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You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

Well there's just as many red supportters who claim that their red boys are non violent.

Both groups have used violence.

I don't understand why you people debate this again and again, why not move forward to the real and specific big picture issues involved in this mess and debate them?

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You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

Well there's just as many red supportters who claim that their red boys are non violent.

Both groups have used violence.

I don't understand why you people debate this again and again, why not move forward to the real and specific big picture issues involved in this mess and debate them?

We're talking about criminal acts and the relationship they have with the justice system in this country.

Do you think unsolved murder cases should officially be forgotten after so many years in the interests of all parties 'moving forward'? What signal would that send out to potential murderers?

The reason people debate this again and again is because it's actually quite important.

You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

Well there's just as many red supportters who claim that their red boys are non violent.

Both groups have used violence.

I don't understand why you people debate this again and again, why not move forward to the real and specific big picture issues involved in this mess and debate them?

We're talking about criminal acts and the relationship they have with the justice system in this country.

Do you think unsolved murder cases should officially be forgotten after so many years in the interests of all parties 'moving forward'? What signal would that send out to potential murderers?

The reason people debate this again and again is because it's actually quite important.

Nobody who has any morals would suggest that previous murders should be forgotten, however there's a nice retort (which is not the end of the story by any means) that the red shirt leaders want a convicted criminal and murderer (alignes nicely to work key words murder / murderer) to be ignored and forgotten and in fact pardoned.

So which way is it?

Sounds like a few people going to Lumpini this afternoon (Mrs Insight included). Wish I charged the camera!

A lot of people dont like the reds but are scared of them. If the reds arer really about democracy they should stand up for the rights of anyone to express themselves, even those with alternative views. That they have openly threatened and intimidated doesnt show the reds to be about democracy at all. I wonder if any of their own supporters see this although to do so they will have to remove themselves from the constant propoganda on red TV, and red stages and garner a slightly different view for one.

Sadly apart from being polarised Thailand's people are also becoming more propagandized and less well informed. That a group that claims to be for damocracy is as much to blame for this as any reactionary group is quite stunningly abhorent. Nobody is encouragiung people to listen to all sides and make informed judgements. That is somnething that was more alive and well in Thailand ten years ago and now is virtually non-existent thanks to both governments of all persuasion and colour coded facist style thought control groups.

I was wondering how long it would be before they were outside protesting against the Reds.

No doubt - chafing at the bit to get involved. And where were they when the PAD was protesting?

They WEREN'T issuing threats against Jatuporn if he spoke out against them. At least the ones that were PAD, which means also that not all faculty members of Chulalongkorn University are PAD as you erroneously posted.

You're right about "not all faculty members of Chulalongkorn University are PAD'".

Only ninety-nine per cent are.

Evidence of this statement?

Sounds like a few people going to Lumpini this afternoon (Mrs Insight included). Wish I charged the camera!

A lot of people dont like the reds but are scared of them. If the reds arer really about democracy they should stand up for the rights of anyone to express themselves, even those with alternative views. That they have openly threatened and intimidated doesnt show the reds to be about democracy at all. I wonder if any of their own supporters see this although to do so they will have to remove themselves from the constant propoganda on red TV, and red stages and garner a slightly different view for one.

Sadly apart from being polarised Thailand's people are also becoming more propagandized and less well informed. That a group that claims to be for damocracy is as much to blame for this as any reactionary group is quite stunningly abhorent. Nobody is encouragiung people to listen to all sides and make informed judgements. That is somnething that was more alive and well in Thailand ten years ago and now is virtually non-existent thanks to both governments of all persuasion and colour coded facist style thought control groups.

Am actually somewhat concerned about this evening. Going on the logic that if the people are attacked tonight support for the reds will pretty much dry-up.

On the other hand if people see they can protest against the reds without being intimidated it could encourage more people to join - something that the reds definitely want to avoid.


Quote from above: "A lot of people dont like the reds but are scared of them."

I can share one example (one). There is one middle aged Thai man in my condo who is 99% of the time very humble, very calm and very polite, in fact he keeps to himself most of the time.

