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Bangkok Red-Shirt Rally - Live Friday


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Friday April 2 Red-shirt rally live updates

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THE NATION: Red shirts gathering at US Embassy accuse Thai govt of using US govt as a tool to discredit Thaksin.

THE NATION: Red leaders want to question embassy about "US role" which they imply has gotten suspicious lately - reported phonetaps &all.

MCOT: Red Shirted protesters rally at US embassy; pledge no confrontation with 'Pink' demonstrators gathering at Lumpini park

THE NATION:Very crammed in front of embassy _ reds, photographers, police.

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THE NATION: Somebody at the microphone in front of embassy, sounding like.....Weng. I mean Weng, real Weng.

THE NATION: "We coming in peace," the voice said.

THE NATION: Weng, that is. TV images confirm it.

THE NATION: About tomorrow protest, Weng said, reds will "make a collective decision first."

THE NATION: Reds moving away from US embassy now, after the Weng statement. I didn't quite catch if any embassy rep received any letter.

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THE NATION: Red station reported that a letter has been submitted to US secretary of state.

THE NATION: Red TV said protesters came to embassy to confirm peaceful nature of red campaign.

THE NATION: Embassy senior officials including spokesman received the letter, Red TV said.

THE NATION: Police presence increasing at Lumpini Park.

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THE NATION: Red TV now is attacking the "pink" movement as yellow shirts in disguise.

THE NATION: Expect pink and red movements to trade charges today over who harass whom first at Lumpini, where there was booing and jeering.

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Verbal clash between red shirts, pink shirts occur at Lumpini Park

BANGKOK: -- Five companies of police were deployed to the Lumpini Park to prevent possible clashes between the red-shirt and pink-shirt people Friday afternoon.

The pink-shirt people, who are against the red-shirt movement's call for House dissolution, gathered at the park at 1 pm.

By 1:18 pm, red-shirt people vehicles drove past the park heading to the US embassy.

When two more groups of red-shirt people drove past the park, some pink-shirt people ran out to the road to boo the red-shirt people.

The pink-shirt people carried banners, saying "Please stop it! We want to live our normal life".

Both sides then shouted at each other and police had to calm them down.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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City Police to Deploy 42 Companies of Police to Oversee Red-rally Tomorrow

BANGKOK: -- The Metropolitan Police reveal around 42 companies of police units will be deployed to oversee the red-shirt rally tomorrow, which the key red-shirt leaders have said will attract as many as 20 million red-shirt supporters.

The authorities believe the red-shirt protesters will use motorcycle taxis to block or surround key governmental offices and main intersections and roads in Bangkok.


-- Tan Network 2010-04-02


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Man Arrested for Disturbing Red-Shirts Rally

BANGKOK: -- A man has been detained for disturbing the red-shirt rally with firecrackers but was later released.

Security personnel of the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship said they detained 19-year-old Toey Sonsap for disturbing the red-shirt rally by throwing firecrackers into the crowd.

Toey claimed he was paid 5,000 baht by State Railway of Thailand officials and the People's Alliance for Democracy members, and he has harassed members of the anti-government movement five times so far.

He added that he also has plans to disrupt the pro-Thaksin demonstration planned for April 3rd. Police believe the man was the individual who threw firecrackers into Government House and Sanam Luang a few days ago.

The man was later set free as he did not have any firecrackers in his possession.


-- Tan Network 2010-04-02


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High security at Chulalongkorn University

BANGKOK (NNT) – Chulalongkorn University is under high security as United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) protestors plan to stage their mass rally there today after the pink clad supporters utilized the university area to hold a campaign to call on peace for the nation.

The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) had teamed up eight companies of security, including military and police officers to maintain maximum security at the premise and to help avoid violent confrontations between both sides.

Following the rally at Chulalongkorn University, the UDD protestors will move to stage another rally in front of the Rama VI Monument at Lumpini Park, where the pink clad supporters also held their campaign to call on peace for the nation.

CAPO Spokesperson, Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd asked the UDD protestors to show respect to the rules of law and other people's opinions during the period of their mass rallies.

