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Things That Are Bothering Me


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There are just a few little irritants for me... like a bunch of people parking their motorbikes right in front of the door of the 7-11, and then some gal sitting on the steps in front of the door text messaging on her cel-phone. A customer can't get in or out without climbing over something. Eventually, you just become like a Thai and immune to these little irritants. Another irritant is the car drivers that won't drive another 50 feet so as to not double park and block passage in a congested area. Again, it's an Asian thing.

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The bottom line is the bags are a commodity. A commodity I happen to want to acquire. People spend money for bags everyday. Luggage is a kind of bag. I like their bags, there, I said it, I like their bags. I like them a lot. I want to buy their bags. One is never enough. The BIGGER their bags the better. I want several. Several big ones. I don't want to ever run out. I want a life time supply of big red Central bags.

Jingthing, Central bags are gold here in Bangkok. Many Thais will save them and reuse them, partly for their 'prestige' factor.. ya.. i bought something at Central, I must be rich!

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JT has a point about the bag thing though. The cashier demonstrated a complete lack of Thai business acumen. What she should have said is, "Of course you can buy a bag sir, special price for you, 500 Baht for one but buy two for 1500 and and you get another one for free".

Simples. :D

As for the girl asleep under her office desk I would have left the office very quietly and then SLAMMED the door behind me. :)

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Why is it that a large number of Thais are unable to look left or right before driving onto the road. Even if they don't give a rat's a** about the inconvenience they are causing when you have to brake like mad, one would think that simple self-preservation would make them look first.


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Why is it that a large number of Thais are unable to look left or right before driving onto the road. Even if they don't give a rat's a** about the inconvenience they are causing when you have to brake like mad, one would think that simple self-preservation would make them look first.


 Actually, if they would pull out and quickly drive on, as some drivers do,  it wouldn't be that much of a problem.  The ones which bug me are the ones who stick out their nose, blocking your lane, then sit there waiting to see if you are going to stop before they go on their way.

If you aren't going to stop, then you are going to crash into them, so why don't they just skidaddle and get on with it instead of waiting until you come to a complete stop?

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I always pull out then skiddaddle, that way if you shunt me up the ass its your fault...if you hit me side one as I pull out its my fault. Maybe this law doesn't apply in thailand, or may them drivers you're talking about just don't thunk full stop!

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a CENTRAL bag isn't only a "commodity", in Thailand, it is a status symbol.


That is the reason you can buy Central and Gasorn plastic bags at Chatuchak weekend market.

Thanks for the tip! :D

How much for a big bag?

Edited by Jingthing
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just beat the shiz out of them, abuse, harass them. it's a girl??? just trip their leg, or give them headbutts making it look like an accident and say oh im sorry....

violence is the only way to solve problems, violence is beautiful, intelligence + violence uhmm~~hmmm~~ as long as ur not caught on cctv

The way of the WARRIOR. lol

sorry im drink atm :D:):D

Right on! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; nothing, and I mean nothing can drive home your point of view more than the liberal application of high explosives…. Even in a domestic dispute! Give it a go; I think you’ll be pleased with the results.

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double pricing

thai women having 2 bfs at once


immigration system

double pricing

immigration system

stopped by the police and getting charge 3,500 baht for not having I.D on me

and double pricing

alot can happen in one day

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I love going on the skytrain and getting out at Siam. I always stand in the middle of the doors and barge directly into all the impatient people trying to push their way onto the carriage before we get out. Sometimes it helps to be "big", lol.

I do this too, eyes down and full steam ahead !

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It was the bank employee who told me a load of rubbish that annoyed me today.
This winds me up more than anything. A snooty doris bank employee tried to tell me that I shouldn't be taking out so much money (buying a car, cheque) as it hadn't long been transfered. Please, just <deleted>, keep your opinion/envy to yourself and give me MY money! :)
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Sorry, please elaborate about the bags, as I don't get it. Are they for the shoppers purchases, in which case why didn't you just buy the cheapest thing they had for sale? However, yes their attitude sucks.

Yes, correct, normally you get a red bag when you buy something. You see, the thing is, I want a BIG red bag, so just buying anything small to get a bag would only get a SMALL red bag, which I don't want. I wasn't really expecting success to get my bag, but I was hoping they didn't treat me (to my view in a racist way) like a funny dog to be laughed at and mocked, not worth the time of day. Its not like they were busy. The store was EMPTY. These bags are very sturdy and can be used to carry other stuff around town (while advertising their store), but they do eventually wear out (thus my current need). I am not sure I will buy something really big there just for the bag though, but I was happy to PAY for a bag. No go.

Got it.

Perhaps you could try going to the greeting cards section and buying one of those really BIG cards that would only fit in a big bag. Just a thought.

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a CENTRAL bag isn't only a "commodity", in Thailand, it is a status symbol.


That is the reason you can buy Central and Gasorn plastic bags at Chatuchak weekend market.

Thanks for the tip! :D

How much for a big bag?

Don't sell only one you need to buy a pack of them :D , and after "SHOW TIME" :D

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Tiger, the "kid" is just engaging in the old tactic of distracting from what you are really talking about ie being treated like a load of s**t in your own shop, by attacking you with some completely irrelevant stuff. No doubt next time the "kid" is being double charged at some Thai national park or such, he will add a big tip, and bend over for them to give him him the royal salute of the boot.

In a life time of being treated badly by people that shouldn't, I wish I could have the opportunity for some small revenge on occasion. For that, I envy you.

