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What Do You Want Pm Abhisit To Do Now?


What do you want PM Abhisit to do now?  

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20 people would be alive tonight

Just nobody cares about them actually.

Not Abhisit, not the army, not the Red Shirts.

Everyboby will try to use the dead for their own agenda.

20 Thai people dead for nothing.

I give my condolences to the families of the red shirts that lost a loved one and to the families of the soldiers that lost a loved one.

And I for one mean it.

Sad and unjustified.

Beg to differ

I worry and my Thai wife and all her friends worry

so please keep your opinions to yourself

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Jimmy Carter is cream of the crop? :) Oh my you yanks are funny!

Jimmy Carter was probably the most decent, honest and honorable man to sit in the Oval Office. Though, I will admit that he was not be best president the US has had. IMHO the best modern US president was Bill Clinton.

So, will Abhisit become an honest but less than effective Jimmy Carter or will be be a wily, pragmatic Bill Clinton?

Khun Britmaveric :D....

Khun Animatic :D Thank you for your warm welcome... however I am not newly arrived, I have simply never posted. I have been a guest reader @ TVF for many years. Considering the source, I am equally honored by your reply.

Khun Otherstuff1957 :D Thank you for a thoughtful reply.

In my humble opinion the issue regarding Khun Abhisit is one of character & integrity, not of political savviness, achievement, or other short-term outcomes.


Most Americans are as most of the Thai... we know it is a corrupt system... but Thaksin & Nixon each became too corrupt & showed signs of being unstable a danger to all, for all concerned... too corrupt even among the corrupt!


I do not waste my limited time here on earth playing games. I do my best to invest my time to support good people, further what is good and limit what is evil. Thus, I felt I needed to respond to the poll and voice support for Khun Abhisit's good conduct....

3- the savvy-teachers who seek to teach the innocent to not be suckered into playing a no win game,

to help protect others & make the world a better place....

In my humble opinion Carter and Khun Abhisit are both winners- teaching what has lasting value and what does not.

Any person who keeps their honor and integrity, especially in the political arena, has won... because they remain true to course, in spite of the attacks and temptations to do otherwise... they are winners because they do not play the games the others are playing - they simply do their best to be of service to all and remain true to their path.....

  • Each of them have shown commitment and actions toward stopping (or at least bring to light) the cycles of conflict/warfare/coups...
    and the need to replace it with cooperative talks and actions.
  • BRAVO to them and all others who work toward that end!!!

I see now why I was lead to post.

  • I thought it was simply to voice support for Khun Abhisit's conduct, as this is not (in my opinion) a conflict of class, race, or political ideals but simply the age old corruption vs. those who can no longer stand by and let it continue unchecked… some of both parties represented by members of all groups.
  • It becomes easy to distinguish muddy water if one compares it along side of clear pure water and a time when one must speak out to support what is good eventually comes....
    .... khob-kun-Ka to all for the teaching/lesson.

I would hope current events inspire all people to stop, reflect, and decide if a new choice is in order for them, each day.

It is a free will universe no matter where one lives.. we are all free to choose... and choose again.

Thus, I am not disillusioned or disheartened, but at peace and happy, as my choices i carefully consider and review each day.

I have never posted before, as words have little lasting effect, it is actions that speak more clearly and firmly present the truth.

Gandhi is quoted as saying, "My life is my teaching."

And so it is for us all.. what will each of us choose to teach and thereby shape the future?

• Choose well and you will improve your life and the lives of others.

• Choose poorly and you will create ill effects in your life and that of others.. and inspire others to choose better for themselves.

• Ultimately all choices can be used to further what is good and limit what is evil.

I cannot think of any better words than the following:

It's Between You and God

by Dr. Kent M. Keith

(Mother Teresa put these up on the wall of her children's home in Calcutta, which is why this is sometimes attributed to her)

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;

Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;

Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness they may be jealous;

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;

Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;

It was never between you and them anyway.

If you want to fight corruption and injustice, may i humbly suggest... you begin in your own heart and mind and work out from there.

Sorry for so many words...

To those i offend, my apologies.

To those who read with patience and open heart and mind... thank you for listening.

I will pack up may soapbox and call it a day!

Sawasdee ka :D

Sir, you have exceedingly clean feet!

Because you stand astride your soapbox well, rigorously and with conviction.

Would, that more could or would even try.

Those that follow #3- :

the savvy-teachers who seek to teach the innocent to not be suckered into playing a no win game,

to help protect others & make the world a better place....

often can get you labeled as 'arrogant and pushy', 'opinionated and difficult'.