Chulalongkorn University is temporarily closed and classes have been cancelled until 5 April.

The UDD protestors have been staging their mass rallies since March 12 with an aim to topple the Abhisit government for House dissolution and to call for fresh elections.

The rally situation has intensified after the government denied to dissolve the House within 15 days as proposed by the UDD core figures in the second round of negotiations.


-- NNT 2010-04-02


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Red-shirts March Back to Pan Fah Stage

BANGKOK: -- The red-shirt protesters, led by Dr.Weng Tojirakarn, have marched back to the Pan Fah main rally site after handing in an open letter to the US embassy accusing PM Abhisit Vejjajiva of ordering the violent crackdown on the red-shirt protesters in April 2009.

On their way to the US embassy the red-shirt group verbally abused a separate group of protesters, wearing pink, who were gathering to express their dissatisfaction with the red-shirt rallies in the capital at Lumpini Park.


-- Tan Network 2010-04-02


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Red shirts disperse from US embassy

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt protesters dispersed from the US embassy at 1:50 pm Friday after submitted a letter to US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton through the embassy.

The protesters were led to the embassy by Weng Tojirakarn.

Weng said the letter thanked Clinton for expressing her concern about the situation in Thailand and informed her that the on-going demonstration was peaceful and based on democratic means.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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THE NATION: Red shirts' msg is getting more subtle now. It says "real pinks&real whites" r fine, but yellow disguised as pinks/whites are bad

THE NATION: Now we have reds, fake reds, blue, white, pink, yellow, and yellow disguised as pinks/whites.

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Red shirts ensure US protests would be peaceful

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Red shirts on Friday submit a letter to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, thanking her for expressing concerns about the political situation in Thailand.

The letter which was submitted through the US Embassy in Thailand ensured the US that the ongoing pro-Thaksin protests would be peaceful and based on democratic principles and means.

Weng said the letter also informed Clinton that the red-shirt movement had no plan to use violence but the demonstration was held to expose alleged wrongdoings of the government.

They later dispersed from the embassy at 1.50pm and returned to their main rally site at Pan Fah Bridge.

Earlier when they left Pan Fah bridge for the US embassy, they dropped by at Lumpini Park where peace network members were gathering to launch their campaign for the restoration of peace and end of the political conflicts in the country.

The peace networks were called "Pink movement."

The red shirts which was led by Dr Weng Tojirakarn had verbal attacks with the peace members. They then moved to the US Embassy.

The peace movements earlier planned to conduct their campaign inside Chulalongkorn University's compound on Phayathai Road.

But the plan was cancelled as the university authorities suspended all activities for four days after the red shirts threatened to march to the university to talk to the networks.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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Thai 'Red Shirts' warn govt over counter protests

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's anti-government "Red Shirts", gearing up for another mass protest, accused Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Friday of instigating counter-rallies which they said could provoke violence.

Bangkok tourism workers as well as university academics and staff were preparing for their own rallies Friday to call for an end to the Reds' demonstrations agitating for snap elections.

A leader of the Red Shirts, who support the populist fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, said a fourth mass weekend rally on Saturday would go ahead as he accused authorities of mobilising people to stage counter-protests.

"I ask the prime minister: Do you want people to confront each other so that you can continue in your position?" the Reds' Jatuporn Prompan told reporters.

A university doctor from Bangkok's prestigious Chulalongkorn University met with Abhisit at Government House on Friday to state opposition to dissolving parliament, claiming he spoke on behalf of thousands of people in his network.

"The Red Shirt demonstrations have damaged Thailand's image and their demand for House dissolution is unreasonable," said the doctor, Tul Smithisomwong, who denied his group was organised by the government.

Tourism officials have said they will link up with the university's protest in Bangkok over deepening concern about the impact of political turmoil on the vital sector.

Abhisit has offered to hold elections a year early, at the end of 2010. But the Red Shirts, who accuse the government of being elitist and army-backed, want polls even sooner.

