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Do You Feel Your Brain Is Being Sucked Dry By Idiots?


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Know exactly what you mean,look at Thai soaps same script every program,Scenario: Rich Thais in a Large

house,Luxuriously furnished, multiple Family arguments,violent to each other,lots of verbal abuse, Same Same,but they

sit in front of their TVs glued for hours,brains sucked years ago.not to mention breeding violence.

Nahhhhhhhhh rubbish you just dont understand the culture!! :)

Guess I better stay Barbaric!...... sigh!

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I seee dumber things in the west, like the global warming joke.

or george bush!

.S. President John F. Kennedy said that "no news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one."

what is your avatar ? did you run over your poodle with the lawn mower and take a picture of it ?

Bush is the man

its a picture taken by malcolm browne of "thich quang duc", taken on the 11th of june 1963 at an intersection in saigon. he was protesting against the procecution of buddhists by the then ruling adimistration of vietnam (ngo dinh diem) backed by the u.s. government.

it later went on to win the pulitzer prize for world photo of the year.

President John F. Kennedy said that "no news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one."

it has also been used as an album cover by rage against the machine, the rock group. to illustrate their annoyance and distaste towards the policies of the u.s. government that was in power at the time of its release.


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If you consider Thailand to be a 'broken record' like I do, there is no way that one's brain can be sucked dry...unless one is an idiot.

Anybody who has at least 2 brain cells to rub together, will quickly realise that most things in Thailand are 'for show' (not real). The completely moronic Thai television shows are proof of this, although the majority of Thais love this completely inane garbage.

Have you ever wondered why detective shows (or similar) are not shown in Thailand? Disregarding the high cost (corruption could easily fund this), such shows would stimulate the brains of people in such a way that they may actually begin to 'think' by themselves. That's right...think by themselves as opposed to being told what to do with every waking minute of their lives.

The result?

'Brain drain' is part of Thai culture. If you are silly enough to assimilate to such a culture, you will undoubtedly suffer 'brain drain'.

Have a perfect day/night/millenium. :)

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Thai people do things differently but if they where different and behaved like Farangs how many of you would be in Thailand?


Everyone that likes to complain about Thais, LOS etc etc should print that and put it where they can see it everytime they go to write some complaint on TV concerning same!

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PS. I love Thai television. I don't understand anything they say, but who cares when they have such gorgeous totty!

I once saw a makeup show, where 2 middle aged men were demonstrating makeup techniques on a very beautiful young lady. Gotta love it! In the UK, the thought control police would have arrested them all, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Know exactly what you mean,look at Thai soaps same script every program,Scenario: Rich Thais in a Large

house,Luxuriously furnished, multiple Family arguments,violent to each other,lots of verbal abuse, Same Same,but they

sit in front of their TVs glued for hours,brains sucked years ago.not to mention breeding violence.

if you notice, allot of Thai people laugh when they are watching those shows, I think their is an element of comedy in them.

Only i fthere is a silly "boing" sound effect to tell them when to laugh....

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Why not meet and hangout with some Thai doctors or professors or scientists?

ROTFL? where???

On a serious note, its time to bust out of here.... Looking for a job back on wall street after 2 years here,

and thats what thai is good for, a quick/medium vacation, definitely not a place to settle down.

unfortunately most people i have met in chiang mai have been focussed on 2 things, and thats beer and

young girls (for the foreigners) and gigs and mia nois (for the thais), and thats with contacts at the local

flying club and CM university, so not the lo-so crowd at all, i have found i have to dumb down a lot to live

here, so back to a more intellectual and cultured place with museums and art galleries and theatre and

decent food (specifically not having rats and cockroaches around you when eating at the street noodle vendors).

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Thais are taught from birth, not to think. Why do you think the word 'culture' is so important here? It's the only way that the powerful few can maintain power.

It is completely ridiculous to even suggest that Thais are lacking in intelligence. They have the same ability to think as you or I do. It is simply the 'program' of the elite to maintain the dumbness of the society. They use 'guilt' & 'ego' as their primary weapons.

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Thais are taught from birth, not to think. Why do you think the word 'culture' is so important here? It's the only way that the powerful few can maintain power.

It is completely ridiculous to even suggest that Thais are lacking in intelligence. They have the same ability to think as you or I do. It is simply the 'program' of the elite to maintain the dumbness of the society. They use 'guilt' & 'ego' as their primary weapons.

Dont know about that - the wife's sisters daughter, who is 8 years old and goes to a normal thai school in chiang mai,

learns zero english at school, and does not know the english alphabet. No guilt and ego there, they just dont care.

