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Redshirt Protesters Force Immigration Bureau HQ To Close

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I don't think anyone has a problem with the reds demonstrating. The problem is more to do with the leaders encouraging people to bring a bottle so they can fill it with petrol and burn buildings down, give out people's home addresses to the mob (irresponsible with the bombings going on) etc. The biggest problem is that the leaders rhetoric is bloody dangerous, and they need to go.

I'm very surprised at the comments left here on the Red Shirt situation - 'anti-foreigner sentiment', ' declare martial law', etc. I was at the Immigration Office this morning ( fortunately finished my business before the Red Shirts arrived). The main entrance was closed but I was able to leave through one of the others. There were a lot of Red Shirts but it was a peaceful protest rally. They are exercising their democratic rights and the government is letting them. That's what democracy is all about.

In Canada, where I'm from, labour strikes frequently inconvenience the public if various ways - picket public, and private, buildings, slow traffic etc. No one suggests declaring martial law. Should the Red Shirts resort to acts of terrorism then, in my opinion, there would be justification for that. Otherwise, let the people speak and democracy take its course.

I do not know enough to support one side or the other but there are a lot of sympathizers of the Red Shirt cause. Maybe, as is usually the case, there are two sides to this story. Complicated situations usually contain something you can sympathize with and something you can't in both camps.

Personally I'm impressed with the restraint and respect for the democratic way shown by both the government and the Red Shirts (apart from the few radicals). If the people cannot speak and demonstrate publicly within the law and without fear, you do not have democracy. You have to take the bad with the good.

I believe you love Thaksin too much.

There is nothing wrong with love.

Even the bible say that "the greatest is love".

My computer crashed and I dont know if the reply was sent. The people of Bangkok have had enough of the Red Shirts closing down traffic, Siam Centre and now Immigration Offices. I say get the batons or tear gas out.

Get out the batons or tear gas out....hey maybe the Thai people could make that choice not us visitors to this beautiful country I have had the good luck to live in for over 40 years. I love Thailand and have learned a few things....one thing is stay out of stuff like this because I was not born here.

I don't think anyone has a problem with the reds demonstrating. The problem is more to do with the leaders encouraging people to bring a bottle so they can fill it with petrol and burn buildings down, give out people's home addresses to the mob (irresponsible with the bombings going on) etc. The biggest problem is that the leaders rhetoric is bloody dangerous, and they need to go.

Stop discrditing Sondhi & ASTV. Let by gone be by gone.

I don't think anyone has a problem with the reds demonstrating. The problem is more to do with the leaders encouraging people to bring a bottle so they can fill it with petrol and burn buildings down, give out people's home addresses to the mob (irresponsible with the bombings going on) etc. The biggest problem is that the leaders rhetoric is bloody dangerous, and they need to go.

Agreed. These three stooges are trying their best to get the government to fire the first volley so they can claim double standards. They may just get their wish. This just in.

Red-shirt Leader Reveals Plan for Protesters to Con't to Gather Through Songkran

Red-shirt leader Nutthawut Saigua announced during an official press conference today that the red-shirt protesters will continue to gather even during the Songran festival.

He revealed that festivities will be held at rally sites to celebrate Songkran.

He's also threatened that the the protest will intensify if the government failed to answer to the red-shirts' demand for PM Abhisit to call for House dissolution.


Hey Kuchanart

Why should the government dissolve parliamentin a country

of some 60 million just because 100 000 are requesting it?

Will wait for you reply

Thaivisa has tried to contact Immigration officials, but nobody picks up the phones.

Par for the course anyhow isn't it? :)

I'm not sure what the laws regarding assembly are in Thailand, but in America freedom of assembly is guaranteed right under the constitution. The right is abrogated if the assembly is considered to be "unlawful assembly". Unlawful assembly includes, when the exercise of ones rights of assembly diminishes the rights of others. Clearly the disturbances that have caused busineesses to close would qualify as "restraint of trade", which is unlawful. I'm sure there is a similar statute with regard to government institutions, but I'm not sure what its called.

It is call, "the YELLOW have the rights to all Airports in Thailand".

