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Dry British Sence Of Humour


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British humor is watched worldwide, you can't say that for all the others you quoted, you don't get much American comedy (if any) in the UK but they have ours

Sorry, but all your theories are wrong. We get a couple of British shows in the US - like Faulty Towers - on PBS and that is about it and American comedies are shown all over the world. British humor is funny, but no better than anywhere else.


ricky gervais is currently cleaning up state side. he recently made a big impact at the oscar awards. the american t.v networks brought the rights to the office, which was his brain child. that along with a lot of other british t.v. sit coms that have had to be re-written to suit the american audiences.

sorry but i have to disagree with you on the fact that american humour/comedy is far better than anything us brits have to offer. imo american humour is far too conservative and not willing to push the boundaries of what is conceived to be funny.

for such a large country i find when it comes to ground breaking comedy you fall way behind. its almost as if the states is coccooned like and lives in its own little bubble, and anyone who disagrees is labelled as some kind of misfit.

if you want proof, just take a look at what the comedian sasha baron cohen did, when making the film borat.

I think Ricky Gervais is brilliant.  If you read my post above, two of my favorites are The Office and Extras. And Eddie Izzard is one of my favorite stand-up comedians.  But that still, in my opinion, does not make British humor any better or worse than that of the US or other countries.  It all depends on the market.  In the US, I personally find Two and a Half Men and the like to be utter pablum.  But they make a lot of money.  A lot.  So the producers are happily laughing on the way to the bank. 

Personally, I like a different type of comedy.  I already mentioned Arrested Development.  Scrubs is good, too.  And for pushing the limit, how about 30 Rock (which is on network television, none-the-less.)  Chris Rock has already been castigated in this thread, but I find Everybody Hates Chris refreshing and funny.  And I simply think The Family Guy is hilarious.  Even Better off Ted, although somewhat conservative in its reach, is funny.  Parks and Recreation is more edgy.

Basically, I only care that a comedy makes me laugh, whether it is British, American, Canadian (Corner Gas, anyone?) Australian, or whatever.  I just wish I was fluent enough in other languages to understand the nuances of comedies in those languages as well.

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For some the late Bernard Manning was a racist pig, to others he was a laughter maker. I don't believe that the majority of those laughing really understood that the point that he was making was the insanity of the racial predudices of an island race. (I'll give Manning the benefit of any doubt about this).

A Manning story.

When leavingby the stage door after a show he ws accosted by an irate immigrant who berated Manning about the subject matter of his act.

He complained that the butt of all his jokes were coloured people, people from the sub continent, native Africans and the Jewish people. He finished by telling Manning that he was a disgrace to the English peoples.

Manning replied that the complainer had missed the point and that in effect he was drawing attention to various misjustices. He added that his own father had died in Auschwitz.

The complainer drew back and apologised and said that he didn't know that. He offered that ending ones days in a gas chamber must be a horrific final event.

Manning corrected him. My father wasn't gassed he said. He fell out of a machine gun tower.

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To an extent, you are correct. The use of English has become global largely because of the superpower status of the US, or perhaps more importantly, because of the huge market represented by the US. But English was also the native language for Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and a number of smaller ex-UK possessions. It was a binding language for much of Africa, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines. And except for the Philippines, all of that was because of British influence.

Additionally, English is the largest language in the world, the language with the most words. Its structure and vocabulary are particularly suited for legalese, technical writing, and science. So in those fields, English has taken over as the best way to communicate the nuances and with the degree of exactness needed.

All of this, put together, are some of the probable reasons English is now the global language.

I think that English is a language that is easy to speak badly (by that I mean that when you speak it badly, with a bit of effort, people can still understand the meaning that you are trying to convey) but also a language that can be written very well, with very precise and unambiguous meaning. Or written very well to achieve great ambiguity and vagueness - as you see fit. Unfortunately, some people seem to refuse to admit this, and to take pride in their ignorance, choosing to maintain the language proficiency of a foreigner in their own language, without endeavouring to achieve the same competency in other tongues. Bloody English...


not meant in jest, but you can smile if you like, or take offence, as you see fit

sticks and stones may break my bones

but words in print are actionable

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I forgot to mention that I much prefer the British sense of humour moreso than any other type (American for example, which is mostly witless).

