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Thai Protesters Target Bangkok's Tourist Centre

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The only "safe" way out for both sides is:

1. Abhisit calls for an election.

2. Red shirts to home.

3. The election winner sets up a government.

Another thing Thailand would probably be better off with is a "majority rules" government as some countries do, with a run-off election if nobody wins at least 50%. The coalition system will never really work in Thailand.

Say Puea Thai gets 40%, the Democrats get 40% and Newin gets 20% (as an example), the 2nd round run-off would be between Puea Thai and the Democrats. Nobody else on the ballot. That way it's also more clear as to who people support, rather than people voting for a small party and that party then switching sides.

Say that Abhisit calls an election now. Do you really think that it would be safe for him or any Democrats to go to the North and canvas for votes. Look at death threats and fears of violence that hit Chiang Mai a few months ago when Abhisit was invited to speak to a group of businessmen there. Until politicians from all parties can travel freely and safely to all parts of the country campaigning we are never going to have free and fair elections. And red shirt groups like Rak Chiang mai 51 will guarantee that this will not happen.

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I have many RED friends who dislike Thaksin. They protest for something else BUT Thaksin. Something which I rather let you guess.

I am sure you do not believe such people existed, because all the government tells you, is that all the RED represent is Thaksin, and Thaksin alone.

Fooled by Thai media?

I have many RED friends who dislike Thaksin. They protest for something else BUT Thaksin. Something which I rather let you guess.

I am sure you do not believe such people existed, because all the government tells you, is that all the RED represent is Thaksin, and Thaksin alone.

Fooled by Thai media?

Try watching Red TV. The Red leaders who are continually spouting off 'Bring back Thaksin.' And not a word about elections.

I think you've been reading too many reports written by journos who hardly understand a word of Thai.

I remember a few days ago Newin's father suggested that his son (currently banned from politics due to vote buying) may become Prime Minister in the future.


Please, anything but that! At least both PT and dems have some legitimacy, but according to the latest polls, Newin and his new Bhum Jai Thai party were credited with a whopping 0.4% of votes. yet these guys somehow hold the most important ministries.

I have many RED friends who dislike Thaksin. They protest for something else BUT Thaksin. Something which I rather let you guess.

I am sure you do not believe such people existed, because all the government tells you, is that all the RED represent is Thaksin, and Thaksin alone.

Fooled by Thai media?

Try watching Red TV. The Red leaders who are continually spouting off 'Bring back Thaksin.' And not a word about elections.

I think you've been reading too many reports written by journos who hardly understand a word of Thai.

There are a number of red apologists who protest that they are indifferent to Thaksin or that he isn't so important,

but they forget that the red movement exists precisely as a vehicle to advance Thaksin's interests.

Also when push comes to shove, they fall into line.

Every time.

For the expat red supporters, the protestations of non-Thaksin supporting is there usually to provide cover to their cultivated liberal image.

However, there isn't one of them who actively criticises a hair of Thaksin's head or the red leadership, outside of the occasional soft flap.

You only have to hear their abject silence in light of Thaksin's poisonous homophobia to know that the liberalism of these reds

Collapses like a pack of cards under pressure.

Again and again.


Thailand is just one step away from becoming Myanmar like.

Just a few hundred dead in the streets televised around the world will certainly lead to massive trade sanctions against the regime.

Now while so many of the pro-government posts here are from Thais pretending to be Farang, certainly the foreigners living outside Thailand are not so pro Thai government at this time.

Take into account for proof this.

Taksan travels in many nations and is never put under arrest.

Nations do not see the current Thai government as legitimate nor should they.

It could not win a fair election if one were held and that is of course why it is a fair election is not being held now.

Note another fact.

No democratically elected government on earth can be removed by a court order.

Democracy relies on the fact that ultimate power for who leads a nation goes to the people who vote.

Parliamentary governments do not allow a court to remove a prime minister no matter what law he is accused of breaking. That power is in the arms of the Parliament.

The American and French systems also refuse courts the power to remove the elected leaders. In the USA, only the Congress can remove a standing President. A court cannot.

So--the House would have to impeach and the Senate would have to remove.

I understand that the people with power do not want to lose power.

So they do not allow democratic elections to choose the leader.

Remember these simple fact.

