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Sweden Says It Did Not Ask Thaksin To Leave

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More Yellow shirt propaganda. Shows that the ruling elite of Thailand are extreemly scared of the little man. The Rich trying to keep the poor very poor. Remember the French and Rusian uprisings.

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More Yellow shirt propaganda. Shows that the ruling elite of Thailand are extreemly scared of the little man. The Rich trying to keep the poor very poor. Remember the French and Rusian uprisings.

you know all about propaganda ... "The Rich trying to keep the poor very poor." :)

More Yellow shirt propaganda. Shows that the ruling elite of Thailand are extreemly scared of the little man. The Rich trying to keep the poor very poor. Remember the French and Rusian uprisings.

you know all about propaganda ... "The Rich trying to keep the poor very poor." :)

Well the Swedish government comes out and calls the yellow shirts liars and says they did not kick thaksin out who are you going to believe? Sweden or the Yellow shirts? I take the swedish people.

More Yellow shirt propaganda. Shows that the ruling elite of Thailand are extreemly scared of the little man. The Rich trying to keep the poor very poor. Remember the French and Rusian uprisings.

you know all about propaganda ... "The Rich trying to keep the poor very poor." :)

Well the Swedish government comes out and calls the yellow shirts liars and says they did not kick thaksin out who are you going to believe? Sweden or the Yellow shirts? I take the swedish people.

I might believe the Swedes that they didn't kick Thaksin out, but I don't believe you that the Swedes said anything about the yellow shirts. That's just more of your propaganda.


I seem to be missing something here.

When did the Swedish Government call the yellow shirts liars?

I don't believe they would do that.

I seem to be missing something here.

When did the Swedish Government call the yellow shirts liars?

I don't believe they would do that.

They wouldn't do that. That was just some of motown's propaganda.

Joerle responded: "No, we have freedom of speech in Sweden.

Maybe, oneday Thailand will have freedom of speech as well? Maybe?

'Free speech' should be free only to certain extent. All lies and hatred preaching must not belong to the definition of 'free speech'.

OK. Maybe Thaksin's money will not run out so quick. He could probably still buy the election in 9 months too.

I agree that the reds should not focus on Thaksin, but the problem is that they have to. They need Thaksin for his support. They need Thaksin because (some of) the poor farmers love (have been fooled by) him because he gave them so much (of other peoples) money.

And that's what it comes back to. It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

I agree. In my village, My aunts and Uncles and next door neighbors are already talking when will it be the new election. The more elections the better for them. They make more money. They don't care about "DEMO-CRAZY" we are talking about. They don't care who will pay for all cost of election. They don't care what platforms the parties have. And 95% of the families have had at least 25,000 baht in debt since "1 million baht" project. If any one here so obsessed with "Real Thai Democracy Movement" and want to spread your love of democracy attitudes, please spend sometimes to educate the rural people first before you start supporting this Taksin and REDS agendas. I have done my part.

I agree too. Democracy is just a theory. It requires a lot of factors to make it works well especially education and moral. Majority of Thais are poor and low educated, so all they want is to keep voting for someone who gives them easy cash and get rid of their debts for free. For example, what if one day someone says to the poor, 'Ok, if you vote for me, I'd make a new 'policy' for the rich to share their assets with you all.' Wouldn't all the poor be voting for that person? I'm sure they would. Majority doesn't always mean good and fair.


I don't think it's a big deal whether the info from FM about Thaksin's whereabouts or whether he'd been kicked out from whatever countries is that important. Maybe it's part of their strategy to make Thaksin worried and keep finding new countries to live in :)


From what i heard, and i am swedish, Thaksin entered Sweden with his Nigerian passport.

Sweden FM said, as long as Thaksin is having correct travelling documents and is not listed on an international list of criminals they will not kick him out. All according to the rules and laws of EU.

"Freedom of speech" is good because it lets anyone, have their say as long as they do not violate any criminal laws.

There is also a openness to the people that Thailand does not have. It is much more difficult for the government to be corrupt in Sweden. Journalists have the right to look into government documents and present it to the people as long as it has proper sources.

Even Christmas gifts are according to some journalists almost a brige or at least as near a bribe as you can get.

