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Sort Of Good News From Alan Greenspan

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Well, if you give cred to Greenspan (former fed chairman), that is. He said today on the tv show This Week that he thinks the chances for a so called "double dip" recession in the US economy is very remote, that indeed the recovery is strong enough to prevent that. As the US economy is still the biggest in the world, surely if true this is positive news for the global economy.

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Sure, he isn't always right. We shall see.

I cant believe he even said that, he knows that its going to dip. He is not even that stupid.

He was very sincere. He also said some balanced things about the financial aspects of the new health care law. BTW, your avatar, I didn't know obscene pictures were allowed here.

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Sure, he isn't always right. We shall see.

I cant believe he even said that, he knows that its going to dip. He is not even that stupid.

He was very sincere. He also said some balanced things about the financial aspects of the new health care law. BTW, your avatar, I didn't know obscene pictures were allowed here.

He is full of sh*t, he knows it more then you or I do. Here is some Greenspan quotes.

“Rising prices of precious metals and other commodities are an indication of a very early stage of an endeavor to move away from paper currencies… What is fascinating is the extent to which gold still holds reign over the financial system as the ultimate source of payment."

–Alan Greenspan, 9 September 2009

"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect

savings from confiscation through inflation. ... This is the shabby

secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending

is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the

way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property

rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the

statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."

Quote by:

Alan Greenspan

(1926- ) Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (1987-2006)


from page 101 of the book "Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal" by Ayn Rand with additional articles by Alan Greenspan - 1966



"Gold still represents the ultimate form of payment in the world." -

Alan Greenspan

(1926- ) Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (1987-2006)


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Sure, he isn't always right. We shall see.

I cant believe he even said that, he knows that its going to dip. He is not even that stupid.

He was very sincere. He also said some balanced things about the financial aspects of the new health care law. BTW, your avatar, I didn't know obscene pictures were allowed here.

He is full of sh*t, he knows it more then you or I do. Here is some Greenspan quotes.

“Rising prices of precious metals and other commodities are an indication of a very early stage of an endeavor to move away from paper currencies… What is fascinating is the extent to which gold still holds reign over the financial system as the ultimate source of payment."

–Alan Greenspan, 9 September 2009

"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect

savings from confiscation through inflation. ... This is the shabby

secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending

is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the

way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property

rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the

statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."

Quote by:

Alan Greenspan

(1926- ) Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (1987-2006)


from page 101 of the book "Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal" by Ayn Rand with additional articles by Alan Greenspan - 1966



"Gold still represents the ultimate form of payment in the world." -

Alan Greenspan

(1926- ) Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (1987-2006)


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Sure, he isn't always right. We shall see.

I cant believe he even said that, he knows that its going to dip. He is not even that stupid.

He was very sincere. He also said some balanced things about the financial aspects of the new health care law. BTW, your avatar, I didn't know obscene pictures were allowed here.

He is full of sh*t, he knows it more then you or I do. Here is some Greenspan quotes.

Just like anything that comes out of the mouths of any of these goons connected with one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known :)

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Sure, he isn't always right. We shall see.

I cant believe he even said that, he knows that its going to dip. He is not even that stupid.

He was very sincere. He also said some balanced things about the financial aspects of the new health care law. BTW, your avatar, I didn't know obscene pictures were allowed here.

some people admire village idiots :)

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Wriggle, wriggle!!

I wonder if anybody is paying through the nose to attend his seminars now??

and...is he saying that he never heard of Milton Friedman, or Thatcher's moron guru, Alan Walters, who helped create the 80.s/90.s recession?

Give banks, or, any other institution/corporate man an inch and they will take a mile, paying themselves massive salaries, bonuses, golden parachutes, share options etc etc., bringing the economy down about our ears and then use their ill gotten gains to buy assets at knock down prices at the expense of evicted families, unemployment, devalued currencies etc etc etc etc.

Alan would know, after all he created the problem in the first place !!!

Yes indeed.......dont bet the farm on what Alan predicts :)

'I made a mistake' admits Alan Greenspan


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I think Greenspan is right on this one. I also think the federal reserve is an excellent and necessary institution. Of course, I am not a radical right wing conspiracy theorist ...

The federal reserve system can work well when guys like Paul Volcker or in control but when misguided keynesian economists are running it, it has no hope of working.

You seem to think George bush is brain dead but people pay millions to hear him speak all over the world too.

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I think Greenspan is right on this one. I also think the federal reserve is an excellent and necessary institution. Of course, I am not a radical right wing conspiracy theorist ...

so they should openly embrace H.R.1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 if there is nothing to hide ? :)

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I think Greenspan is right on this one. I also think the federal reserve is an excellent and necessary institution. Of course, I am not a radical right wing conspiracy theorist ...

Hi Jingthing, thanks for posting about the interview--found it quite interesting. If anyone else is interested, you can watch it here:


Edited by Misty
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Non-misguided non-Keynesian economists might be appointed to run the US Fed and give it some hope of working as the Austrian-crowd would like if the politicians who would appoint such persons were ever capable of winning an election... Wasn't W. the brain-dead guy who appointed Bernanke in the first place?

BTW in the Sunday New York Times last week it was revealed that Rand Paul wrote in his father Ron Paul on his Presidential ballot write-in option so we know Dr. Paul received at least one vote for President.

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the only thing growing in the usa is government! we are in a prolonged recession that wont end until a capitalist is in charge. mr obama doesnt want the recession to end, he wants people to think the govt is there to save them. kinda like SOCIALISTS way of doing things.

every thing obama is for goes against growing the economy. latest snow job, he opens up small areas for drilling knowing full well the environmentalist wont let it happen. even the african american leaders are concerned obama is not getting blacks jobs, could it be because he doesnt want to.

mrjing. you are just too gullible! look at the whole picture. then you may see whats going on around you. you have tunnel syndrome!

