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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok

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Jesus.... our City is in a lot of trouble... this "Thai double-talk" is so frustrating.. I wish someone politician would just come out and tell us the truth for once in a lifetime!

Check this out from THE NATION:

"...Top government leaders have reassured the public that the emergency rule in Bangkok and surrounding areas is meant to curb the runaway protests deemed illegal and unconstitutional and not a crackdown on the red shirts..."

Total crap. If you do not remove the protester from Rajprsong and deal with the red-shirt leaders, then dealing with the once off grenade attacks and forays into Parliament, TV stations and other locations is a waste of time. I wish someone would solve the problem in this hypocritical town we live in!!!

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Top government leaders have reassured the public that the emergency rule in Bangkok and surrounding areas is meant to curb the runaway protests deemed illegal and unconstitutional and not a crackdown on the red shirts.

Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said on Thursday that the state of emergency has been imposed since Wednesday's evening in order to check the deteriorating situation.

So how will the SOE help curb the protests if they aren't going to use it to crack down on the protesters?


By the way.... have any of you seen Thaksin on his phone ins lately? He looks like he has seen a ghost - pale, miserable, expression-less.... some say he has cancer. I wouldn't doubt it. I guess KARMA is real.

Top government leaders have reassured the public that the emergency rule in Bangkok and surrounding areas is meant to curb the runaway protests deemed illegal and unconstitutional and not a crackdown on the red shirts.

Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said on Thursday that the state of emergency has been imposed since Wednesday's evening in order to check the deteriorating situation.

So how will the SOE help curb the protests if they aren't going to use it to crack down on the protesters?

My sentiments exactly, Shawn... seems Abhisit is STILL reluctant to engage the protesters and solve the problem.... More and more I think he is either scared, or not in control. This HESITATION to remove the protesters from Rajprasong and deal directly with the red-shirt leaders is very disturbing and a waste of time.

THE NATION: “We will not use signal blocking method but will seize control of the broadcast equipment," Sansern said.

THE NATION: "But if they purchase new equipment and do not distort the information again, they may resume the broadcast,” Sansern added.

Sounds like someone with government connections has some broadcast equipment sitting in a warehouse they need to sell. :)

Is this post the result of a long night on recreational substances?

You want to see huge improvements after only 16months, reconciliation with Thaksin paying for insurgency?

You approve:

B30 health scheme without funding, but ignore reduced cost scheme and increased funding

not-so-micro credit that was not managed (business plans, etc) and has increased isaan debt levels

OTOP, a miserable failure

drug control - just murder a suspect, or someone you don't like and call him a druggie afterwards.

all pols are corrupt (moral equivalence) - look at the scale of Thaksin corruption

army refusing to take orders - please post any data you have on orders issued

My opinion differs from yours, so I must be on recreational substances? I'll let that tactic in what is supposed to be a sensible debate speak for itself.

Your post contains nothing more than simple rebuffs that ignore the fact that a lot of people like Thaksin because he did improve their lives. More than the soon to be gone Abhisit, or any Dem pollie for that matter, ever did. A lot of people admire Thaksin, and want him back, simply because they voted for him and he improved their lives in return.

I am sorry, but I was being generous assuming your mind was clouded and not simply dysfunctional. Would you like to debate any one of the points of idiocy that I drew attention to, or should we just read your vaulted opinions?

What opinion? The one where I said that a lot of people like Thaksin because he did a lot for them? That's not an opinion, it is a simple statement of fact.

However you try to deny it, a lot of people do like the man because their lives were improved. Call one or another of his projects failures if you like, but the people on the receiving end of these projects don't seem to agree with you. 30 Baht to see a doctor? Hitherto unheard of, and worthy of praise by any measure.

I have asked this question over and over agian and still get no response. The people who demand a ne free election if they belive it is true should answer me.Their silence is deafning.

What, according to you is a free and fair elction. To me it is where politicians from all parties can go to all parts of the country and freely campaign for votes. By this I mean having no fear for their lives. No fears that their potential voters are not going to be intimidated by locals when the politicians leave.

I also think that free and fair elections mean that people choose thier bot according to who they think will do the best for the country and themselves as well.This is not votebuying this is politics as seen in countries all around the world.

What is not free and fair is parties,of all descriptions, offering money for votes.

This is what i call free and fair elections.

I have seen many people on here asking for free and fair elections but noone wants to answer my posts.

As I see it there can be no free and fair elections while there is so much hatred. Think Rak Chaing mai 51.

I've yet to see anybody who wants elections answering my posts.

You tell me what you think is afree and fair election and can it be held now?

I'm listening

Even if it would be a free and fair election, smooth, without any discrepancies ut will be not a solution of the problem what is much deeper rooted. maybe one side is clearly the winner, that proves some points, nothing more.This governmnt will face the hate and disrespect that is much stronger than the positive feedback from its voters.

New elections won't come to soon, look at the mob in the street. Thailand is divided, people hating each other. Insanity on all sides. Like the mob on the street the MPs will fight each other in parliament, instead of working together for the good of all people. Elections aren't about to declare victory of one side. Thailand has to vote No - No more selfish politicians with vested interests.

