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Loss Of Face At The Airport - Double Standards For Farangs

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there is also a strong possibility he got caught up in the airport trap by a thai gang. even though i have never been there i have been warned about the roving gangs that set up farangs.

Very funny! Best reply I've ever seen on TV for a long time. Do you work for a western new media group?


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And sure be jaysus aint it the ugly ones that give you the eye ?

It's only natural. If they do the traditional, 'oh I'm so shy/look away/avoid eye contact thing' in this day and age, they know they'll be 35 and 40+ 'karnsters' in the blink of an eye.


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And sure be jaysus aint it the ugly ones that give you the eye ?

It's only natural. If they do the traditional, 'oh I'm so shy/look away/avoid eye contact thing' in this day and age, they know they'll be 35 and 40+ 'karnsters' in the blink of an eye.


You are a cynical young man.

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There is the possibility he was not in trouble legally but something happened to him such as robbed, etc. Taxi driver won't use his meter? :)

Or he lost his bag and has nothing including those travllers checks he packed in the bag.

To amny variables but best to not interfere

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They should have these rooms wired for sound with a feed for all in the area to hear: for transparency (for customs staff), deterrence (for anyone thinking of sneaking in that extra liter of booze), and of course entertainment for everyone else waiting in line.


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The same exact thing happened to me. It was with my ex-girlfriend, two of her friends and two Thai police, all staring me down and extorting money out of me. Me and her were in a big argument on the way to the airport and decided not to take our trip together. To make a long story short I called her a really bad word in Thai that I guess is a crime if used in public (I didn't know that) and she got the police involved (I never touched her, just called her a name).

They brought me into that same exact room, blinds open and all, and all of them together spent an hour convincing me to pay her 60,000 Baht or else go to jail. The head police guy didn't say much the entire time but he kept starting at me and closing and opening handcuffs.

After I eventually paid the money they all told me to leave and they stayed and shut the door, obviously dividing up my money as they had most likely discussed in Thai right in front of me.

I have never been so happy to leave Thailand as I was that night. The whole lot of them should rot in hel_l.

Another happy customer TF. Be sure to tell all your friends and relatives now to come on over to the land of smile and bring your money with you. we'll show you some good ol' Thai hospitality. Have a nice day now y'all.

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Mere conjecture the poor lad had discovered at the airport thet his night of passion had been with a woman

when the tuktuk driver at Thasleazer had promised hime Katoeys'R'Us

to add insult to injury they had refused to double charge him or conscript him inot the featherlights

Wacht am Rhein

"Ready aye ready"

Course more likely stitched up in some pecuniary scam and would have to return to Eurosqualor without tan hangover and mandatory dreadlocks with afee croaking wooden frog.............yawn

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Yeah, it would probably be the same. People accused of crimes don't seem to get much privacy here. Think about how often there are postings on TV with links to news articles - the top photo is usually the accused person in the police station. And then there are pictures of the accused person at the crime scene.

Normally with a witness or two and a couple of cops standing in a semi circle facing the camera and pointing at him.

I love it when they do that !

I gotta admit, I've loved the pointing in these photographs for years ... :) "We maybe the police but it was HIM/HER! That guy/gal, not wearing a uniform."

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I think it's funny how people bring their own interpretations to each event in life. I could give you several possible scenarios for what you saw. And yet, you go right to your view and opinion. This may be too zen-like, but what you "saw" is more about you than anything. What is it about your own "face" that has you distressed about losing it?

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-ThanonFarang- or somebody else.

Please, the -g- word, I am not a native English speaker, what word?

If not allowed to write here, please PM me. i have to know.

Maybe I understand that situation than better.

Thank you

Edited by ALFREDO
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  • 2 weeks later...
The first time she said I did not have to pay any money and could get on my flight - the second time she said the same thing, came in the room with me and the head guy said something to her and she just looked at me like there was nothing I could do.

He offered her a cut ?

i think parryhandy guessed it, btw are you still with the same girlfriend, cuz i'd be weary if i were you, there is always a possibility that the gf was in on the whole scam from the beginning.

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I do actually have contact with her again. We've come to understand each other quite well and have an odd close friendship. Not dating or anything and we did not talk for a long time.

She understands that you have more money than you need and you understand that she likes money more than men?

Exactly. As long as we both understand and respect the boundaries of a relationship like that, it can work out nicely. She's fluent in English, insanely gorgeous and extremely resourceful. It is good to have friennds like that. Anytime I have a problem in Thailand I call her, she helps me sort it out and I buy her dinner - 25% or so of the time I get to ride the old bike again too. She gives me relationship advice and lets me bang her friends. I have to deal with a Sick Buffalo story every now and then, but whatever.

