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How many ThaiVisa posters would not raise a violent finger against a deadly attacker? I am one. If you would defend yourself or your loved ones using violence, against an attack, you're no Jesus or Gandhi. The PAD protesters were not 100% non-violent or non-defensive, but over 99% were.

At what point do you just accept reality? How many times do you have to get smacked in the face with it to recognize that The PAD and The Reds have BOTH used unaceptable violence as a means to advance their cause.

The continuous rewriting/reframing of history to sanctify one side as a tool to satanize the other side is both transparent and illogical.

PAD engaged in multiple forms of violence. Trying to pretend it didn't happen won't make the history change. Because you prefer their politics to another side does not make it change. Stop excusing there violence. Stop pretending it's all justified. Do you really want to go down and "ends justify the means" road?

I clearly prefer the the red stance, but I am not illogical and self-deceiving enough to just deny facts that they have been violent.

How is there a reasonable path forward when either side keeps living in a pretend world like 5 year olds just saying "I didn't do it!" whilst the evidence is staring them in the face?

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Keeping in mind the topic, at which point does the OP begin to realize that the reds are in fact shameful and continue to bring it upon themselves, The denial is staggering!

You have Jatuporn continually lying and using altered audio clips which have led to a civil case.

Nutthawut and his HIV infected blood stunt.

Now they have Veera telling red shirts "he would lead them to protest at NACC head office and to burn the office down to vent out dissatisfaction."

Arisiman and Sae Daeng speak for themselves.

A lot of violence is being spoken from these leaders. Peaceful?



Ok so the reads have woken me up bloody early for a fourth consecutive Saturday. News reports say they gathered at Bangna intersection at 8:45 - blatantly wrong reporting, i live there and it was 7:45 when their loudspeaker terror started. I went out and took video clips once again (no point trying to sleep with that racket outside), looked once again like one huge, merry party - they even seem to have at least two theme songs now which they play repeatedly on their speaker trucks. People in the back of pickups dancing, cops shaking hands with (helmet-less!) red-shirts on motorbikes.

(Note to self: Wear red and they don't fine you for riding without helmet)

Another small but extremely noisy group going through right now (9:50 am).

On the news it also said that "government will use fake reds to create trouble at Suvarnabhumi". Which means: "We'll create trouble at Suvarnabhumi and blame the government for it". This "they will use fake reds" is really a great way to plan for violence yet appear innocent right from the start.

And what's with the "promise" to burn down the NACC office? I think tear gas and rubber bullets are in order today.

Oh, and now anyone with a six-wheeler (as long as he wears red) can block a major intersection at will? Great.... i have a red t-shirt, let me rent a six-wheeler... i always wanted to shut down traffic somewhere. Where's the bloody cops removing that dam_n truck?? Their headquarter is right there. Aren't protests supposed to be registered and permitted in advance, including the location?

As much a i have sympathy for the broad masses of those red-shirted, party-loving people, their on-going holdup of Bangkok starts to annoy me greatly. Another Saturday where "downtown" is off-limits. Why don't they shut down Kon Khaen for a change? Or Udon Thani? Or Nakhon Nowhere?? Even their less-than-100,000 instead of the promised 20 Million will appear HUGE at such location. Why Bangkok where it is only a small crowd yet a major annoyance for everyone who lives here?

Best regards.....

sleepy and slightly annoyed Thanh


It amazes me, Thanh, how they will always claim "fake this and fake that." They really need to grow up start taking responsibility for themselves. They are highly capable and have shown what they are really about not only last year, but with their words and wishes for violence to happen today.

I think the only fakes here are the reds themselves screaming about democracy. That's fake!


IMO it's not possible to have any attitude bad enough towards the red shirts to feel shame about it.

These people support someone who is probably the most corrupt person ever to live in Thailand, and they do so only because he lied to them that he would make their lives better, as it's doubtful he actually changed their lives in any real and sustainable way.

I also doubt that he ever gave them a satang of his own pile of loot, preferring to steal the middle classes money to give it to the north eastern poor via ill thought out, and unsustainable schemes.

A return to LOS by toxin and his cronies would be the worst thing that ever could happen to Thailand, IMO.

If he ever returned to power, I'm sure we could see more Koh Chang attrocities perpetrated on all remaining beaches, and probably the night life, which has regained but a shadow of its former glory, would be given the final chop.



I have just seen this on television - Rajprasong intersection is in fact shut down, and Central World is closed today. The entire shopping center, that is.