And that's all in the court system, which is seperate from the government. If you don't understand even that basic seperation of powers argument, it makes you appear extremely ignorant, and I'm guessing you're one of the brighter ones, which is frightening.

Thanks for the compliments.


These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

Were you as vocal when the Yellow shirts who brought the current government to power shut down the Airport. I would say that was major inconvenience compared to this. And Kasit the current Foreign minister was at the airport rooting them on. .

Not your business not your country we are just visitors- -I am sure there is plenty to bitch about in your home country alsobitch about your own country

The Yellows did not shit the airport; they occupied it. Very different. It was the airport manager who closed it.

As for "not your country,not your business"., you sound as intolerant as thye reds of anyone having a different opinion.

If you are truly of that opinion, nobody can speakon any country outside their own, so you disagreed with the external pressure which stopped apartheid in South Africe to name but one instance.

Also, please contact True Vision and ask them to remove the numbskull Thai footie pundits and replace them with real ones for the English Premier League. After all, the footie is played in a country that is not theirs, how can they comment on it?

Got an answer, I don't think so.

Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

I agree, I don't want to be misunderstood - but people are different also americans. It is just that there is so many people here in Thailand, that wants power and money, and so many farangs - who support : STAUS QUO. And they urge they government to bash hard on anyone with a different opinion. That you wear a red shirt doesn't implicate that you want Thaksin back! But there is something radically wrong - and it has to change, and it will not happen unless somebody do something. What about the anmerican revolution, how about the Berlin wall, I am just asking. Somebody did ACT then..

Life is wonderfull here in Thailand, all farangs shouuld enjoy what is happening now.

Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

I agree, I don't want to be misunderstood - but people are different also americans. It is just that there is so many people here in Thailand, that wants power and money, and so many farangs - who support : STAUS QUO. And they urge they government to bash hard on anyone with a different opinion. That you wear a red shirt doesn't implicate that you want Thaksin back! But there is something radically wrong - and it has to change, and it will not happen unless somebody do something. What about the anmerican revolution, how about the Berlin wall, I am just asking. Somebody did ACT then..

Life is wonderfull here in Thailand, all farangs shouuld enjoy what is happening now.

And some of us are pro Red/anti Thaksin and feel that a victory by the Reds here and now, before the Thaksin cancer is excised, will set all the people of Thailand back many years, Reds included (especially).


I am just an Armchair General but I would think that laying an old fashioned siege on the rally sites would soon "sweat" the demostrators out.

The Yellows did not shut the airport; they occupied it. Very different. It was the airport manager who closed it.

Of course the Yellows could have said "No problem mate. We're not coming in. No need to do anything. We'll just sit outside and wave our clackers. " and make him look like a fool.

Didn't quite go down like that though did it.....

" BA Flight 1234 this is Bangkok control. You are not cleared to land because we've got Granny Pengsri waving her yellow flag like a demon sitting at the radar screen asking " Is this one of those new PlayStation thingies my grandson told me about?"


Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

I agree, I don't want to be misunderstood - but people are different also americans. It is just that there is so many people here in Thailand, that wants power and money, and so many farangs - who support : STAUS QUO. And they urge they government to bash hard on anyone with a different opinion. That you wear a red shirt doesn't implicate that you want Thaksin back! But there is something radically wrong - and it has to change, and it will not happen unless somebody do something. What about the anmerican revolution, how about the Berlin wall, I am just asking. Somebody did ACT then..

Life is wonderfull here in Thailand, all farangs shouuld enjoy what is happening now.

And some of us are pro Red/anti Thaksin and feel that a victory by the Reds here and now, before the Thaksin cancer is excised, will set all the people of Thailand back many years, Reds included (especially).

You can´t be pro red and anti Thaksin, because the red movement is pro Thaksin. But you can, as I do, support changes for the poor in Thailand. The red movement and Thaksin is same, same!

Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

I agree, I don't want to be misunderstood - but people are different also americans. It is just that there is so many people here in Thailand, that wants power and money, and so many farangs - who support : STAUS QUO. And they urge they government to bash hard on anyone with a different opinion. That you wear a red shirt doesn't implicate that you want Thaksin back! But there is something radically wrong - and it has to change, and it will not happen unless somebody do something. What about the anmerican revolution, how about the Berlin wall, I am just asking. Somebody did ACT then..

Life is wonderfull here in Thailand, all farangs shouuld enjoy what is happening now.

And some of us are pro Red/anti Thaksin and feel that a victory by the Reds here and now, before the Thaksin cancer is excised, will set all the people of Thailand back many years, Reds included (especially).

If only the reds could

1. Get rid of their ties to Thaksin

2. Move away from their current leaders

3. Start properly campaigning on to how to improve the life of the rural poor

Then I feel that they would get a lot more support, myself included. At the moment all the ties to this poison is just damaging their cause.

Americans in Thailand are divided like everyone else. Some pro red/Thaksin. Some anti red/Thaksin. Bringing US bashing into this topic (which I suppose the red mob has done with their embassy actions) is just idiotic and a meaningless diversion.

I agree, I don't want to be misunderstood - but people are different also americans. It is just that there is so many people here in Thailand, that wants power and money, and so many farangs - who support : STAUS QUO. And they urge they government to bash hard on anyone with a different opinion. That you wear a red shirt doesn't implicate that you want Thaksin back! But there is something radically wrong - and it has to change, and it will not happen unless somebody do something. What about the anmerican revolution, how about the Berlin wall, I am just asking. Somebody did ACT then..

Life is wonderfull here in Thailand, all farangs shouuld enjoy what is happening now.

And some of us are pro Red/anti Thaksin and feel that a victory by the Reds here and now, before the Thaksin cancer is excised, will set all the people of Thailand back many years, Reds included (especially).

You can´t be pro red and anti Thaksin, because the red movement is pro Thaksin. But you can, as I do, support changes for the poor in Thailand. The red movement and Thaksin is same, same!

It is now. I hope that changes but I recognize that is only wishful thinking.


If reds said no Khun T, no one would believe them - so denouncing/supporting him really makes no difference. I think red movement is growing beyond Khun T much to his chagrin.


Even though the police forces or army breaks up the red shirt protests ...the problem won't go away. We've seen the police and army break up last year's protests, but the problem didn't go away, did it? If the Abhisit government believes it is backed by the majority of Thais, it should call for an election to settle the doubts once and for all. But the problem won't go away simply by telling protesters to shut up and break up their protests. They'll be back and the longer this goes on, the worse for Thailand.

If reds said no Khun T, no one would believe them - so denouncing/supporting him really makes no difference. I think red movement is growing beyond Khun T much to his chagrin.

Here's why no one would believe them brit:



What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

They actually had real elections, it's funny how RED apologists asked for elections when it was pointed out they had them after the coup, now they want real ones. I am curious are they only real if the REDs win?

As to the bold part of your statement what I would like to carry on doing, is operating my business which employees a fair number of Thai people many from the poorer region of the country that we are talking regarding the origins of the REDs. Oddly enough as time goes on my employees are less and less impressed with the REDS. I had to close one of my outlets this weekend due to the change in venue of the RED shirts, I gave my employees the option of either staying home and NOT getting paid, or making their way to one our other locations and working there. Naturally they took the extra time and expense to keep working. All the while complaining about the selfish stupid buffalo REDS (Their words NOT MINE)

Some of us farang simply want to carry on and live our lives and pay our taxes and employee our Thai staff and have a good quality of life with our Thai families I hope you don't find that too offensive.

I am NOT pro yellow or anti red I am anti stupid and I don't care what color they are wearing. At this point in time NOT in the past, but right now the REDS are the ones acting like fools.. so they are taking the brunt of the shots from the press and public. I can assure you whatever the color of shirt or whatever socioeconomic class they come from I would still not support them if they tried to go about it and for the same reasons as the current rudderless RED movement is.

Do you really think, they care, if foreigners get their visa stamp or not? :) We are just lucky, that we don't have some maniac, like Hitler, pointing fingers at us (even though Thaksin has come very close to that in the past). Can you imagine what could happen, when someone like decides to use us as scapegoats?