The myth of rampant double pricing has been debunked many times over the years and the threads are chock full of examples. The point that seems to have missed many of holier than thou types is that;

1. The "Red shirts" are continually belittled as having no ethics and as being dishonest. And yet here we have one of the "superior" farangs intentionally cheating a group of people based upon their presumed political beliefs. If the farang is so superior, shouldn't the farang take the moral decision and do the right thing? Or are ethics and integrity only for the dirty "red shirts"?

2. The people that constantly blame Thaksin and denigrate the "red shirts" have a tedious position that goes along the line of "You can't say that because there is corruption before Thaksin, what was seen under Thaksin was no different. Corruption may be part of Thailand's social fabric, but we superior farangs say that Thaksin should be held to a different standard". And yet here we have a sterling example of the moral paucity, the blatant hypocrisy that says, Yea let's stick it to these people. Without even knowing who these people are, it's the presumption of guilt. This suggests hypocrisy. The reality is that this isn't about red or yellow shirts, it's just about those slaves getting uppity, isn't it. What did the overcharging achieve? You say it's to get back for the double pricing. Ok, but if you don't have the balls to tell these people, how will they know that the local decision to charge non residents for access to public parks paid for by Thai citizens, is being protested?

If you spend your life plotting revenge, you can't be too happy can you? There is more to life that hoping to get back at some guy that ha nothing and is powerless. If you want revenge, go after the oligarchy that controls the nation's real estate and holds the flow of capital. The threads of TV do indeed provide a revealing insight into the dark miserable unhappy lives of so many. I really am beginning to understand what motivates alot of people's comments.

Since when has double pricing been a myth? You've obviously never been to Samet, then!

You're still using the "distraction technique". he never said he overpriced them because of their politics, but because of their attitude.

Yes we all know that LOS has always been corrupt, but Thaksin elevated corruption to excessive heights; too much even for the Thais to stomach.

I'd rather get revenge on some ba***d dissing me to my face, than just feel PO all day because I couldn't do anything about it.

As for the "oligarchy that controls the nation's real estate and holds the flow of capital" in the west they are called the ruling party, and there's not much I can do about them, let alone the ones in LOS.

I'm waiting for the revolution though.

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The guy in a well known bus/boat to the southern Gulf islands company who thought I should enjoy being completely soaked ( including my bags ) when I went to check in for the bus the day BEFORE the Songkran mayhem officially started. Unfortunately, the office is close to Kao San Rd.

When I told him in no uncertain words what I thought of it, he took offence, and started screaming at me in a very un-Thai manner. What a really great guy, a credit to Thai customer relations!!!

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The mai mee syndrome.

It is just so much easier to say mai mee or perish the thought of suggesting an alternate shop to find the item

Yesterday topped the cake. Went into a typical small shop to buy a brake line fitting. I did not even have the part on the counter and the female shopkeeper did not even take a glance at it before uttering mai mee. Luckily a young guy was next to me buying parts as well and he suggested her competitor down the street. This got her attention and she miraculously reached under the counter and produced the previously mai mee part.

I went down the street anyway and bought what I needed, and the first shop lost a future customer.

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The myth of rampant double pricing has been debunked many times over the years and the threads are chock full of examples. <snip>

Are you saying that double pricing does not exsist in thailand? Leaving national parks out of it, are you saying that coffee shops, spa's, massage shops, taxi's, tuk-tuks, HOTELS, restruants, maids, service men, police, and a whole slew of other industries don't charge more to the farang? :)

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The mai mee syndrome.

It is just so much easier to say mai mee or perish the thought of suggesting an alternate shop to find the item

Yesterday topped the cake. Went into a typical small shop to buy a brake line fitting. I did not even have the part on the counter and the female shopkeeper did not even take a glance at it before uttering mai mee. Luckily a young guy was next to me buying parts as well and he suggested her competitor down the street. This got her attention and she miraculously reached under the counter and produced the previously mai mee part.

I went down the street anyway and bought what I needed, and the first shop lost a future customer.

this one bothers the $h!t out of me.... Happens every where. Make sure when you leave to tell them, their lazyness just costed them a customer.

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Why do Boots the chemist (old traditional high street shop from England meaning you think they would have common sense as some of their staff are highly educated)

They put the Thai sticky label with Thai instructions over the English instructions or ingredients!! How flubbing silly is that...

You have acres of space on the side / front of any product but they always stick it over the English...

It means you have to peel off the sticker in the shop while the floor walkers are following you making you feel a little uncomfortable !

Gripe of the week in fact everytime i am in Boots...

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My comments in blue.

1. Stop hocking hacking and spitting in the public showers at my gym. I don't care if it is your culture and your country, its disgusting and unsanitary.

if you must be a pedant, then at least you should be correct when playing with other peoples words. the term he meant was "hawking" and he was at least phonetically correct. you on the other hand have just demonstrated your ignorance. see definition below.

This is an easy one....just constantly & excessively hack & spit in the showers at the gym. See how they like it. :)

2. Make a little room on the BTS and the buses when someone sits down next to you. Move your leg over into your space.

On the other hand, press your leg hard against their leg. The results can be astonishing. :D

3. That's pretty much all that bothered me today!

Is that all? I'm disappointed. :D

hawk 3 (hôk)

v. hawked, hawk·ing, hawks


To clear or attempt to clear the throat by or as if by coughing up phlegm.


To clear the throat of (phlegm).


An audible effort to clear the throat by expelling phlegm.

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