Then it is up to the people to decide forthemselves what to think.

From what i heard, and i am swedish, Thaksin entered Sweden with his Nigerian passport.

Sweden FM said, as long as Thaksin is having correct travelling documents and is not listed on an international list of criminals they will not kick him out. All according to the rules and laws of EU.

"Freedom of speech" is good because it lets anyone, have their say as long as they do not violate any criminal laws.

There is also a openness to the people that Thailand does not have. It is much more difficult for the government to be corrupt in Sweden. Journalists have the right to look into government documents and present it to the people as long as it has proper sources.

If he had Nigerian passport he didn´t used because if he had he need visa to sweden. I am sure he used his Montenegor passport, because Montenegros citizens don´t need visa to visit Sweden.

Peter it is this mentality that disturbs me, I will just highlight one part of your post for this, you say They need Thaksin for his support. They need Thaksin because (some of) the poor farmers love (have been fooled by) him because he gave them so much (of other peoples) money..

this is pure hyperbole, have you spoken to any of these farmers and asked them? it is an insult to them to think that they can not make an informed decision, PAD thinking in the extreme there Peter. The fact is Thaksin was corrupt and yes he lined his own pockets, but do you think the disenfranchised give a dam_n about that as long as their lives is also better? They don't care that he was corrupt, they only care that he helped them, that he stood up for them (or gave that appearance). These people have votes also and he is the first one to realize that, and now after all his troubles he is still getting support from these people, because he helped them, simple.

As for the coalition, it is well documented thet the Dems paid smaller parties substantial amounts of money and offered cabinet positions to get them, it was not a case that they no longer supported the PPP/PTP/TRT, they simply sold their souls to the highest bidder, maybe even under military pressure.

The coalition: in all countries where coalitions are used, the small parties are offered incentives (selling their soul) to join a coalition with the a larger party. Are you suggesting the Thaksin parties DIDN'T offer incentives?

Thaksin: The point is, Thaksin handed out money to get the support of the farmers. He set up the 30-baht health plan to get the support of the poor, but didn't fund the health system to cope with the influx of the people. He set up easy credit for them, so they could by their cars and motorbikes, without making sure they could actually pay back the loans. He also lined the pockets of the local rich 'elite' to make sure they would support him and they would "encourage" the local poor to support him.

They don't care that he was corrupt, because he gave them money. He made their lives better in the short term so that they would support him and get him the power that he wanted. He was the first one that worked out how to "exploit" the poor vote, because he realized that he could use it to get the power. And you're correct - he "gave the appearance" that he stood up for them.

Just because he "helped" the poor farmers does not mean he helped the country.

I am 100% for efforts to improve the well being of the poor, through education, through better pricing for their produce, (especially) through the reduction of corruption in their own backyard.

But, simply, Thaksin IS NOT the answer. And while the reds are in Thaksin's pockets, then the reds are not the answer either.

Totally agree! well said.

Peter it is this mentality that disturbs me, I will just highlight one part of your post for this, you say They need Thaksin for his support. They need Thaksin because (some of) the poor farmers love (have been fooled by) him because he gave them so much (of other peoples) money..

this is pure hyperbole, have you spoken to any of these farmers and asked them? it is an insult to them to think that they can not make an informed decision, PAD thinking in the extreme there Peter. The fact is Thaksin was corrupt and yes he lined his own pockets, but do you think the disenfranchised give a dam_n about that as long as their lives is also better? They don't care that he was corrupt, they only care that he helped them, that he stood up for them (or gave that appearance). These people have votes also and he is the first one to realize that, and now after all his troubles he is still getting support from these people, because he helped them, simple.

As for the coalition, it is well documented thet the Dems paid smaller parties substantial amounts of money and offered cabinet positions to get them, it was not a case that they no longer supported the PPP/PTP/TRT, they simply sold their souls to the highest bidder, maybe even under military pressure.

The coalition: in all countries where coalitions are used, the small parties are offered incentives (selling their soul) to join a coalition with the a larger party. Are you suggesting the Thaksin parties DIDN'T offer incentives?

