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Dry British Sence Of Humour


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so im from the british isles(england) and maybe im just to thick skinned and used to it, but do some t.v. members have a problem with it.

ive noticed over the few months or so since i joined this forum, a number of threads going sour from people posting opinions on a subject, in what i can only assume to be in a light hearted but dry manner. but then some people seem to take offence or get the wrong end of the stick and it all goes pear shaped.

so what is it? most on here either speak english as a first language or have a good understanding of it. there are males and females on this forum in both capacities as posters and as mods and administrators. we are all grown ups so where does the problem lie. is it that some people just dont get it and think that some members are just taking the mick. is it that we are from all the four corners of the earth and some things that may appear to seem funny to some, arent to others. saying that though i have plenty of friends from all parts of the u.k. australia, new zealand and s.africa plus other parts of the world, male and female. we all rib each other over sports, jokes about age old subjects, cultures, whatever and at the end of the day we just laugh, raise a glass and drink to our friendship.

is it an age thing or have some people just spent to much time over here in the LOS and see some things as just too taboo to joke about. even in my home enviroment though, spending so much time with my mostly non speaking english family, i always manage to at least get a smile and a little chuckle out of my mil once a day.

do some members just feel to challenged by a bit of wit and automatically go on the offensive over topics they hold opinions about, for example nationalistic and gender issues, even the wife being a thai.

my god people lighten up, if i had a penny for every time someone took the pxxx out of me for being from england, the team i support, my nickname, saying i was married to a lady from siam, the size of my hooter etc...

id be a very rich man by now!

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I'll give the pedantry a rest for a moment or we'd be here all day...

Some people can't see a stick without taking the wrong end of it, and to be fair, I've seen IanForbes sticks being picked up wrong from time to time despite his being from Canada.

I don't know if people can't laugh about serious topics, or just don't take humour seriously enough.

Anyway, nothing that some meaningless snide one-liners with smileys, or a stream of foul invective, wouldn't sort, Im sure.

Maybe its our accents?


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So your saying you have a big nose a funny nick name and you support a dodgy team from England and people take this piss out of you all the time

Wow and I always thought you was OK


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Do what I do...I don't give a toss for anybody's sensitivities as this is not my problem...it is theirs.

If people aren't grown up enough to deal with "words on a computer screen", they should not have a license to drive a car (amongst other things).

'Offense' is something that the 'offended person' chooses. It has almost nothing to do with the person/thing that provides the 'offensive' information.

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So your saying you have a big nose a funny nick name and you support a dodgy team from England and people take this piss out of you all the time

Wow and I always thought you was OK


the nose thing, why do you think i came over here, they love it. it comes in useful from time to time :)

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Its all those bloody foreigners curbing our fun...the EU....Yanks and don't forget the bloody beetroot munchers...but the worst culprits are the Welsh...etc etc....

Its an English genetic disposition mate but don't worry we won't take the piss yet....oh no that starts in June in Cape Town.... :)

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I wouldn't worry about it. Forums always have grumpy old men on it. TV has grumpy old moderators as well, but that's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Streetcowboy has it right. Humour is one of the most difficult things to communicate on a forum and people nearly always misinterpret what you were talking about.

Don't worry about it. Get your message across and if the GOM in here start complaining, just ignore them. if they overstep the mark, I'm sure the moderators will give them a slap on the wrist.

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So your saying you have a big nose a funny nick name and you support a dodgy team from England and people take this piss out of you all the time

Wow and I always thought you was OK


the nose thing, why do you think i came over here, they love it. it comes in useful from time to time :)

So you and me back to back we'd look like a Pick Axe


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So your saying you have a big nose a funny nick name and you support a dodgy team from England and people take this piss out of you all the time

Wow and I always thought you was OK


the nose thing, why do you think i came over here, they love it. it comes in useful from time to time :D

So you and me back to back we'd look like a Pick Axe


id prefer it face to end with something in the middle, like a sandwich! :)

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Thanks Tigerfish :) That is one of my favourite programs...'Faulty Towers'/Watery towels etc.

I particularly liked Mr Cleese in all of the old Monty Python series, as well as a peculiar movie called 'Clockwise'. It's a shame that Thailand has been so isolated from such humour.

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I wouldn't worry about it. Forums always have grumpy old men on it. TV has grumpy old moderators as well, but that's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Streetcowboy has it right. Humour is one of the most difficult things to communicate on a forum and people nearly always misinterpret what you were talking about.

Don't worry about it. Get your message across and if the GOM in here start complaining, just ignore them. if they overstep the mark, I'm sure the moderators will give them a slap on the wrist.

Nowt wrong w grumpy old men. In my young day we valued the wisdom of chaps who'd grown up with rickets, and rationing, and outside privvies.

Shouldn't you young fellas all be in bed by now? Reminds me, I should be off down to York Market. Still don't know if 1/2 thai, 1/2 chinese is same as thai chinese...


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I wouldn't worry about it. Forums always have grumpy old men on it. TV has grumpy old moderators as well, but that's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Streetcowboy has it right. Humour is one of the most difficult things to communicate on a forum and people nearly always misinterpret what you were talking about.

