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Caught My Maid Stealing


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^its a scary prospect that people like mrs soutpeel are pack'n .....no intended offence directed at ur misses. :D

No offence taken....that thought goes through my mind at times as well.... :D:D

But in her defence she has been trained properly and is a pretty good shot.... :D .....my biggest concern with Women and firearms is the firearm combined with PMS..... :)

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^its a scary prospect that people like mrs soutpeel are pack'n .....no intended offence directed at ur misses. :D

No offence taken....that thought goes through my mind at times as well.... :D:D

But in her defence she has been trained properly and is a pretty good shot.... :D .....my biggest concern with Women and firearms is the firearm combined with PMS..... :)

:D We are way off topic but I am interested to know more about this.....so please make ur way to my new thread :D:cheesy::D

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Just how trustworthy is your serially unlucky friend who has money stolen from him whenever he stays with you but - apparently - you, yourself, have never lost anything?

Just my own feeling, but perhaps your friend is up to someting and blaming the Maid


I would like to think this is not possible and me and him have had many arguments over this - but I have not ruled this out. That was the reason I insisted upon laying the trap for her myself and seeing the evidence firsthand.

I know for certain that she, and only she, took 160 Baht yesterday from his wallet. There is no possible way he could have done it and I put the money there myself.

Once is enough. I can't have a maid who stole from me even 160 Baht even one time.

Edited by YanTree
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Early on I had a housekeeper who was more than a little light fingered. :D The first time I wasn’t sure so didn’t confront her. The second time I’d just gone to the bank and had 1000 baht bills which I’d written on the top one in pen 18 (the number of bills I’d just withdrawn from the ATM). When I recounted it after she left, there were 15 notes and the one with the writing on it was gone.

Being new to the glorious “Land ‘O Thais” as well as not being the most politically correct person when dealing with the mythical thing referred to as ‘thai culture’ I confronted her about it when she returned to clean later in the week.

It was a very tense couple of minutes there, with her first denying it, then changing to say she bought supplies, (although I keep an expense jar with money for household expenditures). She finally threw my apartment keys on the table before storming out cursing me in thai (at that time I couldn’t speak thai so I didn’t care :D ). I recouped the money as I was due to pay her salary that day and just kept it instead.

Would I do it again, if I caught my current housekeeper of over 3 years stealing from me? Yep, in a heart beat, no question about it, at all. Depending on the amount I’d either handle it myself or get the local police involved. My advice is to ALWAYS copy your maid’s Thai I/D card and keep it on file when situations like this crop up.

Theft is theft, and for someone to be so afraid of revenge here that they wouldn’t confront a thief is just mind wobbling. :D

Last time I checked, lying and stealing weren’t all that high on the list of buddhist precepts. :)

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Early on I had a housekeeper who was more than a little light fingered. :D The first time I wasn't sure so didn't confront her. The second time I'd just gone to the bank and had 1000 baht bills which I'd written on the top one in pen 18 (the number of bills I'd just withdrawn from the ATM). When I recounted it after she left, there were 15 notes and the one with the writing on it was gone.

Being new to the glorious "Land 'O Thais" as well as not being the most politically correct person when dealing with the mythical thing referred to as 'thai culture' I confronted her about it when she returned to clean later in the week.

It was a very tense couple of minutes there, with her first denying it, then changing to say she bought supplies, (although I keep an expense jar with money for household expenditures). She finally threw my apartment keys on the table before storming out cursing me in thai (at that time I couldn't speak thai so I didn't care :D ). I recouped the money as I was due to pay her salary that day and just kept it instead.

Would I do it again, if I caught my current housekeeper of over 3 years stealing from me? Yep, in a heart beat, no question about it, at all. Depending on the amount I'd either handle it myself or get the local police involved. My advice is to ALWAYS copy your maid's Thai I/D card and keep it on file when situations like this crop up.

Theft is theft, and for someone to be so afraid of revenge here that they wouldn't confront a thief is just mind wobbling. :D

Last time I checked, lying and stealing weren't all that high on the list of buddhist precepts. :)

Tod, at least she didnt get her hands on your stash of vibrating toys :D:D

Edited by neverdie
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You seem like a buffalo.

That is all.



That is NOT very nice. Tod did nothing else except for offer a different opinion to yourself. Whats the problem with that. Perhaps you need to learn some more manners & stop acting like a child. :)

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You seem like a buffalo.