I never knew the Brits had a sense of humor, only remember their stiff upper lip :)

Infinitely better than having a loose flabby jaw. :D

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I think you'll find that at the time of independence, the American settlers were as British as the next man, and the most prosperous in the Empire at the time. When you look at all the things that we've given the world - the United States, cricket, beer in tins - you can see why we and our language are so popular.


Didnt the English language become the universal language and the most popular language because of the Americans being the current superpower.

Had history gone in a different direction for the past 200 years,

I would imagine if the settlers didnt create a nation or expand their territory, the universal language might of been French or even Spanish?

Not stating a fact. Not proving a point. Not my opinion either, just wanted to hear what you guys thought.

FACT: The English Language and English Humour were born in the Great Rift Valley, Africa, yes, about the time of Homo Erectus. What else do you think made them sit up and take notice? As everyone should know, Homo Sapiens embraced this language and culture and went on to rule the world, except for Texas.

What do you think happened to The Neandertals? They grew moustaches and spoke Spanish! Doh!


I really cannot believe that a gem like this has not been picked up before.

Homo Erectus didn't really thrive, due to having to sit down all day to avoid embarassment. He could only come out at night, so to speak


Dogleg, you are a shining wit amongst spoonerisms

Edit: to improve the flattery

Edited by StreetCowboy
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I speak english, but have no idea what some people from England mean when they say

1.taking the piss

2.taking the mick

what do those things mean? Do you think because it is everyday vernacular with your group, it should be assumed that everyone else knows what it means??

I will guess these things mean having thick skin and taking sarcastic comebacks like water off a duck's back..but is that what they mean?

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I speak english, but have no idea what some people from England mean when they say

1.taking the piss

2.taking the mick

what do those things mean? Do you think because it is everyday vernacular with your group, it should be assumed that everyone else knows what it means??

I will guess these things mean having thick skin and taking sarcastic comebacks like water off a duck's back..but is that what they mean?

I'll offer my closest to a helpful suggestion - no doubt to be followed by a barrage of crudely worded corrections and misinformation, within which I expect there might be one post by someone who has actually taken the effort to find out what these expressions mean.

Anyway, when posters on this forum write:

'Taking the piss' and 'Taking the mick'

they mean 'making fun of someone by ridiculing them, often sarcastically'. When they say 'just taking the piss' they are trying to infer that they did not really mean what they said, and were only making a joke, though often words spoken in jest reveal a serious opinion or prejudice. "Taking the piss" implies, I think, that they are trying to highlight some shortcoming in your character or opinion, and by highlighting that shortcoming, they will help you overcome or correct it - effectively letting out the piss, and I suppose for that we should be grateful for it. Problems arise when someone tries to take the piss when they have already taken too much. There is nothing that pisses an American as much as pissed Brit taking the piss. He'd most likely piss off pissed off.

I hope everything is clear now, although if there is no trace of yellow, it might be due to excessive beer - there may be too much piss in your piss.


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I think you'll find that at the time of independence, the American settlers were as British as the next man, and the most prosperous in the Empire at the time. When you look at all the things that we've given the world - the United States, cricket, beer in tins - you can see why we and our language are so popular.


Didnt the English language become the universal language and the most popular language because of the Americans being the current superpower.

Had history gone in a different direction for the past 200 years,

I would imagine if the settlers didnt create a nation or expand their territory, the universal language might of been French or even Spanish?

Not stating a fact. Not proving a point. Not my opinion either, just wanted to hear what you guys thought.

FACT: The English Language and English Humour were born in the Great Rift Valley, Africa, yes, about the time of Homo Erectus. What else do you think made them sit up and take notice? As everyone should know, Homo Sapiens embraced this language and culture and went on to rule the world, except for Texas.

What do you think happened to The Neandertals? They grew moustaches and spoke Spanish! Doh!


