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I Have Been Completely Stitched Up By Ex Thai Gf

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You might wanna take that mobile number off there before the mods do, since we dont know if any of this story is true or not for a start. Not saying it isn't but some people would abuse the situation if we were allowed to hand out other peoples personal contact info.

On the flipside someone might just call her and tell her that you have just posted a load of stuff about her on the net which might end up being more hassle for you.

Take the mobile number off..........

Edited by RDN
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an all to familiar tale!

I know it's small comfort, but you're not alone in being stitched up by a Thai girl.

The secret? Get one that can't speak English! Then you know she's spent no time around foreigners and been turned on to being a money grabber!

I do sympathise with you mate, I've been there. Not quite the same circumstances but still got done big time, cost me over 2 million baht....

Live and learn. Don't worry about her now - she's gone! Try not t0o tar them all with the same brush though, there are good ones out there, mine's an absolute gem! Met her after the above experience, and she has stayed with me even when I didn't have a pot to piss in.

Been nearly 6 years now and life couldn't be better, now have an 18 month old little boy and my missus has learnt English from me, not that annoying bar bird English which goes right through me!

Chin up mate, when you're back in LOS give me an email, let's share a Chang or two!

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Hi all, I don't normally post on these forums, but with recent events in my life I feel compelled to.

My background is this: I am 25 and my ex is also 25. I was living in Bangkok with my ex thai gf for over one year. I headed back to the UK in march 2005 with the intention of my ex following me soon, so we sorted out a fiancee visa for her, which was by no mean easy or cheap, but I was in love so I was determined that she would follow me to the UK.

I sent her money for her flight and also helped pay for her flat whilst she was in Thailand and I was back in the UK. She came to the UK in early May and was supposed to stay with me for about 6 months before we had the intention of getting married. Unfortunately she only stayed for a week, as she was complaining she was homesick, didn't like food etc.

I tried to persuade her to stay but her mind was made up, so I took her back to Heathrow and left her there without checking that she checked in for her flight.

I then assumued that she went back to Thailand where she was supposed to be looking for a job. However I discovered via a friend of her's last night, that she is now staying with another guy that she met in Ko San Rd last January, when we were going through a rocky patch. This guy lives in Leicester and I called them up after her friend gave me his number. I have never been so shocked, upset, gutted in all my life. This simply is not right, she is staying in the UK on a fiancee visa with my name written on it, surely there is something I can do to get her out of the country?? Any sensible offers of advice would be much appreciated.

Keep the faith buddy. There are some good girls out there. Women can be decietful bitches any where in the world! Having worked in a bank 25 years in SOuth FLorida I have seen it all. Regarding Thai chicks. don't give up but like all women keep in mind they look at the size of a man's WALLET! It is more difficult when they are 25 years younger then you and so ###### cute!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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Sorry about the phone number, couldn't resist that one :o

Am definitely looking on the positive side, ie being single in Bkk for a change!

Will have to take you up on that offer of a Chang or 5 backpack!

Once again thanks for all the support guys, I never expected such a repsonse!!

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The secret? Get one that can't speak English!
And if shiny balls can't speak Thai?

They just sit and gawp at each other.

Then you know she's spent no time around foreigners

...I used to have a gf who couldn't speak english - craftiest little cow out !

I don't think hanging round Thai boys is a recipe for demure behaviour!

Edited by The_Moog
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Theres always a dark side.

I just came home from a night out with a bunch of ladies here in Syd.

Some have very differing views on what a long term relationship means.

One had three mobiles!!!

...I used to have a gf who couldn't speak english - craftiest little cow out !

If she was that crafty, maybe she could speak English.... :o

totster :D

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Why dont you take the Thai approach on this? Tell her and her new boyfriend that they can buy you out for whatever you spent getting her the visa + 50% and you will let matters be. No money to compensate you and you go to the authorities. It would certainly make things a little bit uncomfortable for them and you never know, you might end up with enough money for a business class ticket to BKK to get over her !!!!

Just think of sipping the champagne in flight and looking forward to finding someone better.....

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Why dont you take the Thai approach on this? Tell her and her new boyfriend that they can buy you out for whatever you spent getting her the visa + 50% and you will let matters be. No money to compensate you and you go to the authorities.

...and in UK, go to jail for it................its Blackmail, and a criminal offence.

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Why you guys feel sorry for this guy I don't know. We should be laughing at him. Just another sorry sap whose brain went right to his crotch soon after his first orgasm with an asian beauty.

Another man who after a few mind blowing "releases" fell in love with a Thai girl (with bar girl instincts) and couldnt think straight.

