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Malaria is worth having, particularly if you are going to be off the beaten track. There are no requirements whatsoever for anything else. You own doctor knows what you might be susceptible to, I'd have a talk to the doc. The doc will over do it a bit, but better to be sure than sorry. For what it is worth, I take nothing at all. I do keep my tetanus up to date. That's it :o

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Before I left God's country (Australia), the doctor highly recommended that I have Hep A and B, typhoid, and booster tetanus-diptheria shots. But it also depends on how long you stay, where you plan to go and what you plan to do. For a good informative site check out:


For me I reckon taking vaccinations is like taking out health insurance. Play it safe and you shouldn't have much to worry about.

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The hospital in bangkok told me to get Hepatitus B if I was to be staying in Thailand (my doctor at home in the UK said the same but added typhoid and diptheria). They reckon that maleria is only needed near the Burmese border or North Thailand. There are no mosquito's in Bangkok, they said! Yeah right! There are but they only like white flesh!

My advice, shoot up with anything you can before you come. Nothing like a belt of typhoid to ruin your trip.

This is a list of health recommendations for Thailand.


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Hep A and B, typhoid, and booster tetanus-diptheria shots.

They're the ones my doctor advised. In regards to malaria, be careful if you take Larium as there are some bad side effects, such as psychotic behaviour - I kid you not seen it first hand.

Have a fun trip :o

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Most travelers to Thailand are not at risk for malaria and do not need to take an antimalarial drug. Travelers to the border areas of Cambodia, Laos, and Burma should take an antimalarial drug.

If travel is to the Thailand/Burma border or the Thailand/Cambodia border, then either atovaquone/proguanil, doxycycline (or primaquine in special circumstances) should be used. Mefloquine would not be recommended in these border areas.

Above is current CDC malaria advise. Believe many, if not most, doctors in Thailand do not recommend any anti malarial anywhere as most have become ineffective and can delay proper treatment. Prevention is key. But would probably defer to CDC if camping in border areas.

CDC recommends the following vaccines (as appropriate for age):

See your doctor at least 4–6 weeks before your trip to allow time for shots to take effect.

Hepatitis A or immune globulin (IG).

Hepatitis B if you might be exposed to blood (for example, health-care workers), have sexual contact with the local population, stay longer than 6 months in the region, or be exposed through medical treatment.

Japanese encephalitis, only if you plan to visit rural areas for 4 weeks or more, except under special circumstances, such as a known outbreak of Japanese encephalitis.

Rabies, if you might be exposed to wild or domestic animals through your work or recreation.

Typhoid vaccination is particularly important because of the presence of S. typhi strains resistant to multiple antibiotics in this region.

As needed, booster doses for tetanus-diphtheria and measles, and a one-time dose of polio for adults. Hepatitis B vaccine is now recommended for all infants and for children ages 11–12 years who did not complete the series as infants.

Above quote is current shots recommended by CDC.

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Larium. I heard it was banned in Europe. Anyone confirm this? I would agree with the discussion of taking malaria shots. I would avoid taking anything.

I met a Beligium couple a few years ago in Laos. He was taking malaria tablets for a trip to Africa. He still ended up catching it. So, there is some truth about the mosequitoes becoming resistent to the new drugs. Now he gets the shakes every year or so.

I remember when I first came to Asia. I was on a health plan then so I was able to get a lot of shots for free or little cost. I even took the (UK invented) rabies vaccination.

Actually, I was happy to get it as I was nearly bitten by a rabid dog in a off the beaten track small town in India. I was saved by an Indian who came running at me with a huge stick. Luckily, he hit the dog and not me. It was unnerving.

However, I woudd not recommend taking the rabies vac. There are plenty of hospitals around here. I would still be worried about bites but not from dogs!

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In Thailand ,everyone usually carrys a big knife or machette or a club, and only a fool would not kill a dog before it can bite him.

and if you keep your fly zipped up you will most likely not need any shots.but if you do keep it zipped,then why come to thailand,stay home and save some money,and if you are bringing the MRS. thats like taking a sandwich to a banquet.

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TAXEXILE,Not mine,I got her here and she a doll, I used to go out to the airport when I lived in chiang mai and just set around and look at some of the things that the incoming bunch of tourists used to drag in here,old,loose, wore out ,fat assed haybags, Kinda made me home sick.coarse they might have bought em 1 way tickets and gonna dump em here. :o

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YUP, Just like in court with a mex that I was married to,after she got to the states ,she split and I filed for divorce and she wanted to take all my shit,she said I abused her,I had an EX wife there as a character witness,and she told the judge,abused her,well judge it wasn't him ,you cant even get him to argue,he will get in his pick up tho and might not come back,but he ain't gonna abuse no woman,End of hearing,and if they wanted to chew on my ass,end of marriage.

And the chinese was about the mouthiest of the bunch. A guy can have a woman for a long time,if you want to listen to em bitch. Just tell em to SHUT THE ###### UP and see what happens..

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