But when he puts on his red T shirt and more especially when he returns to the condo from a rally then he's really aggressive, even abusive to other people with no reason whatever to even speak to the other people.

Strange how the hatred speeches can really wind people up.

Manipulation and control seem to also be appropriate words.


A small group od people is now gathering by the monument at Lumpini Park. Some have pink shirts but many are in neutral colours. From my 25th Floor vantage point, you can also see some reds inside the park taking shade/hiding under some trees.

There's about 50 army/police in full riot gear there too.

Let's hope it doesn't get too exciting.

A small group od people is now gathering by the monument at Lumpini Park. Some have pink shirts but many are in neutral colours. From my 25th Floor vantage point, you can also see some reds inside the park taking shade/hiding under some trees.

There's about 50 army/police in full riot gear there too.

Let's hope it doesn't get too exciting.

Maybe you should open a new topic ! To update about what's going on !

Too bad the Chula lecturers do not invest as much time in their academic activities.

Well perhaps all the red shirt people should be gettting on with their work and should not be at rallies!

Democarcy means freedom of expression!

Any more updates pedro01?

Sounds like this weekend's Wacky Racers is having an early start :)

Not much yet - just more people milling around - it's no more than a few hundred people and they haven't filled up half the 'square' yet...


If the reds are serious about their "non-violent protests", then they should keep away from the locations of any other protests.

Similarly, anti-red protestors should keep away from Sanam Luang/Pan Fha bridge area.

If the reds march to any areas where anti-reds are gathering, they are the ones forcing a confrontation, and they should be blamed for any violence that occurs.

Any more updates pedro01?

Sounds like this weekend's Wacky Racers is having an early start :)

red shirts just basically ground Rama 4 and Wireless to a halt, with an attempt to show power, a gang of their usual very handsome face covering macho looking almost all male motorcycle leading pack, followed by the usual procession of flag waving people including a somewhat responsible number of women and children perhaps making up as much as 20% of the entire group on trucks, pickups and so on. They drive up, park in a group of 20 or so people, then basically, if you want to pass them, you better have your 'my dick is bigger than yours' stare down, because these guys had no problem at slagging off my friends (who were actually on the way to lunch) because they thought they were possibly going to try to walk through the red shirt group. Nice bunch of people I am sure. Really top guys.

With regards to that stare down, it is difficult to describe if you are not well endowed; the other close similar one is the rapper's approach of 'I might have bird poo on my shoulders, I should check that out with stiff head turns from time to time' the end result of which is not so different. I am well practised at the second one aiiiiiiiiiiiiight, as I was in an unfortunate accident where a woman bit me at an inopportune moment*.

It's basically been almost blocked on the road in front of the US Ambassador's residence since 1 to about 1.45; just a nice little message I am guessing which is meant to say 'walk through us if you want to get to the protests on the other side of Lumpini Park'. Or they are lost, and were actually on their way to pick up a bit of in-and-out as they had a dose of the munchies and felt like a double double, but somehow drove the wrong way.

This time, we got to listen to english speakers on the trucks, saying that if you believe in democracy, cheer the red shirts. 1 in 5 (estimate) supporters wearing or carrying something that is pro Thaksin; seems the red shirt with the Thaksin profile is the most popular this year.

I did like the english sign: Government - more cope's.

That one really had me baffled. Obviously, they have some serious PR dollars behind them paying for all their voice bites and signs and so on....but what on earth is this?

That's like right up there with promoting NANO-DEMOCRACY! and THAKSIN E20 PARADOX!!

Less face coverers than last time, my guess is that the crowd that came down Wireless past Sirindhorn building would be perhaps 1,000-2,000, at the most, but very spread out, so actually probably not enough to fully shut the road, and they were only coming to Ploenchit, there was none on the other side. Way less than the blood fiasco.

No prior notice given, cop I spoke to was completely flumoxed as they hadn't been expecting this motorcade (and it had the 10 wheel trucks, the speaker systems, the cheering supporters etc). I suspect even the usual red shirt cheers - the construction workers, maids, security guards, may not have known they were coming judging from the scambling to figure out what was going on.

