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Alcohol Sale To Be Controlled Over Songkran

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Alcohol sale to be controlled over Songkran

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Public Health Ministry yesterday called on the business sector to strictly control the sale of alcohol during the Songkran holidays because reports show that road accidents among teenagers had risen at an alarming rate in the past year, Deputy Public Health Minister Pannasiri Kulanartsiri said yesterday.

According to official records from 2002 to 2008, about 70,000 traffic accidents per year were caused by drunk driving. This figure is much higher than the average mean, which should be 544 cases per year, she said.

Pannasiri added that April 13 appeared to be the most dangerous, with an average of 102 on average dying on this day.

To cut down the deaths caused by drunk driving during the festive period, the ministry has instructed provincial public health offices to randomly inspect places where alcohol may be sold, such as entertainment venues, petrol stations, public parks, government offices, temple, school and grocery stores. These random checks will run from April 9 to 18.

Grocery stores and restaurants will be urged to not sell alcoholic beverages to people under the age of 20. Alcohol will only be sold from 11am to 2pm and 5pm to midnight.

Meanwhile, violators of the 2008 Alcohol Control Act will face six months in jail and a maximum fine of Bt10,000. Those caught selling alcohol outside of the permitted hours would face two years in jail and maximum fine of Bt 4,000. Those selling alcoholic beverages to those below the age of 20 would face a year in jail and maximum fine of Bt20,000. Those conducting marketing promotions would face a year in jail and be fined Bt50,000.


-- The Nation 2010-04-08


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Actually it is unbelievable that in this country alcohol still is sold at petrol stations.Isn't that putting the milk in the cat's cage.

Grocery stores and restaurants will be urged to not sell alcoholic beverages to people under the age of 20

I know lots of 20 year olds who have the urge. Not so sure about grocery stores though. I don't ever see anyone attached to them doing anything particularly urgently. I may as well "urge" a brick not to stay motionless.

I love how the language makes a shop or a restaurant to be something that doesn't have people inside it. How about instead of "urging" inanimate things, you fine the owners of any said businesses who break the law?

alcohol still is sold at petrol stations

in the big stations? Not in Chiang Mai anyway

I've never seen booze for sale in any petrol station here since traveling a lot over the past 5 years. To be clear, I'm talking about PTT, Caltex, Shell e.t.c not the scabby, flyblown little stations. Not unusual to see a bottle shop or general store within a few doors of a large petrol station though.




<According to official records from 2002 to 2008, about 70,000 traffic accidents per year were caused by drunk driving. This figure is much higher than the average mean, which should be 544 cases per year, she said.>

What the hel_l does this mean. If the drunk accidents were on average over 6 years to be 70,000 how could you possibly have a mean average of 544 cases. In statistics a mean and an average are two very different things. How can you have a mean average .... hihihihihihi

Is the "about 70,000 accidents a year" ... would that be an average? the medium? the mean? Was she drinking before she made this statement? hihihihihi


<"To cut down the deaths caused by drunk driving during the festive period, the ministry has instructed provincial public health offices to randomly inspect places where alcohol may be sold, such as entertainment venues, petrol stations, public parks, government offices, temple, school and grocery stores.">

WOW .... I MUST HAVE BEEN SLEEPING ... I did not know that they sold alcohol in GOVERNMENT OFFICES, TEMPLES AND SCHOOLS. How could I have missed this. This afternoon I think I am going to go to the temple for a cold brewski!!!! What a great idea!


"Alcohol will only be sold from 11am to 2pm and 5pm to midnight"

This is the Law and one that is enforced every day all year ..... atleast in Central Provinces.


"Those conducting marketing promotions would face a year in jail and be fined Bt50,000."


SEEMS A BIT CRAZY. If a store sells a can of beer at 1 baht lower than the yesterdays price then it is a promotion and they face one year in jail? Ouch!


This announcement is a BIG NOTHING.... It's just re-iterating the rules that already exist....and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to cut down on drunk driving.....


Said the same thing last year. Fat lot of good that did. The government has no authority and the people do not respect the government. (Applies whether its red, yellow, blue or whatever)

"Alcohol will only be sold from 11am to 2pm and 5pm to midnight"

This is the Law and one that is enforced every day all year ..... atleast in Central Provinces.

It's the law across the country -- just as no alcohol sales in gas stations -- that came in a few years ago.

How can you have a mean average .... hihihihihihi

Average covers 3 statistical items, mean, median, mode.

When talking about averages, the person can be talking about either of the 3, mean average is being more specific than usual.

I thought all the govenment men were on holiday during sonkran .... who will do the random inspections?


I'm surprised to see that the US government is putting their two cents worth in the Thais mess. Better be careful because if the Us elected officials don't start listening,maybe facing the same or similar protests in America.

America has its own back yard to clean up, and they need a wide broom to do it.

I thought all the govenment men were on holiday during sonkran .... who will do the random inspections?

It will be done by those who run out of alcohol during the holiday and need some tea money to buy more.


I might be being cynical, but the government can't even control downtown Bangkok.

How can they presume to issue edicts nationwide? Even worse, by issuing edicts that we know they have absolutely no chance of enforcing they are actually increasing the impression that they are not in control of the country.


You just have take into consideration the background, level of competency, education, reasoning, etc, of many of the individual politicians (and I use that term loosely) prior to making a judgment. Then you compare this study using the same criteria for the general public and with a few exceptions 'same same' comes to mind.

With this kind of thought process and subsequent public mutterings, she may well be on the fast track for a promotion.

