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Farangs Who Lived In Thailand But Left. Do You Think You Made The Right Choice ?


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Ok So i lived in Thailand for almost 6 years. I left Thailand just over 2 years ago. I can say it was the best choice i have ever made in my life to leave. I now live in Norway and have lived here 2 years. Life here compared to Thailand is just so much more easy and better.

I did like somethings about thailand but in the end i hated alot more things than i liked. just to name some of them

Farangs cant own land

Farangs get doubled priced

People judge you before you even talk. Just becuase you dont look like a local. Fort most Thai's it doesnt matter weather you can talk thai or not. They just view you as another farang for the taking.

Racism in Thailand is now at a high and getting worse everyday.

I mean i with all this racism and hate that Thai's in general have for Farangs. How get any Farang call Thailand there ' Home ' ??

The good things that Thailand is meant to be famous for

Good Beaches : - Well most of the beaches are dirty and not nice. Have you ever been to a beach there not many Farangs go but manily Thai's go ? Well i went to a few in my time and some where that dirty they made me feel sick just looking at them but still there was people swimming.

Friendly Smiles : - Those of us you who live in Thailand no that this is total Bull Shit. Fake Robot Smiles mean nothing to anyone

Its Cheap : - again Thailand is not cheap. The things that are cheap there are total shit. Even when you pay good money for things most of the times its badly made and breaks within the year.

So the 3 main things that thailand is good for are not really ture at all.

Just everyday life in Thailand is just a head ach and sometimes living there just felt like the life and will to live was getting sucked out of me.

Now before i started getting all the normal stuff from the ' Thai Huggers ' saying that i had a bad job and no money. I had quite a good job in Thailand with a monthly salary anything from 70000 - 90000 baht with a nice condo rent paid for by the company i was working for. I didnt lose my job and i didnt leave my job. I aksed for a transfer back to Europe.

I just found that living in Thailand was pretty boring. It is the sort of thing that sounds good to tell your friends back home ' o i live here in the sun life great ' but really its pretty crap in Thailand. Before Thailand i lived in 8 other countrys in Asia and South America and the only one that i could say is any worse that Thailand for general living standards was East Timor. I can forgive East Timor to as when i was there it was just a new country and had alot of problems.

Anyway , I just want to hear from other farangs who lived in Thailand and then left . What do they think looking back at thailand and did you make the right choice to leave ?

Edited by PaperTowel
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I've lived in Thailand coming up 13 years this August and have felt like you describe for a long time and will eventually return to the UK.

If and when i do go back to England will i return to Thailand?

Highly unlikely, as the country and it's people do little for me.

What keeps me hanging on?

The weather, nothing else.

What have i enjoyed most about living in Thailand all these years?

The weather, and escaping the cold European winters.

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firstly you came here because of your job but i gather it was your choice.Why would anyone come to thailand to earn a living when there's more to be earnt in a western country?Even if you save money you cant earn much interest on savings,property is not worth investing in unless its in the high end condiminum bracket.Many of course come for the lifestyle and to enhance their sex life.Yes thailand is a dirty country and many of the tourist beaches are n't fit to swim in,but then again you cant expect a cheaper 2nd/3rd world country to have the infrastructure to support cleanliness can you.For many the allure of living in a forein country with its different culture is enough.In my opinion thailand is a country that benefits more the retired expat not the younger ones who still need to earn good money and build up their wealth,not easy to do in thailand and most would probably spend it on having a good time,just because you can.If i had to leave thailand i would be doing so regretfully.

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A lot of people post on Thai Visa that don’t live in Thailand. A lot of people post on Thai Visa who have never lived in Thailand.

I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years and have not left. I have no intention of leaving.

I live here because of my faith in my future.

As I get older and hopefully wiser I become more and more convinced of what my future holds.

Every girlfriend I have lived with has been better than the last.

Perhaps it is my ability to speak Thai or my vast understand of the cultural intricacies of Thailand, I don’t know.

So I stay here for my next girlfriend.

If you leave you will never know. You may have given up on the day before the miracle was about to happen.

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Why would anyone come to thailand to earn a living when there's more to be earnt in a western country?Even if you save money you cant earn much interest on savings,property is not worth investing in unless its in the high end condiminum bracket.


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A lot of people post on Thai Visa that don't live in Thailand. A lot of people post on Thai Visa who have never lived in Thailand.

I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years and have not left. I have no intention of leaving.

I live here because of my faith in my future.

As I get older and hopefully wiser I become more and more convinced of what my future holds.

Every girlfriend I have lived with has been better than the last.

Perhaps it is my ability to speak Thai or my vast understand of the cultural intricacies of Thailand, I don't know.

So I stay here for my next girlfriend.

If you leave you will never know. You may have given up on the day before the miracle was about to happen.

Or maybe anything is better then the back end of a Merino.

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I feel you made one of the worse decisions of your life.

