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She's Trying To Kill Me!..help


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I Need Help and Fast! I Can't Hold On Much Longer

Went out last night with a few mates, first time in ages I but had to promise the gf that I would be home by midnight.

Anyway we started and ended in Cowboy and from what I can remember it was a good night, I will spare you the details but I do remember knocking back a few too many Tequilas.

So anyway about 2 30 am and well pissed I left my mates and headed for home, Just as I got in the door, the bloody cuckoo clock in the hallway which I brought from England kicked off and cuckoo ed 3 times.

I quickly realized the gf would probably wake up and I would be in it so I cuckoo ed another 9 times hoping she would think it was only 12, done it many times before and got away with it.

I felt pretty good with myself for being able to copy the cuckoo even when totally pissed.

This morning the gf asked me what time I got home, I said “Midnight darling”

She didn't seem pissed off in the least and I thought Yes! Got away with it again

You know what some of these Thai girls can be like sometimes, I know mine can get a bit violent when I piss her off

Then out of the blue she said 'We need a new clock.'

I said “why” thinking she didn't want it waking her up anymore when I come home,

Then she said, 'Well, last night our clock cuckoo ed three times,

Then said 'oh shit',

Cuckoo ed 4 more times,

Cleared it's throat,

Cuckoo ed another three times,


Cuckoo ed twice more and then tripped over the coffee table,

Then burped and farted.

She walked in the bedroom and that's when I noticed the 12 inch bread knife in her hand

I am sending this from my mobile and have included a photo my mate has just sent me, Bloody hard when you only have one hand free

What would you do in this position?


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Well glad it got a few laughs.. :)

Spose I'm lucky it weren't Pattaya I might not be here

And I don't have a cuckoo clock or a gf come to that but I did get out to Cowboy last night for two hours, so it wasn't all total Weng, Horrible place won't be back till tonight

a2396, think you will find the overseers are now called Mods

And you being a member since 2004 I think you should start paying attention now, April fools day is every year mate


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To the OP:

Nice ass.

I`m not gay, but in the OPs case, I`ll make an exception.

Are you free Thursday night at around 8.00pm?


Easy BigMan.. :D

Ok it's a fair cop, it's not me in the pic either but I do know him and can fix you up if you want

He's single now


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