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Thailand Child-Sex Ring Run By Monk Busted In Chiang Mai

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It's amazing that this found it's way into the media and wasn't censored or ohtherwise suppressed.

Something is changing in Thailand. To the good.

Great news for a Buddhist state to be that open.Hope more openness and honesty from now on.Also great police work

not turning a blind eye like many in the Western world do toward the C......Church.

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Organized religion has always historicaly had an element of corruption. It has been a way for the rich powerful elites to control the masses. The elites tell the masses. You will get your reward when you are dead. Why God himself has ordained me Queen or king. They use the fear of death and the unknown to control the have nots. Mean while clergy of all types enrich them selves.


I'm tempted to say let the monk get a taste of his own medicine in prison, however he just might enjoy it too much if he doesn't already.

Clearly he is an aberration as hopefully this is not the norm.


Thai monks and Catholic priests - what is wrong with these guys? "Suffer little children to come unto me" says the Gospels and I'm sure there is a Thai quote giving a similar entreatment to care for the innocence of children. So how come? - having been scared SH**less by the Jesuits priests in their black cassocks when I was a kid (I might add fueled by horror stories from other boys who told what happened if they caight you alone in the changing rooms after gym or PT as it was called in my day) - I'm starting to wonder if it has got something to do with - men in dresses. All due respect to the guys in our forum who like cross dressing.

And there was me thinking it was always farangs who were involved in these terrible activities, really awful.

Edit - whoops, didn't read it correctly, seems they were procuring these kids for foreigners, I really don't know which is worse. Without the pervs there would be no market and no need to traffic the kids, and without the trafficers the pervs would have to go somewhere else.

i do not believe it,it is only farangs that do that sort of thing,and i did not know that Viargra caused Paedophiles,? i always thought it was something in the water


Finding underage sex in Thailand is about as difficult as buying imported beer.

It is everywhere.

Police do not care.

You have to be very sheltered or dumb not to come across it.

seems no where is safe

the church

the wat

the school

the doctors

the dentists

the swimming pool.

the army

the navy

the airforce

the actors

shall i go on


‘Soi 13

-devils disguised in plaid suits and Gucci ties-

As shame tainted darkness

descends upon the dank, deceptive

alley in downtown nowhere.

A river of depravity slowly forms.

Parasitic human waste arrives

masquerading as good guys.

Innocence so young, so alone,

the first time far from home,

curls in a ball,…terrified.


With blood, shit & broken glass

infused fortitude, she holds her head high.

8 years of captive abuse,

stolen from home when she was 5.

She smiles though feels nothing,

her tears that ran incessantly,

have dried.

‘Soi 13’

The rape of innocence

evil’s putrid smell

a pedophile conveyor belt

a parents living hel_l.


Thai monks and Catholic priests - what is wrong with these guys? "Suffer little children to come unto me" says the Gospels and I'm sure there is a Thai quote giving a similar entreatment to care for the innocence of children. So how come? - having been scared SH**less by the Jesuits priests in their black cassocks when I was a kid (I might add fueled by horror stories from other boys who told what happened if they caight you alone in the changing rooms after gym or PT as it was called in my day) - I'm starting to wonder if it has got something to do with - men in dresses. All due respect to the guys in our forum who like cross dressing.

Why is a story about monks and perverts a reason to bash the Catholic church? Too many posters use forums to express their biases and hatreds, rather than sticking to the story at hand. Untold thousands of good religious people (all religions) dedicate their lives to helping homeless orphans in poor countries. If the story is about a few sick monks and the pedophile falangs, then stick to the facts. I'm sure the vast majority of monks who read this story are sickened to hear of this activity, as do the vast majority of TV posters who are sickened by these perverts who make all of us male falangs look bad, or at the least, suspect, in the eyes of the Thai people.


You have a sex ring run by a Monk and all over the world you find the Catholic church in hot water.

Nice to see the "men of god" protecting our children. Disgusting.

These ones need to be put in general population, not segregated and protected with the other pervs.


"Although all socio-economic groups contain paedophiles, as do all occupations, certain ones are favourites, such as school and foundation volunteers, teachers, clerics, policemen and missionaries, again another prime example being from Pattaya. These positions put them in the ideal situation because they firstly, gain the trust of their victims and secondly, rely on their personas as authority figures, making resistance difficult, particularly in societies where respect for authority is highly regarded."

fascinating - and where dioes the reporter get this "insight" into pedophilia from?

