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Did You Know That 95% Of All Harleys Ever Sold Are Still On The Road? .........the Other 5% Made It Home!

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This is a joke:

Did You Know That 95% Of All Harleys Ever Sold Are Still On The Road? .........the Other 5% Made It Home.

This is a question:

Did You Know That 95% Of All Harleys Ever Sold Are Still On The Road? .........the Other 5% Made It Home!, Correct statement?

The joke, by the way, is an old joke but still quite funny. In fact I have it on my webpage along with photos of the many bikes I have owned including my Harleys.

Also, why did you put a comma after an exclamation mark followed by a capital letter? That might be a joke too!

Edited by Jimmu
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Having lived in the Harley State (wisconsin usa,) for a number of years and know plenty of riders, I have yet to heard of one falling apart. They all admit thought that, in the past H-D were 75% lemons. But the new ones are a dream to ride. Am saving up to maybe get a sportster, abit small but perfect for Thai city riding. It's just something about the sound of a Harley that just drive people crazy, either hate it or love it. Sure as heck it'll turn heads.

I read a post about returning waves, it's not easy to let do in Thailand, it's the throttle hand that has to let go. Back in the US, it's the clutch hand so it's much simpler.

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I read a post about returning waves, it's not easy to let do in Thailand, it's the throttle hand that has to let go. Back in the US, it's the clutch hand so it's much simpler.

Jeeeez this has gotta be the dumbest remark of the day. Now we know why Hd riders dont wave they are to busy trying to work out which hand to wave with. Then bugger it's to late! :D:)

Edited by thaicbr
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As Eek mentioned in one of her posts, their was a guy who flipped off a Thai and the Thai shot him, wouldn't want a wave to be mistaken for flip.

I can just see it now "did he just give me the bird or was it a wave, argh stuff it shoot him anyway" deadly results. :)

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As Eek mentioned in one of her posts, their was a guy who flipped off a Thai and the Thai shot him, wouldn't want a wave to be mistaken for flip.

I can just see it now "did he just give me the bird or was it a wave, argh stuff it shoot him anyway" deadly results. :)

Here that could happen just by looking at him. That's presuming 'he's' a pissed up off duty Thai cop. Who i believe is the main murderer of Farang in Thailand.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Having lived in the Harley State (wisconsin usa,) for a number of years and know plenty of riders, I have yet to heard of one falling apart. They all admit thought that, in the past H-D were 75% lemons. But the new ones are a dream to ride. Am saving up to maybe get a sportster, abit small but perfect for Thai city riding. It's just something about the sound of a Harley that just drive people crazy, either hate it or love it. Sure as heck it'll turn heads.

I read a post about returning waves, it's not easy to let do in Thailand, it's the throttle hand that has to let go. Back in the US, it's the clutch hand so it's much simpler.

Lots of HD here in Marseille France, popular bike, below photograph taken yesterday.


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