The Court, which threw out so many elected Thai Parliament members, was put into its place by a military Coup. HAAA HAAA

The constitution which gives so much power to the court was also put into place after the same military coup. HAAA HAAAA

Strange coup too it was. A Captain over threw the Thai government, or so we were told.

Maybe someone who knew someone was the real power.

Of course this is so. A captain did not do it. Who would follow a captain? The real power in Thailand would never follow a captain would it. BUT--they would tell a captain to do something.

Thailand is near meltdown.

The baht is too strong--artificially so.

Farmers are hungry.

Thailand is cooking in heat.

The riots are near.

Read the book

Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

The riots here would be much more violent.

Thailand is just one step away from becoming Myanmar like.

Just a few hundred dead in the streets televised around the world will certainly lead to massive trade sanctions against the regime.

Now while so many of the pro-government posts here are from Thais pretending to be Farang, certainly the foreigners living outside Thailand are not so pro Thai government at this time.

Take into account for proof this.

Taksan travels in many nations and is never put under arrest.

Nations do not see the current Thai government as legitimate nor should they.

It could not win a fair election if one were held and that is of course why it is a fair election is not being held now.

Note another fact.

No democratically elected government on earth can be removed by a court order.

Democracy relies on the fact that ultimate power for who leads a nation goes to the people who vote.

Parliamentary governments do not allow a court to remove a prime minister no matter what law he is accused of breaking. That power is in the arms of the Parliament.

The American and French systems also refuse courts the power to remove the elected leaders. In the USA, only the Congress can remove a standing President. A court cannot.

So--the House would have to impeach and the Senate would have to remove.

I understand that the people with power do not want to lose power.

So they do not allow democratic elections to choose the leader.

Remember these simple fact.

The Court, which threw out so many elected Thai Parliament members, was put into its place by a military Coup. HAAA HAAA

The constitution which gives so much power to the court was also put into place after the same military coup. HAAA HAAAA

Strange coup too it was. A Captain over threw the Thai government, or so we were told.

Maybe someone who knew someone was the real power.

Of course this is so. A captain did not do it. Who would follow a captain? The real power in Thailand would never follow a captain would it. BUT--they would tell a captain to do something.

Thailand is near meltdown.

The baht is too strong--artificially so.

Farmers are hungry.

Thailand is cooking in heat.

The riots are near.

Read the book

Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

The riots here would be much more violent.

Can I have what you've been taking?

Thailand is near meltdown.

The baht is too strong--artificially so.

Farmers are hungry.

Thailand is cooking in heat.

The riots are near.

Read the book

Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

The riots here would be much more violent.

I'm on my way to Bangkok in an hour for a medical procedure and some shopping...and for some reason have no fear...

Now while so many of the pro-government posts here are from Thais pretending to be Farang, certainly the foreigners living outside Thailand are not so pro Thai government at this time.

Take into account for proof this.

Taksan travels in many nations and is never put under arrest.

Nations do not see the current Thai government as legitimate nor should they.

Really now? And which posters here are lying about their nationality or ethnicity? This is certainly a new spin I haven't heard before.

As to Thaksin, he has been kicked out of Germany, Hong Kong and the UK, and for some reason tends to limit himself to a unusually small choice of countries he's willing to visit. Why do you suppose that is?

If Nations see the Thai government as illegitimate, I'm sure you can provide some citations of governments that have stated the Thai government isn't legitimate? (Besides Cambodia) World leaders who have refused to meet with Abhisit? Anyone? Anywhere?

Parliamentary governments do not allow a court to remove a prime minister no matter what law he is accused of breaking. That power is in the arms of the Parliament.

The American and French systems also refuse courts the power to remove the elected leaders. In the USA, only the Congress can remove a standing President. A court cannot.

So--the House would have to impeach and the Senate would have to remove.

It depends on the laws and constitution of the individual country. I fail to see what the American or French system have to do with the Thai system. Neither has the same basic system of government as Thailand.

But at least you are admitting they were breaking the law when they were removed from office. It also seems strange that you would want the same body whose appoints the Prime Minister to also be responsible for prosecuting and judging the PM for crimes that he commits. That seems like it would be one heck of a conflict of interest and allow PMs to flaunt the law as long as their party held power.

As you pointed out, in the US system, the legislative branch, which holds no power in choosing the president, is responsible for holding the Executive branch responsible for any crimes committed. I'm not familiar with other parliamentary governments, but I've got to assume that with most of them there's some sort of independent body to hold the Prime Minister accountable for any gross crimes.

