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Thai Authorities Shut Down Red-Shirts Protesters Tv Station

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Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

That's right. The dems are censoring the press in exactly the same way that their yellow mentors used to accuse Thaksin of doing.

Such hypocrisy will only make the situation worse.

Sorry sedition and treason are NOT covered by "freedom of speech".

The government is NOT censoring people speaking out against them. They ARE censoring people that are openly speaking of violence, sedition, treason, and violence.

Feel free to try and do that where you are in the USA and see if that works for you or if your country shuts you down in a heartbeat.

Just what you would expect from a military government Oh! Sorry democrat party Government. Freedom of speech is part of a democracy. Abhisit, sorry, Anupong, has just taken that away from the people. A very silly move. Watch this space and see where it gets them. :) The Genie is out of the bottle, the people are united its not the same as before......

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Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

That's right. The dems are censoring the press in exactly the same way that their yellow mentors used to accuse Thaksin of doing.

Such hypocrisy will only make the situation worse.

Just what you would expect from a military government Oh! Sorry democrat party Government. Freedom of speech is part of a democracy. Abhisit, sorry, Anupong, has just taken that away from the people. A very silly move. Watch this space and see where it gets them. :) The Genie is out of the bottle, the people are united its not the same as before......

Yelling fire in a movie theater is not protected by free speech. Giving out the address of the head of the AC and then saying you can't be responsible for what happens is beyond the limits free speech. Having speakers say they will kill the PM is beyond those limits (the Red woman from L.A. said that on stage), telling people to fill bottles with gasoline is beyond the limits. Playing a doctored tape to falsely claim the PM had ordered the army to shoot last April is beyond the limits. I'd go on, but I would hope you get the idea. The Reds went beyond what is acceptable, so the plug got pulled. Good. Should have been done weeks ago.

why does every farang think the red shirts are brain dead and the yellow/elite are einstein. I am 33yr old chartered accoutant who quit the rat race from uk to learn about a foreign culture. I have taught at harrow (bkk) and stanford (hua-hin). I have also taught at provincial schools and village schools in phrae and udon thani. The thickest and most narrow minded have been at harrow/stanford. They are the brain dead ones because they don't give a sh*t, they are fed with a silver spoon and have a totally reprehensible western attitude!! They can't even speak english for f*cks sake and the fees are 1 million baht per year(harrow). The kids from the countryside/poor families are so artistic and full of endeavour its unbelievable. Their enthusiasm just needs harnessing and their full potential being realised!

Therefore my point is that the rich/poor divide needs to be reduced to enable the real thai children to flourish and release their inner spirit & talent; for they are so talented and so overlooked!


Seeing as how you got the name of the university you claim to have taught at wrong twice, it kind of casts doubt on your credibility. At any rate, you are saying thai kids at private schools and universities are not "real" thais? I am not a Red or Yellow supporter - I believe the majority of Reds do not have evil intentions (unlike their leaders), but are undereducated. And whose fault is that? Abhisits? Hardly. if you want to blame anyone look at Thaksin- he had five years to improve education here, and he did appoint himself Education Minister after all- what programs did he put in place to improve education? Abhisit is trying, but anything he proposes gets shot down - even if it would help these people - the PTP and Reds do not want anyone to see beyond their violence provoking rhetoric. Also, there are plenty of cases of kids from poor families who do go to university and work to better their lives. Is Thaksin coming back going to make things better for them? If you think so you are as as brain dead as you claim your students were.

never said anything about thaksin!!

Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

yes - hwat a very foolish decision - AND keep the Yellow TV open? have they know understanding WHY the reds are so furious?

Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

While the yellow shirt broadcasts during the PAD rallies were pretty bold, they did not openly call people to commit violence, they didn't preach sedition, they didn't commit treason. It is an apples and oranges comparison.

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

yes - hwat a very foolish decision - AND keep the Yellow TV open? have they know understanding WHY the reds are so furious?

See the post above ---
Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

Uh, it was not this government in charge when the airport got seized. You might want to contact Somchai or Thaksin and ask them why they didn't do that. :) Also I haven't heard any doctored tapes or calls for violence from ASTV.

