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What Do You Want Pm Abhisit To Do Now?


What do you want PM Abhisit to do now?  

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Well a concerted effort to recruit red dissolutionists has

almost cranked it up to 50% of the law and order vote

55.14% to 55.81%... still lagging far behind.

Why might that be?

Oh yes that must be all the yellow double posters

trying to make red perceived direction to get justice seem, well, unjust.

Law and order is great if your side is control of the order and can ignore the law.

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Well free dome dude,

doo daa doo daa.

Rajaprasong campground's 4 miles long oh doo daa day.

Gonna rant all day, gonna rant all night.

They spend Thaksin's money every night and day.

But Abhisit's still in the way.

I am free also to post exactly as I see fit, and exactly as I believe

will make my message the clearest possible to myself and hopefully others.

If it looks like poetry, well prose is prose, if it is faster and easier to read






a screen,

well so be it.

Computer screens are not as relaxing to read and scan as paper.

So it's longer than a digestible sound byte, and shorter than Joseph Conrad.

More interesting than a bullet list. Less pedantic than John Houseman.

Not as flowing as Whitman, less repetitive than Dr. Weng.

Less cluelessly annoying than Jutuporn, and more eloquent that Thaksin on Aljazeera.

So essentially, and with no due eloquence : tough tits.

Edited by animatic
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Well a concerted effort to recruit red dissolutionists has

almost cranked it up to 50% of the law and order vote

55.14% to 55.81%... still lagging far behind.

Why might that be?

Oh yes that must be all the yellow double posters

trying to make red perceived direction to get justice seem, well, unjust.

Law and order is great if your side is control of the order and can ignore the law.

I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :)

Maybe you know?


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Well a concerted effort to recruit red dissolutionists has

almost cranked it up to 50% of the law and order vote

55.14% to 55.81%... still lagging far behind.

Why might that be?

Oh yes that must be all the yellow double posters

trying to make red perceived direction to get justice seem, well, unjust.

Law and order is great if your side is control of the order and can ignore the law.

I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :)

Maybe you know?


Ohh. Another mystery.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :)

Maybe you know?


Ohh. Another mystery.

No mystery here. LaoPo it seems is still haunted by ghosts of old.

Time has come to move on or seek help with your issues.

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What do they want?

Nobody seems to be able to address the key issue here.

What is it that the red shirts are prepared to die for? Dissolve the house of representatives? Bring back Thaksin? Then what? What do they really want?

A red shirt leader recently said on the BBC that they wanted one man, one vote? Excuse me, but as far as I know they have that. Sadly, in the NE certainly, it is common practise for the votes to be sold. This is quite open. I have witnessed it.

I was recently suspended from posting for 24 hrs for accusing the Thais of being bovine. I'm sorry, but I do observe herding characteristics here.

So again, what do they want???

None of the parties here have manifestos. On what basis can anyone decide whom to vote for?

Where is the journalism flushing out the policies and views of the parties?

I see no point in having elections if the parties do not have published policies. It seems to me that potential representatives are prepared to buy votes in the hope that they can enrich themselves through corrupt practices.

In the circumstances, there is no hope for a representative democracy. A benevolent dictatorship a la Singapore would be ideal. After a generation, with improved education and access to information for the masses, then Thailand might, just might be ready for democracy.

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Well a concerted effort to recruit red dissolutionists has

almost cranked it up to 50% of the law and order vote

55.14% to 55.81%... still lagging far behind.

Why might that be?

Oh yes that must be all the yellow double posters

trying to make red perceived direction to get justice seem, well, unjust.

Law and order is great if your side is control of the order and can ignore the law.

I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :)

Maybe you know?


Talking about Colpiyat are you! HA!.

No that would have made sense, so let's see,

you must mean SJ since you don't like him.

Having met who I presume you mean,

and knowing his tendency to fairness.

I presume he voted ONE time.

This poll is just one more way of observing a groups thoughts on a subject.

I presume with your abject adoration of the PRC, that you could care less what people think.

Well if SJ is jiggering the poll it's isn't stopping the gradual slide toward ALMOST half.

55.4 dissolve 55.59 law and order.

Edited by animatic
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I would really like to have a sensible debate on the real issues.

Is there another board where this debate is taking place?

As I say, I can see no point in further elections when no parties have manifestos and so many Thais just sell their vote........

I think lengthening the time you must be in a party before you can run would improve,

party coherence and also mean members MUST cleave to some kind of central unity or

not get to run.

Manifestos? Well most are simply, we get power and bring home the bacon for our regional constituents.

There is nothing deeper to go to. These are business politicians and so they deal in business terms.

The nature of the vote buying, patronage and party-power sales makes it necessary to raise HUGE amounts of money.

So gives rise to increased reasons for graft and dirty dealings. Mega projects HO!!!! Git along you doggies and into my coffers.

The very nature of the system insists on this being SOP.

DH amongst the trolling, PR gambits and distraction this is still the better debate place,

but like anything with human beings involved here... it is also messy.

Power here is gauged as collected money and numerically those under your patronage.