My wife, unfortunately, did not know anything about world history, including the history of the major world wars,

political systems around the world, hardly any scientific knowledge, etc. Her friends are the same, and there is nothing

to talk about except red-shirts, katoeys, gigs, and most other lo-so topics, when with her friends. And of course food,

thais love talking about somtam and if falang like spicy. No i dont like spicy, and i am sick of somtam, get over it already,

its just papaya and nampra, whats the big deal?

I have been educating her for several years, and she has become more intelligent, but will take several more years

to bring her up to western standards. She can clearly see the deficiencies in the thai education system, and we will

be returning to america this year, so our daughter can start a proper school education. I could never accept my daughter

receiving a lo-so education, and not knowing great literature, art, science....

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Fascinating, because my cook's daughter is 5 and knows not only the Thai alphabet but the English alphabet and can read some english too. And my nephew was studying English in school by the age of 8. And this in a normal Thai school on an island with some pretty crap schools.

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My comments in blue.

Thais are taught from birth, not to think. Why do you think the word 'culture' is so important here? It's the only way that the powerful few can maintain power.

It is completely ridiculous to even suggest that Thais are lacking in intelligence. They have the same ability to think as you or I do. It is simply the 'program' of the elite to maintain the dumbness of the society. They use 'guilt' & 'ego' as their primary weapons.

Dont know about that - the wife's sisters daughter, who is 8 years old and goes to a normal thai school in chiang mai,

learns zero english at school, and does not know the english alphabet. No guilt and ego there, they just dont care.

Don't worry, you will one day see the results of 'guilt & ego'. The most obvious result is the existence of 'loss of face'.

My wife, unfortunately, did not know anything about world history, including the history of the major world wars,

political systems around the world, hardly any scientific knowledge, etc. Her friends are the same, and there is nothing

to talk about except red-shirts, katoeys, gigs, and most other lo-so topics, when with her friends. And of course food,

thais love talking about somtam and if falang like spicy. No i dont like spicy, and i am sick of somtam, get over it already,

its just papaya and nampra, whats the big deal?

I have been educating her for several years, and she has become more intelligent, but will take several more years

to bring her up to western standards. She can clearly see the deficiencies in the thai education system, and we will

be returning to america this year, so our daughter can start a proper school education. I could never accept my daughter

receiving a lo-so education, and not knowing great literature, art, science....

I think you are confusing the word 'intelligent' with the word 'knowledgeable'...they are entirely two different things. One can be intelligent but not necessarily be knowledgeable.

With regard to 'guilt & ego', you may like to be aware of how people behave in certain situations. The reactions of many Thais are almost quantifiable (predictable), which is evidence of programming. Such programming would not be successful if 'guilt & ego' were not used.

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Went to the bank today to find out whether it was possible to transfer money from one Thai bank account to another when the postee was abroad.

Was told that it was impossible without the postee proving that it was for 'his family' etc. The person in the bank couldn't understand that it was from one Thai bank account to another, and never enquired about the amount involved. I tried saying "perhaps a cheque could be paid into another account?", but was told "no - must provide evidence why money is being paid".....

Couldn't be bothered to argue - I could feel my brain being sucked dry.....

That is real easy to do if you have a Thai ATM card, but not so easy if you are dealing with a Thai teller. Lots of things don't make sense and you just have to accept it.

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I think you are confusing the word 'intelligent' with the word 'knowledgeable'...they are entirely two different things. One can be intelligent but not necessarily be knowledgeable.

true, intelligence is built on a foundation of knowledge and experience - for example hardly any thais that i relate to

know of the existence of the holocaust, maybe not important here, but its a fairly big event in world history, and one

of the darkest examples of human nature - once i build basic knowledge of the facts of the event with the wife, she

started to understand some of the reasons of the political issue between israel and its neighbours, such as why

the jewish state was created, why the jews need to defend israel's existence, etc.

because she lacked the necessary foundation of knowledge, we could not talk intelligently about some of the issue

going on there (we took a trip there to visit my family). so ye, education is key... a shame things like this dont seem

to taught here, as far as i can determine.

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One of the first things I was told here was "You're getting too deep for these peoples." It wa a racist remark, but I've learned what he meant. Stupid may not be the right word, but it does make up part of the mind-set. Basically, as students, they were never taught how to "learn." They have difficulty adapting, much less understanding, any new methods. Like giving change to pay, which limits the change needed. Like getting rid of baht. They look at you like you're crazy, and usually fuc_k up the exchange. Their focus is about 10 seconds. Just because someone works in a travel agency, doesn't mean they have the slightest idea what they need to know or how to find it. With computers sitting right in front of them. Ask about VISA requirements to visit another country, and they look at you like you're crazy. How could you ask such a stupid question? I think they just don't give a shit. Maybe that's not that stupid.