Don't worry about it. Get your message across and if the GOM in here start complaining, just ignore them. if they overstep the mark, I'm sure the moderators will give them a slap on the wrist.

Nowt wrong w grumpy old men. In my young day we valued the wisdom of chaps who'd grown up with rickets, and rationing, and outside privvies.

Shouldn't you young fellas all be in bed by now? Reminds me, I should be off down to York Market. Still don't know if 1/2 thai, 1/2 chinese is same as thai chinese...


It don't matter these days mate. They're all owned by Bangladeshis and staffed by Poles by all accounts.

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Nowt wrong w grumpy old men. In my young day we valued the wisdom of chaps who'd grown up with rickets, and rationing, and outside privvies.

Shouldn't you young fellas all be in bed by now? Reminds me, I should be off down to York Market. Still don't know if 1/2 thai, 1/2 chinese is same as thai chinese...


It don't matter these days mate. They're all owned by Bangladeshis and staffed by Poles by all accounts.

What, the outside privvies? In my day you held your own. Perfectly safe, so long as you wash your hands first


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Nowt wrong w grumpy old men. In my young day we valued the wisdom of chaps who'd grown up with rickets, and rationing, and outside privvies.

Shouldn't you young fellas all be in bed by now? Reminds me, I should be off down to York Market. Still don't know if 1/2 thai, 1/2 chinese is same as thai chinese...


It don't matter these days mate. They're all owned by Bangladeshis and staffed by Poles by all accounts.

What, the outside privvies? In my day you held your own. Perfectly safe, so long as you wash your hands first


This way you get both hands free to hold your nose. Cheap labour eh?

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I wouldn't worry about it. Forums always have grumpy old men on it. TV has grumpy old moderators as well, but that's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Streetcowboy has it right. Humour is one of the most difficult things to communicate on a forum and people nearly always misinterpret what you were talking about.

Don't worry about it. Get your message across and if the GOM in here start complaining, just ignore them. if they overstep the mark, I'm sure the moderators will give them a slap on the wrist.

Nowt wrong w grumpy old men. In my young day we valued the wisdom of chaps who'd grown up with rickets, and rationing, and outside privvies.

Shouldn't you young fellas all be in bed by now? Reminds me, I should be off down to York Market. Still don't know if 1/2 thai, 1/2 chinese is same as thai chinese...


It don't matter these days mate. They're all owned by Bangladeshis and staffed by Poles by all accounts.

the kumars at #42. the queen is indian!

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^ Very funny that 'Indian' stuff :)

I actually thought that 'Liz' et al was from German origin but I have now changed my mind about this...'they' are obviously Indian.

The best thing is that people can actually talk about this without being fined or thrown into gaol. :D

Edited by elkangorito
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Ah so there is a Brit dry humor which I began to notice to many of the thread.

Excuse my ignorance to the brit culture/language. I recently started posting and reading in the general section and my initial impression was how unnecessay some of the sarcastic and down right offensive comments made by a few individuals, or maybe many individuals.

Yeah I can lighten up and just take it for what its worth, but I am bit sensitive and yeah I understand there's no sympathy for that either.

And I do get that the forum is written in english for a english speaking crowd.

HOWEVER some of these comments in conjunction with "British sense of humor" does IMO honestly either offend the unsuspecting new comers or leaves a sour taste in their mouth of expats in Thailand.

I would love for people to curb their comments but obviously that wont happen. But I can tell you that it does drive people away or prevents them wanting to post a legitimate question or comment with out feeling their toes are being stepped on.

The naysayers to my post will probably say, take it or leave it.

But funny how being in thailand these same posters OVER EMPHASIZE how we must abide by the thai culture yet it's free game on TV.

But what do I know, cultural rules don't apply on cyberspace right?

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My comments in blue.

Ah so there is a Brit dry humor which I began to notice to many of the thread.

Excuse my ignorance to the brit culture/language. I recently started posting and reading in the general section and my initial impression was how unnecessay some of the sarcastic and down right offensive comments made by a few individuals, or maybe many individuals.

You totally miss the point of British humour. Also, you seem to be confusing 'insults' with 'humour'. I would suggest your confusion results from a 'thin skin' & also a lack of <something>. Nonetheless, I found your thread about ice in drinks to be quite humourous. Can you see the humour in your thread?

Yeah I can lighten up and just take it for what its worth, but I am bit sensitive and yeah I understand there's no sympathy for that either.

And I do get that the forum is written in english for a english speaking crowd.

As your skin 'thickens', there will be less need for you to 'lighten up', so to speak :)

HOWEVER some of these comments in conjunction with "British sense of humor" does IMO honestly either offend the unsuspecting new comers or leaves a sour taste in their mouth of expats in Thailand.

You are a 'self inflicted' victim, in the sense that nobody can force you to be offended. You simply choose to be offended.

I would love for people to curb their comments but obviously that wont happen. But I can tell you that it does drive people away or prevents them wanting to post a legitimate question or comment with out feeling their toes are being stepped on.