....inordinate collectors who never throw anything away. ???

They tend to keep souvenirs / trophies and also record their misdeeds as in this story. I think it is sad that someone would go to such an extent as to go after children for their own pleasure. Its sickening and I cant fathom any understanding of it. I am glad that the culprits were caught, although I am sure that there are still too many out there...


Anyone proven guilty & convicted of such crimes should in my view be castrated. I don't care who they are. It's a crime that any society should really rid themselves of. Those castrated would be cast out from society forever, which in my opinion is their just deserves. Those foreigners that commit such crimes give all of us expats a terrible reputation which will be irreversable if something is not done soon. Most of us expats are in our sixties & are in Thailand on Retirement Visas & want to live a respectable life in our twilight years. I can see a time coming soon when all retirees wishing to retire here will have to go through stringent criminal checks & procedures, which will be a sad day for all of us. I just hope the Thai authorities have a "One strike & your castrated" policy SOON on individuals that commit such horrendous crimes & refuse entry visas to known offenders unless of course they wish to be castrated. If everyone took the same "hard line" view as myself this criminal act would quickly be addressed & children in this world would be living in a safer societies. Why we tolerate these individuals in Europe etc & still allow them to travel free around the world to commit further abuse to children is beyond my comphrehension. I think if Thailand took the lead on this one no one would blame them. These people are the scurge of society & I would support the death penalty for second offenders.

I always seem to be reading these reports and invariably it involves ,boys ,very rarely girls ,also here in Pattaya there usually some report or other of boys in sunnee plaza or boyz town ,to my mind most of the pedophiles seem to be homosexual.

wrong here are the statistics

Rate of sexual abuse by gender:

bluemark.gif 1.7 victims per 1,000 female children

bluemark.gif 0.4 victims per 1,000 male children.

that is 4+ more girls then boys get abused according to

Source: US Dept of Health and Human Services,

Administration for Children & Families

Pattaya is probably a mecca for homosexual pedos


Personally speaking, I'm against the death penalty for human beings, but there are those who walk amoungst us who look like human beings, thay talk like human beings, they posess the intellegence of a human being, but they are not human beings. They are missing one quality that defines a human being, they are missing a conscience, or what some people might call a soul.

Paedophiles choose to do their evil, to rape a child is to ruin that child, and taint their entire life. Other scum pander to Peadophiles and supply children for their abhorrent activities. Neither of these groups can qualify as human beings, because if you are truly capable of telling the difference between good and evil you cannot choose to do evil.

When you have correctly indentified one of these individuals the kindest thing to do is to cull it from the race on the spot. Not with anger, or a sense of taking revenge, but with a terrible sadness... This was supposed to be a human being. It's not, It didn't make it. Destroy it as you would a terminally sick animal in pain.


Why the sensationalism? This is very poor journalism.

For example:

"Indeed, extreme vulnerability is a decided turn on for these individuals, apparently. In one well recorded incident, 20 convicted Australian paedophiles attempted to travel to Indonesia and Thailand immediately after the Boxing Day tsunami, evidently to prey on vulnerable, displaced children. "

How does the reporter reach this conclusion? If the incident was so well-recorded it should be easy enough to cite some evidence.

The rest of the article is no better. It borders on voyeurism. [/font]


Please keep this thread civil.

/Moderating team

As amongst other things a trained journalist, I am distressed to find the methods and locations of criminal activity revealed in this way. Clearly, people who wish to emulate a crime can benefit from such information.

Revealing certain details regarding how to commit a crime is illegal in Australia, however I still see on the news there from time to time, information that simply 'gives too much away' to would be menaces to society.

There is a clear responsibility issue in this, both on the parts of legislators/law makers, and journalists/broadcast outlets.

As for the rest. No comment required. It's a form of criminal insanity. Best wishes for the care given to those affected, and to the measures of prevention arising from this.

***Footnote: I might add, on reflection, this question of publishing inappropriate material, similarly indicts this board and others which republish similar facts and details of cases and crimes, and therefore raises the issue of censorship. Bottom line for me is public safety. Any potential future criminals reading this thread might suddenly find themselves with the means to hurt someone.***

Food for thought.