The Reds began their rallies on March 14 with more than 100,000 supporters, but the army has predicted many rural demonstrators are set to head home.

The group have staged a series of dramatic stunts to press their demands, including throwing their own blood at Abhisit's offices.

More than 1,000 Red Shirts visited the US embassy in Bangkok Friday to deliver a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promising that their rally would not turn violent.

Their letter came after the US State Department called for "peaceful resolution" of the class-based conflict.

The Reds seek the return of the twice-elected Thaksin, a former telecoms tycoon, saying that the coup that ousted him in 2006 was illegal.

Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail term for graft, has sought to mobilise his supporters with a series of impassioned speeches by videolink.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-04-02

Published with written approval from AFP.


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UDD entering Bangkok via boats

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The red-shirt rally-goers are moving into Bangkok via boat service, says the Marine Department.

The Marine Department’s Director General, Chalor Kotchrat reported that the supporters of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) have traveled from other provinces by boat into the capital to join the mass rally at Phan Fah Bridge since mid March.

Out of the total 28 taxi boats carrying at least 3,000 people, 5 were from Ayutthaya province, 2 from Prathum Thani, and 21 were from Nonthaburi. All are docking at the Rama 8 Bridge pier which is close to the main rally site.

Thousands of UDD protesters have been gathering in Bangkok since mid March, demanding for a House dissolution of the current Abhisit-led government.

The group has earlier announced that they would stop rallying before Songkran Holidays and may resume the activity at the end of this month if they do not achieve satisfactory results.


-- NNT 2010-04-02


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TAN Network: Red-shirts on motorcycle engaged in brawl with pink-shirt protesters gathering to protest against red rallies at Lumpini

TAN Network: Police detains webmaster of USA DAAD (Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship) for lese majeste

THE NATION: INN sms reported that "provoked" pink demonstrators 'beat up' 4 reds on motorcycles.

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Red-shirt motorcyclist rescued by police from pink shirts

BANGKOK: -- Police rescued a red-shirt motorcyclists who was captured and attacked by pink-shirt demonstrators inside the Lumpini Park.

The pink-shirt people were dispersing at 5:30 pm when the spotted a motorcyclist in red-shirt with the logo of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship riding inside the park.

They ran to attack the man, prompting police to come to rescue him and free him from the pink-shirt people.

A coordinator announced through the speakers, telling the pink-shirt people not to use violence.

Some 3,000 people joined the pink-shirt rally to counter the red-shirt rally.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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THE NATION: Is it "fake pinks" beating up real reds, or real pinks beat up fake reds, or real pinks beat up real reds or fake pinks beat up fake reds?

MCOT: Pink-clad demonstrators at Lumpini Park disperse; pledge to protect nation, monarchy; oppose House dissolution

MCOT: PM, Deputy PM discuss plan to cope with Sat rally by Red Shirt, believes rally not turn violence, ready to handle groups of differing view

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THE NATION: some pink protesters have dispersed from lumpini. some still remain, accusing reds of provocation intended to paint pinks as violent.

THE NATION: PM, Deputy PM discuss plan to cope with Sat rally by Red Shirt, believes rally not turn violence, ready to handle groups of differing views

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Pink shirts send postcards to PM to show moral support

BANGKOK: -- Some 3,000 people Friday gathered at the Lumpini Park to counter the red-shirt movement's demand for House dissolution.

During the rally, they wrote postcards to express their moral support for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

They also wrote their feelings on pieces of paper attached to a kite's tale for the prime minister.

The rally officially started at 2:30 pm with coordination by Jaras Suwanmala, dean of Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Political Science and Tridao Apaiwong, a CU lecturer.

The demonstrators made a pledge in front of the King Rama VI statue to have loyalty to the nation and monarchy.

They also showed their support for the government and urged the prime minister to resist the demand of the red-shirt movement, which calls for House dissolution within 15 days.

The demonstrators dispersed at 3:30 pm.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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500 red shirts from Nan head to Bangkok

NAN: -- About 500 red-shirt protesters left this northern province for Bangkok Friday morning.