So which of the red shirt leaders will reimburse businesses in there for their loss? Saturdays are usually their highest-income days, SPECIALLY if, like today, the Saturday is the first of the month where people have their salaries in their pockets.

I am waiting for my boyfriend's sister to arrive here, she was supposed to be here at 10... well, 11:15 by now and she's still stuck in traffic, caused by the reds' processions. Lucky we don't need to go anywhere in town today - today it's Motor Show day, a five-minute-walk from here.




I have a feeling they may decide to stay at the Rachaprasong intersection for a few days. That will cause utter chaos for business and it may even force the government to try and forcibly move them which is what they want


the selfish comments in here are staggering.

Boo Hoo someone can not go shopping at central world today or boo hoo someones staff can not work today. see the bigger picture, these people are doing what they need to do to make their voices heard and to secure the future of thailand, yet those of us that can up sticks and move anywhere else in the world easily are moaning because they can not do something today which they can probably go and do tomorrow or in a few days.

This is about the Thais and what is good for them, ALL thais, not just the wealthy or middle classes, The poor are the backbone of Thailand and deserve to have their voices heard.

the people complaining in here are probably the first to scream 'IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU CAN GO HOME' at other posters when they have a gripe about Thailand, well now it is my turn to do the same, if you don't like it you can go home, but be quick before the yellows come out and seize the airports again.

I might open a business for farangs in thailand and sell spines, some of you need them. Thailand is going through changes. Thailand will deal with it the way Thailand sees fit. Let them get on with it and accept the little inconveniences it causes.


This is about the Thais and what is good for them, ALL thais, not just the wealthy or middle classes, The poor are the backbone of Thailand and deserve to have their voices heard.

Thanks for speaking for all Thai people, dad. You seem to know what is good for every person in this country. :)

This is about the Thais and what is good for them, ALL thais, not just the wealthy or middle classes, The poor are the backbone of Thailand and deserve to have their voices heard.

Thanks for speaking for all Thai people, dad. You seem to know what is good for every person in this country. :D

all people having their voices heard is a democracy son, thankyou for your sarcasm indicating that you think democracy is a bad thing. A very yellow attitude there you have, I should have raised you better. :)


Dear Tonywebster,

I have been here for over 11 years, my work is here, my friends are here, my life is here, my future is here. So I feel I have as much of a right to say something as any other Thai. Even though it might not be legal. It means that you care for a country.

I think of the majority of the Thais, whom are honest hard workers. And want to better their living circumstances. Right now the economy which was really turning up is being put in the dolldrums again because a bunch of fascist red short thugs feel they have the right to bring back a fugitive convicted dictator.

I am sure you care about the Thai population in your own way. But please do not accuse me or others of not caring for the Thais or Thailand.

regards, Waerth

Well MCOT is reporting ping pong bombs being thrown at peaceful red shirted demonstrators, shameful

Great I hope they hit, Veera, Weng, Arisuman and Jatuporn ..... not necessarily in that order.

This is about the Thais and what is good for them, ALL thais, not just the wealthy or middle classes, The poor are the backbone of Thailand and deserve to have their voices heard.

Thanks for speaking for all Thai people, dad. You seem to know what is good for every person in this country. :D

all people having their voices heard is a democracy son, thankyou for your sarcasm indicating that you think democracy is a bad thing. A very yellow attitude there you have, I should have raised you better. :)

If only democracy was their goal. But it isn't. The goal is to bring back Thaksin and set up a republic. When Thaksin had power he said democracy was not is goal. Being anti-red is not being yellow. Its being worried about what would happen if he were to return to power and get his revenge.

I have had it with these waterbuffaloes. I hope they shoot and slaughter some of them. Again another days of work blown. Loosing money again. And people whom work for me .... well they do not have work anymore. I told them to go ask Thaksin for money.

These Thai people that work for me and are from Udon Thani, actually call the reds dumb waterbuffaloes, so I am just quoting here.

" I hope they shoot and slaughter some of them"

Really ???

You advocate summary death for civil protest ???


What stone do you live under ?

Love your responsible attitude to employee remuneration.............

This is about the Thais and what is good for them, ALL thais, not just the wealthy or middle classes, The poor are the backbone of Thailand and deserve to have their voices heard.


You have a point here! This is about a group of Thais centred around a filty rich manipulative man on the run!

And if you fail to see through this red charade, you're gonna need a lot more than the spines your selling.

Dear Tonywebster,

I have been here for over 11 years, my work is here, my friends are here, my life is here, my future is here. So I feel I have as much of a right to say something as any other Thai. Even though it might not be legal. It means that you care for a country.