Seek to teach anyway,

because thought you may not reach all or even most,

if you reach the right ONE, then things can change for the best.

It only takes one mind properly prepared in the right place and time to change everything.

I think Abhisit has taught many that there IS a better way, and that try as he might,

he was too early in Thailand's developement to make best use of his skills,

but the lesson of how he has TRIED to act will resonate long after his 'title' is history.

I will always keep and eye out for your posts.

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Any responsible leader would do it.

Do Thai red shirt life and Thai soldier life mean nothing to them?

I agree time for him to go... he chose unwisely. Then again maybe it wasn't his decision to be made? :)

We are talking about the Red shirt leaders who are responsible for all this trouble

your rules do nothing

Our rules we do as we like

It goes both ways the govt promised to not take RED TV down after Reds got it back on the air, but the govt broke their promise.

We can blame each side all night long, but the truth is both sides are to blame. :D

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No matter how he came to power the current PM must stay and bring in law and order to control the out-of-control red shirts.

It is the polices' job to enforce the law. They for their own political agenda are not doing the job they took an oath to King and country to do.

Therfore, it seems the PM has no choice but to call in the Army. But, by all means, the army must ensure no loss of civillian life save for self defence.

The army must now move through the city and arrest all red shirts who do not disperse, and then put a bull-dozer through their make-shift shelters, stage, etc. The streets must be given back to the law-abiding people of the city to go safely and conveniently about their dayly business.

Then the army must be thanked and sent directly back to their barracks where they must stay and keep there nose out of politics untill/unless the police prove once again to be traitors to the law they have sworn to uphold.

All those persons who have broken the law including Taksin (an international warrent) must be arrested without delay and have their day in court and dealt with accordingly.

Thais must learn to obey the law.

Police must be forced to enforce the law justly. Any who don't must be sacked, not transferred, starting from the top brass down to the lowest grunt.

Then the PM, after he has restored peace, stability, safety, control, faith in the law enforcers and judiciary and buisness back on track, can make necessary amendments to the constitution to ensure political stability (out-lawing vote buying/rigging) for all future elections.

Then and only then does the PM call an election and let the electorate voice their prferances and everyone by law must honour and respect the verdict of the popluace.

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Jimmy Carter was probably the most decent, honest and honorable man to sit in the Oval Office. Though, I will admit that he was not be best president the US has had.


I didn't appreciate him while he was in office, but back then it just left so good knowing Nixon was gone.

Carter let loose three US-backed dictatorships: Iran, S. Korea and Nicaragua. I never thought I'd live to see the day. Marcos was the holdout. Yeah, you could say he lost them but IMO he did the right thing.

During the GOP administration from 2001-2009 he was the only one, in gov't or media, who had the cojones (er, something like eggs) to speak up against what was going on.

Y'know what? He only served one term. He could run again! :)

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Thais must learn to obey the law.

What kind of law are you talking about ?

The law that privy member can invaded and occupied national preserved land ?

The law that is enforced multiple standards to each group of people.

The law that was written during curfew imposing across the country.

That was written by a group of 'appointed' elite after the coup.

This is not law.

This is a criminal law. And is totally unacceptable.

Arpisit himself has been questioned about his legitimacy to lead the country as PM.

He constantly denied.

And look at all this mess -under his administratives, many people dies. Think about it. If it was your country, what would your PM do ?

Needless to say who started. The Red leaders must obey the law, true.

PM, however, must show a sign of responsibility.

He will surely reject to stepdown, no doubt.

Because he has never stayed in democratic way since the very beginning.

And because of this. Thailand will never reconcile as long as he's in office.

This is the fundamental fact that so many people desparately try not to talk about.

Get over Thaksin.

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sorrry, and taxsin come to power within the law,,NO,,,,both are comming to power arround the corner,neither taxsin or abisit is ok. but better absiti, hes much better in econommics, and dont want to be a dictator in mediumerm.

but up to thais, from both red and yellow, foreigner cant expect better laws.

but to clear the streets its long welcome by thais and foreigners, or better the majority.

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Why so many people are so afraid of the Reds breaking the law ??

Hundreds of thousand of people have expressed their request peacefully.

Now, if the gov were not selfish, they would have dissolved already.

Return the power to people's hand. Let Thais decide. Let people speak.

From the people, by the people, for the people.

This is how democracy works.