Pre-WW2 Berlin was very popular with expats. I would like to know the history about how many of those expats supported the "democratically elected" Hitler and his brown shirts before it all went south. I bet you they existed. Today, westerners should know better. Tsk, tsk. :D

Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and ambassador Joe Kennedy (JFK's pop) all supported Hitler but were not expats. Well, except Joe who lived in England.

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

Were you as vocal when the Yellow shirts who brought the current government to power shut down the Airport. I would say that was major inconvenience compared to this. And Kasit the current Foreign minister was at the airport rooting them on. .

Not your business not your country we are just visitors- -I am sure there is plenty to bitch about in your home country alsobitch about your own country

Well said,, too many farangs really dont know whats happening or why,,,it goes a lot deeper than red and yellow

I certainly hope this doesn't reflect some kind of anti-foreigner sentiment.

Would sure be ironic if it did! :)



Mr T was anti-falang

These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

Were you as vocal when the Yellow shirts who brought the current government to power shut down the Airport. I would say that was major inconvenience compared to this. And Kasit the current Foreign minister was at the airport rooting them on. .

Not your business not your country we are just visitors- -I am sure there is plenty to bitch about in your home country alsobitch about your own country

Well said,, too many farangs really dont know whats happening or why,,,it goes a lot deeper than red and yellow

Of course they do and of course it does, but do you really want to deal with it all in one week and end up with a failed state or would you rather see incremental improvement?


Mt T was anti anybody who did not agree or side with him

In his book there was only 1 opinion, his

In his book rule #1 - he was always right

In his book rule #2 - if you disagree with me ... see rule #1

Do you really think, they care, if foreigners get their visa stamp or not? :) We are just lucky, that we don't have some maniac, like Hitler, pointing fingers at us (even though Thaksin has come very close to that in the past). Can you imagine what could happen, when someone like decides to use us as scapegoats?

Pre-WW2 Berlin was very popular with expats. I would like to know the history about how many of those expats supported the "democratically elected" Hitler and his brown shirts before it all went south. I bet you they existed. Today, westerners should know better. Tsk, tsk. :D

Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and ambassador Joe Kennedy (JFK's pop) all supported Hitler but were not expats. Well, except Joe who lived in England.

you forgot Walt Disney! Nutchanat is the name of my ex-wife; amazing how 2 different people could arouse the same feelings.

Even though the police forces or army breaks up the red shirt protests ...the problem won't go away. We've seen the police and army break up last year's protests, but the problem didn't go away, did it? If the Abhisit government believes it is backed by the majority of Thais, it should call for an election to settle the doubts once and for all. But the problem won't go away simply by telling protesters to shut up and break up their protests. They'll be back and the longer this goes on, the worse for Thailand.

Yes, and Obama should call for elections too as Bush should have in 2000 to quiet law breakers who believe they should not be in office or can't win on any particular day. This is what a democratic society does rather than wait until the next election and hope your part wins. Remember, it was the supreme court ruling that ultimately put Bush in office regardless that he DID NOT get the most votes and regardless that they were in the midst of trying to discover if he won enough electoral votes.

And while we are at it ... we should tax although the wealthy folks until the poor have the same amount of money they do regardless if the wealthy earned the money and what they sacrificed to get where they are or how many people they have employed and helped to better their lives too.

And next year when the next mob comes to town, lets do it all over again.

What would stop all this is the government enforcing the law regardless if it is red, yellow or blue shirts and regardless as to their cause. Peaceful demonstrations without threats and working with officials to minimize the impact on other citizens should always be encouraged but what we have now are law breakers who are going out of there way to break laws and provoke a response.

This nonsense doesn't happing in other places (rarely) because people know they cannot get away with it.


I believe the fact that Taksin has been allowed to carry on as he does, for as long as he has, makes the government look weak and ineffectual, and not tolerant and peacable, unfortunately.

Something really must be done about Taksin. He seems to have no intention of stopping himself.

First you cut off the head ...

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