And secondarily how you can manipulate the situation to your advantage.

These are the measures of a mans power and worth here.

It is not about how altruistic he is and how he raises the standard of living for those he represents.

It is HOW MANY are under his protection, as he sees fit to manage it to HIS best advantage.

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I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :)

Maybe you know?


Ohh. Another mystery.

No mystery here. LaoPo it seems is still haunted by ghosts of old.

Time has come to move on or seek help with your issues.

I wondered that. Over 1,000 votes but only 600odd replies. Most posters are mulitple posters at that. Animatic, Me, Lao Pa, Rivalex, waytoomuch, JD etc are posting a good percentage of the posts.

Soooo, 500 or 600 people could be bothered to log in come and vote, but not express an opinioin!

Maybe they should set up a company to stage elections. Reds and Yellows would be beating a path to their door.

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Abhisit should resign in the next week or so after Songkran, dissolve the house and have elections in a few months. :)

Lots of shoulds in the Thaksin supporters lexicon.

But the one must is to put Thaksin in charge of the military reshuffle.

The job of the Thaksin cheerleaders is clear.

That's because the Thaksin lovers crave an authoritarian dictator.

not all reds are 'Thaksin lovers' and you keep using this provocative language which is baseless and crude

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Thanks for reasoned response Animatic!

Maybe it's wishful thinking, but it just might be possible to get through to grass roots votors by appealing to their desire for a better future for their children.

1) Overhaul education system to get rid of rote learning and encouraging creative thinking and sense of self worth. Introduce more vocational traing with proper certification.....

2) Government loans for university tuition fees

3) Introduce basic health care free of charge (or 30baht)

4) Provide broadband access free of charge to every Thai household.

5) Limit margins made by middlemen on agricultural products.

6) Carrot and stick approach to police. Massive pay rise but instant dismissal for accepting bribes.

7) Increase pension for the aged

I reckon, if Abhisit went public with such a manifesto he would win an election

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Thanks for reasoned response Animatic!

Maybe it's wishful thinking, but it just might be possible to get through to grass roots votors by appealing to their desire for a better future for their children.

1) Overhaul education system to get rid of rote learning and encouraging creative thinking and sense of self worth. Introduce more vocational traing with proper certification.....

2) Government loans for university tuition fees

3) Introduce basic health care free of charge (or 30baht)

4) Provide broadband access free of charge to every Thai household.

5) Limit margins made by middlemen on agricultural products.

6) Carrot and stick approach to police. Massive pay rise but instant dismissal for accepting bribes.

7) Increase pension for the aged

I reckon, if Abhisit went public with such a manifesto he would win an election

All excellent ideas many of which Abhisit and Korn ARE trying to get running in a sustainable way.

Broadband access is problematic house to house, but not village to village.

Thaksin tried some Uni loans and funds, but it appeared ALL winners were sons or daughters

of low end puyai friends... more influence selling than actually helping the poorest.

Limiting margins on middle men is a great idea and one reason the rice pledging scam has been removed,

And that is a main reason one red segment is trying to hard to remove Abhisit NOW... a harvest is coming.

One reason things have gone so poorly the is I suspect the police higher ups want Abhisit gone

for interfering in their patronage and play for pay jobs system.

Abhisit and Korn and the Edu Min have started a new system,

and with a non bureaucrat overseer board, for education reform.

Another up country vested interest group down on them.

Inept or incompetent teachers/administrators to be

going out the door because they can't change.

ANY pension for the average aged, especially where it doesn't get skimmed off by the local headman.

Essentially he has a similar manifesto... the problem is up country the communication system is rigged against him,

which is also why free and fair elections are a fantasy for the time being.

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Thanks for response Animatic.

Why do you think broadband house to house is problematic? In my family home in Nakhon Phanom, we have a 3.5G CAT wireless modem and WIFI router (most of the village use it).

Looks like this sub-thread is too boring for our colleagues.

That's a pity because if we could just get a bit of a consensus we could get something in the press.

At the very least the reds should be pressured to state what exactly they want from a government.

How can we get a constructive political forum going?

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Abhisit should resign in the next week or so after Songkran, dissolve the house and have elections in a few months. :)

Lots of shoulds in the Thaksin supporters lexicon.

But the one must is to put Thaksin in charge of the military reshuffle.

The job of the Thaksin cheerleaders is clear.

That's because the Thaksin lovers crave an authoritarian dictator.

not all reds are 'Thaksin lovers' and you keep using this provocative language which is baseless and crude

I guess not all the forum Thaksin groupies can be his personal lover.

But you look the part.

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Very very suspicious !!

Perhaps Abhisit does have morals and now wants to resign and dissolve the House, but is being "persuaded" not to inside the Army base.

If you do not see him for many days, there might be a coup already of some sort taken place ??

I believe Abhisit is indeed an honourable, decent man.

What is the moral imperative to dissolve the house?

You seem to support the reds. maybe you could enlighten us as to what EXCACTLY they want from their government?

Please don't tell us they just want dissolution or that they want Thaksin back. What do they want to achieve?