But they certainly may have affected the rally by doing this drive by, even though they obviously didn't have the numbers to actually block the road. A big group over on the far side despite the road block attempt ( as we now know, it is very very democratic to allow a rally....but only if it is a red shirt one, otherwise it is not democratic at all, and perhaps people can be encouraged not to go via a nice little stare down similar to what you see when walking past a soi dog who has a bone, but you want to eat their bone but you don't want them to know it, and also you don't want to make the soi dog shy that their paws aren't as attractive as the new season from Furla in an attempt to intimidate people to not go) that we saw on this corner.

This wasn't any attack - at least not yet. But the fact that so many red shirters cover their faces, hang in groups and have the stare down well rehearsed....it definitely looked like intimidation on the soft lilly white handed limp wristed metrosexual Bangkokian office population around here. They are too busy paying taxes and working I guess to be bothered going if there is the slightest chance of getting dark skin, or having a marginal altercation with someone who is a bit of a prai. Naturally, this mindset means if they go, they are a yellow shirt. If they don't go, then they are a red shirt.

It's like a game of 'I can predict what your entire political beliefs are based on whether you walk across Lumpini today, or not'

Actually I suspect word of the masses in the office worker population is 'not these guys AGAIN, traffic is going to be a nightmare.' Not...I'm going to Lumpini to protest... Not they have a point. Not they are idiots or geniuses. Just.....not this lot again. Lot being a politer word than some of what I am hearing.

And given the traffic in this part of town....can you blame the average office worker for that?

Order of priorities from most important to least important






what car I should buy

Holding pieces of paper up to avoid the sun when walking outside




snack between lunch and dinner

Snack between snack between lunch and dinner

being up to date with slang and asking people not to weng me

what Mai did last time she was drunk

a mosquito bite

whether Lek is whiter skin or not than me

whether I should get a nose job to look like Woon





next season of gossip girls

politics of who has Thaksin slept with, whether Oak is really gay or somewhat


listening to boss

politics and how 'lor' Abhisit is

politics and what a knob Jatuporn is

yellow shirts

red shirts

smelling kee in the bathroom

actual political policy and the repercussions of said policy

being shy about nose picking

* don't worry, I've still got lots left. As many know I am in the medical field - gynocology. No experience, but I'll look into it for you.


Why do some folks think current protesters, who may have aligned w/the Yellows in the past, should not be able to wear pink?????

This is a different issue they are protesting against. Yes, what they are protesting largely against is something the Reds can currently be blamed for but their message is let life go back to normal in BKK. This is not a Yellow shirt moment and bringing yellow shirts out to protest the Reds would surely insight violence. Is this what the Reds want? ... no wonder they want those folks wearing yellow. And by the way, regardless of what color they wear or are they are still a voice of the Thai people and represent those who want the Reds to go home and stop being complete and utter idiots.

9-months is a perfect time line and instead of demanding this in writing they have basically left this offer on the table ... meaning it doesn't have to be honored and in 9-months they will cry unfair again because of their stupidity.

9 FREAKING MONTHS!!!! That is a pimple on an ants behind in terms of time frames to hold elections and dismiss the current government. This was a HUGE compomise they were offered and instead of walking away like winners they continue to align themselves with a madman who clearly is putting his interest before that of the country.

Only an idiot would think 15-days is rational and that it would not create HUGE problems socially and economically for the Thai people.

If even 1/20th of the 20 million people they say are coming tomorrow show, then I will eat my words but will those who are supporting the Reds accept the fact this movement it is being led by morons if they don't even come close to this number?

Jatuporn warns Chulalongkorn University against letting academics counter red-shirt movement

BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan Thursday warned the Chulalongkorn University against allowing its academics to come out to organize campaigns against the red-shirt movement.

He alleged that the group of academics, which is against the red-shirt movement, belongs to the yellow-shirt movement or the People's Alliance for Democracy.

A group of Chulalongkorn lecturers will organise a peace rally at the university on Friday to counter the red-shirt protesters.


-- The Nation 2010-04-01


Now , this is becoming of the utmost ridiculous. This guy should be sent to an asylum....He's really loosing it.