Why can't these men just come to Thailand for sex ? Why do you feel compelled to take them from their home and marry them? Why do u need to save them and take them back to your home countries? Why get ball and chained with some not well educated Thai girl?

This guy has heard all of the stories yet he believed it wouldnt happen to him. Sorry... he got what he deserved..

Come to Thailand for the 3f style of sex. Find em, f&^k em, and forget em! What is so difficult about that?

Here are the 3 rules to follow in Thailand when playing the game:

1. Never take a Thai girl to your hotel room, guest house, or apartment. Get a cheap 2 hour sex room.

2. Always pay.

3. Most importantly, Never ever see the same girl, working girl twice.

I know I will get criticism but this is the safest way for you inexperienced men to survive the thai voodoo when coming to Thailand.

Come to Thailand for the sex, sex, sex and leave it at that. Why screw up your life by marrying some thai bar girl? I have never ever understood this.

However Disco, I am glad you will take a much more cynical outlook on your next trip. Thats the way to do Thaialnd. Trust none of these women and just be glad your free and single and not tied down!!!


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very diplomatic turok.how can you judge this guy who you dont know.ok he fell in love obviously,we are not all as cynical as your views suggest you are.Dont know what country you are from,doubt its england where most of us are a little naive when visiting thailand for first time.i agree with some of your points,some a bit harsh and insensitive.has this happened to you maybe

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Why dont you take the Thai approach on this?  Tell her and her new boyfriend that they can buy you out for whatever you spent getting her the visa + 50% and you will let matters be.  No money to compensate you and you go to the authorities.    It would certainly make things a little bit uncomfortable for them and you never know, you might end up with enough money for a business class ticket to BKK to get over her !!!!

Just think of sipping the champagne in flight and looking forward to finding someone better.....

Sounds good but it is blackmail as Moog says and he could really be in the sh1t! Then again, letting her off scot free could turn the op into an axe-wielding maniac later on with taking this on the chin. Being vengeful can eat you up but it can also be sweet. Whatever happens, you should definitely inform immigration as you have signed forms stating your responsibility to it and it has absconded. Let us know how it goes and best of luck whatever you do.

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But there is still a piece of me that wants revenge!

dont give up on the revenge !! :D

she deserves it.

it'll make her think on.

nothing too nasty , but enough to make her furious. very furious. lose a few nights sleep , something that will eat her up inside for a few weeks , take her mind of the new loverboy. :o

thais cant handle fury too well !!

take your time and plan it well .

they say revenge is a dish best served up cold. :D

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Why you guys feel sorry for this guy I don't know.  We should be laughing at him.  Just another sorry sap whose brain went right to his crotch soon after his first orgasm with an asian beauty.

Another man who after a few mind blowing "releases"  fell in love with a Thai girl (with bar girl instincts) and couldnt think straight. 

Why can't these men just come to Thailand for sex ?  Why do you feel compelled to take them from their home and marry them?  Why do u need to save them and take them back to your home countries? Why get ball and chained with some not well educated Thai girl? 

This guy has heard all of the stories yet he believed it wouldnt happen to him.  Sorry... he got what he deserved..

Come to Thailand for the 3f style of sex.  Find em, f&^k em, and forget em!  What is so difficult about that?

Here are the 3 rules to follow in Thailand when playing the game:

1.  Never take a Thai girl to your hotel room, guest house, or apartment.  Get a cheap 2 hour sex room.

2.  Always pay.

3.  Most importantly, Never ever see the same girl, working girl twice.

I know I will get criticism but this is the safest way for you inexperienced men to survive the thai voodoo when coming to  Thailand.

Come to Thailand for  the sex, sex, sex and leave it at that.  Why screw up your life by marrying some thai bar girl?  I have never ever understood this. 

However Disco, I am glad you will take a much more cynical outlook on your next trip.  Thats the way to do Thaialnd.  Trust none of these women and just be glad your free and single and not tied down!!! 


could not agree with you more...doing the same thing with my uni-girls, too much gossipping and bullsh1t..and i live here :o

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The secret? Get one that can't speak English!

And if shiny balls can't speak Thai?

They just sit and gawp at each other.

A valid point, and sure I already had a certain level of Thai when I met my missus. However, friend I have here (yes, i do have the odd friend here and there!), have said that when they first got together with their GF's it was great fun with all the hand signals and dead silly attempts to speak each others lingo.

My missus now has a decent grasp of English and has helped improve my Thai beyond belief.

It helps build the relationship into (hopefully) a strong one as you've both been in the same position to start out! It's a common interest. If once the understanding is there a bit more you realise your new GF is a doughnut then sack her, shit happens sometimes, same all over the world!