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

Shutting down the access for the leaders to coordinate largish groups of people in defiance of the law certainly makes sense to most people. The sms system was shut down yesterday. People TV today. Radio stations yesterday and today.

The amazing thing is that people are saying this is bad when you have people threatening violence etc from the stages of the Reds to be broadcast across the country.

You are absolutely clueless - you don't get it? shut down reds and keep your yellow stuff open? are you mad? you think this will work - I actually thought Abhisit had a brain

why does every farang think the red shirts are brain dead and the yellow/elite are einstein. I am 33yr old chartered accoutant who quit the rat race from uk to learn about a foreign culture. I have taught at harrow (bkk) and stanford (hua-hin). I have also taught at provincial schools and village schools in phrae and udon thani. The thickest and most narrow minded have been at harrow/stanford. They are the brain dead ones because they don't give a sh*t, they are fed with a silver spoon and have a totally reprehensible western attitude!! They cant even speak english for f*cks sake and the fees are 1 million baht per year(harrow). The kids from the countryside/poor families are so artistic and full of endeavour its unbelievable. Their enthusiasm just needs harnessing and their full potential being realised!

Therefore my point is that the rich/poor divide needs to be reduced to enable the real thai children to flourish and release their inner spirit & talent; for they are so talented and so overlooked!


Yes - quite a few 33 year olds come to Thailand to "learn about a foreign culture". :D

The one I like best is "came on holiday and fell in love with the country" - usually the specific parts of the country they love are Pattaya and an Isaa Moo Baan.

Of course, Children are not born uneducated and so why Isaan kids should be any different from other kids, I am not sure. I am also not sure what 'real' Thai children are. My 2 kids are half Thai, can I presume that they are not in fact, real ? :)

I have a ลูกครึ่ง too! I was 30 when i actually moved here and had no preconceptions. In fact I find it quite a difficuly place to live one way and another. I live in chaam, which if you dont know it about 180km southwest of bkk. Its a quiet beach town with thai students at the weekend. Real was really a euphonism that did not encompass all. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule. I was just making a general observation that i thought people may want to digest!! nothing malicious, just true life experience. hope u can take the post in its true context now.

I can't take anything you write to be true Jucel, in December you said you were on a 6 month tourist visa so you obviously had no work permit......Below a post you posted on the 17/12/2009..

"Hi, I have a thai daughter (10 months old) and have her birth cert with my name on it. My girlfriend and I (not married) have decided to split and i am going to look after her full time in thailand. What docs do i need to sign/complete? What visa can i apply for etc. Any information on this would be much appreciated.

I am currently on a 60 day tourist visa and would like something more permanent as it will be tricky for me to do visa runs now!


You also said in another post that you had a wife but the post I posted above says your not married.


Little man go away and try to tell the truth your espousal of views yet again clearly demonstrates your Walter Mitty like existence.

Go and play with the neo Communist Red Shirt Brigade who will indeed hail you as the champion of the working class prior to consigning you to the same fate as the victims of Pol Pots regime

wow yet another imbecile in เมืองไทย!!! Have you spent the time to learn the language the culture, like i have?? Have you spent the money taking various courses english/thai to enable me to teach and converse??? I dont think so little man!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Little man go away and try to tell the truth your espousal of views yet again clearly demonstrates your Walter Mitty like existence.

Go and play with the neo Communist Red Shirt Brigade who will indeed hail you as the champion of the working class prior to consigning you to the same fate as the victims of Pol Pots regime

wow yet another imbecile in เมืองไทย!!! Have you spent the time to learn the language the culture, like i have?? Have you spent the money taking various courses english/thai to enable me to teach and converse??? I dont think so little man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess you were absent the day they taught "Jai yen yen"


Little man go away and try to tell the truth your espousal of views yet again clearly demonstrates your Walter Mitty like existence.