I think of the majority of the Thais, whom are honest hard workers. And want to better their living circumstances. Right now the economy which was really turning up is being put in the dolldrums again because a bunch of fascist red short thugs feel they have the right to bring back a fugitive convicted dictator.

I am sure you care about the Thai population in your own way. But please do not accuse me or others of not caring for the Thais or Thailand.

regards, Waerth

you say you care for the Thais and Thailand yet you write a bunch of fascist red short thugs feel they have the right to bring back a fugitive convicted dictator..

I am guessing you don't see these people as Thais and I guess you don't really understand what fascism is, as for thugs all I can see is a peaceful protest.

The fact is they are doing this for democracy, to put in place a democratically elected government, that is a government elected by the people.

I think the real issue with you is that you are losing money so are being narrow minded and selfish, hel_l my business is losing money at the moment but thankfully after only 5 years here I have not developed that "NOW" thai mentality that you seem to have developed. I can see what is happening is for the good of the country, you think differently, well so what? I don't care what you think and despite you being here 11 years there is not one dam_n thing you can do about it.

Just accept they are doing it for themselves, their country, and for democracy and bite the bullet and quit the whinging.

Well MCOT is reporting ping pong bombs being thrown at peaceful red shirted demonstrators, shameful

Just as the reds feel they have been pushed to the brink, they have pushed the residents of Bangkok to the brink. They walked out of negotiations with the government, they are threatening to burn buildings. What's surprising is that the people of Bangkok have so far been so tolerant. Much more so than the Chiang Mai reds. Walking out of negotiations and turning their backs on the offer of elections in 9 months showed they have no interest in compromise. They've publicly stated they are willing to die for their beliefs. Looks like a very few Bangkok people (or is it reds dressed in pink??) are going to take them up on that.

Dear Tonywebster,

I have been here for over 11 years, my work is here, my friends are here, my life is here, my future is here. So I feel I have as much of a right to say something as any other Thai. Even though it might not be legal. It means that you care for a country.

I think of the majority of the Thais, whom are honest hard workers. And want to better their living circumstances. Right now the economy which was really turning up is being put in the dolldrums again because a bunch of fascist red short thugs feel they have the right to bring back a fugitive convicted dictator.

I am sure you care about the Thai population in your own way. But please do not accuse me or others of not caring for the Thais or Thailand.

regards, Waerth

you say you care for the Thais and Thailand yet you write a bunch of fascist red short thugs feel they have the right to bring back a fugitive convicted dictator..

I am guessing you don't see these people as Thais and I guess you don't really understand what fascism is, as for thugs all I can see is a peaceful protest.

The fact is they are doing this for democracy, to put in place a democratically elected government, that is a government elected by the people.

I think the real issue with you is that you are losing money so are being narrow minded and selfish, hel_l my business is losing money at the moment but thankfully after only 5 years here I have not developed that "NOW" thai mentality that you seem to have developed. I can see what is happening is for the good of the country, you think differently, well so what? I don't care what you think and despite you being here 11 years there is not one dam_n thing you can do about it.

Just accept they are doing it for themselves, their country, and for democracy and bite the bullet and quit the whinging.

Open your eyes and smell the roses. Thailand is more of a democracy than most countries in the world. Just see how tolerant the democratically elected government is with a bunch of thugs that threathen anybody else their lives. In the Netherlands were I am from, you would have been arrested and put in jail for issuing these kind of threats in public! Just goes to show how considerate the current democratically elected government is towards its people!


This is about the Thais and what is good for them, ALL thais, not just the wealthy or middle classes, The poor are the backbone of Thailand and deserve to have their voices heard.


You have a point here! This is about a group of Thais centred around a filty rich manipulative man on the run!

And if you fail to see through this red charade, you're gonna need a lot more than the spines your selling.

Don't make the mistake of buying propaganda, this is about much more than Thaksin. If he comes back then so be it, it won't affect me, the country might even get back the stability it had before he denied sondhi his loan resulting in sondhi throwing his toys out of the pram and brainwashing others into joining a violent protest that held the country to ransom.

Just a thought, if you were in your homeland and you were told you can not vote anymore despite it still being a democracy (because some fool says you are not educated enough) would you sit back and accept it?

Just accept they are doing it for themselves, their country, and for democracy and bite the bullet and quit the whinging.

Keep repeating the mantra! Just as Jim Jones did!

Just a thought, if you were in your homeland and you were told you can not vote anymore despite it still being a democracy (because some fool says you are not educated enough) would you sit back and accept it?