Now if the current gov is so scumbag that they ordered soldiers to shoot Reds just to clear the street.

This is not how any gov enforcing the law.

This sounds more of a dictator, Myanma ie.

If I had ever encountered soldiers using live ammu, I would used any weapons ( if I can find one ) too.

I wont be standstill just be shot in the head !!!

That's simple fact.

Breaking the law, you should be jailed.

Fighting dictator, you are hero.

Get that straight !!!!

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So, it seems that member of this forum is dominated by Rich Elite Yellow shirts who never sleep with hunger stomach

When will people like you ever get it. Just because someone disagree's with Red action or their motives DOES NOT instantly make them Yellow. :)

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Why so many people are so afraid of the Reds breaking the law ??

Hundreds of thousand of people have expressed their request peacefully.

Now, if the gov were not selfish, they would have dissolved already.

Return the power to people's hand. Let Thais decide. Let people speak.

From the people, by the people, for the people.

This is how democracy works.

Now if the current gov is so scumbag that they ordered soldiers to shoot Reds just to clear the street.

This is not how any gov enforcing the law.

This sounds more of a dictator, Myanma ie.

If I had ever encountered soldiers using live ammu, I would used any weapons ( if I can find one ) too.

I wont be standstill just be shot in the head !!!

That's simple fact.

Breaking the law, you should be jailed.

Fighting dictator, you are hero.

Get that straight !!!!

An armed militia has done battle and seeks to overthrow the democratically elected government. Should that be the conditions that lead to elections? If an election is held and a new militia is created should THAT government also dissolve itself? You see the problem here?

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Get over Thaksin.

Thaksin is the biggest issue of the people who oppose the red shirts. You can not tell them to "get over it".

Otherwise, I can simply tell the reds to "get over" all of their perceived injustices.

Sorry Newbie. Get over yourself.

Thaksin needs to be dealt with before this division in society can be healed. Don't be surprised nobody takes you seriously when you simply neglect their concerns.

If you have issues other than Thaksin, please feel free to itemize them in a list, from most to least important. The complete elimination of Thaksin will appear first on my list, and is non negotiable. Your highest priority concern should be non negotiable to you. Then we dicker over the rest. That is how compromises are reached.

If Thaksin is non negotiable to both sides, there will be civil war. If the reds will agree to denounce him, there is hope. Get over your red propaganda. 20 people are dead because of that propaganda and people like you. It is now time to stop this stupidity.

Solve the Thaksin problem first through negotiations. Then hold elections. If the Thaksin problem can not be solved, that means alot more dead. This isn't a game any more. Saturday changed everything.

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I want every person who voted for a crackdown to remember it and own it for the rest of their lives.

You can save your guilt trip for your own lonely nights in bed.

People that did, did not pull the triggers.

People that did vote for law and order,

did not tell the Reds to fight back against the army.

Voting against letting mob rule take over Thailand

is not something anyone should be ashamed of.

EXACTLY. A real non-violent movement using civil disobedience tactics sits in the street peacefully while they wait patiently to be arrested. The red shirts? The exact opposite of a non-violent movement. To many of us, we have known how they were for years now. If you are surprised by their violence, you weren't paying attention. No shots of any kind, rubber or real, would have occured if the reds just sat in the street. The red leaders brought this blood on themselves, and now they are cynically and disgustingly going to try to exploit this by parading the corpses that they are responsible for. I call it martyr porn. Sadly, many of the Thai people are going to fall for this outrage.

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A real non-violent movement using civil disobedience tactics sits in the street peacefully while they wait patiently to be arrested. The red shirts? The exact opposite of a non-violent movement. To many of us, we have known how they were for years now. If you are surprised by their violence, you weren't paying attention. No shots of any kind, rubber or real, would have occured if the reds just sat in the street. The red leaders brought this blood on themselves, and now they are cynically and disgustingly going to try to exploit this by parading the corpses that they are responsible for. I call it martyr porn. Sadly, many of the Thai people are going to fall for this outrage.

Funny, I don't recall the yellows doing much peaceful sitting either .....but maybe "paying attention" doesn't suit some people's agendas.

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Jimmy Carter is cream of the crop? :) Oh my you yanks are funny!

Jimmy Carter was probably the most decent, honest and honorable man to sit in the Oval Office. Though, I will admit that he was not be best president the US has had. IMHO the best modern US president was Bill Clinton.

So, will Abhisit become an honest but less than effective Jimmy Carter or will be be a wily, pragmatic Bill Clinton?