Well, you could start by curbing your comments about drinks served with (or without) ice & the costs associated with such a horrendous thing. :D

The naysayers to my post will probably say, take it or leave it.

I suggest you leave it...until you develope thicker skin.

But funny how being in thailand these same posters OVER EMPHASIZE how we must abide by the thai culture yet it's free game on TV.

But what do I know, cultural rules don't apply on cyberspace right?

Didn't you OVER-EMPHASISE the ice/drink issue? BTW, 'true' culture is not a rule/rules....it is a celebrated memory.

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Ah so there is a Brit dry humor which I began to notice to many of the thread.

Excuse my ignorance to the brit culture/language. I recently started posting and reading in the general section and my initial impression was how unnecessay some of the sarcastic and down right offensive comments made by a few individuals, or maybe many individuals.

Yeah I can lighten up and just take it for what its worth, but I am bit sensitive and yeah I understand there's no sympathy for that either.

And I do get that the forum is written in english for a english speaking crowd.

HOWEVER some of these comments in conjunction with "British sense of humor" does IMO honestly either offend the unsuspecting new comers or leaves a sour taste in their mouth of expats in Thailand.

I would love for people to curb their comments but obviously that wont happen. But I can tell you that it does drive people away or prevents them wanting to post a legitimate question or comment with out feeling their toes are being stepped on.

The naysayers to my post will probably say, take it or leave it.

But funny how being in thailand these same posters OVER EMPHASIZE how we must abide by the thai culture yet it's free game on TV.

But what do I know, cultural rules don't apply on cyberspace right?


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Hi Edmond. How nice of you to drop in :D

Your concept is great but unfortunately, old tangcoral (is this a mixture of "tang" with coral?) is unable to tolerate such things. I think I will call him 'Gladwrap' from now on. This reflects the thickness of his skin. :)

Edited by elkangorito
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Ah so there is a Brit dry humor which I began to notice to many of the thread.

Excuse my ignorance to the brit culture/language. I recently started posting and reading in the general section and my initial impression was how unnecessay some of the sarcastic and down right offensive comments made by a few individuals, or maybe many individuals.

Yeah I can lighten up and just take it for what its worth, but I am bit sensitive and yeah I understand there's no sympathy for that either.

And I do get that the forum is written in english for a english speaking crowd.

HOWEVER some of these comments in conjunction with "British sense of humor" does IMO honestly either offend the unsuspecting new comers or leaves a sour taste in their mouth of expats in Thailand.

I would love for people to curb their comments but obviously that wont happen. But I can tell you that it does drive people away or prevents them wanting to post a legitimate question or comment with out feeling their toes are being stepped on.

The naysayers to my post will probably say, take it or leave it.

But funny how being in thailand these same posters OVER EMPHASIZE how we must abide by the thai culture yet it's free game on TV.

But what do I know, cultural rules don't apply on cyberspace right?


i understand where your coming from, but beleive me youve just got to stick with it. everyones opinions on a forum at some point in time become valid and the longer you stay posting the more respect you will gain. youve just got to mix it up a bit and learn who to stay clear of and give as good as you get when you come up against the types that think they know it all and have an answer for everything.

yes it cant be easy if english isnt your first langauge, and especially if you come up against someone who thinks they have a sense of humour and tries to beat you down with sarcasum. im sure, but not having read much on the post about "no ice in my drink" thread, youve already experienced that and taken a fare bit of a bashing for it. i can understand it can be more than a bit off putting.

but take for example my first venture into forum discussion, my first post was to pick an arguement with another advanced member on this site about an issue that he brought up that i didnt agree with. we had a bit of a war of words, and several day later had another crossing of swords. at that point i was beginning to think, what have i let myself in for. then about a month and a half later we came up against each other and happened to agree on everything that was being discussed. since then weve p.m.ed each other, had joke and a laugh about things, found out that we are both from the same country and become good mates.

forums arent for the faint hearted, and its made that much easier for those that choose to abuse the fact that. when they can say some pretty nasty things just because they are sitting in front of a computer screen and not face to face with the actual person they are picking an arguement with. just imagine how it must feel to be one of the female members on this site, that come up against all kinds of crap from a lot of the tv members on this forum.

the thick skin will come, it comes with living in the LOS for so long.

i always wake up in the morning thinking i know everything there needs to be known about this country and nothing would surprise me. take two step out the front door and within 5 minutes im put back in my place. you learn something new everyday, a bit like logging on to tv.

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I think people just dont understand it, especially thais and yanks, found kiwi's and most canadians and the odd aussie to understand it.

Now come on we have only fools and horses, red dwarf, men behaving badly, young ones etc.. etc..

My ex thai girlfriend loved the old norman wisdom films , laughed alot more than at these new american comedy chick flicks!!

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Thanks Tigerfish :) That is one of my favourite programs...'Faulty Towers'/Watery towels etc.

I particularly liked Mr Cleese in all of the old Monty Python series, as well as a peculiar movie called 'Clockwise'. It's a shame that Thailand has been so isolated from such humour.

Hey i got the whole faulty towers dvd set copy in thailand!!! oh and also hustle which is sometimes pretty funny

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