End of this month we will see that the Election Commission recommends the dissolution of the Democrats to the Supreme Court. The dissilution will open the path for new politics. New Politics don't take sides,

The argument about unfair courts and double standards turned out to be groundless. The old warriors are out of the picture on all sides, banned from politics. A great change to stop the blames and come together. A sane person will understand that there isn't the climate for a new election right now. To much drama, shaked emotions protest votes under the shadow of the current protests, which will be forgotten next year already when a new color is in fashion. It's clear that there is a need to reform the system.

At the moment every party is weak alone, that is a perfect balance. The situation demands a a national unity government where nobody is left out. Do it one more time again, write a new constitution. erase the errors from previous charters plus some additional points. drafted, reviewed and enact by a national unity it will be nothing to complain about. the last ten years we saw so much errors, flaws and wrongdoings, nothing should be repeated. The country is divided, it is time to repair that damage.

Thailand needs a selection process for the member of the parliament that brings the wise and the honest people from the whole spectrum of the alll possible colors of the society together work for the same goal. That is Democracy.

Thank you for a sensible answer

My sentiments exactly, Shawn... seems Abhisit is STILL reluctant to engage the protesters and solve the problem.... More and more I think he is either scared, or not in control. This HESITATION to remove the protesters from Rajprasong and deal directly with the red-shirt leaders is very disturbing and a waste of time.

At this point I vote scared. There's too many who will use any form of government crackdown to stir up violence, whether it be western style police brutality, or red shirt factions looking to take things to the next level. Even if everything goes by the book, there's so many red shirts, and they are so entrenched its going to be next to impossible to get them to leave without some sort of injuries or death by trampling.

At the very least, you've got to respect to his willingness to try and find a peaceful solution. Sadly its gotten to the point where I think the reds view him as a paper tiger, and its just going to embolden them.

The National Human Rights Council has put together their panel of 4 former PMs, I really hope the reds take this opportunity to reopen talks with the government and come to a compromise that works for everyone.

It is humorous and quite pathetic at the same time reading posts from people who go off topic here.

I do not care how you financial live.

Likely no one is interested in your personal life either.

About the political wreck here in Thailand now

At some point one side must either win or there must be a compromise.

A win usually involves a use of extreme force and bloodshed.

A compromise would seem to be a better option.

Bad feelings on both sides are building. The clock is ticking.

I read someone here posting that most all of the people in his village are against the Reds. I doubt that but so what if it were so. Obviously the Reds are a majority and that is why they keep winning elections despite being torn apart by the current regime.

Hold a fair election tomorrow and the reds will win.

That is of course why it is that the ruling power does not want to hold an election.

If the fight breaks into a real blood fight, the farang will be open targets.

It will be a wind sprint to the airports and the borders.

Good luck to all, Thai and Farang.

Did the reds win the last election?

NO. The PPP got 36% of the vote compared to the Democrats 30%. The smaller parties got the rest.

Would that change in free and fair elections? Probably.

In free and fair elections, all parties would be able to campaign in all the the red areas without getting death threats. That would mean that more people would be able to hear something different to the red propaganda. That may not change everyone's minds, but it will change the minds of some. And I doubt that in areas that did not vote red last time, will change their vote to red in a new election.

The thing that you fail to mentions is :

The Last Election was very UNFAIR to the PPP.

It was held under the "Coup Appointed Government".

"Martial Law was basically still in effect in many places"

PPP politicians were assigned "watching crews" by the Military who watched where they went, who they spoke to, video'd what they said at speeches.

The Army were given a large budget to spend on "education rural Thais on elections and how to vote".

Its no surprise that under the last election the PPP percentage went down, but they still won.

Hold free and fair elections now and you will see the PTP percentage go way upwards to what PPP got in the last election.

Short memories some people, and even blurred memories.

The last election was held UNDER THE COUP GOVERNMENT..........

"...The Last Election was very UNFAIR to the PPP...."

Or it simply erased a percentage of the bias that TRT/PPP put into place

using their violent street factions and information control tactics.

Maybe it just leveled to playing field some, compared to before.


SONG-KRAN COUP ("We know a song about that")

Nobody is in a hurry, little bit later after songkran we will get a pro democracy surprise.

On April 20 the election commission will announce the recommendation for a the Democrats dissolution. The supreme court will follow the EC findings. no 'double standards'.

It will be the outcome will be a government of national unity, but not immediately election. people are to much in anger, not a climate for election.

The government will start a reform process that moves the country forward.

The current parliamentarian system failed more than once. Like the mob on the street the MPs will fight each other in parliament, instead of working together for the good of all people.

The Dissolution of the Democrats will give the way for a even better future. The beginning of New Politics.

The people will select the honest and the righteous amongst them. Carefully selected Mp we can trust. Carefully selected diligent ministers who can shoulder the responsibility. Carefully selected wise leader with no other intention than to serve the King and the country and do good for all people.

A government the people respect - that is democracy.