QUOTE from the original story:

SE Asia is a favourite happy hunting ground for sex tourists, in general, and paedophiles in particular. The ideal conditions of abject poverty, statelessness (as in the case of refugees and hill tribe people), lax or ill-defined laws, corrupt police, bribery and corruption among the authorities, abandoned children, low education and a lack of specific training in law-enforcement all make for exceptional opportunities for such individuals, leaving young victims irreparably damaged and the perpetrators rarely reported or prosecuted, or frequently if they are, miraculously reappearing on the streets after supposedly having been imprisoned, as has been the case in several instances in Pattaya.


food for thought this quote. For all kind of hunters...

And there was me thinking it was always farangs who were involved in these terrible activities, really awful.

Edit - whoops, didn't read it correctly, seems they were procuring these kids for foreigners, I really don't know which is worse. Without the pervs there would be no market and no need to traffic the kids, and without the trafficers the pervs would have to go somewhere else.

Yes, only 'farangs' do this kind of thing. I don't really know what you mean by 'farangs'? But it's them who do this.

No Asian/Thai person would ever commit such a crime. If you don't get caught, it's not a crime. Or the Thai version 'if it's not reported, it didn't happen'

Wake up and realise that this kind of thing happens all over the world. Sad but true.

Who's worse? The accused or the monk? Who cares? Two wrongs don't make a right. May they recieve both recieve the most severe punishments within the Thai law.


Thankfully, with the internet there is now a means for authorities to quickly build up a file on these creeps. Police from many countries are joining forces to pass on information of known offenders. Their whereabouts can be tracked, and authorities infomed BEFORE the paedophiles arrive in Thailand. That is how most of them are caught. I DO like the idea that the creeps spend jail time in Thailand rather than the soft prisons of western countries.


Great to hear that the two were caught. I hope things are changing, and Thai authorities would arrest and successfully prosecute enablers and those who profit from this sort of crime.

However, can't help but notice how the article focuses on foreign pedophiles (6 of 9 paragraphs), who are almost completely irrelevant to this case. The arrested pair of pimps had *one* British client, that's the only established fact.

I suppose they have more than one client, but all the rest is pure speculation. It's a fairly well known fact, (never heard anyone dispute it) that most sexual abuse of children in Thailand (and Cambodia) is committed by local men. This makes sense given the absolute numbers.

Why report non-facts and irrelevant facts? What does the Australian group of ex-convicts have to do with this incident? Absolutely nothing. "Thai man murders wife. Five years ago U.S. released 20 people from death row." Just about as closely related.

Good news, but crappy sensationalist journalism (66% of it, anyway).

Personally speaking, I'm against the death penalty for human beings, but there are those who walk amoungst us who look like human beings, thay talk like human beings, they posess the intellegence of a human being, but they are not human beings. They are missing one quality that defines a human being, they are missing a conscience, or what some people might call a soul.

In other words, you're pro death penalty. That's fine, but be honest. Nobody supports the death penalty against people who have done nothing wrong and who are worthy human beings in their eyes. Opposing death penalty means opposing it in all cases, even against people who you may well see as monsters.


The article may well have gone into a bit too much detail regarding how paedophiles go about their business. Nevertheless, I have lived in Chiang Mai for a year now and the dark side of our present home and its surrounding areas is a frequent subject for discussion. I dare say that anyone who is already willing to act out their fantasies of raping small children will almost certainly be capable of finding out how to do so in the most risk-free way possible. I dearly wish they were more stupid though apparently they're not.

Like many of the previous posters, I am very impressed (gobsmacked, in fact!) that it was a Thai newspaper that reported this incident. Anyone who is truly interested in journalism must surely acknowledge what a feat it is for a (presumably) Thai editor to give the go ahead on an article which denounces (amongst others) a Thai Buddhist monk. I know of a number of devout Buddhists who would feel deeply ashamed if they were to read it... but they shouldn't!! Isn't that why Thai newspapers are afraid of offending their readers and therefore selling less papers?!A Buddhist press that denounces Buddhist paedophiles (if that's not a massive contradiction in terms) should be praised tremendously. I sincerely hope that a few nasty little orangle-cloaked paedos are losing sleep over this.


A duo of Buddhist monk and a private citizen have been accused of pandering to paedolphiles in Chiang Mai, running a child-sex ring. The monk would apparently go out into the hinterland, in mufti, to procure young boys, who were then brought back to the city, seduced and provided for the delectation of foreign perverts.

Sure, I invite the writer of this article to wake up and to see how many children are abused by Thais, Thai-Chinese, and other East-Asian perverts. They outnumber the amount of foreign perverts at least by 1 to 100.