Short memory span you have! The Thais were offered, by their PM, to have early elections.

Dear Tonywebster,

I have been here for over 11 years, my work is here, my friends are here, my life is here, my future is here. So I feel I have as much of a right to say something as any other Thai. Even though it might not be legal. It means that you care for a country.

I think of the majority of the Thais, whom are honest hard workers. And want to better their living circumstances. Right now the economy which was really turning up is being put in the dolldrums again because a bunch of fascist red short thugs feel they have the right to bring back a fugitive convicted dictator.

I am sure you care about the Thai population in your own way. But please do not accuse me or others of not caring for the Thais or Thailand.

regards, Waerth

you say you care for the Thais and Thailand yet you write a bunch of fascist red short thugs feel they have the right to bring back a fugitive convicted dictator..

I am guessing you don't see these people as Thais and I guess you don't really understand what fascism is, as for thugs all I can see is a peaceful protest.

The fact is they are doing this for democracy, to put in place a democratically elected government, that is a government elected by the people.

I think the real issue with you is that you are losing money so are being narrow minded and selfish, hel_l my business is losing money at the moment but thankfully after only 5 years here I have not developed that "NOW" thai mentality that you seem to have developed. I can see what is happening is for the good of the country, you think differently, well so what? I don't care what you think and despite you being here 11 years there is not one dam_n thing you can do about it.

Just accept they are doing it for themselves, their country, and for democracy and bite the bullet and quit the whinging.

Open your eyes and smell the roses. Thailand is more of a democracy than most countries in the world. Just see how tolerant the democratically elected government is with a bunch of thugs that threathen anybody else their lives. In the Netherlands were I am from, you would have been arrested and put in jail for issuing these kind of threats in public! Just goes to show how considerate the current democratically elected government is towards its people!


How many coups have there been?

I think I just spotted the flaw in your 'Thailand is more of a democracy than most countries in the world' argument.

At the moment Thailand is nothing more than a military dictatorship with a smiling civilian puppet at the helm.

Also at the same time I can walk into a coffee shop in amsterdam and smoke pot, so can we say that Holland is more democratic than Thailand. Don't cherry pick.

Just a thought, if you were in your homeland and you were told you can not vote anymore despite it still being a democracy (because some fool says you are not educated enough) would you sit back and accept it?

Sorry, I think I have missed something again.

Where is the reference point for this statement ?

At the last election (and I am not aware of any legal changes) my poor, uneducated girlfriend was allowed to vote.

Just a thought, if you were in your homeland and you were told you can not vote anymore despite it still being a democracy (because some fool says you are not educated enough) would you sit back and accept it?

Short memory span you have! The Thais were offered, by their PM, to have early elections.

the talk was for dissolving parliament in 9 months, why not dissolve now? If you are going to dissolve lets get on with it before any further charter amendments are made. Also no doubt they would backpedal on the 9 months, say anything to end the current protest.

Just a thought, if you were in your homeland and you were told you can not vote anymore despite it still being a democracy (because some fool says you are not educated enough) would you sit back and accept it?

Sorry, I think I have missed something again.

Where is the reference point for this statement ?

At the last election (and I am not aware of any legal changes) my poor, uneducated girlfriend was allowed to vote.

Really? you really don't know the PAD belief that the poor should not get the vote? This is one of the reasons the reds are protesting, protesting against elitism. Maybe you should try having a conversation with your poor uneducated girlfriend and ask her about this, ask her how she felt when this comment was made.

Just a thought, if you were in your homeland and you were told you can not vote anymore despite it still being a democracy (because some fool says you are not educated enough) would you sit back and accept it?

Sorry, I think I have missed something again.

Where is the reference point for this statement ?

At the last election (and I am not aware of any legal changes) my poor, uneducated girlfriend was allowed to vote.

Really? you really don't know the PAD belief that the poor should not get the vote? This is one of the reasons the reds are protesting, protesting against elitism. Maybe you should try having a conversation with your poor uneducated girlfriend and ask her about this, ask her how she felt when this comment was made.

Ahh! A PAD "belief" - not an enacted law then.

Mr Webster, do you seriously gear your life responses to the (inappropriate) posturings of some idiot in a yellow shirt. I think you will find that some distance has been put between those comments over 16 months ago and where we are now.

"Too thick to vote" will never appear on an election manifesto so I would suggest that your cause may be better served by dealing with fact and not hyperbole.

If you are in Bangkok I doubt you can go shopping because some b4stards have fcuked up the road system.

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