Khun Britmaveric :D ....

Khun Animatic :D Thank you for your warm welcome... however I am not newly arrived, I have simply never posted. I have been a guest reader @ TVF for many years. Considering the source, I am equally honored by your reply.

Khun Otherstuff1957 :D Thank you for a thoughtful reply.

In my humble opinion the issue regarding Khun Abhisit is one of character & integrity, not of political savviness, achievement, or other short-term outcomes.


Most Americans are as most of the Thai... we know it is a corrupt system... but Thaksin & Nixon each became too corrupt & showed signs of being unstable a danger to all, for all concerned... too corrupt even among the corrupt!


I do not waste my limited time here on earth playing games. I do my best to invest my time to support good people, further what is good and limit what is evil. Thus, I felt I needed to respond to the poll and voice support for Khun Abhisit's good conduct....

3- the savvy-teachers who seek to teach the innocent to not be suckered into playing a no win game,

to help protect others & make the world a better place....

In my humble opinion Carter and Khun Abhisit are both winners- teaching what has lasting value and what does not.

Any person who keeps their honor and integrity, especially in the political arena, has won... because they remain true to course, in spite of the attacks and temptations to do otherwise... they are winners because they do not play the games the others are playing - they simply do their best to be of service to all and remain true to their path.....

  • Each of them have shown commitment and actions toward stopping (or at least bring to light) the cycles of conflict/warfare/coups...
    and the need to replace it with cooperative talks and actions.
  • BRAVO to them and all others who work toward that end!!!

I see now why I was lead to post.

  • I thought it was simply to voice support for Khun Abhisit's conduct, as this is not (in my opinion) a conflict of class, race, or political ideals but simply the age old corruption vs. those who can no longer stand by and let it continue unchecked… some of both parties represented by members of all groups.
  • It becomes easy to distinguish muddy water if one compares it along side of clear pure water and a time when one must speak out to support what is good eventually comes....
    .... khob-kun-Ka to all for the teaching/lesson.

I would hope current events inspire all people to stop, reflect, and decide if a new choice is in order for them, each day.

It is a free will universe no matter where one lives.. we are all free to choose... and choose again.

Thus, I am not disillusioned or disheartened, but at peace and happy, as my choices i carefully consider and review each day.

I have never posted before, as words have little lasting effect, it is actions that speak more clearly and firmly present the truth.

Gandhi is quoted as saying, "My life is my teaching."

And so it is for us all.. what will each of us choose to teach and thereby shape the future?

• Choose well and you will improve your life and the lives of others.

• Choose poorly and you will create ill effects in your life and that of others.. and inspire others to choose better for themselves.

• Ultimately all choices can be used to further what is good and limit what is evil.

I cannot think of any better words than the following:

It's Between You and God

by Dr. Kent M. Keith

(Mother Teresa put these up on the wall of her children's home in Calcutta, which is why this is sometimes attributed to her)

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;

Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;

Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness they may be jealous;

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;

Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;

It was never between you and them anyway.

If you want to fight corruption and injustice, may i humbly suggest... you begin in your own heart and mind and work out from there.

Sorry for so many words...

To those i offend, my apologies.

To those who read with patience and open heart and mind... thank you for listening.

I will pack up may soapbox and call it a day!

Sawasdee ka :D

Sir, you have exceedingly clean feet!

Because you stand astride your soapbox well, rigorously and with conviction.

Would, that more could or would even try.

Those that follow #3- :

the savvy-teachers who seek to teach the innocent to not be suckered into playing a no win game,

to help protect others & make the world a better place....

often can get you labeled as 'arrogant and pushy', 'opinionated and difficult'.

Seek to teach anyway,

because thought you may not reach all or even most,

if you reach the right ONE, then things can change for the best.

It only takes one mind properly prepared in the right place and time to change everything.

I think Abhisit has taught many that there IS a better way, and that try as he might,

he was too early in Thailand's developement to make best use of his skills,

but the lesson of how he has TRIED to act will resonate long after his 'title' is history.

I will always keep and eye out for your posts.

Khun Animatic :D Khorb khun ka.. once again i am honored... but i am no sir ka! :D

However, I understand the assumption.. as many are of the opinion that once engaged, my mind and tongue are more deadly than a samurai bearing short and long sword with the skill & heart to use them... however only to defend the innocent.