So, you should adapt and realize you better know what you're doing. Doesn't mean get "stupid." It can get on your nerves, but just adjust your attitude. My brain is draining for a varity of reasons, and, yes, living here is a contributer. I feel more like I'm crossing a stream, filled with piranheas (sp?). and I'm being eaten alive.

Edit: Leave the monleys alone. Some of my best friends are monkeys.

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the ones that shock me the most are the doctors. They really dont seem to know what they are doing half the time. The amount of revisits I have done and friends have told me they have done is amazing. I really think they give it no thought and just write a prescription and hope it works. No screening, nothing. I tell ya there is no way Id have an operation here, I just woudlnt trust the cleanliness either, I can imagine the cleaners mai ben laiing alot of stuff.

But on the other hand some of the children I have taught here are more clever than many adults, perhaps things are getting better

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the ones that shock me the most are the doctors. They really dont seem to know what they are doing half the time. The amount of revisits I have done and friends have told me they have done is amazing. I really think they give it no thought and just write a prescription and hope it works. No screening, nothing. I tell ya there is no way Id have an operation here, I just woudlnt trust the cleanliness either, I can imagine the cleaners mai ben laiing alot of stuff.

I concur with you.

I have only come across one Thai doctor who I think IS a real doctor. All the others are just idiots.

I suffer from a serious & chronic condition. It's chronic because I've put up with it for over 2 years whilst in Thailand.

Why have I put up with it? It's very simple...my condition mainly exists in non-asian people. Finding a Thai doctor who is able to PROPERLY deal with my condition (an operation) is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The Thai doctors I have seen simply want to 'hack away' & care not for the future implications. They have no idea nor are they interested.

It's interesting that you mention 'doctors', since they are supposed to be well educated folk. Considering this, there is only one reason why they prescribe antibiotics for everything...to make money, albeit at Thailand's (or the world's) demise in the long term.

No doubt that they are intelligent...it's just that they choose to be idiots (in our eyes).

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the ones that shock me the most are the doctors. They really dont seem to know what they are doing half the time. The amount of revisits I have done and friends have told me they have done is amazing. I really think they give it no thought and just write a prescription and hope it works. No screening, nothing. I tell ya there is no way Id have an operation here, I just woudlnt trust the cleanliness either, I can imagine the cleaners mai ben laiing alot of stuff.

I concur with you.

I have only come across one Thai doctor who I think IS a real doctor. All the others are just idiots.

I suffer from a serious & chronic condition. It's chronic because I've put up with it for over 2 years whilst in Thailand.

Why have I put up with it? It's very simple...my condition mainly exists in non-asian people. Finding a Thai doctor who is able to PROPERLY deal with my condition (an operation) is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The Thai doctors I have seen simply want to 'hack away' & care not for the future implications. They have no idea nor are they interested.

It's interesting that you mention 'doctors', since they are supposed to be well educated folk. Considering this, there is only one reason why they prescribe antibiotics for everything...to make money, albeit at Thailand's (or the world's) demise in the long term.

No doubt that they are intelligent...it's just that they choose to be idiots (in our eyes).

I had personal experience of the same thing in India but luckily was pointed in the right direction eventually. Seen quite a few people come back to the UK with injuries sustained in Europe and further afield who have been treated abysmally.

Its not confined to Thailand unfortunately as healthcare seems to be a lottery worldwide unless you are rich of course. :)

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Its not confined to Thailand unfortunately as healthcare seems to be a lottery worldwide unless you are rich of course. :)

This is not trtue for Australia. Healthcare IS for EVERYONE...& it is free if you are an Australian citizen...and it's bloody good quality too.

Anyway, this is a digression from the OP, which is about 'brain drain' in Thailand.

IMHO, the Thai 'brain drain' phenomenon is all connected to Thai Culture.

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One thing I find slightly baffling among quite a few locals is the complete lack of knowledge ( or caring) about anything outside their immediate sphere of existence. I'm not talking about knowing what the third biggest city in Colombia is or who invented the ballpoint pen but stuff that should be near enough automatic to know.

When I worked in Bangkok our GM was a Swedish guy. I swear a large number of the staff didn't have a clue where he came from right up to the day he left after 4 years. They simply didn't care. Now not knowing or caring about when Salvador Dali was born is one thing but not even knowing where your boss (and one of only 3 westerners in the place) is from is a bit disconcerting. Surely in the course of general conversation in the canteen at some point you'd ask " Where's Khun.... from then? "

Plus I reckon I could make a small fortune betting with Thai folks 1000 baht a pop where HMK was born. Even the country would do. It's quite astounding how many don't know.