CHIANG MAI: -- Chiang Mai is currently suffering a surfeit of paedolphiles and others of a similar disposition, according to the city authorities, so much so that police have announced their avowed intent to stamp out the menace. A Department of Special Investigation (DSI) source recently revealed the existence of a child-sex ring organized by a wayward monk and a layman; the two subsequently having been prosecuted along with one of their British clients.


The "police" is going to stamp out the menace without taking bribes?

Is the writer really talking about the "Thai police".

Time to wake up, Krispin.

Under the current government, corruption has become the highest since years.

The two, Phra Vissanu Tejdhammo of Wat Pa Lan and Surasak Keawman, 51, have been arrested, charged with sexually exploiting children. The monk apparently was wont to venture out into the territory of the hill tribe villages in Chiang Mai and neighbouring provinces, without his robes. Finding suitable victims, largely young boys, the monk would entice them, perhaps using the ploys described below, and then, having beguiled the poor innocents take them back to Chiang Mai where Keawman would sexually seduce them; softening them up, so to speak, before farming them out to foreign paedophiles, who had come to Thailand for that specific purpose.

Again, the paedophiles seems to be only a bunch of foreigners who come to Thailand for that specific purpose.

Not a word about the 65 million Thais and Thai-Chinese who believe that having sex with a young boy or young girl prolonges your live.

Worst of all is that again a Thai Boudhist monk is involved in this setup.

The layman, Keawman, was nabbed first, as six boys were found in his house, and evidence found on Tejdhammo’s phone showed Keawman having sex with the boys, as other evidence as well like lists of male and female teenagers, a baseball bat, an electric prod and condoms. Keawman then informed on his colleague, Tejdhammo, who was subsequently arrested. The two offenders were charged by the DSI with six counts each of child molestation and six counts of depriving a child of parental care. One of their foreign clients, an unnamed 67-year-old British national, was also arrested, charged with the same offences.

So, Kaewman had sex with the minors first (or maybe second, right after the monk.

And when the boy or girl was abused by the Thais, he/she was passed to the foreigner.

Makes sense to me.


SE Asia is a favourite happy hunting ground for sex tourists, in general, and paedophiles in particular. The ideal conditions of abject poverty, statelessness (as in the case of refugees and hill tribe people), lax or ill-defined laws, corrupt police, bribery and corruption among the authorities, abandoned children, low education and a lack of specific training in law-enforcement all make for exceptional opportunities for such individuals, leaving young victims irreparably damaged and the perpetrators rarely reported or prosecuted, or frequently if they are, miraculously reappearing on the streets after supposedly having been imprisoned, as has been the case in several instances in Pattaya.

Abject poverty?


Lax and ill-defined laws?



Abandoned children?

Low education?

Lack of specific training in law-enforcement?


Is this guy talking about Thailand??????

Never would such things happen in Thailand with th ecurrent government in charge!!!!!!!!!

OK, they send a few thousand Burmese refugees in a leak boat without water or food back into the sea where they sunk....

OK, they put a few thousand refugees in containers and dropped them inot the coast of Rayong or Pattaya....

and OK, I read last week of 2 girls of minor age who get drawned in a pool in Phuket while the POLICE was watching because they had no money to pay the bribes.

But the current government has everything under control (except corruption by the police).

Indeed, extreme vulnerability is a decided turn on for these individuals, apparently. In one well recorded incident, 20 convicted Australian paedophiles attempted to travel to Indonesia and Thailand immediately after the Boxing Day tsunami, evidently to prey on vulnerable, displaced children. Quick thinking by the Australian authorities prevented their entry into either of these countries because their names were red-flagged, being child sex-offenders, and notice of their presumed intent transmitted to the Thai and Indonesian authorities who barred their entry.

So, the children who were left without parents were put in tempels or in custody of the police and sold to the paedophiles AFTER they made their cut of the cake...

Paedophiles are not normally so easily identifiable, however. They can be of any nationality and any age, particularly since the introduction of Viagra, as the recent conviction of a 78-year old male paedophile from Pattaya showed, as he was caught in flagrante delicto with large supply of the medication.


VIAGRA is the cause of paedophiles doing their stuff at a such late age.

Thank you Krispin for your analysis of the problem.


Although all socio-economic groups contain paedophiles, as do all occupations, certain ones are favourites, such as school and foundation volunteers, teachers, clerics, policemen and missionaries, again another prime example being from Pattaya. These positions put them in the ideal situation because they firstly, gain the trust of their victims and secondly, rely on their personas as authority figures, making resistance difficult, particularly in societies where respect for authority is highly regarded.