If you cant afford, don't understand or don't agree with that - don't make a fool out of yourself by saying Im an idiot. I know exactly what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and the way she views me -and I'm fine with it. If you aren't secure enough to have somebody in your life who you know views you as an ATM, you have the issues, not me.

I Think that's what is called total acceptance, respect, Its not my cup of tea but each to their own.

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  • 3 months later...
-Thanon Farang-

I would not pay, if I same you, felt that there is no reason to pay anything about that incident-just calling her a name. By the way, WHAT did you say?

Would not be enough for me to pay a sum like this!

But possibly you still owed her some money from your relationship? Did not pay the last week(s), month? That would be a reason for me, not only one spoken word.

Now, you still have contact with this GF or again contact with her?

Thanks for an update.

It doesn't matter that it was "just calling her a name" any more than it would be "just defacing a portrait of You-Know-Who" - a law is a law is a law. I broke the law.

I called her a word that starts with a g in front of a group of people. No I didn't owe her anything, it was pure extortion.

I do actually have contact with her again. We've come to understand each other quite well and have an odd close friendship. Not dating or anything and we did not talk for a long time.

You are back in contact with someone who did that to you? Wow. I guess you are confident that she won;t ever do anything like that again. Did you ever ask her what happened to all the money? And following that question did you suggest that it would enhance your renewed friendship greatly if she gave it back?

I once got fined 500 baht for giving the finger to a woman (who heartily deserved it). I was tempted to give her another one at the the end and make it an even thousand.

I checked later with a high ranking copper who actually knows the law and he assured me that 500 baht for an obscene gesture was normal - and they did give me an official receipt. The fine is probably the same for calling somebody a "working girl" in disparaging Thai in public - it sure ain't 60k baht. You could have at least got the price down.

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The same exact thing happened to me. It was with my ex-girlfriend, two of her friends and two Thai police, all staring me down and extorting money out of me. Me and her were in a big argument on the way to the airport and decided not to take our trip together. To make a long story short I called her a really bad word in Thai that I guess is a crime if used in public (I didn't know that) and she got the police involved (I never touched her, just called her a name).

They brought me into that same exact room, blinds open and all, and all of them together spent an hour convincing me to pay her 60,000 Baht or else go to jail. The head police guy didn't say much the entire time but he kept starting at me and closing and opening handcuffs.

After I eventually paid the money they all told me to leave and they stayed and shut the door, obviously dividing up my money as they had most likely discussed in Thai right in front of me.

I have never been so happy to leave Thailand as I was that night. The whole lot of them should rot in hel_l.

Mate you should not have paid that fine, what evidence did they have that you called her

this name. If the police asked me if I had called the lady this name I would deny it.........

no recordings of you saying it so......... Is it against the law in Thailand to call someone a

name? If it is does that mean that everybody who calls someone a rude name in Thailand

should hand up 60,000 baht............. a years wages for many Thai's. Unbelievable.

My only link now with Thailand is my fiance, I have no interest of visiting Thailand again,

been there many times in the past and had some good times, but that is in the past.

I am older now, when people would talk about developing countries when I was younger

I would just think that all countries are developing and thought Thailand was great.

I am older now and just view Thailand as a immature country and definately not great

in the real context of the word. Alas no where is perfect, in Thailand you have somewhere

with lovely tropical weather, top food, hotties walking each and every way and a fun vibe.

Unfortunately there is a real sick side to Thailand which completely spoils it for me and many more.

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I don't get the fuss.

If this was Australia NZ US or the UK, there would be a film crew there to maximise the emotion and stress and then they'd package into a show called 'Border Security - keeping the nation safe" broadcast at Primetime.

Which gets me thinking, plenty of ammo to do one of those shows in Thailand....

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I don't get the fuss.

If this was Australia NZ US or the UK, there would be a film crew there to maximise the emotion and stress and then they'd package into a show called 'Border Security - keeping the nation safe" broadcast at Primetime.

Which gets me thinking, plenty of ammo to do one of those shows in Thailand....

And the obvious message is clear, observe quarantine regulations , do not carry drugs and declare all financial instruments ( money etc) and have a legitimate reason for your stay. Otherwise suffer the consequences.

The program, on a commercial TV channel ( Australia) is designed for its entertainment value and "ratings", not for giving constructive advice to travellers.




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I just view Thailand as a immature country and definitely not great

in the real context of the word. Alas no where is perfect, in Thailand you have somewhere

with lovely tropical weather, top food, hotties walking each and every way and a fun vibe.

Yup !! It's a ghastly place!! :cheesy: Why does anyone come here?

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