Thai strength through unity!

Though am not thai myself , i truly hope that your description is what will happen in the near future .

Everyone likes a good fairy tale once in awhile.

How many scary tales your are telling per hour?

Thailand will move forward and we will see good reforms this year, so that the people can return to normality. :)

But you will feel lonelier than ever before. :D


Or it simply erased a percentage of the bias that TRT/PPP put into place

using their violent street factions and information control tactics.

Maybe it just leveled to playing field some, compared to before.

You left out the blatant vote buying.


I suspect something may be up and that the Army may not be fully supporting Ab or is waiting until he capitulates to their liking. I think maybe the whole "bomb detector" fiasco may have caused a lot of the upper rank to lose face and serious dollars so they are angry with Ab and this may be why he has not acted. He may be waiting until he has word from the Army that they will respond as needed. Unless of course Takky has cut a deal with the Army or they want Military rule when the chaos gets out of hand.

My sentiments exactly, Shawn... seems Abhisit is STILL reluctant to engage the protesters and solve the problem.... More and more I think he is either scared, or not in control. This HESITATION to remove the protesters from Rajprasong and deal directly with the red-shirt leaders is very disturbing and a waste of time.

At this point I vote scared. There's too many who will use any form of government crackdown to stir up violence, whether it be western style police brutality, or red shirt factions looking to take things to the next level. Even if everything goes by the book, there's so many red shirts, and they are so entrenched its going to be next to impossible to get them to leave without some sort of injuries or death by trampling.

At the very least, you've got to respect to his willingness to try and find a peaceful solution. Sadly its gotten to the point where I think the reds view him as a paper tiger, and its just going to embolden them.

The National Human Rights Council has put together their panel of 4 former PMs, I really hope the reds take this opportunity to reopen talks with the government and come to a compromise that works for everyone.

Good points... fact is, it is easy to sit behind my computer/keyboard and criticise and punch out solutions... I do not have to live by the consequences. It is easy to say just send in the tanks, soldiers and clear out the area in front of Central World. Most of the people would be sent scampering running for cover, while a few hundred will stay, fight and be killed. These red-shirt leaders are fanatical martyrs for Thaksin and their followers have drank the Kool-Aid and been given their bribes. It is a tough situation.... Still, the violation of other people's rights is very annoying and intolerable, particularly the once-off grenade attacks all over the City.

Listen up: Abhisit has been Prime Minister JUST 16 months, whatever you say to the contrary is B/S, (go Google it yourself). He is NOT a yellow shirt, he is a DEMOCRAT, they are completely different political parties altogether. (again go Google it). Now whether they share the same ideology, who can say? :D

He's already said he doesn't hafta serve his FULL TERM, (which BTW is a LOT more than Thaksin said, preferring to dissolve the Lower House instead, shooting himself in the foot BIG time as well as precipitating this entire debacle). :D

I have said before (but for the thick, will say it again) :D ; Abhisit is the leader of the government NOW, plain and simple. The people elected MP's, they are to vote as they see fit for their constituencies. IF, in their infinite wisdom, they decided to switch allegiances, one can only believe it is for the betterment of their constituents. That’s just how it works here in the glorious “Land ‘O Thais”, no matter what your thai g/f or wife says.

Whine and cry all you want, but in the end FACTS (AND the "Friends of Newin" switching sides :) ) are what lead to the current government being in power now. (Now whether that is by design from the "ruling elite", the Armed Forces, or some "higher power", sadly makes no difference). That's how it is now, and you should just suck it up, insteada posting, "My thai wife said..." or "My thai g/f said..." or even worse, "I heard that....". :D

Abhisit already said a Lower House dissolution is in the cards, he just wouldn't bow down to the redz demand that it happen in 15 days (a time frame which BTW has already expired).

He NEEDS to hang on at least a minimum of 5 months;

1/ To pass the 2010 budget (this controls who gets the $$$$)

2/ To be in power when the head of the Armed Forces is handed over to a new person.(this controls which side they are on)

3/ Coming in at a distant number 3 is to amend the current constitution. But believe me, that is a very distant 3rd place indeed.

My dear boy, calm down, take a breath. I think we can all make do without tutorials from you on how to Google various points of recent history. As has been said before but bears saying again, Abhisit may have been appointed PM by, "hook and by crook" and therefore on that basis is the PM but he still lacks legitimacy. Abhisit shows no leadership skills. He really doesn’t know how to lead and again he isn’t a legitimate leader, plain and simple.

It seems the only real “facts” you have to support your arguments are “facts” you bend and twist hoping to provide a framework for your misguided point of view. Attacking other posters wife’s and girlfriends on this board for their viewpoints and opinions is irrelevant to the argument at hand and will win you support only from the bitter and jilted by love. Better luck next time Bunkey.

The first two control what actually will happen in moving this country forward. .. :D


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Bangkok under state of emergency - updates

US chides Thai protestors for storming parliament

TPI Polene building hit with M79 grenade, M16 shots

Another M79 attack aimed at Anupong's office in Army HQ

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