I might be being cynical, but the government can't even control downtown Bangkok.

How can they presume to issue edicts nationwide? Even worse, by issuing edicts that we know they have absolutely no chance of enforcing they are actually increasing the impression that they are not in control of the country.

555+ so true... TIT

alcohol still is sold at petrol stations

in the big stations? Not in Chiang Mai anyway

I've never seen booze for sale in any petrol station here since traveling a lot over the past 5 years. To be clear, I'm talking about PTT, Caltex, Shell e.t.c not the scabby, flyblown little stations. Not unusual to see a bottle shop or general store within a few doors of a large petrol station though.

They do here in Samui...in the 7/11 attached to the station


Yes it is a terrible time of year with so many deaths associated with the water festival, a lot of family's are not going to enjoy this, tragically.

Any thing that authorities do to help prevent even a single fatality is welcome, but i cant help but think it is like saying we have a nation wide water shortage and were going to limit the water to every body to 10 Ltr per person, some one will always find more from another source.


Said the same thing last year. Fat lot of good that did. The government has no authority and the people do not respect the government. (Applies whether its red, yellow, blue or whatever)

Agree seems to me that all they are interested in is self enrichment along with the other two large organisations

How can you have a mean average .... hihihihihihi

Average covers 3 statistical items, mean, median, mode.

When talking about averages, the person can be talking about either of the 3, mean average is being more specific than usual.

I thought all the govenment men were on holiday during sonkran .... who will do the random inspections?

How interesting, go back to sleep.


don't suppose wear bike helmets and it doesn't say much about drunk driving. thats what cause accidents. not people being drunk standing on the side of the road it is drunk driving that cause the accidents. pointless. all this means that people have to buy as much achole as they can between these hours then get ina car and trigger happy water shooting. baffled!

We call this lip service in the West. Say a lot and do nothing. I'm certain Songkran will be no different than last year. hel_l.

My sentiments exactly. They talk about checking establishments that are selling alcohol. That's a start, I guess.

Hasn't it occurred to them that breathalysing people who are driving erratically is an obvious way to curb drink driving.

Ah! I've just realised why they don't do that. It would involved police doing work and that's an anathema to them.

I'm surprised to see that the US government is putting their two cents worth in the Thais mess. Better be careful because if the Us elected officials don't start listening,maybe facing the same or similar protests in America.

America has its own back yard to clean up, and they need a wide broom to do it.

US has supplied a new sonic weapon ( to Thai military ) for crowd controll. Rest assured, western " boots on the ground " are a radio call away. They are already in country. They will operate AS western " ADVISERS ".

They will have Thai faces. They will engineer an excuse FOR A PRE-PLANNED ACTION. Thai military authorities have had the device for years. It will cause perment hearing loss. designed for "crowd controll.They will warn you, and advise you of your risks if you dont comply, and you will be responsible for ignoring " fair notice ". and sustain permenent hearing loss.. people want strong leaders. bloodshed is inevetable.

you will see " big farang brother increasingly covertly assist in controlling this . TO KEEP CHINA AT BAY. SEE:VIET NAM indo/ natural gas is and will be protected by western interests. Always has been. IT'S ABOUT SECURING " COMMODITIES" AWAY FROM CHINA.

the rest are only puppets.

The red shirts are simply pons in Thakis'n populist game.......he could care less about them. like any military campain, ( calculated losses )the lower class are put up front to take the casualties.. war 101. You wont see intelelectuals on the front line.

I am so sad and afraid for my beloved Thailand. I AM ALSO SAD THAT GOOD FARMERS WERE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY A MADMAN,who promised everything, and will deliver nothing. These guys will screwed/blued/and tattued. and selling their genitically modified rice to Austrailia, for prices so low, they will dream of the day before they gave their soul for 1000 / bht. to TKSN.

Where do these farmers expect " prosperity " to come from?.......... exports to U.S. consumers?.............. Austrailian rice contracts?.......... that went to uncle ho's guys ................................................Ignorance is bliss.

and amazing.............foreign investment into Thai economy is white hot..........? &lt;deleted&gt;? Thai economists are hot wireing the bhat to be proped up?.....................spooky................it dosent seem to add up.

I wish compassion to all.............and maybe a little education.

My Thai family are Intelectuals, MBA PH.D all western degrees. They are so Angry ( and very well connected )...................And you all know what happens when Thai man & woman become angry.......................................

CHOK DEE MY BELOVED THAILAND. I PRAY FOR OWER BELOVED KING, HE'S A GOOD GUY. I THINK THE WORLD CAN LEARN FROM HIS WISDOM..........................................................................

..... I HAVE. :)

What has that got to do with selling alcohol at Songkran?


#1... someone needs to read the title of threads...before posting in them....

#2... Where did I leave my tinfoil hat.... I fear someone may be invading my brain....

How can you have a mean average .... hihihihihihi

Average covers 3 statistical items, mean, median, mode.

When talking about averages, the person can be talking about either of the 3, mean average is being more specific than usual.

I thought all the govenment men were on holiday during sonkran .... who will do the random inspections?

How interesting, go back to sleep.

Yeah, sarahsbloke! How dare you contribute facts to this forum to set things straight! You should know by know that is unacceptable with most of this lot (the mean average mean lot I mean)...! Uneducated, unrelated, bitter and rambling posts only please!

Actually I don't bother contributing much myself after reading the dribbling diatribe by burnt-out ex-pats with nowhere else to go, but thought that was worth a comment :)

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