I have read your posts since you joined.. and others like you, who continue to present truth, balance and wisdom (no matter how many times it must be restated). When providing technical/customer support.. one is told.. keep presenting the solution.. eventually if the customer wants a solution.. they will accept it... once they have great enough need to learn they will put forth the effort.

- reminds me of a NYC cabbie (& teacher) i once met.

He said; "Pain is the great motivator!" How correct he was.. as well as a great & gentle soul!

BRAVO to you and the others here on TVF who continue to present truth, balance & wisdom!

I have been encouraged and inspired to know other good people exist and fight injustice with truth/words.. persevere in the fights worth fighting!

TVF posters have all helped me to understand many things that my Thai sister could not say or would never say and provide balance to the English Thai newspaper news. I am grateful. Now it is time for me to lend a little extra support.

We are, you and I, "preacher and choir" presenting & commending that which we already agree upon.

If we were in our own "church" ... I would consider such conversation enjoyable- but a waste of time.

However were are on a public forum... and others may be listening.

It is said; "When the student is ready, the teacher appears.", and it occurs to me that many students prefer to overhear and consider what teachers say to one another.. vs. sit in class (it was always my preference). :cheesy:

RE: Khun Abhisit... :D "It ain't over, 'til it's over."

Time will tell & I agree no matter what the outcome may be.. his efforts are good & will be remembered.

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Jimmy Carter was probably the most decent, honest and honorable man to sit in the Oval Office. Though, I will admit that he was not be best president the US has had.


I didn't appreciate him while he was in office, but back then it just left so good knowing Nixon was gone.

Carter let loose three US-backed dictatorships: Iran, S. Korea and Nicaragua. I never thought I'd live to see the day. Marcos was the holdout. Yeah, you could say he lost them but IMO he did the right thing.

During the GOP administration from 2001-2009 he was the only one, in gov't or media, who had the cojones (er, something like eggs) to speak up against what was going on.

Y'know what? He only served one term. He could run again! :D

Khun Bendejo :)

LOL.. I just saw your reply... the.. "Y'know what? He only served one term. He could run again!"

What a funny.. and sweet thought.. (for those of us who remember fondly the 60's & 70's).

As i read your post- I had this image in my mind-

- of you suggesting this to him.. and his expression of mixed astonishment & horror!

I think Ms. Rosalynn would have to put her foot down .. and advise him that he (she) is retired!

GREAT funny thought though.. that would be an American world turned upside down!

Thank you for the smiles it brought.. especially today!

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Solve the Thaksin problem first through negotiations. Then hold elections. If the Thaksin problem can not be solved, that means alot more dead.

Oh. Wow. You are way too obsessed with Thaksin.

Abhisit insists again & again that he will NOT talk about anything relating to Thaksin.

Take that as a fact !!

Now what ?

The problem came long time ago when the elites used wrong method to remove him.

That coup sparked bombs one after one.

Because EVERYONE trying so hard to press the Reds not to do even tiny little thing which give Thaksin favor.

Reds then have to seek other 'gimmick' to support their rally, 'class war' for example.

This will just worsen the situation.

To lots of Thais, we all agree that at this point: There's a whole lots of thing behind the curtain.

You cannot scrap all the problems to Thaksin. It's so much more than that now.

Everyone one once believe Reds are here for money. Now you know.

Everyone one assume after Thaksin's $$ gone, all will stop. No it didn't happen.

Abhisit himself is now a clear symbol of the elite. He's not in position to start garthing people to the table.

He must resign immediately. Hold new election.

And if you are so worry about the yellow, slap your face with your own word - especially those who vote to crack down the Reds !!!!

rule of law ? sound like a good drama ? anyone ?

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1. PM Should resign as he clearly does not have enough support on either side to remain an effective leader through this crisis.

2. At this point, the military has no choice but to restore law and order through martial law if necessary to restore proper functioning of infrastructure and economy.

3. An International arbitration team should be brought in to oversee negotiations and the return of a free and fair election for PM and a new parliament.

The current govt. is tainted beyond repair and can never again have enough support to function. Time for it to go and start over. The Reds are certainly not innocent in their approach, but I honor their courage and willingness to fight and take a bullet for their cause. Better than what I see here in the US with the top 1% getting to privatize the gains from the bailouts while their losses are socialized on the rest of us. While we just take it up the bum and grimace. That pacified image is not something any populace should present to a govt. The govt. should fear the people in a properly functioning democracy.

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Instead of comparing red and yellow shirts, particularly as Abhisit has been compared to Anand Panyarachun and labelled as Thailand's greatest hope for the future and a "new brand" of MP, let's take a closer look at Abhisit and his "achievements" in ofice and his respect for "democracy".

