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Tax Increase On Alcohol To Hit Foreigners And Benefit Tourist Police

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Words spreading fast ! Here on samui the motorcycle gangs already making their plans how to act as pimps for the farang when he wants to order beer. Rumor say they will have a fixed price of 3,75 Bt for a beerbtl and 5,25 Bt for a drink(if there are an umbrella inside the glas they will boycott and tell you to cancel).

This is a great way for us if we want to enjoy barlife AND save money at the same time!!!

Cheers Ersta Aprilia

April Fool's, anyone?

I would say quite a few from reading the posts!!!!


I said April Fool? a few minutes ago and my post was pulled. It's not really funny if you remove the posts that rumble the April Fool

April Fool's, anyone?

I would say quite a few from reading the posts!!!!


I said April Fool? a few minutes ago and my post was pulled. It's not really funny if you remove the posts that rumble the April Fool

I was going to congratulate the mods on deleting the April Fool posts as quickly as they appeared. As it's now after midday, I guess the mods can relax.

Well done mods!


I guess the mods gave up deleting the ones who got it right with April fools posts, must admit I was surprised my post was deleted but than I noticed others who referenced to the date were deleted too, so I decided to just add some fuel to the fire, just as others did, it was fun to see people flip over this.


The first section was believable, but the 20 Baht tax on foreigners drinks - well that's... well actually that's believable too :)

It is after midday, but I don't see Pattaya One coming clean yet....it was an April Fool......wasn't it :D

Don't drink.

Don't care!

I never drink t, so it doesn't affect me either. For the other Farangs who like to drink i would say: Buy your drinks in a 7/11 (so far as i see on the upper post, there is no tax increase), so the penalty goes back to the barowners, wich are mostly Locals anyway. So the goverment penalise their own peaple. Up to them. Oh it's first of April, i forgot

That is REALLY <deleted>*N Group Minded!!

So you will only care about a cure for cancer when you have it??

You will only be concerned about a shortage of water , when it affects you??

If you don't CARE!! Why did you bother to write anything!!

How many friends do you have?? My guess would maybe ZERO!!

Is that you "Powderpuff"..... :)


I just did some Googling and found average beer prices for our neighbors;

Burma - 20 baht

Laos - 30 baht

Cambodia - 40 baht

Thailand average;

Pattaya - 90 baht and higher than that in Bangkok

That is REALLY <deleted>*N Group Minded!!

So you will only care about a cure for cancer when you have it??

You will only be concerned about a shortage of water , when it affects you??

If you don't CARE!! Why did you bother to write anything!!

How many friends do you have?? My guess would maybe ZERO!!

Don't drink.

Don't care!

Utter rubbish horseracer, you are comparing apples and oranges. :)


hilarious. especially on this site

amazing how many '**** i am angry, all Thais are idiots but i still want to live here' people there are in thailand

good 1...

1 post calling someone a fool deleted. Please keep it civil.

I think, I know him.. Does his name start with April???

this is a huge increase on a bottle of beer, consider the current cheepest in pattaya is 35baht this will almost double that, are they crazy or what, and to try to tax foreigners even more is just about the cazyest thing i've heard yet

It is still much much cheaper than what you pay for a beer in the UK or Autralia

This Autralia, where is it? Is it a nice place or is it like the UK? :)

I just did some Googling and found average beer prices for our neighbors;

Burma - 20 baht

Laos - 30 baht

Cambodia - 40 baht

Thailand average;

Pattaya - 90 baht and higher than that in Bangkok

20 baht for a bottle in a burmese nightclub?

Perhaps at the local equiv of Juntamart.

"The extra funds are to go partly to increase the number of tourist police officers in Pattaya. According to an unnamed government source it is only deemed fair that the foreigners, most of whom don't pay tax in Thailand, help pay for the increasing costs caused by their shameless behavior"


Oh well Thai ecomonics and logic once again, but would raise this question ?........What about the foreigners who do pay tax.... show a WP or tax receipt and dont pay the extra ??....cant see how this would be enforced...

Interested to know about this "shameless behavior"...

April Fools day for sure. Don't get lathered up.

I guess the fact that we foreigners already pay more for food, clothing, transportation, entrance to parks and shows, housing, rentals and pretty much anything else is not enough.

Daily reports in Pattaya show 98% of Thai causing problems, such as drunken fights, motor accidents due to driver being drunk(Thai), hit and run, again driver was drunk(again Thai)

What utter dribble........ as a foreigner I pay exactly the same amount of money, as my thai family for my food, for my clothing, transportation, entrance into parks, housing and virtually everything else. I am trying to work out why the OP of this post is paying so much more? :D

This 'Daily reports in Pattaya' the one that shows that 98% of Thais are causing the problems.....errr, do you have a link. I highly doubt that statistic, sounds like hyperbol to me :D



I am a stupid farang who lives already for more then 10 years in Thailand and I say that they dont love the farangs anymore.

They are shameless in their behavior against us who are bringing the money. Not all foreigners are drunk and I am sure there are more Thai people who are drunk.

I'd go further than a tax increase! Make it a law that beer-bars and go-go clubs in Pattaya serve only tea, coffee and soft drinks!

and the girls ware long pants and sweaters ha ha ha


Well, very good. Maybe that is what Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was talking about how he was going to solve Thailand's problems. Haha..good one. Smack the foreigners with it. Hurt the tourist industry even more...what a brain this fellow has. I would like to call this character every name in the book, right here. All that can be said....just get him out ASAP.


"...A more controversial plan, not yet approved by the government, is the plan to impose an additional 20 baht on alcoholic drinks sold to foreigners at bars and clubs..."

Are you shure that this new plan will affect ONLY bars and clubs and NOT also restaurants or food stores?

I ask only because I will not support this discriminatory plan — which means in other words: if they really implement their plan, I will not visit bars and clubs any more.

I could life with this decision but it would be much more harder for me to stay also away from restaurants and food stores... :)


I am going to print this out and give it to my local bar owners where I usually drink. Hopefully they do not know yet and that will stir them up for a few hours before they realiaze it is fools day :)

i hope this is only in Pattaya cause of coarse 70% of people that drink are foreginers because it is a forang city. i wonder how many per cent are drinkers in Undo thani.

anyway the people i see get the most drunk are Thais. starting to really get the feeling that farang are not wanted anymore

Starting to feel??? We hav enever been welcome here...Money is all Thais ever care about..This is just another stupid pathetic fund raising scheme to draw more revenue...Now i know where tony Blair and New Labour took inspiration from.

Another nail in the Thai Tourism coffin.

Is it no wonder Ex Pats and long time tourists are relocating to other Eastern venues.

Will be fun to see this work in the bars...Lots of Thai Farrang couples with the Thai lady minding and paying check bin...Wake up Thailand..Setakit mai dee,for everyone...not just you.

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