Go and play with the neo Communist Red Shirt Brigade who will indeed hail you as the champion of the working class prior to consigning you to the same fate as the victims of Pol Pots regime

wow yet another imbecile in เมืองไทย!!! Have you spent the time to learn the language the culture, like i have?? Have you spent the money taking various courses english/thai to enable me to teach and converse??? I dont think so little man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please cool down and do not insult people. In such a situation all opinions are expressed even the most extremists.

But, we have to remain calm and avoid to replicate to provocation because it will be spiralling and will be of no interest for all other one; also, you will be classified in the same category than the guy you reply to...

Thanks to come back to Politeness and Civilisation

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

That's right. The dems are censoring the press in exactly the same way that their yellow mentors used to accuse Thaksin of doing.

Such hypocrisy will only make the situation worse.

The yellow shirts never declared war though. See the difference? Even the USA government now sees the difference I am proud to say.

They just wanted to remove the vote from ordinary people - you do say some foolish things jinglething - you think it'k ok to shut only the reds TV down? and leave your yellow rich kids theirs?


Little man go away and try to tell the truth your espousal of views yet again clearly demonstrates your Walter Mitty like existence.

Go and play with the neo Communist Red Shirt Brigade who will indeed hail you as the champion of the working class prior to consigning you to the same fate as the victims of Pol Pots regime

wow yet another imbecile in เมืองไทย!!! Have you spent the time to learn the language the culture, like i have?? Have you spent the money taking various courses english/thai to enable me to teach and converse??? I dont think so little man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please cool down and do not insult people. In such a situation all opinions are expressed even the most extremists.

But, we have to remain calm and avoid to replicate to provocation because it will be spiralling and will be of no interest for all other one; also, you will be classified in the same category than the guy you reply to...

Thanks to come back to Politeness and Civilisation


Little man go away and try to tell the truth your espousal of views yet again clearly demonstrates your Walter Mitty like existence.

Go and play with the neo Communist Red Shirt Brigade who will indeed hail you as the champion of the working class prior to consigning you to the same fate as the victims of Pol Pots regime

Jucel. Why don't you stop pandering to these people? you started off making pertinent points and people like the poster above have succeeded in diverting you into debating your background.

Stick to the issues.The poster above has exactly the kind of views that the ruling elite here have got. The view that the masses represent 'reds under the bed' and the Red Shirts are uneducated peasants is the reason the military stole power from the people in the first place and the judiciary handed it to Abhisit. I would be interested to hear what 'siampolee'thinks about Pres. Obama. A lot of his ilk think that Obama is a communist, and everty social democtratic politician in Europe,and everyone who wants to improve the lot of the poor.

BTW I hope I haven't made too many spelling mistakes or grammaticl errors 'cos that might invalidate my case!


Little man go away and try to tell the truth your espousal of views yet again clearly demonstrates your Walter Mitty like existence.

Go and play with the neo Communist Red Shirt Brigade who will indeed hail you as the champion of the working class prior to consigning you to the same fate as the victims of Pol Pots regime

wow yet another imbecile in เมืองไทย!!! Have you spent the time to learn the language the culture, like i have?? Have you spent the money taking various courses english/thai to enable me to teach and converse??? I dont think so little man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess you were absent the day they taught "Jai yen yen"

And the day they taught him to read the forum rules of forums that he joins :)

Then again this is a thread about the State of Emergency being used to shut down a station that was inciting riots and illegal gatherings :D

why does every farang think the red shirts are brain dead and the yellow/elite are einstein. I am 33yr old chartered accoutant who quit the rat race from uk to learn about a foreign culture. I have taught at harrow (bkk) and stanford (hua-hin). I have also taught at provincial schools and village schools in phrae and udon thani. The thickest and most narrow minded have been at harrow/stanford. They are the brain dead ones because they don't give a sh*t, they are fed with a silver spoon and have a totally reprehensible western attitude!! They cant even speak english for f*cks sake and the fees are 1 million baht per year(harrow). The kids from the countryside/poor families are so artistic and full of endeavour its unbelievable. Their enthusiasm just needs harnessing and their full potential being realised!

