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While we are at it: Princess Diana Accident was not an Accident

oh g-r-o-a-n....

Where do you get this stuff? Can't anything just be what it seems?

...sigh... conspiracy theorists... You are unbelievable. You live in Thailand, but still have time for all this nonsense?

Get out and get a LIFE, man!!

Do you really believe that everything that happens in the world is beamed into your home via CNN, BBC or God forbid, Fox News? And if its not on the mainstream news, then it must never have happened, right?

O.K., so where do you get your news? Hmmm..?? Some lame-ass, entry-level hand-written HTML web site that some college kid put up as a joke? How do you validate your information? How do you cross-check anything for validity?

Were you there at any of these events? Do you have any first-hand eye-witness accounts? No, of course not. Then how do you know who's right?

And who said anything about "mainstream news"? If you're information gathering process is so superior to everyone elses, what is it? If you are so tuned into "The Truth", then what are you doing that the rest of the world isn't? Tell us what it is, so we can be enlightened as well! B)

Or is it this? Could it just be that you conciously or unconciously seek out the lurid, sensationalist twist on any news story, especially when it justifies and fits your screwed-up world view? And why is it that a lot of times, Bitterfly and his kind are attracted to anything that tears down or seems to defame icons of western culture?

Now listen: You want to read between the lines? You want to get to the real dirt? You want to consider conspiracy theories? How about this? How come Butterfly and his kind never have any "dirt" on Osama Bin Laden or any of the anti-western protagonists?

Hmm...? What could that lead us to believe??? If he loves Thailand and it's peaceful, loving culture, why is he always ranting and raving about western politics? What are his real motives?? Was he schooled in a madras?

Is he CIA-gone-bad? Some kind of a mole? Or is he in cahoots with Al-Quaeda or some other terrorist group?

I'm not saying he is!! I dunno! I'm just curious, you know?? Because all this really makes me wonder....

:o Hmmm...... :D

sigh... heh heh heh....

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Guest IT Manager

Membrane there is medication now you know... you don't have to suffer in silence..tell it like it is man!

And all this because a chap name of Charlie had his wicked way with a corgi, or the night staff. Who cares. Bring on the republic.


Membrane there is medication now you know... you don't have to suffer in silence..tell it like it is man!

And all this because a chap name of Charlie had his wicked way with a corgi, or the night staff. Who cares. Bring on the republic.


No, please IT, keep the monarchy any day over a republic. We could end up with President Blair, President Beckham (of Spiceland) or even worse, god-forbid, President Lady Thatcher. The Windsor's have got their faults (which family hasn't), but we're free and able to laugh about them. It's like the old saying - "democracy is the worst possible system, until you see the alternatives". Two of the Windsor's faults are not Lady Helen's melons (see Chon's avatar for graphic clues). Hyuk! Hyuk!

Guest IT Manager

Good point. Keep your monarchy... Australia needs a Republic...we need to keep His Majesty.

Good point. Keep your monarchy... Australia needs a Republic...we need to keep His Majesty.

Yeah, (sorry I forgot you're an antipodean), you could have Prez. Hawke of Beijing or Prez. Keating (he'll go down well in SE Asia -- I can just see Malaysia laying out the red carpet for him) or even Prez. Dame Edna Everage (just to show you already have royalty down-under). :o

Prez. Hawke of Beijing or Prez. Keating

Probably be the governor-general who's appointed by the queen :o

However would've been interesting to have Hawke - how many countries could boast having a president who holds the most famous drinking record :D


Anybody interested in Royal family coverups only has to refer to the Irish crown jewels farce in 1906 when a certain brother of a famous polar explorer(how may do u know?)was found to be bareback riding the kings brother in law the Duke of Argyle...great stuff.

re;QE11 is only the second old dutch in England,she is QE1 in Scotland and just for the record is imported from the jolly old Sax Colbergs (should that be Sex?)-Germail /Austria stock.The real mons.are from the Stuarts-bonny Prince Charly-Ya-Hoo and history repeats itself.

Finally the wee boats title is QE2...not QE11...........I am sailing etc...

Incid..great night,last night in the Offshore (soi 23)we were all sailing.... :o:D


hee...hee Dr you can read my mind :o was going to include a line about Boris, but didn't think anyone would boast about having an alcoholic for a president (unless he was in the Guiness Book of Records :D )


:o that's something to boast about :D

I believe Prince Vladimir chose Christianity over Islam because alcohol was allowed B)

While we are at it: Princess Diana Accident was not an Accident

oh g-r-o-a-n....

Where do you get this stuff? Can't anything just be what it seems?

...sigh... conspiracy theorists... You are unbelievable. You live in Thailand, but still have time for all this nonsense?

Get out and get a LIFE, man!!