I really cannot believe that a gem like this has not been picked up before.

Homo Erectus didn't really thrive, due to having to sit down all day to avoid embarassment. He could only come out at night, so to speak


Dogleg, you are a shining wit amongst spoonerisms

Edit: to improve the flattery

OK, both posts elicited a chuckle on my part.  :)

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I think you'll find that at the time of independence, the American settlers were as British as the next man, and the most prosperous in the Empire at the time. When you look at all the things that we've given the world - the United States, cricket, beer in tins - you can see why we and our language are so popular.


Didnt the English language become the universal language and the most popular language because of the Americans being the current superpower.

Had history gone in a different direction for the past 200 years,

I would imagine if the settlers didnt create a nation or expand their territory, the universal language might of been French or even Spanish?

Not stating a fact. Not proving a point. Not my opinion either, just wanted to hear what you guys thought.

FACT: The English Language and English Humour were born in the Great Rift Valley, Africa, yes, about the time of Homo Erectus. What else do you think made them sit up and take notice? As everyone should know, Homo Sapiens embraced this language and culture and went on to rule the world, except for Texas.

What do you think happened to The Neandertals? They grew moustaches and spoke Spanish! Doh!


best reply yet, in the context of what this thread is all about!

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The problem we have with the English language that is spoken worldwide is "misunderstandings" with the language. What one countries population would understand as one thing another could take it completely the wrong way.

Take this lovely old couple from the good ole U.S of A on a trip to the UK. Their favourite football team is the Torpedoes and causes quite a stir in an English cafe with its patrons... :)

the other problem with the english langauge other than the fact that us brits say toeemarrtoe(tomatoe) compared to the rest of the world saying toemayytohhh.

is trying to make most americans understand that when it comes to talking about "FOOTBALL". which us english gave to the world, is played with a round ball, not with an egg shaped ball and is usually kicked with the foot. hence why it is called FOOTBALL and not the as the continent of north america like to decribe it.

american football is a contact sport. it is a hand to hand sport played only in one country and not by the rest of the world, unlike the beautiful game that is football. there is hardly any kicking involved, but you try explaining all those facts to a yank and see how far you get.

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I speak english, but have no idea what some people from England mean when they say

1.taking the piss

2.taking the mick

what do those things mean? Do you think because it is everyday vernacular with your group, it should be assumed that everyone else knows what it means??

I will guess these things mean having thick skin and taking sarcastic comebacks like water off a duck's back..but is that what they mean?


smoking a fag?

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First off, sarcasm doesn't work well over the internet. Neither does 'dry.'

Eg, someone may offer a solution to a problem that is absolutely ridiculous, and I'm tempted to reply the way I would if I were speaking, which would be something like the one-word sentence 'brilliant!' This would be my same reaction to realizing I left my keys in the car after locking the door. Of course, I mean just the opposite, but I guess this may not carry well without vocal intonations, facial expressions, etc. On the other hand someone you don't know says something extreme and you can't tell if it is meant literally.

Also, 'figures of speech' have seem to gone out of style. Eg, "knock 'em dead" can be taken literally and the person who said it is someone to avoid. Maybe, as someone mentioned above, people take it this way because they decide they want to be offended. On the other hand some of these things may carry over from movies, books etc and when people who do not speak English as a primary language try to puzzle it out the meaning gets re-defined. Eg, once some fellow who was educated in (the former) East Germany used the term 'shotgun wedding' to refer to a quickie Las Vegas style wedding. I explained what it really meant and no one else present (all northern and eastern Europeans) never heard of what I was on about. They decided that the phrase has two meanings, but I could tell they were nicely telling me I was wrong.

The one that really gets me is when people play the moral high-ground/politically correct superiority posture. Everything said will be examined for any possible offense that can be extracted and then someone will make claims to sainthood by denouncing you. Eg, a vendor overcharges you and you tell someone 'I was gypped!' You are then told you are a racist bigot et al because of your insulting attitude toward Gypsies. My take on this is the ones that are obsessed with this are the ones filled with animosity, and they try to cover it by pointing at others. Each of them deserves a pie in the face every time they do it.