Obviously when I said "no English", a few words of each others lingo would already be known, "hello", "goodbye", "kgin khao" etc. etc.

Get a phrase book, loosen up your arm muscles and have some fun!

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Why get ball and chained with some not well educated Thai girl?
"some not well educated Thai girl?"

I think someone else could use a bit more education...!

Why screw up your life by marrying some thai bar girl?  I have never ever understood this.

This is a very valid point and one I have also never understood!

Regular TV members would have missed my "standard" response to this, so here it is just one more time....

"You wouldn't marry a hooker in your own country, so why do it in Thailand...?"

Thank you, I'll be here all week! Please leave tips at the door!

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"You wouldn't marry a hooker in your own country, so why do it in Thailand...?"

Thank you, I'll be here all week! Please leave tips at the door!

That old chesnut , how about

"You wouldn't s h a g a hooker in your own country, so why do it in Thailand...?"

I'm sure most on this board could answer that one , including you... :o

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"You wouldn't marry a hooker in your own country, so why do it in Thailand...?"

Thank you, I'll be here all week! Please leave tips at the door!

That old chesnut , how about

"You wouldn't s h a g a hooker in your own country, so why do it in Thailand...?"

I'm sure most on this board could answer that one , including you... :o

Well someone must s h a g hookers in their own counrty or there wouldn't be any.......... :D

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Or you could ask why anyone in Thailand would marry a skint, decrepid old former lawyer. My wife did! Because everyone knows lawyers have screwed many more people than any thai bar girl. :D

"May he who is without sin------" :o

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//edit by RDN - reference to deleted post deleted.

We hardly know Disco Balls, perhaps he is a total <deleted>.

We haven't heard the other side of the story.

...and why bust the guy in Leicester? If a girl comes to any man saying she doesn't like her Boyfriend, then alls fair in love and war - he has no duty to the 3rd party. How many here would not take an interest in a pretty girl actively seeking to switch lovers?

Girls often keep a man in tow while looking for a better deal, a beautiful girl is seldom totally single.

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first of all stop thinking about revenge. you can't win. the number of people that I know sought revenge and fatally lost almost rival the number of homicide victims I personally knew in L.A.

I am 25 just like you and have been here for one year. Like one poster said you gotta know how to play the game. You also don't know the Bangkok Golden Rule. Don't fall for their life stories. I made my own joke.....

Prateet Angrit mii himaak

Prateet Thai mii hee maak


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This is my little rant for the cynics...

I'm glad you cynics can hide behind your computer screnes and keyboards.

If I was in the same situation that this guy has been in and, you had said that cynical shit (turok, Joey) to my face in person (which we all know you cowards would not do); I can garantee you that after I had physically vented myself; In the future, you would think again about saying another word to anyone else, about anything, for the rest of your life.

I myself like challanges and a little bit of confrontations. I can stand up for what I belive in. If you were a psychologist I bet you would come to that same conclusion by my usage of my real name on a public internet forum.

And, to the OP; don't listen to all the cynics, you have my support, and the support of others. Maybe they have never been in love and don't know how it feels to truly love someone. You have, and now you are better for it. Youv'e had the experience and can move on.

"It is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all."

I wish you the best of luck in your quest to find the loyal woman of your dreams.

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This is my little rant for the cynics...

I'm glad you cynics can hide behind your computer screnes and keyboards. 

If I was in the same situation that this guy has been in and, you had said that cynical shit (turok, Joey) to my face in person (which we all know you cowards would not do); I can garantee you that after I had physically vented myself;  In the future, you would think again about saying another word to anyone else, about anything, for the rest of your life.

I myself like challanges and a little bit of confrontations.  I can stand up for what I belive in.  If you were a psychologist I bet you would come to that same conclusion by my usage of my real name on a public internet forum.

And, to the OP; don't listen to all the cynics, you have my support, and the support of others.  Maybe they have never been in love and don't know how it feels to truly love someone.  You have, and now you are better for it.  Youv'e had the experience and can move on.

"It is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all."

I wish you the best of luck in your quest to find the loyal woman of your dreams.

hey RDN, I think I should be allowed to reply to this..

So peder, your telling me that if u returned to pattaya and found out someone had been giving your wife/gf one, you would take yer anger out on innocent bystanders if they told u that the guy who had been messin with yer woman deserved a beating? Dont talk sh1t :o

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That is not what I am saying at all.

the guy deserves a good beatin :o

Does antagonizing those in pain still count as you being an innocent bystandard, or an antagonizer?

Yes, if you antagonize me while I am in pain (as result of a situation such as this), you will feel that of much far greater then I am. That is what I am saying.

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