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Les Majeste (do a Google Search for Les Majeste Thailand) is illegal. We don't discuss the ..... here.

Guy, keep it off. This subject is really a no no.

George, perhaps the T.O.S. should be changed to the effect of no discussion at all?

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have to agree with ######. also isn't it a national hobby in England? besides if charles was running around the country doing social work projects and keeping his xxxx in his pants then there would be a great deal more respect given to him.

really, shagging camila on his wedding night???

Never mind his sex life, which is his own affair, but to give credit where credit is due (you're either poorly informed or you choose to filter out info that clashes with your own prejudices Lizard), Charles does run around the country and world doing valuable social projects, through such charities as the Prince's Trust and is the patron of many more. He was in Oman only a few days ago, meeting kids with learning difficulties (photo in the Bangkok Post), which is v. similar to the kind of work that Diana became an "angel" for. People can be v. selective in what they choose to see, eh?


yeah stumonster thats right....do you think that he will share a cell with anwar?

Plachon just having a bit of harmless fun. I have enormous deep respect for the Queen of England. And I rather think the 2 boys are deserving of respect as well.

I am sure Charles does some fine charity work. I really love the monies that are generated from the "Polo Matches" and given to charities. However, I have to disagree with you about his personal affairs. He is a very public figure who receives generous allowances from the taxpayers of Great Britain. I have to say this makes him a public servant of Britain and he should display proper behavior.

He represents a part of Great Britain that is revered and additionally he could one day be the head of the Church of England. I am sure gays all over the world would love this! School children and people all over the world look up to the monarchy in England. It is supposed to represent something.

First thing that comes to my mind is decency. Unfortunately, it is being blackened and made to look cheap and common. Fault of the media? I don't think so. If there was no dirt to dig up then they would be reporting the good deeds and charity work.

So should they behave? Absolutley! I believe that Charles cannot have it both ways. If he wants to remain out of the public view then he should abdicate.

Your agrument is the same one that was used with Cinton's behavior. Why should the public be concerned about his public life? Because the job he has chosen requires him to be a public figure and to act in an apropriate manner. I was very ashamed to have him representing the US. I can see the anguish parents and teachers had to endure when children asked, "why was that lady under President Clinton's desk daddy? What does oral sex mean Daddy?"

Now I can see UK school children asking "What does bi-sexual mean daddy?"

Sorry, but that is the way I see it.

Important: Please note:

No problems to discuss Charles business, but we are not supposed to discuss the Thai Royal Family on this board due to Thai law. Such posts will removed by Admin. See our T.O.S.


Thanks for your cooperation.


Quite rightly so . So how about treating the Prince of Wales and future king of Great britain with the same respect , hypocrites.

Material that contains profanity and obscenity, or sexual, ethnic, racial, or discriminating slurs

- Content containing the family name of an individual or content targeting individuals in a negative or defamatory manner

that is also from the terms of service.

and postings on this topic,even though it is not by any stretch of the imagination "thailand related " , have broken most of the above guidelines.

come on admin, do your job properly.


Shut up!

Trouble with Democracy is it always gets abused.......

And as for "....set a good example", I think PRINCE CHARLES does in his Public Life.

So, if we all stopped nosing around into his Private Life, and let it be PRIVATE,

our kids wouldn't have to hear all this scandal. Then he would be seen to be a

GOOD example, would he not?

Thai's love and respect their Royal Family tremendously, and

whilst I am absolutely certain that the Thai Royals are morally, as white as driven snow, who would know about it if they were not?

JESUS (who knew a thing or two) once said " LET HE WHO HAS NOT SINNED, CASTE THE FIRST STONE ".

There is good and bad in all of us, but on balance I believe that the British Royal Family, disfunctional as they may appear at times, are more GOOD than BAD.

God Bless 'em.

So, if we all stopped nosing around into his Private Life, and let it be PRIVATE,

our kids wouldn't have to hear all this scandal. Then he would be seen to be a

GOOD example, would he not?

So you think we should all turn a blind eye and let this man represent our country?

Shut up!

No, I wont shut up.

Trouble with Democracy is it always gets abused.......

you crack me up pal............... :o


"White as driven snow" are you Nat?

I very much doubt it.......

Bet you have a pile of Skeletons in your closet (or maybe it's only you in there)!


I know something really AWFUL about Nat and I will be revealing it in my next Post. So watch this space......



one son is a abuser of substances, father is a divorcee with a diverse sexual tendancy, mother had an affair.....sounds like an everyday story to me...

personally i dont care to hear any more speculation or whatnot.

who gives a toss tbh.



hypocrites? The Royal Family of Britain is supposed to represent strong moral character. It is an institution that has evolved to one where the public can look up to and respect. Whatever you think this is right or not, it is now the case. Most people expect the British Royals to behave better and display more dignity than the common man in the street.

Perhaps, we have put unrealistic expectations on some people who hold higher positions of power but we have to realize that it does offer a lot of comfort to many people especially in this complicated world.

Yes, it take an enormous responsibilty to handle this position and not everyone is up to the challange.

The last time I was in London, albeit many many years ago, I felt a great deal of pride and awe seeing the Queen's palace. HRH represents something. The Queen of England could always be looked upon as an inspiration to the people. Unfortunately, I don't think Charles inspires much people. I daresay, he will be passed over for king as well. Is this a sign of the times? I hope not. I may be naive but I think that there are people who are unselfish and will serve a higher power.

Do I think he is a bad person? Absolutely not! Do I think he is a moral person? I have no comment. He is the only person who can answer this question. I am not judging him as a person but as a symbol what he is supposed to represent. I just don't think he living up to his resposibilities.