Thaksin: The point is, Thaksin handed out money to get the support of the farmers. He set up the 30-baht health plan to get the support of the poor, but didn't fund the health system to cope with the influx of the people. He set up easy credit for them, so they could by their cars and motorbikes, without making sure they could actually pay back the loans. He also lined the pockets of the local rich 'elite' to make sure they would support him and they would "encourage" the local poor to support him.

They don't care that he was corrupt, because he gave them money. He made their lives better in the short term so that they would support him and get him the power that he wanted. He was the first one that worked out how to "exploit" the poor vote, because he realized that he could use it to get the power. And you're correct - he "gave the appearance" that he stood up for them.

Just because he "helped" the poor farmers does not mean he helped the country.

I am 100% for efforts to improve the well being of the poor, through education, through better pricing for their produce, (especially) through the reduction of corruption in their own backyard.

But, simply, Thaksin IS NOT the answer. And while the reds are in Thaksin's pockets, then the reds are not the answer either.

i think we will have to disagree about him helping the country, the fact is Thailand was performing better (I know people will point to the recessions elsewhere but still taking that into account thailand is much worse off both financially and politically and socially than it was before the illegal coup) and was a much nicer place to live before the coup, and again you make a strange assumption, there are many poor people in Thailand and they are not all farmers. he helped the poor irrespective of their employment or lack of it, this won him votes, this made sure he is the only PM in thai history to serve his term and the only one to be re elected.

I have no doubt that he offered incentives to coalition partners, but as far as I am aware there is no record of cash incentives, and as for buying votes, you tell me where that does not happen, in fact is happens more blatant than it does here, it is simple, if I want the votes of the young i offer tax breaks, if I want the votes of the elderly I offer pension incentives, if I want the votes of the civil servants I offer pay increases etc etc etc.

I do get your point in your posts, you are one of the more sensible ones on here as you do see both sides of the coin, you are not a fan of Thaksin and neither am I to be fair, but I will acknowledge his achievements and what he did for Thailand, especially the underprivileged, he tapped into that market and they are still loving him for it.

At the end of the day mate none of us get a say in this, I just hope that there will be an election, the people will speak and the government will be formed because of the will of the people, be them red or yellow, I want an end to corruption from both sides, I want an end to hypocrisy and i want an end to press bias.

I don't want much do I :)

I understand that votes buying did exist long before Thaksin took over the country but howcome he could never win in the Southern part of Thailand no matter how much money he'd spent in the south? Are the southern ppl richer than Esarn? Majority of them are also poorer than the North. Or is it they are very faithful to the Democrats? There must be something really wrong with Thaksin that the south ppl would never vote for him. I am sure if the Democrats or any other parties had as much money as Thaksin they would definitely win majority of Esarn's votes.

Thaksin had made it obvious that whomever has the most money will win nearly everything (even a residency in EU, which normally wouldn't be given to any criminals or whoever has crim. record). This smacked the Thais on the heads and made them realised that they need a massive reform of the system.

If election happens before the reform, all the vicious cycles(not just electorial system, but also police department etc) in the system would still exist, and all the efforts and time ppl spent trying to create a better place would be wasted.

I can proudly say I am no supporter of Thaksin. Even the temple he goes to is known as a buddhist cult which he also own most of the shares. What kinda temple that has shares! That means faith business.

p.s. this temple has a tour to Heaven and hel_l. Anyone who believes in Thaksin's policies and good intention towards the Thai people please feel free to join the tour. I believe you have to buy the ticket to get on their...err...vehicle?

Peter it is this mentality that disturbs me, I will just highlight one part of your post for this, you say They need Thaksin for his support. They need Thaksin because (some of) the poor farmers love (have been fooled by) him because he gave them so much (of other peoples) money..

this is pure hyperbole, have you spoken to any of these farmers and asked them? it is an insult to them to think that they can not make an informed decision, PAD thinking in the extreme there Peter. The fact is Thaksin was corrupt and yes he lined his own pockets, but do you think the disenfranchised give a dam_n about that as long as their lives is also better? They don't care that he was corrupt, they only care that he helped them, that he stood up for them (or gave that appearance). These people have votes also and he is the first one to realize that, and now after all his troubles he is still getting support from these people, because he helped them, simple.

