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Why To Most Expats On This Forum Hate The Red Shirts?


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Well I am in the 10% as the wife is a uni grad from Bangkok from a Thai Chinese family (sorry about that :) ).

She does not like Mr T. at all and has no time for the current red protests so she fits the stereotype as far as that goes. However she had no time for the Yellows either when they hit the streets.

She feels that the rural poor deserve a fair crack at making a succesful life and has no problem with a genuine party that would represent that aspiration but the current reds are too obviously focussed on their 'great leader' and not apparently genuinely interested in the poor and their condition.

The next election may provide a mandate for one group or another but at this point I see no prospect that it will heal Thai society as the losers may well feel that direct action will again be the only response to having lost and that they have nothing further to lose by taking that action (I hope I am wrong about that).

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If it IS just about Thaksin, then why is the option of calling a general election never talked about by the anti red farangs?

Let democracy decide the outcome....majority rule right?

Hmm, election called - then bought. Open door to overturn convictions = get money back = return of Mr T. Just guessing.

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If it IS just about Thaksin, then why is the option of calling a general election never talked about by the anti red farangs?

Let democracy decide the outcome....majority rule right?

Everybody i know is happy for there to be elections, but most don't agree that a minority of people on the streets should have the right to demand elections at a time of their choosing under the threat of anarchy. What's democratic about that?

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If it IS just about Thaksin, then why is the option of calling a general election never talked about by the anti red farangs?

Let democracy decide the outcome....majority rule right?

The majority is already ruling. Elections are due in 2011. No need to call them now.

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