THAILAND, for example?

They may be single or married, couples having been known to indulge in the same victim. However, they rarely have an extensive peer group, other than those of the same ilk, frequently sharing victims. An overriding characteristic, which seems to hold true in many cases, however, is that they are inordinate collectors, who never throw anything away.

Exactly, "don't throw anything away"!!!!!!!

The photo of an Asian cannibal, showing a plate with a fresh grilled baby ready for comsumption on a website with repulsive pictures is the proof of that habit (rotten dot com).

OH, did I say AN ASIAN?????????

They will frequent the obvious procurement areas, such as Sunni Plaza in Pattaya, or the poorer areas where street children congregate. The bait that they use for enticement includes offering money, (to either the child or its parents), buying presents and providing shelter and food, appeals for assistance, and enticements such as, ‘come inside, I have something special to show you’.

OR simply ask the "mama san" at the local park what you want and she will provide it...

The penalty for sex crimes of this nature range from rehabilitation, various terms of imprisonment to chemical castration and in extreme cases, the death penalty as is current in certain US states, e.g. South Carolina, where the death penalty is mandatory for the second offense of raping a child under age 11, or in Oklahoma, with a death penalty provision for raping a child under age 14.

Except for the THAI monk and his THAI complice who will get a reprimand from the local police and the order to pay the next time the fairshare to the BIB....

Reporter: Krispin St. Pierre (National News Reporter)

source: pattayadailynews.com

-- 2010-04-03

Every time I read such a bunch of bullocks, I have to consider if that reporter is for real.

I hate paedophils.

And although their repulsing habitude is an illness and should be first be treated as an illness and not a crime, I rather see them put away from the society wher they cannot harm anybody.

But to paint foreigners who cone to Asia black for being paedophiles whilst the biggest paedophiles are the Asians themselves is smply hilarious.

And it is some kind of superstition in Asia, where they can get away with it by simply paying a few bribes to the police who will gladly help them.

What a load of bullocks.

Organized religion has always historicaly had an element of corruption. It has been a way for the rich powerful elites to control the masses. The elites tell the masses. You will get your reward when you are dead. Why God himself has ordained me Queen or king. They use the fear of death and the unknown to control the have nots. Mean while clergy of all types enrich them selves.

top - down, you could be right, won't disagree; however it can be bottom - up, like this 'expert' in Article from 2000 states > http://www.abc.net.au/pm/stories/s216493.htm

"CHATSUMAN KAPPEL SINGH: You will not forget that the Monks are also part of the larger population. When the larger population is being swept away by materialism and consumerism, the Monks who are not well practised, not anchored in the Buddhist teaching, can also get swept away by materialism and by consumerism which is the strong characteristic of the modern age."

ALSO, it's gotten worse, not better, in the 10 years since this 'coverage'.


Now here is an interesting question, in reference to the infamous, well known, expression 'murdering monk'.

As we all know criminals can get out of jail by becoming monks, how does apply to all the 'so called' monks who get caught doing crimes, LOTS of rapes, if you don't know.

Do they have to reconvert? or just get out auto?


Please keep this thread civil.

/Moderating team

As amongst other things a trained journalist, I am distressed to find the methods and locations of criminal activity revealed in this way. Clearly, people who wish to emulate a crime can benefit from such information.

Revealing certain details regarding how to commit a crime is illegal in Australia, however I still see on the news there from time to time, information that simply 'gives too much away' to would be menaces to society.

There is a clear responsibility issue in this, both on the parts of legislators/law makers, and journalists/broadcast outlets.

As for the rest. No comment required. It's a form of criminal insanity. Best wishes for the care given to those affected, and to the measures of prevention arising from this.

***Footnote: I might add, on reflection, this question of publishing inappropriate material, similarly indicts this board and others which republish similar facts and details of cases and crimes, and therefore raises the issue of censorship. Bottom line for me is public safety. Any potential future criminals reading this thread might suddenly find themselves with the means to hurt someone.***

Food for thought.

Spot on. Thank you.

Is it possible that a monk can be bad?

It is said that the Buddha was wealthy and gave it all up to "understand".

consider............ " broken family,broken heart". You guys know what I'm talking about.


This is absolutely revolting that an individual would use the cover of being a Buddhist monk and spiritual person to enact such a disgusting act.

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