As for the coalition, it is well documented thet the Dems paid smaller parties substantial amounts of money and offered cabinet positions to get them, it was not a case that they no longer supported the PPP/PTP/TRT, they simply sold their souls to the highest bidder, maybe even under military pressure.

The coalition: in all countries where coalitions are used, the small parties are offered incentives (selling their soul) to join a coalition with the a larger party. Are you suggesting the Thaksin parties DIDN'T offer incentives?

Thaksin: The point is, Thaksin handed out money to get the support of the farmers. He set up the 30-baht health plan to get the support of the poor, but didn't fund the health system to cope with the influx of the people. He set up easy credit for them, so they could by their cars and motorbikes, without making sure they could actually pay back the loans. He also lined the pockets of the local rich 'elite' to make sure they would support him and they would "encourage" the local poor to support him.

They don't care that he was corrupt, because he gave them money. He made their lives better in the short term so that they would support him and get him the power that he wanted. He was the first one that worked out how to "exploit" the poor vote, because he realized that he could use it to get the power. And you're correct - he "gave the appearance" that he stood up for them.

Just because he "helped" the poor farmers does not mean he helped the country.

I am 100% for efforts to improve the well being of the poor, through education, through better pricing for their produce, (especially) through the reduction of corruption in their own backyard.

But, simply, Thaksin IS NOT the answer. And while the reds are in Thaksin's pockets, then the reds are not the answer either.

i think we will have to disagree about him helping the country, the fact is Thailand was performing better (I know people will point to the recessions elsewhere but still taking that into account thailand is much worse off both financially and politically and socially than it was before the illegal coup) and was a much nicer place to live before the coup, and again you make a strange assumption, there are many poor people in Thailand and they are not all farmers. he helped the poor irrespective of their employment or lack of it, this won him votes, this made sure he is the only PM in thai history to serve his term and the only one to be re elected.

I have no doubt that he offered incentives to coalition partners, but as far as I am aware there is no record of cash incentives, and as for buying votes, you tell me where that does not happen, in fact is happens more blatant than it does here, it is simple, if I want the votes of the young i offer tax breaks, if I want the votes of the elderly I offer pension incentives, if I want the votes of the civil servants I offer pay increases etc etc etc.

I do get your point in your posts, you are one of the more sensible ones on here as you do see both sides of the coin, you are not a fan of Thaksin and neither am I to be fair, but I will acknowledge his achievements and what he did for Thailand, especially the underprivileged, he tapped into that market and they are still loving him for it.

At the end of the day mate none of us get a say in this, I just hope that there will be an election, the people will speak and the government will be formed because of the will of the people, be them red or yellow, I want an end to corruption from both sides, I want an end to hypocrisy and i want an end to press bias.

I don't want much do I :)

I understand that votes buying did exist long before Thaksin took over the country but howcome he could never win in the Southern part of Thailand no matter how much money he'd spent in the south? Are the southern ppl richer than Esarn? Majority of them are also poorer than the North. Or is it they are very faithful to the Democrats? There must be something really wrong with Thaksin that the south ppl would never vote for him. I am sure if the Democrats or any other parties had as much money as Thaksin they would definitely win majority of Esarn's votes.

Thaksin had made it obvious that whomever has the most money will win nearly everything (even a residency in EU, which normally wouldn't be given to any criminals or whoever has crim. record). This smacked the Thais on the heads and made them realised that they need a massive reform of the system.

If election happens before the reform, all the vicious cycles(not just electorial system, but also police department etc) in the system would still exist, and all the efforts and time ppl spent trying to create a better place would be wasted.

I can proudly say I am no supporter of Thaksin. Even the temple he goes to is known as a buddhist cult which he also own most of the shares. What kinda temple that has shares! That means faith business.

Montenegro is not an Eu country. They try to be, but have lot of problem with their PM being charged for corruption i Italy. It´s look likes crimnals seeks crimansl

So up to now nobody has respected the Thai FM when they have asked that Thaksin be asked to leave a country, Sweden, Dubai, Cambodia, Montenegro.

Er....UK?? but then the UK always makes more effort for other countries than it does for its own citizens.

Don't edit my posts please, it is against forum rules, please quote the full post, thanks.

