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Non O-a From Oz

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Another TV member has informed me that he was knocked back on an application for an O-A from the consulate in Brisbane, who say they are acting on instructions from the Embassy in Canberra.

The consul also told him that Perth and Canberra will be following suit shortly.

He has obtained a multi O in lieu of the O-A.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out, not just in Oz, but around the world. For me, it is a pain in the arrse. :)

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OA is normally only issued by Embassy or official Consulate - in recent years they opened it to the honorary Consulates but seem to be returning to only official Consulate issue. Not sure why it should be more of an issue submitting documents to one place than another.

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OA is normally only issued by Embassy or official Consulate - in recent years they opened it to the honorary Consulates but seem to be returning to only official Consulate issue. Not sure why it should be more of an issue submitting documents to one place than another.

It is difficult to know what is fact and not...

6 years of yearly extensions and 800,000 baht sat in a Thai account, last month thought I would try a different route, I went to Perth for an '0' having read on here what was needed took everything with me.... In Perth was very easy + only need 1x photo + passport + application Form, Did NOT need any of the other items people said was needed.

She is a very nice Lady there so I asked out of interest about the '0-A' again it appears very easy... items above + a medical + a letter from a bank, any bank in the world, if the bank is outside Oz then it must be notarized in Perth, as was pointed out to me there is no need for the 800k to season + the 1st year it is a Multi entry, stamp before the expire date and you get another full year, but on the 2nd year if you wanted to leave Thailand then you would have to get a re entry permit.

Both '0' and the 'A-0' will be issured the same day if you make an appointment, and she said that as many non Austarlians over 50's use the '0-A' as people asking for the '0'...... I had no idea being English I could get a 'A-0' from Oz, so June next year will go for the '0-A'

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The rule for issuing a O-A visa, is that it can only be applied for in your home country or your country of residence. You also don't mention a police check, which is required, part of the reason why you can only apply in your home country or coutry of residence.

I would make very sure if they will issue if you don't reside in Australia and if you don't need a police check.


requirements according to the Thai embassy in Canberra: http://canberra.thaiembassy.org/doc/info/v...g_stay_visa.pdf

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The rule for issuing a O-A visa, is that it can only be applied for in your home country or your country of residence. You also don't mention a police check, which is required, part of the reason why you can only apply in your home country or coutry of residence.

I would make very sure if they will issue if you don't reside in Australia and if you don't need a police check.


requirements according to the Thai embassy in Canberra: http://canberra.thaiembassy.org/doc/info/v...g_stay_visa.pdf

I was told you don't need a police report....

It was also a rule back in 2003, took 7 weeks to get this in the UK, I still have it as when I went to Birmingham UK they did not want it for my '0-A' there, so was a waste of time and money...

Couple of months before I went to Perth I emailed them and asked what was needed; they replied + attached the application Form.... Only reading on here about a sponsor letter, some money in Bank, friend/partner i.d copy etc I took all this as well, but was not wanted........

Of course if I get a '0' or an '0-A' next year June in Perth, then will email them before hand to find out what is needed...

As I had not been out of Thailand since 2004 it was nice to fly to Australia, had thought of going to Austria or Germany, but 6hr 35 mins to Perth looked better + was very nice. [have German residency + i.d + drivers license + speak German so would have been no problem]

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You seem to be talking about a non immigrant O visa. The OA requires a medical and police check without exception.

Is why I said to phone or email before hand to find out, Last month the Police report was not needed for the '0-A' likewise back in December 2003 it said on the website it was required yet when I got to the Consulate the man handed it back and said it was not needed., I still have it in one of the bedrooms i use as a junk/store room upstairs

Yes both in 2003 and last month a medical was needed for the '0-A'

As said above I went for the '0' as I had no idea I could get a '0-A' from OZ, at the Hotel I was staying at another UK guy got the '0-A' so when I went to collect my passport I asked in the Consulate, she said many people go there for the '0-A' and told me what was needed, that was last month., things change so email to find out before going.

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