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...agree with a lot of the posts although what most are referring to as "Thai Intelligence" (or lack of) appears to be collective from both lack of education and brainwashing. As an example, ask any Thai's around you, "Where was HM the King born", "what's 6 x 9" (without the use of a calculator), etc.,etc. and try to convince any Thai that not all farang are rich and/or receive a monthly salary from their government.

Yes indeed, we chose to live in a country where things don't make any sense nor does anything seem fair if compared to the country you came from and your own biased understanding of how things "should or shouldn't be".


At the very least, it keeps us on our toes and actually helps us to become more intelligent or wise since we can't relax our brains in a world (country) of uncertainty and xenophobia, and even though we spend more time shaking our heads in disbelief we would be less bothered if we shrug it off and realize this is not the U.S or the U.K or wherever you came from where you probably have the support & protection of the police and gov't where here, we're, for the most part, on our own

Those who understand intelligence & genetics know that luk khuns are usually more intelligent than 100% Thai's.

Maybe instead of bashing Thai's for being ignorant, consider how fortunate you are that you had access to a better education and grew up in a society where learning was encouraged and not hoarded as is it is here in fear of competition. for example: in most major cities in the states there are trade/tech schools where you can learn just about every subject or trade to help you progress in your chosen field....not here in Thailand...sure there are a few but limited to welding, nurses assistant, etc., and the costs are much more than in the states (if you're a resident). It almost seems that the elite want to keep the uneducated just that so they can exploit them while treating them as inferior and disposable.

bottom line ? you don't have to love it here or agree with the way things are but I guarantee you that if you continue your ranting and bashing you'll be sucking the intelligence out of yourself and can blame no one.

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Its not confined to Thailand unfortunately as healthcare seems to be a lottery worldwide unless you are rich of course. :)

This is not trtue for Australia. Healthcare IS for EVERYONE...& it is free if you are an Australian citizen...and it's bloody good quality too.

Anyway, this is a digression from the OP, which is about 'brain drain' in Thailand.

IMHO, the Thai 'brain drain' phenomenon is all connected to Thai Culture.

Your statement about Healthcare in Australia is completely contrary to what a good friend of mine from Sydney says.

His half Thai daughter has Leukemia and he says the health-care system is much worse than Thailand. His wife and other two daughters who are in college say the same thing. and if comparing to the states, health-care here in Thailand is better, cheaper, less red tape, etc., etc. 30 years ago (in the states) I had to pay $300 just to get a 'prescription' or authorization from a doctor in order to go to the hospital to get an expensive x ray of my knee. One thing I'd like to mention, although perhaps off topic....Those who praise Toxin for the 30 Baht health scheme don't realize how much the insurance companies save and the tons of 'contributions' to Toxin for creating that scheme...think in terms of Billions?

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True but on the other hand none of us went to common sense school that is what I feel is lacking here in many instances for example...

When a tradesmen gets paid, instead of adding to ones collection of basic tools so it would better the chances of future employment another day, one gets totally smashed on Lao Chow and falls asleep fully clothed on the floor wakes up the next day and has absolutely no conscious whatsoever what hope does one have?

Reason for edit: Brain drained grammar mistake.

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the ones that shock me the most are the doctors. They really dont seem to know what they are doing half the time. The amount of revisits I have done and friends have told me they have done is amazing. I really think they give it no thought and just write a prescription and hope it works. No screening, nothing. I tell ya there is no way Id have an operation here, I just woudlnt trust the cleanliness either, I can imagine the cleaners mai ben laiing alot of stuff.

But on the other hand some of the children I have taught here are more clever than many adults, perhaps things are getting better

I fell on a slick, wet concrete floor at the hospital and thought i broke my shoulder.

I immedietly went for X-rays.

The doctor then hung them upside down.

He appeared to be no more than 20 years old.

The nurse had to go turn it right side up.

I have a friend who went to a doctor and the woman doctor had her shoes on the wrong feet.

Hard to trust these people for sure.

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True but on the other hand none of us when to common sense school that is what I feel is lacking here in many instances for example...

When a tradesmen gets paid, instead of adding to ones collection of basic tools so it would better the chances of future employment another day, one gets totally smashed on Lao Chow and falls asleep fully clothed on the floor wakes up the next day and has absolutely no conscious whatsoever what hope does one have?

agreed...you won't find in the Thai dictionary, the words: common sense, integrity, honesty (except when not telling the truth), and 200 baht per day compared to $200 a day can make a difference.

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