You made a smart decision.

A lot of expats have already left for better, more expat-friendly places.

There are more wanting to leave but are still looking for a Thailand "replacement."

Take away what we can't talk about, and you are left with almost nothing here.

Other countries, like Cambodia and Vietnam, are growing rapidly and might at some point become very attractive places to retire.

Too bad the Love Thailand or Leave It Crowd has posted the same old and predictable stuff here in response to your post.

But that is just another reason to leave........many of the new expats are.....how can I put it......NUTS!

Good luck.

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A lot of people post on Thai Visa that don't live in Thailand. A lot of people post on Thai Visa who have never lived in Thailand.

I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years and have not left. I have no intention of leaving.

I live here because of my faith in my future.

As I get older and hopefully wiser I become more and more convinced of what my future holds.

Every girlfriend I have lived with has been better than the last.

Perhaps it is my ability to speak Thai or my vast understand of the cultural intricacies of Thailand, I don't know.

So I stay here for my next girlfriend.

If you leave you will never know. You may have given up on the day before the miracle was about to happen.

Or maybe anything is better then the back end of a Merino.

I had to google that. But hats off to you. You thought of a sheep first thing when talking about girlfriends. I imagine they are a lot cheaper. With those big wool coats probably stay warm in the cold winters where you live.

Since you are a new poster perhaps I could offer a suggestion. It is not nice to tell a bloke that he booms sheep in Thailand. May be OK in some countries. In some countries people may even make jokes about it. I have heard few jokes about sheep booming in Thailand. Buffalo, yes but those are rather offensive things. I am sure you are not trying to be offensive.

It is the intent of Thai Visa as I see it to discuss things and not degrade a persons personality if you don’t agree with him. Implying someone booms sheep is quite a degrading thing to say in Thailand.

If you don’t agree with some one why not comment on his words or opinions rather than say he shags sheep?

Do people from NZ get a laugh out of sheep jokes? I don’t know. I am not from NZ.

I guess you thought I was from NZ. No offense taken

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Racism in Thailand is now at a high and getting worse everyday.

I mean i with all this racism and hate that Thai's in general have for Farangs. How get any Farang call Thailand there ' Home ' ??

Where did you live? Are you talking about your day to day interactions, or are you referring to things like onerous visa regulations.

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I had quite a good job in Thailand with a monthly salary anything from 70000 - 90000 baht with a nice condo rent paid for by the company i was working for. I didnt lose my job and i didnt leave my job

Must be ur low salary that got u peed, and it snowballed from there.

Edited by skippybangkok
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A lot of people post on Thai Visa that don't live in Thailand. A lot of people post on Thai Visa who have never lived in Thailand.

I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years and have not left. I have no intention of leaving.

I live here because of my faith in my future.

As I get older and hopefully wiser I become more and more convinced of what my future holds.

Every girlfriend I have lived with has been better than the last.

Perhaps it is my ability to speak Thai or my vast understand of the cultural intricacies of Thailand, I don't know.

So I stay here for my next girlfriend.

If you leave you will never know. You may have given up on the day before the miracle was about to happen.

Dude, that has to be the saddest reason for staying in Thailand that I have ever heard. However the more posts I read the more I believe it is the last justification the "Thai huggers" can cling to.

Back in Blighty and it's all good, actually feel like I have a purpose in life rather than waiting to expire in the sun amongst the desperate and needy :)

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I feel you made one of the worse decisions of your life.

You made a smart decision.

A lot of expats have already left for better, more expat-friendly places.

There are more wanting to leave but are still looking for a Thailand "replacement."

Take away what we can't talk about, and you are left with almost nothing here.

Other countries, like Cambodia and Vietnam, are growing rapidly and might at some point become very attractive places to retire.

Too bad the Love Thailand or Leave It Crowd has posted the same old and predictable stuff here in response to your post.

But that is just another reason to leave........many of the new expats are.....how can I put it......NUTS!

Good luck.

As a young man I worked in Chicago. I used to visit the art museum on my lunch breaks. I would sit there for hours and stare at Vincent Van Gogh’s self portrait or a Monet scene.

I would go into the museum in a bad mood and come out energized.

Now I do the same thing on a walk to the store or a stroll in the mall or a bus ride.

It’s not something I can’t talk about.

It is beauty.

Reminds me of the lyrics of “Cabaret”.

Leave your troubles outside.

So life is disappointing, forget it!

In here life is beautiful.

The girls are beautiful.

Even the orchestra is beautiful.

And now presenting the cabaret girls!

Heidi, Christine, Mouzy, Helga, Betty, Und inged.

Each and everyone a virgin--

You don't believe me,

Well, do not take my word for it,

Go ahead, ask Helga!

I believe.

I believe in the beauty. I believe in the fantasy.

And who’s to say I’m wrong.


I don’t have to work anymore.

I am enjoying the cabaret.

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