So they do not allow democratic elections to choose the leader.

What Parliamentary government has "democratic elections" to choose the Prime Minister? By definition a Prime Minister is appointed (not elected), and in most systems that vote is done by the Parliament, just as it is in Thailand.

Going back to your US example, even though people vote directly for a President, they do not actually have the power to put them in office. In the 2000 election, George Bush became President, despite losing the direct vote to Al Gore.

I have many RED friends who dislike Thaksin. They protest for something else BUT Thaksin. Something which I rather let you guess.

I am sure you do not believe such people existed, because all the government tells you, is that all the RED represent is Thaksin, and Thaksin alone.

Fooled by Thai media?

Sadly the local English language press is extremely biased against Thaksin, one of them is pure Yellow (you know who that is) and the other has Yellow tendencies. This all being to their owners.

This has led to many local farang being fooled hook line and sinker into beleiving all the anti-Thaksin stuff printed, even if only 10% is true and 90% is just "opinion", these farang beleive it 100% and lap it up.

The ability to control this has been noted by the Yellows and why they implant supporters on to web boards and all the English language sources of potential news they can.

Just stick to the facts I say, speak the facts.

Notice how not one of these so called "love the law" posters has answered by questions on the coup.

The coup was illegal under the 1997 consitition, the coup leaders ripped up that constitition of the people, changed the law and granted themselves immunity. They then put in place an "AEC" in order to find (or is it find or make?) evidence and prosecute Thaksin. They changed top judiciiary and the Election Commission amongst others.

Real hard facts, real things done. And yet this is ignored but we see Thaksin "accused" of wanting immunity, and yet people who changed the law and did it are not talked about ?

Yes, most farang have been fooled by the local English language media.

Remember these simple fact.

The Court, which threw out so many elected Thai Parliament members, was put into its place by a military Coup. HAAA HAAA

The constitution which gives so much power to the court was also put into place after the same military coup. HAAA HAAAA

The court that disbanded the PPP was established in 1997. It is hardly the product of the last coup. Which pre-coup members of the court were removed? Which current justices were appointed by the coup?

And let's say for discussion sake the court is packed with coup appointees, are you denying the PPP bought votes? The reason the party was dissolved was because an executive of the party was caught on tape being involved with the vote buying. The dissolution of the party and banning of those caught vote buying was the constitutionally mandated punishment. There was hardly anything controversial about the decision.

As to the constitution, it was voted into law by the people in free and open elections. And just FYI, one of things the current administration is trying to do is put together a referendum that the Thai people can vote on to improve the current constitution. Seems awful Democratic to me.

Tell me, which parts of the current constitution would you have changed? How does it differ from what the current government is going to put on the referendum?

The baht is too strong--artificially so.

Really, who is responsible for artificially raising the price of the baht and how are they benefiting?

Thailand is near meltdown.

The baht is too strong--artificially so.

Farmers are hungry.

Thailand is cooking in heat.

The riots are near.

Read the book

Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

The riots here would be much more violent.

I'm on my way to Bangkok in an hour for a medical procedure and some shopping...and for some reason have no fear...

You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

You are still at it? Making up fairy tales must be your full time job... well at least you've found something you're good at, reporting facts is clearly not your strength..

I am curious why it is that anybody that does NOT agree with you/REDS is somehow brainwashed??? Such a simple mind and approach to life.

Thailand is just one step away from becoming Myanmar like.

Just a few hundred dead in the streets televised around the world will certainly lead to massive trade sanctions against the regime.

Now while so many of the pro-government posts here are from Thais pretending to be Farang, certainly the foreigners living outside Thailand are not so pro Thai government at this time.

Take into account for proof this.

Taksan travels in many nations and is never put under arrest.

Nations do not see the current Thai government as legitimate nor should they.

It could not win a fair election if one were held and that is of course why it is a fair election is not being held now.

Note another fact.

No democratically elected government on earth can be removed by a court order.

Democracy relies on the fact that ultimate power for who leads a nation goes to the people who vote.

Parliamentary governments do not allow a court to remove a prime minister no matter what law he is accused of breaking. That power is in the arms of the Parliament.

The American and French systems also refuse courts the power to remove the elected leaders. In the USA, only the Congress can remove a standing President. A court cannot.