Please do not take me as anti-gay. I do not judge people by their sexual preferance. Some of you may jump on me for stating this but I think that gay people cannot help it. It is genetic or biological. I am a little confused about this bi-sexual business. Some gays that I have met were angry with bi-sexuals. They said there is no such thing....you are gay or you are not. So if someone couldd explain this fence sitting, I would apreciate it very much.

That being it as it is, I still don't think the world is ready for gays to be moral leaders of the world. Perhaps it may change later in the future. No I don't think it is fair to discriminate against them. Nor is it fair to discriminate against people who happen to be attracted to the opposite sex.

I do apologize to those people that I may have offended by some of my earlier comments. I will stop making jokes. I know this must be a very difficult time for the British people.


I read this today, quite funny I think.


FOR those of you unsure as to why Prince Charles is in India let me enlighten you.

Like most multi-millionaire businessmen he's decided to downsize his UK operation and relocate the Firm's work to a Delhi call centre.

Soon Indians will be paid ฃ1,000-a-year to carry out ALL royal tasks, which you can access by choosing one of the following options:

Press One if you want to hear the Queen say, "And what does one do?"; Two to hear Prince Philip racially abuse you; Three to hear Andrew's helicopter landing at another golf course; Four to hear Edward and Sophie scratching their <deleted> in their 52-bedroomed mansion; Five to hear Charles weep for himself; Six to hear the Gloucesters and Kents counting their Civil List handouts; Seven if you would like to "feel sorry for the boys"; Eight to patronise a lollipop man...

And if you're ringing for the identity of the senior royal on the rape tape hold to hear Princess Anne tell you to "naff orf". :o

The Queen of England could always be looked upon as an inspiration to the people.

I was in London for the jubilee and must admit was moved by the entire event and the people's reaction (not sure why - may be cause it was all new to me) :o


oops! i promise this will be the last time i post jokes. promise. i just couldn't resist these... :o


* "Wanna hold the royal scepter?"

* "Put a flag over my head and do it for England."

* "Ever done it with an outdated historical anachronism?"

* "If you think my ears are big..."

* "Come upstairs with me and I'll make you the Princess of Wails!"

* "Care to join a family of inbred freaks?"

* "Would you like to sit in a giant bowl of eggnog with me?"

* "Let's put the bucking in Buckingham Palace!"

* "I've got Big Ben in my pants!"


Thanks Monitorlizard for promising NOT to Post any more so called Jokes......

Now for that revelation I promised about NAT.....This will REALLY shock you.

Anyone of a weak or delicate disposition should not continue......

Here goes......Nat wasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRemoved by Admin

So what do you think of him now?


Alright, I will keep my promise and will not most anymore jokes or comments about the Royal family of England.

I do want to add one more comment if I may, I do hold the deepest respect for the Queen of England. She is deserving of everyone's respect and I do wish her all the best. I believe that she has had to endure a lot of hardships due to other members of the family and yes the British press.

Am a little confused about this Nat business though.

Anyway, if Dr. PP wants to remove this thread then I have no objections since it is I would started it. I do feel sympathy for the Brits out there who have to have a stiff upper lip concerning the comments and jokes about their royal family.

I am not joking. I do apologize if I went over the top and made too harsh critisims. Life is too short to be negative and we should celebrate the postive things in life.

So, Dr. PP please remove this thread if you don't mind.

Am a little confused about this Nat business though.

So am I :D

I'm female....not sure who davidcharles is referring to :oB)


Sorry to confuse you guys.

If you look back to previous posts you will see that Nat made a comment and since then I have been teasing him a bit, in a caring sort of way.....

This post has been so heavy, I thought I would try to lighten it up.

And of course the deleted xxxxxxx in my post was NOT by Admin at all! OK?

All the best Nat!

Butterfly...with these revelations about Bonnie Prince Charlie, I am unable to work out whether he will become King or Queen. Can you shed light on this vexed question :o

Charlie's not Gay...Just slept with plenty of blokes who were :DB)


Aw, Rinrada, you beat me to a Les Majeste joke.


The term is Lese Majeste.

As for not so bonny Prince Charlie, he's always taken a lot of criticism, but I don't know what people expect him to do. He has done a lot of good work for people less fortunate than himself, but he doesn't get credit for it. He has pioneered research on organic farming on his estates way before the public was aware of the dangers of pesticides and genetically modified crops. He was practically forced to get married to a woman he didn't like. For most of his life he couldn't be with the woman he loved. At one stage he was heavily criticised for talking to his plants - well, big deal, so do a lot of people. I shout at my tv sometimes - "Penalty!", "Cheat!", "Foul!" etc. - does that make me mad?

I've always felt a bit sorry for him. I know he's loaded, but I don't know if I would want to swap places with him. He's got to just sit and wait for his mother to snuff it before he becomes king (so maybe Dr PP is on the right lines - Charlie decided to become a queen instead :o ) - but what would you do? Can you imagine if your life had been lived under the scrutiny of the whole world? How long would you have lasted before cracking up?

And so what if he swings both ways? (I've always felt a teensy weensy bit envious of bisexuals - best of both worlds, eh?) But that's his private life. What goes on behind closed doors, palace or otherwise, it's got nothing to do with us, really.

Anybody interested in Royal family coverups only has to refer to the Irish crown jewels farce in 1906 when a certain brother of a famous polar explorer(how may do u know?)was found to be bareback riding the kings brother in law the Duke of Argyle...great stuff.

The story about this episode is in this article from the Independent, titled Sodom and Begorrah.

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