms.

TAN Network: 200 people clad in white gather in Ratchada area to hand out leaflets against violence.


THE NATION: At Tri-tossathep temple, thousands of reds gather. Police were the front line facing protesters. Red TV shows talks apparently taking place.

THE NATION: No barrier btw front line and protesters at Tri-tossatthep Temple. But apart from yelling, the crowds appear disciplined.


THE NATION: Talks failed at Tri-tossathep Temple. Protest leaders vowed to "take the troops by the hands" and lead them out of the temple.

THE NATION: "We won't accept it. the soldiers, and there are so few of them, must move back to barracks," a red leader at Tri-Tossathep Temple said.

As of now, Tri-tossathep Temple is a highly sensitive spot.

THE NATION: Phan Fa stage is asking more reinforcement at Tri-tossathep temple, although it's crammed there already.


Reds arrive at Nang Lerng racecourse

BANGKOK: -- Hundreds , perhaps thousands, of reds arrived at Nang Lerng Racecourse facing outnumbered troops in full gear.

The two sides were separated by walls.

The troops inside the Nang Lerng racecourse wear full armour but do not carry firearms.

At Tri-tossathep temple, thousands of reds gather. Police were the front line facing protesters. Red TV shows talks apparently taking place.


-- The Nation 2010-03-27



THE NATION: Sansern said PM in Cha-am is being updated on situations.

THE NATION: Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd said troops were told to exercise restraints. but he's concerned about "provocative" incident


Thai protesters mount new Bangkok parade

by Thanaporn Promyamyai

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Some 80,000 red-shirted protesters fanned out through the Thai capital's old quarter Saturday, reviving their campaign for new polls to replace a government they reject as undemocratic.

The "Red Shirts" loyal to ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra said they would march from their main rally ground to eight points where soldiers are stationed including the city's zoo and several Buddhist temples.

The Reds said they aimed to put pressure on the military, which has mounted a heavy security response to the demonstrations that began on March 14.

"We will meet with the military and police in a spirit of friendship, and talk with them to convince them to return to their barracks, and invite them to join us in calling for democracy," said protest leader Veera Musikapong.

"All these locations are not far from here so you can march there, you must be disciplined and listen to leaders. We will not carry any weapons except our foot clappers," he said, referring to the noise-makers wielded by the crowd.

Police estimated the crowd at 80,000, larger than a street parade a week ago that drew 65,000 people in a noisy but peaceful procession through Bangkok.

The route was scaled back Saturday, in response to grumbles over traffic congestion and disruption to life in the teeming capital.

Hours before the rally, a small blast hit a government building in the latest of a series of about a dozen explosions that have been set off in Bangkok and surrounding areas in recent weeks.

Police said the blast went off outside the customs building in central Bangkok, shattering windows and damaging a van parked nearby, but causing no injuries.

"We still don't know type of bomb it was, we will have to wait for a forensic examination," said a district police officer.

The Reds, largely from poor northern areas, say Abhisit's government is illegitimate because it came to power with army backing in a 2008 parliamentary vote, after a controversial court ruling removed Thaksin's allies.

Thaksin, who was ousted in a coup in 2006 and lives in exile to avoid a jail sentence for corruption, regularly addresses his supporters by videolink and on Thursday urged them to intensify pressure on the government.

He also raised the prospect of a campaign of civil disobedience if Abhisit continues to refuse demands to dissolve parliament.

A 50,000-strong security force has been in place in Bangkok and surrounding districts since the start of protests triggered by a court ruling that seized 1.4 billion dollars of Thaksin's fortune.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-03-27

Published with written approval from AFP.



THE NATION: Troops agree to pull out of Tri-tossathep Temple.

Bangkok Post: Ministers returns earlier to oversee UDD

MCOT: Bomb at Customs Department causes minor damage

THE NATION: Army spokesman Sansern said re-deployment of troops may be necessary to allow security operations to continue

MCOT: Money, secondary, and exchange markets still unaffected by rallies: BoT


CAPO: Authorities Won't Order Soldiers to Return to Barracks

BANGKOK: -- The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) has responded to the red-shirt leaders' demand for soldiers, stationed at key areas near protest site at Pan Fah Bridge, to return to their barracks.

The CAPO said the red-shirt protesters have no right to search the soldiers for weapons and they will not be ordered back to their barracks.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-27



Traffic in Inner Bangkok Badly Congested

Traffic reports for areas within the inner Bangkok districts, especially those surrounding the Pah Fah Bridge area and areas near Rattanakosin island, is badly congested.

The red-shirt protesters have marched to 7 key locations to demand that soldiers, stationed in Bangkok, be called back to their barracks.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-27



THE NATION: Nang Lerng racecourse is under increasing pressure now. Nuttawut announce troops agree to pull out. Still unclear from where.

THE NATION: Red leaders say troops agree to pull out of Nang Lerng racecourse.

THE NATION: Tension has eased somewhat. Hope troops at other spots show similar restraints.

MCOT: Chaotic, heavy traffic in inner Bkk as Red Shirt protesters march to sites to face military providing security, push back to original bases

MCOT: Military at three sites agree to Red Shirt demands, leave posts to return to barracks to avoid confrontation

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