He followed his father, a minister under the National Peacekeeping Council Military junta, into politics in 1991 when he was elected as he was in 1995 and 1996; he was not individually elected in 2001 or 2005, when he was returned by the Democrat Party as a Party List MP.

After taking over as Democrat Party leader he called on the King to intervene and to appoint an alternative Prime Minister to then Prime Minister Thaksin; the King, very unusually, made the unflattering public reply that "asking for a Royally-appointed prime minister is undemocratic. It is, pardon me, a mess. It is irrational".

In 2006 he boycotted the general elections and in June 2006 a panel headed by Deputy Attorney-General Chaikasem Nitisiri voted unanimously to dissolve the Democrat party based on evidence that the party bribed other small opposition parties into boycotting the election of 2 April 2006 and voiding some of the results. Subsequently this vote was dismissed, but a similar ruling against the Thai Rak Thai party was enforced.

His selection of key Cabinet Ministers has been pragmatic at best, corrupt and biased at worst:

PAD Leader Kasit Piromya was appointed Foreign Minister, despite his clear role in the occupation of Suvarnabhumi; Abhisit jusitified this by saying that "he may have addressed or joined some of the rallies but if he has done anything illegal he will be prosecuted." Abhisit said that he would also prosecute the other 21 PAD leaders who siezed Suvarnabhumi and Don Muang airports, as well as the 9 PAD leaders who occupied Government House for seven months; so far the decision to do so has been deferred eight times. The Asian Human Rights Commission wrote, with considerable foresight, that "the obvious differences in how the yellow shirts and red shirts have been treated will only encourage government opponents to resort to increasingly extralegal means to get their way."

Construction tycoon Chaovarat Chanweerakul was made Interior Minister, despite not being an MP, with one of Chalerm Yubamrung's sons (Wan) as an aide; Abhisit's former classmate at Oxford Korn Chatikavanij became the Finance Minister, and massage parlor mogul Pornthiva Nakasai, wife of former Thai Rak Thai MP Anucha Nakasai (currenly banned from politics) was appointed Deputy Commerce Minister.

His government has been one of the most tainted by corruption while still in office, despite only being in government for 16 months so far:

He was personally accused of covering up illegal donations of 258 million baht to senior Democrat Party leaders and their relatives by TPI Polene/ Prachai Leophairatana. during the run-up to the 2005 elections and the Department of Special Investigation investigated the allegation and made a 7,000 page report on it to the Electoral Commission; the Bangkok Post described the evidence as "overwhelming", and the Nation described it as "clear-cut", but the government won a vote of no-confidence and the Electoral Commission rejected the DSI report.

The Public Health Minister Wittaya Kaewparadai was forced to resign after an investigative committee found that, in addition to massive overpayments, his former secretary had been given 80 million baht in bribes on his behalf by a supplier of ambulances. After he resigned as Health Minister Abhisit promoted him to Chief Government Whip. The Deputy Minister, Manit Nop-amornbodi, refused to resign and was allowed to remain in office.

The Director of the 26 billion baht Sufficiency Economy Office for Community Development, Korbsak Sabhavasu, was implicated in corruption involving mis-appropriation of funds, as was his brother Prapote, the Deputy Director. Both resigned, but a Democrat Party panel cleared them of wrong-doing and Korbsak remained Deputy Prime Minster and was promoted to be Abhisit's Secretary General.

The Social Development and Human Security Minister, Vitoon Nambutr, was initially allowed to retain his post after being found guilty of buying rotten canned fish for flood stricken refugees in Phatthalung Province, on the grounds that the money used for specific purchases was from donations rather than government funds, although he later resigned after public pressure.

The list could go on, considerably, but it is unnecessary. While Abhisit is undeniably the Thai master of spin and his office is Thailand's third largest advertiser, outspending even Toyota, when you strip away the veneer he is master of .little else and he is a political lightweight chosen for office only because he looked the part and was easy to manipulate. Thailand's brightest hope for the future - I don't think so.

Edited by JohnLeech
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While Abhisit is undeniably the Thai master of spin

Save the campaign diss for election time. Election time isn't now. Right now, Abhisit is UNDENIABLY the legally elected Prime Minister of Thailand. If the election was so contested, why weren't these red riots right after the election? In any case, just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home. You've damaged Thailand enough for awhile.