Somsak Phaetsamarn, a Nan red-shirt leader, said the red-shirt people from Nan would stay in Bangkok until the government dissolves the House.

He said the protesters were also prepared to celebrate Songkran in Bangkok.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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Some 1,000 red shirts from Nakhon Ratchasima head to Bangkok

NAKHON RATCHASIMA: -- Some 1,000 red-shirt protesters left this northeastern province for Bangkok Friday morning to join the mass rally on Saturday.

Somphote Prasartthai, a leader of the Nakhon Ratchasima red shirts, said the protesters left on buses and private vehicles provided by the leaders.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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3,000 red shirts from Udon Thani head to Bangkok

UDON THANI: -- Kwanchai Praiphana, a red-shirt leader in Udon Thani, said Friday that he was leading some 3,000 protesters from the northeastern province to Bangkok.

Kwanchai said the protesters would reach Bangkok early Saturday.

Kwanchai said the Udon Thani red-shirt people would stay in Bangkok for about four days.

He said Pheu Thai MPs were also leading protesters from other northeastern provinces to Bangkok.


-- The Nation 2010-04-02


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Medical units ready for tomorrow’s mass rally

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Ministry of Public Health has prepared medical units and health personnel for tomorrow’s mass rally of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) to be staged in the capital of Bangkok.

Public Health Minister, Jurin Laksanawisit said that the medical operation center will stick to the ultimate plan, keeping a close watch on the situation in case of any untoward incidents.

The ministry has prepared mobile emergency units including ambulances to provide immediate assistance on-site if there are complications from confrontation while the stationary units located at main hospitals will be equipped with oxygen and blood reserve.

Another mass rally of the UDD will be staged in Bangkok tomorrow where thousands of the red-shirt demonstrators are expected to gather at Phan Fah Bridge.


-- NNT 2010-04-02


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Pink-shirted group, tourism industry hold counter-rallies

BANGKOK (TNA) - Pink-shirted demonstrators on Friday held rallies against the anti-government Red Shirt's demand for House dissolution, while white-clad tourism industry entrepreneurs and workers urged both the government and the Reds to seek solution to end prolonged protests which has taken a heavy toll on the country's tourism industry with current losses estimated at US$312 million.

The so-called Pink Shirts gathered at the Lumpini Park to express their opposition to the Red Shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) demand for the dissolution of the House.

The Pinks gathered around 2pm, paying homage to the statue of King Rama VI and taking an oath to protect the kingdom, religion and the monarchy.

Led by Dean Charas Suwanmala Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Political Science and retired deputy police chief Pol Gen Vasit Dejkunchorn, the Pink Shirts have written numbers of postcards to the prime minister, urging him not to dissolve the parliament as demanded by the UDD.

Gen Vasit said he agreed with the talks between the government and the Red Shirt leaders to find the solution for the current political conflict, but other factions should be allowed to join the negotiation to find the end of the crisis.

The pink faction dispersed after their activity ended.

A small clash reportedly occurred when a Red Shirt activist on a motorcycle was attacked by pink-shirted demonstrators as he passed an area where the pink faction gathered.

At the other side of the Lumpini Park, meanwhile, tourism entrepreneurs and representatives from the Federation of Thai Tourism Associations (FETTA), Thai Japan Tourism Association, Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), and the Thai Hotels Association announced their position in a statement asking every party to end violence and jointly find a peaceful and tangible solution by first considering of the country’s benefits.

FETTA spokesman Charoen Wangananon said the demonstration by the tourism sector groups was to reflect the negative effects on Thai tourism sector caused by the ongoing protests.

He said for over the past 20 days, the loss in revenues tourism entrepreneurs have faced is over Bt10 billion. (US$312 million). (TNA)


-- TNA 2010-04-02


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THE NATION: Nuttawut said reds will "move" at 9 am tomorrow. He didn't say how or where.

Thaivisa: Red Shirts announced to start rally Saturday 9am to undisclosed destinations, stressing their peaceful means to press for House dissolution

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