Edited by chester566
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I saw a review of Alan's interview last night. He admitted 30% of his decisions were wrong during his tenure! And the news report basically stated he created the mess we are in now. So his legacy will be of the man who created the biggest recession since the 30's. Not a good legacy.

Obama desperately needs to solve the recession. If he does not, the Dems are out come November...if the economy is kicking strong again, the Dems will keep control. It's all about jobs, baby!

Here is an interesting link regarding the US economy:


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I think Greenspan is right on this one. I also think the federal reserve is an excellent and necessary institution. Of course, I am not a radical right wing conspiracy theorist ...

The federal reserve system can work well when guys like Paul Volcker or in control but when misguided keynesian economists are running it, it has no hope of working.

You seem to think George bush is brain dead but people pay millions to hear him speak all over the world too.

Well what does that say for the people who pay millions to hear him speak.

And also for the millions of people who voted for him, not once but twice.

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Well if Greenspan can make predictions...so can I. Certainly more people will listen to him than me, but here I go.

1. by 50 years from now, say 2060, the U.S. will now longer be the world's biggest economy. China will. The U.S may hang on to #2 for a bit, but it will keep sliding downhill.

2. The U.S version of the so-called "free market capitalisim" model is dying, choking in it's own vomit. By 2060, when China is #1 in the world economy (see prediction #1) they won't be using any foolish "free market capitalisim" model. It will be a state directed economy, for the benefit of the state first....no matter what noises they will make about their devotion to Capitalisim.

3. Along with #1 and #2 go the suppression of individual freedoms as the western "democracies?" claim they adore today. Of course, we already see that such "democracy" in the U.S. really only exists for the wealthy, as evidenced by the Republican party in the U.S. Anyhow, as China becomes the #1 world economy, and it's power grows accordingly, they won't even bother to give lip service to "individual liberties".

4. In the future you will be expected as a worker to be a good consumer, helping the economy to move forward by spending your money on goods whether you need those goods or not. Failure to consume properly will be regarded as disloyal, even eventually a crime.

5. The income devide, between what was once the "middle class" and the upper class will continue to grow...as it has for at least the last 10 years. Those with money will get richer, and those who work for their living will get less each year. It's how those workers will be expected to function in the new economy that is coming.

Now I know you all think I'm crazy. Anyhow, I won't probably be around in 10, max 20 years. I just wish I could be around to watch the slow painful death of Capitalisim.

As Puck says in ,"The Midsummer's Nights Dream":

"Oh, Lord what fool's these mortals be."


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greenspan did say it was barney hotdog and mr dood who essentially caused the worlwide financial meltdown. you know, policies forcing banks to lend to those who couildnt pay back the loans. makes sense to me.

the accusations were out there but it was nice to see a powerful guy say it.

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Well if Greenspan can make predictions...so can I. Certainly more people will listen to him than me, but here I go.

1. by 50 years from now, say 2060, the U.S. will now longer be the world's biggest economy. China will. The U.S may hang on to #2 for a bit, but it will keep sliding downhill.

2. The U.S version of the so-called "free market capitalisim" model is dying, choking in it's own vomit. By 2060, when China is #1 in the world economy (see prediction #1) they won't be using any foolish "free market capitalisim" model. It will be a state directed economy, for the benefit of the state first....no matter what noises they will make about their devotion to Capitalisim.

3. Along with #1 and #2 go the suppression of individual freedoms as the western "democracies?" claim they adore today. Of course, we already see that such "democracy" in the U.S. really only exists for the wealthy, as evidenced by the Republican party in the U.S. Anyhow, as China becomes the #1 world economy, and it's power grows accordingly, they won't even bother to give lip service to "individual liberties".

4. In the future you will be expected as a worker to be a good consumer, helping the economy to move forward by spending your money on goods whether you need those goods or not. Failure to consume properly will be regarded as disloyal, even eventually a crime.

5. The income devide, between what was once the "middle class" and the upper class will continue to grow...as it has for at least the last 10 years. Those with money will get richer, and those who work for their living will get less each year. It's how those workers will be expected to function in the new economy that is coming.

Now I know you all think I'm crazy. Anyhow, I won't probably be around in 10, max 20 years. I just wish I could be around to watch the slow painful death of Capitalisim.

As Puck says in ,"The Midsummer's Nights Dream":

"Oh, Lord what fool's these mortals be."


dont write off ameerika till november. then we will see if the masses want socialism. if the masses say yes, then obama wins.if the masses say hel_l no then the people win.

i have faith the hel_l no will win.

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Have your people talk to my people, will get back to on that one, time for lunch.

Libertarian fiscal conservatives have the biggest problem with the Fed. Look at Ron Paul, he was more against the Iraq war then Hillary Clinton.

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I think Greenspan is right on this one. I also think the federal reserve is an excellent and necessary institution. Of course, I am not a radical right wing conspiracy theorist ...

The federal reserve system can work well when guys like Paul Volcker or in control but when misguided keynesian economists are running it, it has no hope of working.

You seem to think George bush is brain dead but people pay millions to hear him speak all over the world too.

Well what does that say for the people who pay millions to hear him speak.

And also for the millions of people who voted for him, not once but twice.

Some people believe that Hitler types should be stopped before they can inflict hitler type damage. That is a whole other argument. Too bad George Bush wasn't in power before WW2.

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