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.....Save the campaign diss for election time..... just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home

If you bothered to read what I (or anyone else) wrote you would see that I made it abundantly clear that, regrettably, I find the reds no less unpleasant than the yellows and consider that they have both damaged Thailand.

Edited by JohnLeech
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.....Save the campaign diss for election time..... just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home

If you bothered to read what I (or anyone else) wrote you would see that I made it abundantly clear that, regrettably, I find the reds no less unpleasant than the yellows and consider that they have both damaged Thailand.

You protesteth too much.

....When push comes to shove.

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Today... I would like to see PM Abhisit address all Thai people.. and inspire them to peace.

If i were him (or if i were there w/my little soapbox) i would take to the Red stage

(with good news coverage/filming- for repeated replay until there is peaceful resolution).

I would say…

Congratulations.. you have proven that you can and will:

1- cripple your nation socially & economically and politically- internationally

2- ignore the needs of your fellow Thai citizens (the non-elite as well as those you call elite)

3- and force the government to use force to try to restore order for your fellow citizens who needed order restored.

You have also proven for the government/military/elite internationally:

1- that you are violent

2- that you do not want or stand for democracy

So… what has been won... NOTHING… we have all lost.. there are NO winners here.

This is possibly the saddest day in Thai history.. i am sad.. i think we are all sad.

Today, what I ask each of you to do for yourselves, your families, and for the future Thailand.. is to call a "cease-fire".

Just as in some wars in other countries in the past, cease-fires have been called for religious holidays... then after the holiday everyone returned to killing each other.

If that is what the Thai people what.. there is no stopping it.. we can begin again after Songkran.

For now, go home, be with your friends and family.. for Songkran.

However, please do not celebrate.. as we have NOTHING to celebrate at this VERY pivotal moment in our history.

- However.. after Songkran, if we act wisely.. we can have a New Year and a New Thailand to celebrate.

If we can put aside old ideas, unproductive ways and consider new ones.

For Songkran, please mourn those lost, pray for those injured, find compassion for all Thai people.

Rest & reflect.

As you reflect, think of Thailand as a 1/2 glass of water.

- is it half full?

- is it half empty?

My thought is that it is unimportant ½ full or ½ empty… this is opinion and will vary.

What is important.. is what we, as the people of Thailand, will choose to do with it… our beloved Thailand?

- will we make it a pleasant and prosperous place to live and work?

- or will be make it a bloody battlefield?

I am simply PM... Thailand is a democracy, for better or for worse, imperfect like all others.

So the majority must decide and agree… better if all can agree 100%, however that seems unlikely.

That is the one problem with democracy.. even if 95% agree, 5% do not, and there is no way to make 100% happy, 100% of the time.

Life is not perfect and we all have to make difficult choices.

I know many will say one man has lead us here… they may not agree who that one man is… LOL.

I say no man can be lead, where he will not go.

Gandhi is quoted as saying "100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control 350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate."

The protestors have proven that the military & police have a limited ability to control the protestors (without severely harming large numbers or protestors and possibly innocent citizens and their property).

The Thai people, the military and the police, do not want to be ordered to fight their own people!

The Thai government and citizens, those who do not support the protests and those who support the need to improve the government and the lives of fellow Thai in the north, south, east and west do not want to see any Thai raise arms against any other Thai!

The protestors still appear to speak for the minority, so if they "win the day" they will never be able to control the majority of Thai citizens who can and will refuse to cooperate.

The recent protest has not won new converts.. and it seems to have lost support among those who once supported their aims.

We are all responsible as Thai citizens for the choices we make.. even when we follow others.. we choose.. by our choices we are leading ourselves.

If we make poor choices… if we learn we have led ourselves to the wrong place… if what we try does not work.. then we can reflect on the past and choose again!

And make better choices because of our poor choices! We gain wisdom and use this wisdom to improve our lives, the lives of others and our nation!

There are many who will spend hours..even lifetimes debating & arguing about how the world was created.

- Creation?

- Evolution?

The truth is most likely a combination of the two.

Rather than argue about how we got here... who is right & who is wrong... an argument that cannot be won... let's decide together what will we do with our current world?

Let's try something REALLY REVOLUTIONARY!!!!

Lets embrace PEACE & COOPERATION... to work together cooperatively to create Thai solutions to Thai problems... to create a GREAT and ENLIGHTENED NEW Thailand… that can be a model and inspire to other peoples & nations worldwide… to live in peace and work together to build sustainable prosperity!

