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Wwe Comming To Thailand


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I have just read that the WWE may be holding an event here in Thailand. Not sure if it will be open air or in an arean or stadium but I am very excited. Not only are the female divas hot as. Seeing some wrestling action would be good fun.

Who else likes wrestling?

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I'd like to see one of them body slam you & then we'll ask you if it's fake.

Powerderpuff I'm going to break this to you as gently as possible.

There is no Father Christmas/Santa Clause

Bar stuard No Santa , you will tell me no Easter bunnys next. :)

Edited by Thongkorn
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Come on we all know it's fake. But what is fake. Having someone smash a steel chair on someones head and see the cut that it's just left. Seeing them throw each other onto the arena floor. The injurys they sustain. That is not fake.

But yes all the matches are all scripted, the refs are communicating throughout telling each wrestler their next move. That'w what makes it so entertaining. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy all contact sports, boxing, muy thai, UFC but wrestling is entertainment and is very enjoyabe to watch either on tv or live in person.

It does take some time for some to get into it, the characters and all but I and many others like it very much!

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WWE is coming to Thailand,

I can't wait :D

Please pick up yourself, the "SPY WAR SHOW" at Safari park has more entertaiment value than the WWE.

If we do not have enough SH*&T entertainment in Thailand.

Sorry Westybrook i cant take you serious anymore "I AM VERY EXCITED" :) i laugh about it but you have a serious problem.

Edited by needforspeed
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If they watch Thai soapie's they might learn a few more fake drama tricks.

Yeah, Kelly Kelly needs a quirky gay friend as her ring partner, Melina needs a scheming mom to get her off with John Cena and Micky James needs to be blinded in a shooting but recovers after a trip to a specialist surgeon in Paris, keeps pretending she is blind, wins at Summerslam and lives happily ever after with shy long term admirer Rey Mysterio.

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Why would anyone want to go watch a homo erotic scripted event with sweaty men juiced up on steroids touching each other?There are plenty of gay go go bars in Thailand where you can go to stare at boys bulging genitalia. If the sight of sweaty men that have waxed and put on a ton of makeup excites you, perhaps Boyztown Pattaya is for you.

Maybe they can get bearForce 1 to sing the opening number.

I rang the event right up there with Phuket Bike Week that coincides with Songkran.

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Personally I love the WWE. I would definately make the trip to Thailand to see them!!!

So what if its fake? Movies are fake too!!

Its a soapie for men!!!

And it takes much more athletisism to do what they do then 99% of other sports that are supposedly real.

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WWE is for Kids surely anyway so why are people getting so worked up because it's fake & even bringing UFC into the Thread as a comparable as the 2 can't be compared in the slightest ?? :)

& the OP is right, there are some glorious Birds in it & they'd probably be worth the admission fee alone..

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They do have a sense of humour about their customers though, I remember one show where one of the announcers was interviewing the audience and he asked an obvious hillbilly redneck, "so whats it like to be married to your sister and mother at the same time?" The hillbilly just grinned goofily....

If you enjoy this type of thing..... wow

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They do have a sense of humour about their customers though, I remember one show where one of the announcers was interviewing the audience and he asked an obvious hillbilly redneck, "so whats it like to be married to your sister and mother at the same time?" The hillbilly just grinned goofily....

If you enjoy this type of thing..... wow

& if you don' enjoy THIS sort of thing below, wow... :)




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Bring in the kick boxers and offer decent prize money, would be good to see the yanks crying for mercy.

Not much a Thai boxer can do when grabbed and grappled on the floor by a man that outweighs them 2 to 1, would have to get that lucky knockout shot off right at the beginning. Unless you meant make them all fight by muay thai rules? In that case ya I agree.

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Bring in the kick boxers and offer decent prize money, would be good to see the yanks crying for mercy.

Not much a Thai boxer can do when grabbed and grappled on the floor by a man that outweighs them 2 to 1, would have to get that lucky knockout shot off right at the beginning. Unless you meant make them all fight by muay thai rules? In that case ya I agree.

Blessed with such a SOH.. :D

You are from the US of A i;m assuming Laughing Man yeah ??

Just a hunch of course... :)

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What no! Im the guy who thinks only rednecks enjoy this <deleted>. :) Im not American either. But I'm a thaiboxer and thinking that Thaiboxing would beat a man twice your weight if they sit on you is foolish. If its a straight thaiboxing match then the size advantage is nullified and a small Thai guy can rape a bigger opponenent assuming he has superior skill. Thaiboxing has no defence for floor grappling though and if you outwiegh them and get them down you can easily control them. I know what Im talking about, if you want to pretend Im a fan of gay fake wrestling you go right ahead.

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Blessed with such a SOH..

You are from the US of A i;m assuming Laughing Man yeah ??

what's so funny about that? i would totally agree that if one of those lumps got hold of a thai boxer he would be in some serious trouble.

although it's fake, these guys are no mugs. most of them have a serious wrestling (proper) background. ken shamrock, brock lesnar were WWE champions, they done alright in mma (UFC)...

Edited by c411um
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what's so funny about that? i would totally agree that if one of the lumps got hold of a thai boxer he would be in some trouble.

although it's fake, these guys are no mugs. most of them have a serious wrestling (proper) background. ken shamrock, brock lesnar were WWE champions, they done alright in mma (UFC)...

Hehe they were full contact mma fighters with impressive records before the fake wrestling, they used that base to become TV stars in a show. And they were WWE champions because THE SCRIPT SAID SO. :)

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