One of the ex-yellow-shirt (PAD) leaders is actually one of pink shirt leaders now, so Jatuporn does have a point there, as much as you don't like that. It's funny that he's protesting against protests now, but used to be an 'airport hugger'.

Jatuporn warns Chulalongkorn University against letting academics counter red-shirt movement

BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan Thursday warned the Chulalongkorn University against allowing its academics to come out to organize campaigns against the red-shirt movement.

He alleged that the group of academics, which is against the red-shirt movement, belongs to the yellow-shirt movement or the People's Alliance for Democracy.

A group of Chulalongkorn lecturers will organise a peace rally at the university on Friday to counter the red-shirt protesters.


-- The Nation 2010-04-01


Now , this is becoming of the utmost ridiculous. This guy should be sent to an asylum....He's really loosing it.

One of the ex-yellow-shirt (PAD) leaders is actually one of pink shirt leaders now, so Jatuporn does have a point there, as much as you don't like that. It's funny that he's protesting against protests now, but used to be an 'airport hugger'.

Of course he has a point.....! But it does not change the fact that in HIS eyes, no one is allowed to protest against their protest....Anyway, soon you will have plenty of things to moan about, when the reds will be back home with nothing!!!

Why do some folks think current protesters, who may have aligned w/the Yellows in the past, should not be able to wear pink?????

There are only two types of people in Thailand, from a red shirt PR perspective.

Red shirts - the masses - the underpriveleged, the majority. Pro democracy no double standards.

The yellow shirts - the elite - the amartaya, the con men who have ripped us off. Anti democracy, double standards, want to ruin the masses.

The entire population are one or the other. From a pr perspective, if you say the yellow shirts had at most 100k people at their peak, then therefore red shirts comprise over 60m people.

To introduce any other possible viewpoint fragments this.

Hence.....anyone going to a rally that is not pro red shirt, therefore is a yellow shirt (or a yellow shirt in disguise).

Anyone who doesn't go to an anti red shirt rally is therefore a red shirt.

It's fun.

Lest you think this is new, remember the words 'you are either with us or against us.' It's standard PR tactics 101 in advocacy. If you cut down options, then life is simple.

That's why thaksin for a while was doing so well with the foreign media, because he had this simple story. I gave to the poor, they voted for me, the elite kicked me out.

Once the story gets more complex (corruption consulting to Cambodia etc etc) it ceases to be simple, and therefore ceases to be interesting.

Hence why i always write so much about any given subject, basically by putting in lots of words and/or substance, it means I can claim to 'not be interested in standard PR tactics'

Also, I believe that my keyboard is like a piano. Practice makes perfect, that's what I learned from Piano master Liberace, who was also a practising homosexual, because that makes perfect.

Rainman - some of my friends were red shirters, and since the blood thing have switched sides. Should I tell them this is not allowed? that you are permanently branded as one colour for your entire life, kind of like a skin colour sort of thing?

Actually, quite a lot of my red shirt pals are like that; the smart ones who were PPP period red shirters....they aren't so red any more. Well, blushing a bit I guess.

Jatuporn warns Chulalongkorn University against letting academics counter red-shirt movement

BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan Thursday warned the Chulalongkorn University against allowing its academics to come out to organize campaigns against the red-shirt movement.

He alleged that the group of academics, which is against the red-shirt movement, belongs to the yellow-shirt movement or the People's Alliance for Democracy.

A group of Chulalongkorn lecturers will organise a peace rally at the university on Friday to counter the red-shirt protesters.


-- The Nation 2010-04-01


Now , this is becoming of the utmost ridiculous. This guy should be sent to an asylum....He's really loosing it.

One of the ex-yellow-shirt (PAD) leaders is actually one of pink shirt leaders now, so Jatuporn does have a point there, as much as you don't like that. It's funny that he's protesting against protests now, but used to be an 'airport hugger'.

Of course he has a point.....! But it does not change the fact that in HIS eyes, no one is allowed to protest against their protest....Anyway, soon you will have plenty of things to moan about, when the reds will be back home with nothing!!!