I recently saw the movie "An Education." That running joke about "reading English" will be lost on most Yanks; when they go to university they don't 'read,' they 'major.' But maybe the US president doesn't have cabinet ministers because of the separation of church and state.


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I recently saw the movie "An Education." That running joke about "reading English" will be lost on most Yanks; when they go to university they don't 'read,' they 'major.'   

I wondered about that when I saw the movie.

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I recently saw the movie "An Education." That running joke about "reading English" will be lost on most Yanks; when they go to university they don't 'read,' they 'major.'   

I wondered about that when I saw the movie.

A bit like the contestant on University Challenge who introduced himself and informed the audience he was "reading furiously".

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I recently saw the movie "An Education." That running joke about "reading English" will be lost on most Yanks; when they go to university they don't 'read,' they 'major.' But maybe the US president doesn't have cabinet ministers because of the separation of church and state.


I'm lost with this one Bendejo (I didn't see the movie). Can you give an instance of this running joke please?

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I recently saw the movie "An Education." That running joke about "reading English" will be lost on most Yanks; when they go to university they don't 'read,' they 'major.' But maybe the US president doesn't have cabinet ministers because of the separation of church and state.


I'm lost with this one Bendejo (I didn't see the movie). Can you give an instance of this running joke please?

i didnt see the movie so cant comment, but i can give you a few other examples of how people mis construe the meanings of words.

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I'll give the pedantry a rest for a moment or we'd be here all day...

Some people can't see a stick without taking the wrong end of it, and to be fair, I've seen IanForbes sticks being picked up wrong from time to time despite his being from Canada.

I don't know if people can't laugh about serious topics, or just don't take humour seriously enough.

Anyway, nothing that some meaningless snide one-liners with smileys, or a stream of foul invective, wouldn't sort, Im sure.

Maybe its our accents?


That's because I've always liked English and Scottish humour the best. I occasionally try to be funny with some dry sarcasim but it goes over like a lead balloon.

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I think you'll find that at the time of independence, the American settlers were as British as the next man, and the most prosperous in the Empire at the time. When you look at all the things that we've given the world - the United States, cricket, beer in tins - you can see why we and our language are so popular.


Didnt the English language become the universal language and the most popular language because of the Americans being the current superpower.

Had history gone in a different direction for the past 200 years,

I would imagine if the settlers didnt create a nation or expand their territory, the universal language might of been French or even Spanish?

Not stating a fact. Not proving a point. Not my opinion either, just wanted to hear what you guys thought.

Actually, the English language has become the universal one because you can understand most of it even when it's only partially correct. I can understand a German, a Frenchman, a Dutch or even an Asian if they can speak just a little bit of English. By contrast, if you speak Thai or most other Asian languages just a tiny bit incorrectly, it can't be understood at all.

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I think you'll find that at the time of independence, the American settlers were as British as the next man, and the most prosperous in the Empire at the time. When you look at all the things that we've given the world - the United States, cricket, beer in tins - you can see why we and our language are so popular.


Didnt the English language become the universal language and the most popular language because of the Americans being the current superpower.

Had history gone in a different direction for the past 200 years,

I would imagine if the settlers didnt create a nation or expand their territory, the universal language might of been French or even Spanish?

Not stating a fact. Not proving a point. Not my opinion either, just wanted to hear what you guys thought.

Actually, the English language has become the universal one because you can understand most of it even when it's only partially correct. I can understand a German, a Frenchman, a Dutch or even an Asian if they can speak just a little bit of English. By contrast, if you speak Thai or most other Asian languages just a tiny bit incorrectly, it can't be understood at all.

The internet, air-traffic and maritime control, and globalisation have pushed English into prominence over French and Spanish as international languages.

But getting back to the OP's questions, I didn't know the british had a sense of humour - you talking mr bean and monty python? Is that funny? next you'll be telling me benny hill was a real thigh-slap. :)

(c'mon you brits, it's a joke... )

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All people like a good laugh,i find English humour sublime,but my grasp of the language is very limited.