That is all.



That is NOT very nice. Tod did nothing else except for offer a different opinion to yourself. Whats the problem with that. Perhaps you need to learn some more manners & stop acting like a child. :)

First he lied. He said that his maid was cussing at him in Thai but he did not speak Thai. As if he remembered exactly what she said later when he learned Thai? Ya, right...

Next, he said he would confront her and march her to the police station if he caught his current maid stealing. That is what a buffalo would do - that feeling is confirmed by every single person here other than him saying they would not call the police - and him saying all of our collective opinions makes his 'head wobble' as if he cannot even comprehend what every single one of us has said. To have a different opinion makes him dense and unwilling to participate in Thai culture - to be so dense as to think that the majority opinion is retarded or 'makes his head wobble' makes him a buffalo.

Edited by YanTree
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Sack her without ceremony. Police are useless.

I must admit being guilty of leaving a lot of coin change around.

This is a wake-up call for me.

My last cleaner was involved in the burglary last Sept/Oct.

My (new) cleaner has me on edge constantly with her crass stupidity.

Heart of gold, good worker but fking dangerous.

I just cannot relax when she is here, & cleaners are hard to get out here.

Successive Thai govts have a lot to answer for, for not educating the poor. :)

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You seem like a buffalo.

That is all.



That is NOT very nice. Tod did nothing else except for offer a different opinion to yourself. Whats the problem with that. Perhaps you need to learn some more manners & stop acting like a child. :)

First he lied. He said that his maid was cussing at him in Thai but he did not speak Thai. As if he remembered exactly what she said later when he learned Thai? Ya, right...

Next, he said he would confront her and march her to the police station if he caught his current maid stealing. That is what a buffalo would do - that feeling is confirmed by every single person here other than him saying they would not call the police - and him saying all of our collective opinions makes his 'head wobble' as if he cannot even comprehend what every single one of us has said. To have a different opinion makes him dense and unwilling to participate in Thai culture - to be so dense as to think that the majority opinion is retarded or 'makes his head wobble' makes him a buffalo.

Actually, based on what I've learnt on the thread here, tod is very proficient with language. I can imagine that he is the type of person that would of retained an idea of what was spoken by the cleaner and then found out what it meant......thats not too hard to do.

I have been on the receiving end of cussing & not knowing what was exactly spoken but been able to respond & then later do the research to find out exactly what was said.

Tod offered a different opinion to you, thats all. So what if his heads wobbling, who cares. :D

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What will confronting her accomplish? She is never going to admit to it.

Tell her she is sacked because she stole from you and your guests.

You are sure of this because you set a trap for her. Doesn't matter if/when she denies it. She doesn't have a job anymore.

Nobody goes away wondering.

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Sorry to respond to this, but it was personally directed at me, and I apologize that is off topic

First he lied. He said that his maid was cussing at him in Thai but he did not speak Thai. No I didn't lie, nor did I say I understood her speaking, but ANY thai who yells isn't wishing you a happy birthday As if he remembered exactly what she said later when he learned Thai? Ya, right... Nope, no idea what she said, nor any reason to care

Next, he said he would confront her and march her to the police station if he caught his current maid stealing. Having a little trouble reading and/or comprehending engrish are we my friend? I said depending on the amount I'd either do one or the other. That is what a buffalo would do Buffaloes are some of the smartest animals I've observed here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais', often times exhibiting intelligence far superior to the plethora of wanna-b-thai sock puppet foreigners parading around in color coordinated shirts and matching snazzy wristbands! - that feeling is confirmed by every single person here other than him saying they would not call the police - and him saying all of our collective opinions makes his 'head wobble' as if he cannot even comprehend what every single one of us has said.That my opinion on this forum differs with yours or anyone elses neither negates your opinion or mine, sorry. To have a different opinion makes him dense and unwilling to participate in Thai culture You knock youself out participating in what ever culture makes you happiest, and I will do the same- to be so dense as to think that the majority opinion is retarded never used the word retarded or 'makes his head wobble' makes him a buffalo.

And I've read a lot of his other posts. He seems like a buffalo. Buffalo, buffalo, buffalo. better a buffalo than a mindless foreign sock puppet :)

I write in a style which I have self titled as witty, acerbic cynicism. I have never ever professed to being enamored with, endeared to, or enchanted by this country, its indigenous people or its cultural aberrations. I live here by choice NOT chance.