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From the Thai wife

Parliment is doomed if it does

Doomed if it does not

Red shirt are doomed if they get what they want, as it is not democracy

Yet doomed if they don't as this is what they want

We are now in a no win situation

Only way we can possibly win is if the silent minority come out and say what they want

Most of her friends say "they not worry us where we are" "So not our worry"

The best example is look at what the mob left behind when they moved on

One hel_l of a mess for other Thai's to clean up

If they get into power it will be no different to what they will do to the country

Power and corruption is part of the Thai life style

Unless the silent Majority are will to stand up and ask for a better future

There never will be one and we deserve what we get

On the Farm when bad fruit sets in we destroy and kill all that is bad

and start with a fresh crop, and spend time to nurture a good crop

Try to keep that which is bad and rotten

Only destroys what will grow afterwards

wife is a Bhuddist but asked me

Did not your God destroy evil with a flood so what came latter would be better ?

She is a real believer in the Tarot Cards

Death in Tarot is a new begining

Once cancer sets in, best to cut it out and allow the rest of the body to survive

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Very very suspicious !!

Perhaps Abhisit does have morals and now wants to resign and dissolve the House, but is being "persuaded" not to inside the Army base.

If you do not see him for many days, there might be a coup already of some sort taken place ??

I agree, this is very suspicious for the PM to be silent like this for so long.

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Well a concerted effort to recruit red dissolutionists has

almost cranked it up to 50% of the law and order vote

55.14% to 55.81%... still lagging far behind.

Why might that be?

Oh yes that must be all the yellow double posters

trying to make red perceived direction to get justice seem, well, unjust.

Law and order is great if your side is control of the order and can ignore the law.

I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :D

Maybe you know?


Talking about Colpiyat are you! HA!.

No that would have made sense, so let's see,

you must mean SJ since you don't like him.

Having met who I presume you mean,

and knowing his tendency to fairness.

I presume he voted ONE time.

This poll is just one more way of observing a groups thoughts on a subject.

I presume with your abject adoration of the PRC, that you could care less what people think.

Well if SJ is jiggering the poll it's isn't stopping the gradual slide toward ALMOST half.

55.4 dissolve 55.59 law and order.

I have never had anything to do with a Colpiyat, if that's his member name.

You started talking about double posters, not me, but to be fair, it handed me the thought about banned members and their many returning alter ego's and the possibility of voting multiple times. :D

The same has happened with the stars, members and Mods were rewarded by honest other members; suddenly many high-post Mods & members were degraded and ripped off their stars.

Nobody, not even the Mods, had an explanation but it's no secret that only angry and childish behaving other members and/or alter ego's could have done so....Rararara :D

It's however nice to see that you and your friend Publicus have 4 stars; mine were ripped off :cheesy: ................................ :D

It's also weird to notice that MOST members of Administration and Mods do not even have 4 stars; just one, very respected, Mod, but that the 2 high-post members who have been banned, Sriracha John and Plus have both 4 stars. :):D

ALL other Mods have lost many stars.

Isn't that weird ? Someone must have been very busy, degrading other members and Mods, stripping them, apart from friends maybe?

And, presuming is not the truth nor fact is it?

You speak of his tendency to fairness...well, I have experienced something else with the man, something very nasty, very mean and so dishonest that I was absolutely flabbergasted.

A -very- well respected Mod confirmed to me that he did what he did and to my question to your friend if he was saying this respected Mod was lying, he never answered....so much for his fairness.

I leave it with that.

And, Animatic, please leave personal remarks out of the discussion like that I would have an abject adoration for the PRC; what a bloody nonsense. I expected more wisdom from you.

But I stand up for the majority of the people in China, that's correct, the same as I do for the majority of the poor Thai.

Both can't help it that they are ruled by an exclusive minority.


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I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :)

Maybe you know?


Ohh. Another mystery.

No mystery here. LaoPo it seems is still haunted by ghosts of old.

Time has come to move on or seek help with your issues.

I wondered that. Over 1,000 votes but only 600odd replies. Most posters are mulitple posters at that. Animatic, Me, Lao Pa, Rivalex, waytoomuch, JD etc are posting a good percentage of the posts.

Soooo, 500 or 600 people could be bothered to log in come and vote, but not express an opinioin!

Maybe they should set up a company to stage elections. Reds and Yellows would be beating a path to their door.


Very good point and thanks! 1200 votes so far with only about 50% replies (many of them by the same members though)

My theory of votes by multiple returning members with many alter ego's wasn't so bad after all.

But, I admit, difficult to prove. It doesn't matter they're only fooling themselves.


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Very good point and thanks! 1200 votes so far with only about 50% replies (many of them by the same members though)

My theory of votes by multiple returning members with many alter ego's wasn't so bad after all.

But, I admit, difficult to prove. It doesn't matter they're only fooling themselves.


Fairly simple explanation - People vote, but don't comment. Not unheard of.

Sure there are probably some double posters, but that would occur on both sides so would even out.

edit: and it's probably 1200 votes, and 50 individual posters ... but I'm not going to go through and count them.

Edited by anotherpeter
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