I can imagine Brits or Yanks or Ozzies having a lot of fun typing slang,but not many people can understand the jokes.

I used to enjoy the American S.Laurel & O.Hardy(Stanlio E Ollio in Italy)movies since i was 8,i still crave for some which i saw only once.They were just great!

I just loved some Jack Lemmon movies,and more recently i had a laugh with Mr.Bean.I watched it in Thailand ,the Thais seem to love it,but in my country he was snobbed big time by the critics.

I immensely admire "Crutch" columns,in the paper that cannot be named.English humour at its finest imho.

There are different reasons why people laugh,but it seems that the lower forms of humour are common in most countries with most folks;even in Thailand,if you are at a BBQ party with the friends and you fart noisily,you will probably draw some happy laugh from the guys,not sure about the girls though,it seems their sense of humour is slightly different. :)

Like Mr Bonobo said very well,English has become by far the most important not only for the military might of England or USA thereafter,but also because is much more exact than any other language.

I heard that Thai surgeons talk in English while performing,not difficult to believe at all.

Once i was amazed to see some Northern India gentlemen having an erudite conversation with a Southern Indian,in English.

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I recently saw the movie "An Education." That running joke about "reading English" will be lost on most Yanks; when they go to university they don't 'read,' they 'major.'

I'm lost with this one Bendejo (I didn't see the movie). Can you give an instance of this running joke please?

A character in the movie also does not know what what 'read' means in this context. But now that you know, you'll get it when you hear it.

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About these people at university reading English. Can they read any other words?

Would an American music student studying the life and works of Flash Harry (Sir Malcolm Sergeant to you) be a Sergeant Major?

As always, I'm confused. Maybe it's the Sangsom to blame.

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Indeed, why must she go to school to read English, can't she do it at home? And what language does she read in otherwise?

In the US someone who completes high school with a General Education diploma is the same as a general in the army.

Believe it or not, I once heard someone make this claim about himself, and he wasn't joking.

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In the US someone who completes high school with a General Education diploma is the same as a general in the army.

Believe it or not, I once heard someone make this claim about himself, and he wasn't joking.

It was an absurd claim. A GED certificate is given to kids who never finished secondary school. Two of my kids got them, and they don't qualify the recipinent to enter the US armed forces.

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In the US someone who completes high school with a General Education diploma is the same as a general in the army.

Believe it or not, I once heard someone make this claim about himself, and he wasn't joking.

It was an absurd claim. A GED certificate is given to kids who never finished secondary school. Two of my kids got them, and they don't qualify the recipinent to enter the US armed forces.

And now for something completely different....

Favourite line of all time....He's not the Messiah....He's a very naughty boy...

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I could only find "Had an English", which was in reverse.

I completely forgot this show existed and I've never seen a full episode before so I'm downloading all three seasons now ! Great news - I love comedy !

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getting back on topic, while i like the next man enjoy looking at all the comical youtube feeds

there are two points i want raise.

the first one is, there is a thread that is running at the moment in this forum that is a classic example of why i started this thread.

in the chiang mai forum, theres a thread running about tottenham hotspurs and supporters in the local area.

take a look and see what you make of it.

then try logging on to youtube and type in "the worlds most offensive joke". i would post them here myself but i dont think id get away with it and i could do without getting banned again.

in that category you will find a list varying from race, the holocaust, disabilty, princess diana, islam, paedophilia, the tsunami, scousers and the 9/11-7/7 attacks in n.y. and london.

you see i as a thick skinned londoner can see the funny side to the jokes having probably experienced mostly all of the subject matters throughtout my lifetime. and i know that they are all touchy issues, but i understand that they are not things that are intentionly said to cause offense. because they are what they are, humourous attempts made to draw a smile or a laugh out of the particular topics. but not everyone sees the funny side to all these subjects and that is where the problems begin in the world we live in today.

i will leave it up to you what you think and maybe you could post your opinions and reactions to the points ive just raised back up in this thread.

cheers tigerfish

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