Therefore my point is that the rich/poor divide needs to be reduced to enable the real thai children to flourish and release their inner spirit & talent; for they are so talented and so overlooked!


i admit ive been working without a work permit recently! wow!! I have an online school that i have noted before.

The one I like best is "came on holiday and fell in love with the country" - usually the specific parts of the country they love are Pattaya and an Isaa Moo Baan.

Of course, Children are not born uneducated and so why Isaan kids should be any different from other kids, I am not sure. I am also not sure what 'real' Thai children are. My 2 kids are half Thai, can I presume that they are not in fact, real ? :)

I have a ลูกครึ่ง too! I was 30 when i actually moved here and had no preconceptions. In fact I find it quite a difficuly place to live one way and another. I live in chaam, which if you dont know it about 180km southwest of bkk. Its a quiet beach town with thai students at the weekend. Real was really a euphonism that did not encompass all. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule. I was just making a general observation that i thought people may want to digest!! nothing malicious, just true life experience. hope u can take the post in its true context now.

I can't take anything you write to be true Jucel, in December you said you were on a 6 month tourist visa so you obviously had no work permit......Below a post you posted on the 17/12/2009..

Hi, I have a thai daughter (10 months old) and have her birth cert with my name on it. My girlfriend and I (not married) have decided to split and i am going to look after her full time in thailand. What docs do i need to sign/complete? What visa can i apply for etc. Any information on this would be much appreciated.

I am currently on a 60 day tourist visa and would like something more permanent as it will be tricky for me to do visa runs now!


i admit ive been working without a work permit recently! wow!! I have an online school that i have noted before. Im a single dad in thailand, i need to make ends meet to provide for my daughter! If you undestood thai immigration etc then u would know i cant just take her back to england without the mother's permission!! i dont know where she is!!

Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

While the yellow shirt broadcasts during the PAD rallies were pretty bold, they did not openly call people to commit violence, they didn't preach sedition, they didn't commit treason. It is an apples and oranges comparison.

Maybe they didn't have to. They were in control of the international airport, not a shopping area.

Well done Abhisit the Reds will hate you even more now

That's right. The dems are censoring the press in exactly the same way that their yellow mentors used to accuse Thaksin of doing.

Such hypocrisy will only make the situation worse.

The yellow shirts never declared war though. See the difference? Even the USA government now sees the difference I am proud to say.

They just wanted to remove the vote from ordinary people - you do say some foolish things jinglething - you think it'k ok to shut only the reds TV down? and leave your yellow rich kids theirs?

Please let us know when ASTV has, under this government, broadcast the advocated killing of the PM, burning Bangkok, starting a class war, organizing guerilla groups, invading the homes of government officials and not being responsible for the outcome. Then your argument will have some merit. Again, ask Somchai or Thaksin why they didnt shut ASTV down. Airport seizure was on their watch

Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

While the yellow shirt broadcasts during the PAD rallies were pretty bold, they did not openly call people to commit violence, they didn't preach sedition, they didn't commit treason. It is an apples and oranges comparison.

Both sides have said foolish things - people are angry - shutting down ONE sides broadcasting is very, very inciteful and will get a backlash - shutting both might have been acceptable - but oh no - leave the yellow bananas their broadcasting whilst they took over an international airport illegally - that's ok!!! it is absolutely putting petrol on the fire and is foolish

Guys cool down.

We can have opposite opinions without insulting each other.

My english is far to be perfect (I am French), but I express myself and I respect other people even if their opinion is shocking myself.

We are under survey, in a polite and civilised country....


French waving or calling for a white flag again ... :)


Little man go away and try to tell the truth your espousal of views yet again clearly demonstrates your Walter Mitty like existence.

Go and play with the neo Communist Red Shirt Brigade who will indeed hail you as the champion of the working class prior to consigning you to the same fate as the victims of Pol Pots regime

Jucel. Why don't you stop pandering to these people? you started off making pertinent points and people like the poster above have succeeded in diverting you into debating your background.