We can CHOOSE TODAY as Thai people to make the lives lost this week and those lost due to conflict, injustice and corruption throughout our history…


Something important to the Thai people today… and for future generations to come!

Rather than allow ANYONE to exploit those precious lives lost for their own personal or political gain.

Many people do not believe Thailand is changing, but it is... we are growing and changing fast and have been since 1932.

The world is changing fast and Thailand is well positioned to be a great and prosperous nation… if we can stop the power struggle cycle of violence.

We have many advantages of the western nations and fewer limitations of many of the eastern nations.

And most importantly… we have OUR WONDERFUL PEOPLE... Thailand and the Thai people are STILL known worldwide for our smiles... our grace & compassion, our willingness to help others and our deep love and acceptance of our families!

Let's choose after Songkran to work together to help Thailand and the Thai people to rise like the legendary phoenix from the ashes of past conflicts.

To work for peace and prosperity instead of creating conflict and corruption!!!

Reflect, consider new choices, look to your own hearts & minds and lead yourselves, your families, your communities and your nation with a peaceful heart, a calm mind and a cooperative spirit to find and implement new solutions.

It is of little matter if I remain PM or what party or form of government has control… our enemy is corruption & injustice... and knows no confines of class, race, nationality, sex, age, political ideology, religion, socioeconomic or educational status.

Corruption is like cockroaches.. given a source of nourishment and dark hiding places, supported... it thrives.. limited & cut off from nourishment and places of concealment... if will die out or leave to find a place where it can flourish. Rather than fight one another in struggles for power. Please consider use of democratic dialog, debate, laws, and constitutional revision to end corruption and conflict in Thailand.. I realize that that is a slow process, but it is only by slow sustainable, mutually agreeable changes that we will progress and have lasting peace, this is required for the success of every Thai citizen.

Once we begin to work together to limit corruption and improve the lives of all Thai citizens, then, and only then, will we truly have reason to celebrate Songkran!

The best way to keep any group from succeeding is to divide them and turn them against one another.

Corruption flourishes in a nation divided.

Let's choose to not let ourselves be continually divided and turned against one another.

Let's choose to allow NO evil from within or from outside of Thailand to sabotage us as we grow to be a better people, a more peaceful and prosperous land, and a united and strong nation.

I pray that we all can rest and reflect through Songkran… and return to the current issues with peaceful hearts, compassion for one another, and open minds.

I pray that the people of Thailand will stand united and work together to create better solutions, that will help us to end conflict and build a great nation for our children and for the many generations to come.


LOL.. seems I would bore them to sleep or drive them from BKK with verboseness… sort of a reverse pied piper.

I never met a child yet, that did not prefer a quick spanking to a lecture.

The spanking allows them to feel justified in their misbehavior… and their anger at the one who disciplines them.

The lecture is more painful as it makes them responsible for their conduct and aware of the harm they do themselves and/or others, making it hard to repeat. Impossible to repeat while claiming that they did not know better.

Sorry, if my thoughts are not well organized.. and for again using sooooo many words.

This is written straight from the heart… helped me to clear my passions and my deep sorrows on the subject.. to put my prayers in to solid form and send to Thailand.

Very little sleep last night and an email this morning from my Thai sister.. my nephew nearly a teenager, requesting an updated picture of me.. old aunt he never met in person.

He must be feeling crisis! There has been no such request in years... my only guess is that he wants to see new proof of this person who lives in the US and sends messages of concern & love and keeps his family in prayers.. and thinks Thailand can have great future.

I Don't have any photos... cannot take one today given my eyes are so red from tears and deep worry lines from lack of sleep.

I have not felt so heart-sick in many years… possibly never.

I will draw a cartoon of myself to send.. I hope that they will appreciate and find acceptable… and funny.

They live in BKK and will be staying at home (off the streets) for the holiday.

You are all in my prayers those in Thailand, those who have family & friends there, and others who have come to love the beautiful Thai and their Thailand…

makes no difference to me what color shirt you may choose... may God/Buddha/whatever higher power or sense of good in the universe you may believe in, be with you all…

and lead all to a better way.. and happier days.

May the New Year bring Peace, Prosperity, Good Health and Happiness to all!


LOL and mouth-full

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Amazing, you would think the red attack with petrol bombs and guns had never happened.

But hold on, here is someone who follows the Thaksin line in denying that the reds kicked off the violence last Songkran.

At least he is a consistent Thaksin cheerleader.

Appreciation of truth purely optional.

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