So--the House would have to impeach and the Senate would have to remove.

I understand that the people with power do not want to lose power.

So they do not allow democratic elections to choose the leader.

Remember these simple fact.

The Court, which threw out so many elected Thai Parliament members, was put into its place by a military Coup. HAAA HAAA

The constitution which gives so much power to the court was also put into place after the same military coup. HAAA HAAAA

Strange coup too it was. A Captain over threw the Thai government, or so we were told.

Maybe someone who knew someone was the real power.

Of course this is so. A captain did not do it. Who would follow a captain? The real power in Thailand would never follow a captain would it. BUT--they would tell a captain to do something.

Thailand is near meltdown.

The baht is too strong--artificially so.

Farmers are hungry.

Thailand is cooking in heat.

The riots are near.

Read the book

Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

The riots here would be much more violent.

Oh ... so much propaganda ... so few facts.

What Parliamentary government has "democratic elections" to choose the Prime Minister? By definition a Prime Minister is appointed (not elected), and in most systems that vote is done by the Parliament, just as it is in Thailand.

In the UK at least, (which is the most similar comparison I can see to the Thai system) the PM is the defacto leader of the majority party in the House of Commons. Hence Maggie Thatcher being ambushed by her own party and Gordon Brown slipping seamlessly into Tony Blair's shoes. The relevant party nominate their "leaders" and the House of Commons votes to appoint the Prime Minister who is also leader of the commons. Obviously the person with the most votes wins, so the party with the most supporting votes gets to appoint it's leader as PM. Of course with coalitions this can lead to the non majority party providing the PM, but this is rare.


Political parties were not well organised or disciplined in the 17th century. They were more like factions with "members" drifting in and out, collaborating temporarily on issues when it was to their advantage, then disbanding when it was not. A major deterrent to the development of opposing parties was the idea that there could only be one: the “King’s Party”.

i particularly like this quite about party development in the UK. Seems Thailand has only 300 years to go then.

Thailand is just one step away from becoming Myanmar like.

Just a few hundred dead in the streets televised around the world will certainly lead to massive trade sanctions against the regime.

Now while so many of the pro-government posts here are from Thais pretending to be Farang, certainly the foreigners living outside Thailand are not so pro Thai government at this time.

Take into account for proof this.

Taksan travels in many nations and is never put under arrest.

Nations do not see the current Thai government as legitimate nor should they.

It could not win a fair election if one were held and that is of course why it is a fair election is not being held now.

Note another fact.

No democratically elected government on earth can be removed by a court order.

Democracy relies on the fact that ultimate power for who leads a nation goes to the people who vote.

Parliamentary governments do not allow a court to remove a prime minister no matter what law he is accused of breaking. That power is in the arms of the Parliament.

The American and French systems also refuse courts the power to remove the elected leaders. In the USA, only the Congress can remove a standing President. A court cannot.

So--the House would have to impeach and the Senate would have to remove.

I understand that the people with power do not want to lose power.

So they do not allow democratic elections to choose the leader.

Remember these simple fact.

The Court, which threw out so many elected Thai Parliament members, was put into its place by a military Coup. HAAA HAAA

The constitution which gives so much power to the court was also put into place after the same military coup. HAAA HAAAA

Strange coup too it was. A Captain over threw the Thai government, or so we were told.

Maybe someone who knew someone was the real power.

Of course this is so. A captain did not do it. Who would follow a captain? The real power in Thailand would never follow a captain would it. BUT--they would tell a captain to do something.

Thailand is near meltdown.

The baht is too strong--artificially so.

Farmers are hungry.

Thailand is cooking in heat.

The riots are near.

Read the book

Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

The riots here would be much more violent.

Pretending to be farang... native English speakers can tell 95% of the time,

who is actually a native speaker/writer.

I am definitely NOT Thai and you apparently are not that lucid .

Tell that to Nixon. He resigned before going to impeachment.

Somchai resigned, he had to.

Samak resigned after being disqualified... you also forget he could have had the job again next day,

but Thaksin didn't want him any more.... puppet master pulled the plug.

The court threw out a few Thai MP's it was aimed at crooked leadership, not rank and file members.

Disqualified by courts happens in USA too.

Been to Myanmar, Thailand is nothing like Myanmar.