Do you really believe that everything that happens in the world is beamed into your home via CNN, BBC or God forbid, Fox News? And if its not on the mainstream news, then it must never have happened, right?

Don't bother, he doesn't read or watch the news that are not following a script or an agenda. If it's on "Faux", then it must be true :o

Totally useless... he needs to spend more time abroad outside the bars... btw, when is the next NASCAR showing ? :D


Coming back to the original question, "What where the rumours", I checked some non-English newspapers, here a machine-translated summarization. (Fun these computer softwares, but takes time) Apologies, if the English sounds a bit strange:

Whatever happened is not known, yet, as George Smith, a former employee in the palace was stopped by injunction:

Version 1: as George Smith entered the bedroom of a male member of the royal family in order to serve the morning tea, there had been also the butler under the covers.

Version 2: as George Smith hurried through the rooms, he had seen in a hall a member of the royal house and the butler in unambiguous position.

„Corriere della Serra“ wrote, it concerns the British successor in throne and its chamber servant and trusted Michael Fawcett (40).

Did prince Charles have a homosexual affair?

When George Smith wanted to describe his observations last weekend in a Sunday newspaper (for 750,000 Euros!), the publication was stopped by temporary decree. Responsible for the veto: Michael Fawcett.

Diana besides a missing secret video journal that had been destroyed after her death or went msising, left seven video volumes, on which she, shortly before her deadly car accident described the most important stages of her life. The videos were filmed by a BBC-cameraman, who appeared trustworthy to her and who lives in California today. Last week a London MI6-officer (foreign country secret service) interrogated him. What the camera man told, could transfer the marred monarchy the deathblow

The princess described the occurrence that lies now in the center of the events. She was concerned over Charles relation to Fawcett and believed that this relation played an important role for the failure of her marriage. She was, while shooting the videos, calm and concentrated. She described that she had seen both men often whispering in the hall and that she generally did not like it, how obviously the butler dominated the Prince – physically and mentally. On one of the videos, that should lie in an American bank vault, Diana speaks about how loosely, above all sexually, it was within the personnel, "She said Charles had tolerated it."

Whenever these tapes would be allowed to become public, Prince Charles would lose his claim to the crown.

The conservative „Daily mail“ names it „the heaviest crisis since the death of princess Diana“.

Well naturally the conspiracy theories will come out again and one question is really asked: Have been these volumes the death sentence for Diana? Was her knowledge so dangerous that she had to die? George Smith in any case fears for his life, that he told his brother Bryan. One thing Smith believes firmly: „the death of the princess was no accident!“

I heard that the Chief of Staff had a pain in the ass :o

Got a climpse of the Italian headlines. The PRINCE is BI-SEXUAL !!! see, that's not all bad. He could get very popular in the "queen" sub-culture like our pop star Elton :D

Prez. Hawke of Beijing or Prez. Keating

Probably be the governor-general who's appointed by the queen :o

However would've been interesting to have Hawke - how many countries could boast having a president who holds the most famous drinking record :D

Bush is said to hit the bottle again. With the "crack" and everything, he could beat another record in this century alone.

Bush is said to hit the bottle again.

Really? Where did you hear that Bitterfly? Just making it up again? Show me the web site. What's your source? Put your money where your mouth is!

No, I'm not all pro-Bush. But you think you know so much about world affairs--prove it!


Membrane, Bitterfly is dillusional we all know that. Besides, you can find anything on the web, so not sure that is a worthy challenge. :o


There also exists an audio tape which Diana secretly made of the whole business, this tape has the voice of an alleged Royal saying 'he got in the wrong bed, by mistake'. .....Quite possible in such large royal palaces?

I tried to get a wager on with Ladbrokes for Prince William to be the next king but betting is suspended. Prince Harry looks good odds though at 33-1. After all, William has made it quite clear he does not want to be king, and if you don't want to, you don't have to, you can abdicate. :o

I wonder why it is that our Royals can be slagged off and laughed at, on this

Forum, but any mention of the Thai Royal Family is barred?

Doesn't seem fair really......agreed?

Talking bad about The Thai Royal Family carries a jail sentence of up to 15 years in Thailand................................

I wonder why it is that our Royals can be slagged off and laughed at, on this

Forum, but any mention of the Thai Royal Family is barred?

Doesn't seem fair really......agreed?

Les Majeste (do a Google Search for Les Majeste Thailand) is illegal. We don't discuss the Thai Royal Family here.

Guest IT Manager

I think if you add up what His Majesty has done for the Thai People and then the same sum on the Saxe Coburg Gothe's, it would be a reasonable conclusion to draw, that the SCG's deserve it.

But thats just my opinion.


have to agree with ######. also isn't it a national hobby in England? besides if charles was running around the country doing social work projects and keeping his xxxx in his pants then there would be a great deal more respect given to him.

really, shagging camila on his wedding night???

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