Stick to the issues.The poster above has exactly the kind of views that the ruling elite here have got. The view that the masses represent 'reds under the bed' and the Red Shirts are uneducated peasants is the reason the military stole power from the people in the first place and the judiciary handed it to Abhisit. I would be interested to hear what 'siampolee'thinks about Pres. Obama. A lot of his ilk think that Obama is a communist, and everty social democtratic politician in Europe,and everyone who wants to improve the lot of the poor.

BTW I hope I haven't made too many spelling mistakes or grammaticl errors 'cos that might invalidate my case!

thanks for the support! I know what u are saying but sometimes people's reactions can make you a little angry! I have lots of views on US, but i dont wish to air them here. I unfortunately get fox news here so i watch the biased right wing views which are deplorable! I agree that most posters here have an elitist point of view and I was putting up my 2pence worth!! again nice to have some support rather than the pedantic right wingers!!!

Both ASTV & People Channel should have been shut long long ago.

I agree. But by leaving ASTV open throughout the airport siege and by closing PTV throughout this siege, you play right into the hands of the red shirts' propaganda. The big people let ASTV stay on, but they want to silence the voices of the little reds.

While the yellow shirt broadcasts during the PAD rallies were pretty bold, they did not openly call people to commit violence, they didn't preach sedition, they didn't commit treason. It is an apples and oranges comparison.

Both sides have said foolish things - people are angry - shutting down ONE sides broadcasting is very, very inciteful and will get a backlash - shutting both might have been acceptable - but oh no - leave the yellow bananas their broadcasting whilst they took over an international airport illegally - that's ok!!! it is absolutely putting petrol on the fire and is foolish

Ummm let me see if I am understanding you correctly --- again you are talking about feelings and NOT the Law? What People TV was doing was illegal ... what the other folks did during the rally at the airport was ... ummm .... NOT. They weren't preaching desition, treason, violence etc from the station that was broadcasting.

Feelings don't much matter when it comes to the law. They have NOTHING to do when it comes to quashing sedition or treason.

It isn't foolish to restrict people that are calling for people to break the law from gaining a wider audience and it is illegal for stations to participate in that.

BTW --- if you haven't noticed the government in power now is NOT the same government in power during the airport rally.


Red shirts openly declared war

Of course their TV station was shut down

Right or wrong it had to be down

Since there were many arrest warrant issued earlier this week

they should start rounding these people up ....

Ring leaders or muscle men ... if they have an arrest warrant

out for them ... arrest them.

If people start to give issues to those doing the arresting,

arrest those people for obstruction of justice

Now, it seems no matter how you try to view it that the broadcast has gone dead. Does this mean that the soldiers are moving in?

The TV broadcast may be dead but I'll bet the reds are getting messages through to each other, with todays technology it would be very hard to stop completely, a complete shutdown on all mobile networks and Internet might do the trick but news will get through somehow.



Old news from the government

Somkiat keeps his distance from New Politics party BANGKOK, 3 September 2009 (NNT) – Democrat MP and former core figure of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), Somkiat Pongpaiboon, has vowed that he will not participate in activities of the New Politics party founded by the PAD.

Mr Somkiat said he would not appear in the upcoming special meeting of the New Politics party on 20 September as he was still a Democrat party MP. He said it would be impolite to ally himself with the PAD-supported party.

The Democrat MP stated further that from now on he would play a more active role in civil politics rather than in parliament.

New Politics is a newly established party formed by the PAD leaders. Mr Somkiat used to be one of the core figures of the group who has previously taken part in the PAD’s demonstrations. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255209030029 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : Sarun Saelee

News Date : 03 September 2009

Now, it seems no matter how you try to view it that the broadcast has gone dead. Does this mean that the soldiers are moving in?

The TV broadcast may be dead but I'll bet the reds are getting messages through to each other, with todays technology it would be very hard to stop completely, a complete shutdown on all mobile networks and Internet might do the trick but news will get through somehow.

I'm watching right now on a well known internet private broadcasting service. There are a thousand ways around this, but we cannot post on here.

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