That Thaksin is still free to roam is not proof of government illegitimacy,

it's proof that big money can buy you time.

Several hundred dead in the streets would not be good, and that's what Thaksin seems to want,

but Abhisit has bent over backwards to deny him that scene to showboat with.

The court was not put into place by the junta, that is fantasy, that court existed for 10 years prior.

Checks and Balances deary,

courts do have say over executive too, if it breaks the laws in a proven manner,

PEOPLE in government can be charged and then convicted in parliament, but often just quit beforehand.

Governments are not brought down by court orders, but sometimes the MEN in then are, big difference.

But when an PM is disqualified, all those that served him must go, and a new PM can pick them all again.

By the way TRT was brought down by the 1997 Constitutions Laws, not the post coup laws.

In fact most all laws used to punish party lawbreaking existed in 1997.

Only the AEC was post coup, but deferred to the PRE COUP NCCC and PRE-COUP Attorny General,

to finalize the cases and prosecute, and these case were based on 1997 constitutional laws, not new laws.

Only a single investigative body the AEC, was post coup, they just dug up dirt, NCCC and AG applied the laws.

It looked like a good rant for awhile, untillyou dissect it point by point,

and then it just looks .... lame and ill informed..

You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) accepting a compromise of election 12 months before they are due?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) discussing with the government about projects to help the poor?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why are the red leaders even mentioning Thaksin in their speeches? Why are the red leaders saying "When Thaksin is back, you will all get more money"?

It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) accepting a compromise of election 12 months before they are due?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) discussing with the government about projects to help the poor?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why are the red leaders even mentioning Thaksin in their speeches? Why are the red leaders saying "When Thaksin is back, you will all get more money"?

It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

If its about the love the Thai people why will the government not accept elections in 2 or 3 months ? Do they love Thai people or money ?

The Reds want Democracy, and an "elected by the people" government who will then serve the people, not the elite.

Not all Red leaders mention Thaksin all the time, as has been said his supporters are part of the Red movement, but not "all" the Red movement, they are just a sub faction because they think he was illegally outed in a coup. which he was. So he has cause for complaint. If you are the Democratically elected PM and an illegal coup kicks you out, then you have been wronged by illegal actions. Yes or no ?

Its not about Thaksin, its not about his money.

ITS ALL about Democracy !

You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) accepting a compromise of election 12 months before they are due?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) discussing with the government about projects to help the poor?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why are the red leaders even mentioning Thaksin in their speeches? Why are the red leaders saying "When Thaksin is back, you will all get more money"?

It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

If its about the love the Thai people why will the government not accept elections in 2 or 3 months ? Do they love Thai people or money ?

The Reds want Democracy, and an "elected by the people" government who will then serve the people, not the elite.

Not all Red leaders mention Thaksin all the time, as has been said his supporters are part of the Red movement, but not "all" the Red movement, they are just a sub faction because they think he was illegally outed in a coup. which he was. So he has cause for complaint. If you are the Democratically elected PM and an illegal coup kicks you out, then you have been wronged by illegal actions. Yes or no ?

Its not about Thaksin, its not about his money.

ITS ALL about Democracy !

Still here? Why aren't you in the street yet?


The "truth" needs to be out there for all to see.

Those who want to see freedom from oppression for the Thai people from the rich elite need to demonsrate and stand up for the cause, in many different ways.

One way is to be on the street. There are many other ways to spread the truth and stop and "Yellow" rumour makers from spreading lies and distorting history to suit their claims.

The majoirty of Thai's support the reds by being silent - they are working, they are afraid of their Yellow shirt bosses and losing their job, they are afraid of government sponsered violence, they are afraid of "Buri Ram" violent elements, they are too poor to travel to Bangkok, they are not strong enough to endure the heat - there are a 1001 reasons why more are not on the streets, however they all support the reds.

Simple fact is, with media advertising of an anti-red gathering all they seemed to muster was old Yellow shirts with new Pink shirts and less than 1000, on a Saturday when its a day off.

That tells you in plain simple terms there is not "anti red" feeling from the majority out there in Bangkok and Thailand.

Most anti-red rheotirc is in the English language papers and on the English language internet forums (mostly Yellow supporters ????? ) :)

The "truth" needs to be out there for all to see.

Those who want to see freedom from oppression for the Thai people from the rich elite need to demonsrate and stand up for the cause, in many different ways.