Isn't this what the pink shirts are doing? Saying that the red shirts can't protest?

Isn't this what the pink shirts are doing? Saying that the red shirts can't protest?

so their objectives:

- A show of unity for peace against some groups of people.

- People who have occupied public roads and the right of way are asked to disperse, as Bangkok residents have been held hostage by their fight against the government in the past several weeks.

- People who have insulted the monarchy are asked to stop doing so.

- The movement is against a House dissolution at an inappropriate time.

- The movement is against amending the Constitution to benefit wrongdoers.

in my opinion means.... you can protest, but don't do it on public roads and generally rooting the city as you have done some of the time over the last few weeks.

I don't think they are complaining on staying in Ratchadamnoen....

And the house dissolution is the big one here.

It's a policy issue, not a personality one.

I would definitely be there it is was a protest to physically gag Jatuporn so he could mai weng for a week or so. but as far as the red shirters camped up in Ratchadamnoen...well that's up to them; this is the historical part of town to protest; if they want to go there...up to them.

But things like the motorcade today blocking wireless and rama 4....the lack of regard for the people who actually live and work in Bangkok in even notifying prior and so on....it's a bit much for some to handle.....and this protest is one way people can speak out if they so choose.

Isn't this what the pink shirts are doing? Saying that the red shirts can't protest?

So criticise both the pink and red for being facists and not wanting to see protest and then you will be consistant :)


There already was a street protest group opposing the yellows at that time, and sometimes rallying and sometimes not :)

This time the yellows or the mainstream ones are at home. Sondhi and his people who are the big group know how they were used in the past and are skipping this round it seems. That allows room for a new group to come into the fray. No doubt some of the fringe yellows will join up.

all imho

That makes sense. I wonder where those pinks shirts were 2 years ago when the airports were taken over by the yellow shirts.

Thats easy ,they were at the airport in their yellow ,shows , now just gone for a shirt change


BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan Thursday warned the Chulalongkorn University against allowing its academics to come out to organize campaigns against the red-shirt movement.

He alleged that the group of academics, which is against the red-shirt movement, belongs to the yellow-shirt movement or the People's Alliance for Democracy.

A group of Chulalongkorn lecturers will organise a peace rally at the university on Friday to counter the red-shirt protesters.


-- The Nation 2010-04-01


Now , this is becoming of the utmost ridiculous. This guy should be sent to an asylum....He's really loosing it.

One of the ex-yellow-shirt (PAD) leaders is actually one of pink shirt leaders now, so Jatuporn does have a point there, as much as you don't like that. It's funny that he's protesting against protests now, but used to be an 'airport hugger'.

Of course he has a point.....! But it does not change the fact that in HIS eyes, no one is allowed to protest against their protest....Anyway, soon you will have plenty of things to moan about, when the reds will be back home with nothing!!!

Isn't this what the pink shirts are doing? Saying that the red shirts can't protest?

Where / when have the pink shirts (a silly concept anyway, these are people from numerous groups indivuals etc.,) who are gathering to show a voice, to say that they don't agree with the red shirts philosphoies and demands. They absolutely have this right!

Nowhere has it been reported that the 'pink shirts' are saying the red shirts, or anybody, cannot or should not be allowed to protest.

In fact here's a quote from above: "Jatuporn Promphan Thursday warned the Chulalongkorn University against allowing its academics to come out to organize campaigns against the red-shirt movement."

Well, if this is reported correctly, who is saying that people should not be allowed to protest? Even sounds like a threat.

And Jatuporn should remember his own activity in university.

So many things JAtuporna nd his clan do makes them a laughing stock especially in terms of their own war-cry of 'double standards'.

That makes sense. I wonder where those pinks shirts were 2 years ago when the airports were taken over by the yellow shirts.

Who cares?

Or is your rule that to have the right to protest for peace you MUST have spoken out against the PAD? The right to 'free speech' and the 'right to freedom of assembly' does not seem to have a requirement that you must use it all the time, just that it not be abridged unreasonably.

Did some of them speak out against the PAD? I don't know, feel free to go on down there and poll them if you wish :)

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