Sorry I’m not a foreign sock puppet like you :D ...

Here’s a tip, if my writing vexes you so much please do us both a favor and select "block user" on the forum control panel. I think we’ll both be happier. Thankfully if indeed I am a buffalo, I've got their 'thick skin' too, otherwise I might be offended. Then again, reading your posting history, probably not. :D


I still say stealing is stealing and it should not be tolerated no matter the country.

Edited by tod-daniels
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To have a different opinion makes him dense and unwilling to participate in Thai culture - to be so dense as to think that the majority opinion is retarded or 'makes his head wobble' makes him a buffalo.

Hmm. I guess that makes me a buffalo as well.

If someone broke into my house in the middle of the night to steal from me I'd call the police. If my maid stole a few hundred baht from me I'd find a way to terminate the contract and find another one. But if my maid stole several thousand baht from me you bet I would confront her and if she didn't return the cash I'd call the BiB.

Now, I don't have a maid so it's only hypothetical, but I'll be damned if I'll just accept someone stealing from me without pursuing it, Thai culture or not. In my thinking, a maid or nanny stealing from you is worse than the guy breaking into your house, simply because you have placed a certain amount of trust in her. So not only did she violate that trust, but she stole your assets. Unacceptable.

And if this makes me a pig's ass, then so be it.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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To have a different opinion makes him dense and unwilling to participate in Thai culture - to be so dense as to think that the majority opinion is retarded or 'makes his head wobble' makes him a buffalo.

Hmm. I guess that makes me a buffalo as well. If someone broke into my house in the middle of the night to steal from me I'd call the police. If my maid stole several thousand baht from me you bet I would confront her and if she didn't return the cash I'd call the BiB. Now, I don't have a maid so it's only theoretical, but I'll be damned if I'll just accept someone stealing from me without pursuing it, Thai culture or not. In my thinking, a maid or nanny stealing from you is worse than the guy breaking into your house, simply because you have placed a certain amount of trust in her. So not only did she violate that trust, but she stole your assets. Unacceptable. And if this makes me a pig's ass, then so be it.

I don't know Thai law but in America breaking and entering/burglary sends you to prison for years. A maid stealing would be petty theft and a minor offense. I'd certainly call the cops if somebody broke in too.

Edited by YanTree
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What will confronting her accomplish? She is never going to admit to it.

Tell her she is sacked because she stole from you and your guests.

You are sure of this because you set a trap for her. Doesn't matter if/when she denies it. She doesn't have a job anymore.

Nobody goes away wondering.

You did not answer the question. What does that accomplish? What is the point of confronting her? Just to get it off your chest? I don't need that. Got any better reasons?

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You seem like a buffalo.

That is all.



That is NOT very nice. Tod did nothing else except for offer a different opinion to yourself. Whats the problem with that. Perhaps you need to learn some more manners & stop acting like a child. :)

or a troll, read up on a topic the poster put out a couple of nights ago. wanting advice in thai law and assault charges. seeing as at the time he was contemplating kicking a thai guys head in, whilst posting from a nightclub.

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I don't know Thai law but in America breaking and entering/burglary sends you to prison for years. A maid stealing would be petty theft and a minor offense. I'd certainly call the cops if somebody broke in too.

Fair point.

You did not answer the question. What does that accomplish? What is the point of confronting her? Just to get it off your chest? I don't need that. Got any better reasons?

Confronting her would at least make her lose face and understand why she is being terminated. Perhaps the experience would serve as a wake-up call to her so that she might change her behaviors.

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I confronted our maid. Then sacked her.

Held her ID card until she returned stuff which she had not managed to flog off to the pawn shop.

I'm not missing anything other than money. And she has never actually (to my knowledge) stolen anything from me - she thought it was from my friend. Interesting to note that he has been a dick to her from day 1 and I have always been nice to her.

Som nom na?

no, you have a theif working for you. Sack her.

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You seem like a buffalo.

That is all.



That is NOT very nice. Tod did nothing else except for offer a different opinion to yourself. Whats the problem with that. Perhaps you need to learn some more manners & stop acting like a child. :)

or a troll, read up on a topic the poster put out a couple of nights ago. wanting advice in thai law and assault charges. seeing as at the time he was contemplating kicking a thai guys head in, whilst posting from a nightclub.

Thread was deleted :D

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