That said yes the UK does make more effort for other countries. The UK revoked his visa but not at the request of Thailand. I am sure if he had bothered to fight it as a political charge he would have stayed in the UK, such as Pinochet did.

I heard from some news that UK revoked his visa because they suspect Thaksin of money laundering with a much bigger money launderist from the middle east.

So up to now nobody has respected the Thai FM when they have asked that Thaksin be asked to leave a country, Sweden, Dubai, Cambodia, Montenegro.

Er....UK?? but then the UK always makes more effort for other countries than it does for its own citizens.

Don't edit my posts please, it is against forum rules, please quote the full post, thanks.

That said yes the UK does make more effort for other countries. The UK revoked his visa but not at the request of Thailand. I am sure if he had bothered to fight it as a political charge he would have stayed in the UK, such as Pinochet did.

I heard from some news that UK revoked his visa because they suspect Thaksin of money laundering with a much bigger money launderist from the middle east.

So up to now nobody has respected the Thai FM when they have asked that Thaksin be asked to leave a country, Sweden, Dubai, Cambodia, Montenegro.

Er....UK?? but then the UK always makes more effort for other countries than it does for its own citizens.

Don't edit my posts please, it is against forum rules, please quote the full post, thanks.

That said yes the UK does make more effort for other countries. The UK revoked his visa but not at the request of Thailand. I am sure if he had bothered to fight it as a political charge he would have stayed in the UK, such as Pinochet did.

I heard from some news that UK revoked his visa because they suspect Thaksin of money laundering with a much bigger money launderist from the middle east.

So up to now nobody has respected the Thai FM when they have asked that Thaksin be asked to leave a country, Sweden, Dubai, Cambodia, Montenegro.

Er....UK?? but then the UK always makes more effort for other countries than it does for its own citizens.

Don't edit my posts please, it is against forum rules, please quote the full post, thanks.

That said yes the UK does make more effort for other countries. The UK revoked his visa but not at the request of Thailand. I am sure if he had bothered to fight it as a political charge he would have stayed in the UK, such as Pinochet did.

I heard from some news that UK revoked his visa because they suspect Thaksin of money laundering with a much bigger money launderist from the middle east.

It is 100 percent OK with use SNIPPETS of other people's posts! In fact, it is desirable, to cut down the length of posts.

But you should point out that it has been snipped, and only snip irrelevant sections.

No, you're wrong. Properly, you include ONLY what you are specifically replying to. There is no need whatsoever to indicate it is a snippet. We are not babies, dear, we can figure it out. Now if you edit a post in such a way that you have blatantly distorted the meaning and intention of the message of the post, then that is rude, and deserves a later rebuttal.

For example a movie reviewer writes, "This movie was the biggest piece of garbage ever made in world history!" and the movie PR reads This movie ... made world history!

Ok you two, can i be Ann Robinson here. Peter..........you're the weakest link, good bye. :)

Sweden is like Switzerland. They like neutrality. They have no backbone. Look how they cooperated with the Nazis and you get the picture.

Yes thats know secret, but was is funny is that nobody says That US has not kild the same as the Nazis or more.

So if you are a Yank then you are a Hypocrite.

Standing up singing AMERICA AMERICA with the hand on the hart, and then go out and kill some more :)

And US does not make anything for free every time US goes in its about to secure oil for them self, pretending they are doing it for Humanitarian basis

Sweden is like Switzerland. They like neutrality. They have no backbone. Look how they cooperated with the Nazis and you get the picture.

Yes thats know secret, but was is funny is that nobody says That US has not kild the same as the Nazis or more.

So if you are a Yank then you are a Hypocrite.

Standing up singing AMERICA AMERICA with the hand on the hart, and then go out and kill some more :)

And US does not make anything for free every time US goes in its about to secure oil for them self, pretending they are doing it for Humanitarian basis

please explain haiti relief then, my bitter bigot friend. keep it on topic instead of hateful parasite comments.

My guess is that Sweden would like this to be the non-issue it really is.