One way is to be on the street. There are many other ways to spread the truth and stop and "Yellow" rumour makers from spreading lies and distorting history to suit their claims.

The majoirty of Thai's support the reds by being silent - they are working, they are afraid of their Yellow shirt bosses and losing their job, they are afraid of government sponsered violence, they are afraid of "Buri Ram" violent elements, they are too poor to travel to Bangkok, they are not strong enough to endure the heat - there are a 1001 reasons why more are not on the streets, however they all support the reds.

Simple fact is, with media advertising of an anti-red gathering all they seemed to muster was old Yellow shirts with new Pink shirts and less than 1000, on a Saturday when its a day off.

That tells you in plain simple terms there is not "anti red" feeling from the majority out there in Bangkok and Thailand.

Most anti-red rheotirc is in the English language papers and on the English language internet forums (mostly Yellow supporters ????? ) :)

Yesterday they were afraid to be beaten by yellow shirts in the street, now they are afraid to lose their job because of their yellow shirt boss.... Man , get a life ! Cut the crap, and stop wasting band width.


I have a question for the anti-Red, pro current govt masses out there:

Aren't you embarrassed that it is actually illegal to present a large number of significant points and arguments against your side in a forum such as this?

You should be.


I have a question for the anti-Red, pro current govt masses out there:

Aren't you embarrassed that it is actually illegal to present a large number of significant points and arguments against your side in a forum such as this?

You should be.




FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

You already have it plenty in your own country.

But you chose to be here.

Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.


Thaksin went to HongKong to get a divorce i believe from his wife.

Why did the Thais not arrest him when inside the Thailand Embassy?

FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

You already have it plenty in your own country.

But you chose to be here.

Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

The way you trying to bashing Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

BRAVO! Well said, Srekroma.

You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) accepting a compromise of election 12 months before they are due?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) discussing with the government about projects to help the poor?

If it's not all about Thaksin, why are the red leaders even mentioning Thaksin in their speeches? Why are the red leaders saying "When Thaksin is back, you will all get more money"?

It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

If its about the love the Thai people why will the government not accept elections in 2 or 3 months ? Do they love Thai people or money ?

The Reds want Democracy, and an "elected by the people" government who will then serve the people, not the elite.

Not all Red leaders mention Thaksin all the time, as has been said his supporters are part of the Red movement, but not "all" the Red movement, they are just a sub faction because they think he was illegally outed in a coup. which he was. So he has cause for complaint. If you are the Democratically elected PM and an illegal coup kicks you out, then you have been wronged by illegal actions. Yes or no ?

Its not about Thaksin, its not about his money.

ITS ALL about Democracy !

You have been out in the hot sun to long

I have a question for the anti-Red, pro current govt masses out there:

Aren't you embarrassed that it is actually illegal to present a large number of significant points and arguments against your side in a forum such as this?

You should be.

It's unfortunate. Ofcourse, Thaksin is planning to change that.

For the better? Why did he always sue people who spoke out against him?

Nat Jantakat, a 38-year-old lychee farmer from the north, for one vowed to keep up the fight, making light of the 37 degrees Celsius (99 Fahrenheit) temperature.

"I've been here since the first day and I'll be here until we achieve democracy."

Spoken like a true patriot. Democracy is ending the present government, sending Thailand in a downward spiral and bringing back the man on the run to restore his ill gotten gain. What a buffalo.

Sorry I didn't realise that the electorate had actually voted to put the current custodians of power in office, rather I thought that they'd been imposed by those on heigh.... Some democracy that is, bit like that shower running the show in Burma really!

Interesting reply. I suppose you forgot that Mr. T brother-in-law was put into office by the exact same process. Didn't see any protest from the reds then.

And Mr T's Brother-in law didn't last long either, did he? It would be interesting to know what your definition of democracy is or don't you believe in it?

Really girls.

FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

You already have it plenty in your own country.

But you chose to be here.

Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.


Excellent and welcome.

You will notice lots of sad little petty comments against my posts, very purile but please, if these Yellow loving people attempt to flame you and incite you, ignore them.

Keep to discussing the facts, facts they avoid like the plague.

Facts are what sets people free, for it reveals the truth, it reveals double standards, it reveals all.

Lets keep to good discussion on here and can you who do it please stop the purile little comments attempting to be "abusive".

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