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16th People Working?


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Tight wad of a boss likes to keep morale as low as possible for the detriment of his business and the fact that despite an announcement by the Government to the contrary seems to believe that we are open on the 16th of April.

He cites the fact that officially our office building is open.

Anyone else facing similar. Want to know if I am bitching again for no reason.


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Currently you are bitching for no reason ... but that could change. The official government holiday is 13, 14, 15 April. Even if the government adds a day your employer is under no obligation to do so.

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I would be bitching too. What a way to ruin someone's vacation - sticking ONE day of work in the middle of it! And a Friday, nonetheless. I don't know what type of work you are in, but unless there is a reason why your office REALLY needs to be open that day, I think that's pretty sucky of your boss. :)

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I would be bitching too. What a way to ruin someone's vacation - sticking ONE day of work in the middle of it! And a Friday, nonetheless. I don't know what type of work you are in, but unless there is a reason why your office REALLY needs to be open that day, I think that's pretty sucky of your boss. :)

For the record, I don't work at 711. :D

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boss probably clocked on to the amount of time you spend on tv, instead of working. so wants you to make up for the loss of hours not worked. :D:D:):D

but in all fairness it is a bit tight.

Edited by tigerfish
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boss probably clocked on to the amount time you spend on tv, instead of working. so wants you to make up for the loss of hours not worked. :D:D:):D

Good point, unfortunately the rule applies to all the non TV following Thai staff as well.

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[boss mode on]

Just work harder, why is it that employees only think about themselves and never about the company. God lazy bastards. [/boss mode off]

That is the great thing about being self employed, the bad thing is you work twice as hard.

OT... Not sure the government can decide for your boss when to close his shop. (outside of the normal days)

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Your boss cannot decide whether it's a public holiday or not, only the government and I thought that the government had officially declared the 16th as a public holiday?

At least that was what was reported on here with a link to the newspaper report (sometime around 22 Feb?)

And 13 August was also declared an additional Public Holiday.

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