" Boss. The FM from Thailand is on the phone wants a quick word. "

" Where? Taiwan? What do they want? The Chinkies invading or something? "

" Something about some chap called Sinatra or Cleopatra, who's in our country and they don't like it. Apparently he's the ex PM who's on the lam from a prison sentence. "

" Ah... I remember something about that on the news. Right after that report about the dog that can ride a skateboard. OK. I'll have a look when I've finished this sandwich....

" :):D:D

So up to now nobody has respected the Thai FM when they have asked that Thaksin be asked to leave a country, Sweden, Dubai, Cambodia, Montenegro.

the truth guys this is all propaganda from the Thai FM for the Thai press and the gullible Thai people. The truth is the current unelected government does not want Thaksin back on Thai soil, the minute he is back here their goose is cooked and they know that. All they are doing at the moment is playing for time until he does come back at the request of the next elected Thai government.

Words of wisdom from an Ex UK Bobbie...... legally elected government please... Pass another Chang...

What about Gordon Brown..did he come from election?

It is not unusual for a government to go after a criminal. Can’t fault the Thai government to go after Thaksin anywhere he is. Especially when e has no regard in the sovereign of a country and the rule of country

Please help me! With the exception of the UK, what other countries have complained that Thaksin has either violated their sovereign rights or their laws? I don't know of any.

Sweden is like Switzerland. They like neutrality. They have no backbone. Look how they cooperated with the Nazis and you get the picture.

Yes thats know secret, but was is funny is that nobody says That US has not kild the same as the Nazis or more.

So if you are a Yank then you are a Hypocrite.

Standing up singing AMERICA AMERICA with the hand on the hart, and then go out and kill some more :)

And US does not make anything for free every time US goes in its about to secure oil for them self, pretending they are doing it for Humanitarian basis

How did the US get in forum? Since you are very ill informed, let me set the record straight. The US is and has been for at least the last 70 years been the largest donor providing assistance to every country (friend or foe) who has experienced a disaster. You seemed to have bought into the oil conspiracy crowd. The problem with repeating what someone else says and having no knowledge to understand what you sid. Haiti being the last but even before the earthquake the US was the largest donor trying to help Haiti improve its existence after all the years of dictatorships there. Remember all the ships and helicopters off the coast of Sumatra after the sunami. Remember the 23 B Baht loan to help Thailand during the financial crisis a few years back.

Why is it you seem compelled to call people names? It is more a reflection on you than the people you are trying to insult.

You are entitled to your opinions but the facts will remain the same regardless of how you try to distort them.

Trying being civil it might help you overcome your problems.

It is not unusual for a government to go after a criminal. Can’t fault the Thai government to go after Thaksin anywhere he is. Especially when e has no regard in the sovereign of a country and the rule of country

Please help me! With the exception of the UK, what other countries have complained that Thaksin has either violated their sovereign rights or their laws? I don't know of any.

Germany and there is a reason he cannot go to the US. He hasnt been there in years for a reason, something about a former business partner whom has filed some lawsuits against him. China also asked him to leave. Which is why he is not residing in his multi million dollar house there

I agree. Thanks Sweden for speaking out when false statements are made about you. Anyone reading TV would think that tens of formal requests have made been made to countries to expell or capture Thaksin. There have been no credible evidence of formal government requests and only a very small number of confrimations ( I believe the UK did announce an expulsion) but it was connection to a formal request from any other government.

Here on TV we have seen numerous reports of actions taken against Thaksin by other governments but no credible acknowledgements by those countries. Now we have Sweden flat out denying any actions against Thaksin.

Now it is time for all the TV posters who pepetuated these lies to apoligize. You owe everyone reading TV an apology for spreading these rumors. Please let's get TV back to factual information and stop the propoganda campaigns, name calling and insults.

Thanks again Sweden for trying to stop these false rumor campaigns.

One thing that is interesting is how little the reds hear from Thaksin when he is (supposedly) in Dubai. He timed his last call in when he was out of that country (and in Sweden apparently), but since he has been back in Dubai, nothing from him.

Jatuporn indicated that he had the sore throat again (funny how it always hits him in Dubai), but Thaksin had 'tweeted' that he was feeling just fine. A bit of mis-communication there.

I missed the apology you should have posted. Instead, I see only another character assassination. So little fact! So much insinuation!

My sympathy goes out to you.

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