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Thai Authorities Shut Down Red-Shirts Protesters Tv Station

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Let's be realistic. Abhisit would probably be good (for a Thai) at doing crossword puzzles or baking a cake from a boxed mix as he's relatively bright. But he's been spoon fed since birth and lacks any managerial skill and any useful political skills. He's accomplishments since being appointed PM by the military junta (or by free democratic elections, if you prefer) are limited to over 3,000 very attractive photos of himself in ribbon-cutting ceremonies with various elite layabouts.

Some might agree, but since when has it been a pre-requisite in any Democracy in the world that your PM or President actually knows what he is doing or has any experience of what they are getting into.

If anything ignorance is bliss, look at Bush Jnr and Gordon Brown. Both should have known exactly what was coming, but alas.......... And yes, the housewife's love him, but then look at Clinton........

Hmmmm the fact that he HAS accomplished more (thankfully to a failed walk-out by the PTP) than Samak or Somchai speaks wonders though, now doesn't it?

He has advanced the cause of censorship and intimidation of anti-military rule folks more than any other PM. I guess that counts for something, but I just don't think little boy Abhisit has it in him to engineer any of this.

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Dont forget the 36 websites that were blocked today on the order of the Deputy PM.

There's a scanned copy of Suthep's order to shut down 36 websites that disseminate news that may be a danger to national security online at Thaienews ( Link ) His order doesn't mention exactly what any of them did wrong - other than being Pro-Red

Ironically, on May 21 2009, Abhisit gave a speech entitled "Media Lessons: The Power of the State, the Power of Capital, and the Power of the People," to journalists at Thammasat University Pattaya Campus. In which he stated:

"The government wants to see media freedom and will facilitate the operations of members of the media to achieve freedom of expression."

Looks like what he forgot to mention was that freedom of expression was only allowed if you expressed the views of the government.

"Truth Today". Thaksin allowed to speak to his followers. Websites critical of government, Red TV. All allowed. UNTIL violence was advocated and and out and out lies were broadcast. If the Reds had not broadcast threats to the lives of government officials and lied to the people, they would still be on air. Name one other democracy that would allow what the Reds have broadcast to continue to be broadcast.

Oceania. Oops, sorry. That wasn't a democracy was it?

Truth Today = Ministry of Truth

Let's be realistic. Abhisit would probably be good (for a Thai) at doing crossword puzzles or baking a cake from a boxed mix as he's relatively bright. But he's been spoon fed since birth and lacks any managerial skill and any useful political skills. He's accomplishments since being appointed PM by the military junta (or by free democratic elections, if you prefer) are limited to over 3,000 very attractive photos of himself in ribbon-cutting ceremonies with various elite layabouts.

Some might agree, but since when has it been a pre-requisite in any Democracy in the world that your PM or President actually knows what he is doing or has any experience of what they are getting into.

If anything ignorance is bliss, look at Bush Jnr and Gordon Brown. Both should have known exactly what was coming, but alas.......... And yes, the housewife's love him, but then look at Clinton........

Hmmmm the fact that he HAS accomplished more (thankfully to a failed walk-out by the PTP) than Samak or Somchai speaks wonders though, now doesn't it?

I think he has done ok so far. But there was a certain inevitability that the events we see today were going to occur. He has inherited a completely poisoned chalice. Do you honestly believe he thinks he deserves this job 100%? Do you think he doesn't know what had to go on behind the scenes to get him into position, and then it wasn't as though he could refuse could he? His uncles plopped this square and firm in his lap and said, "you went to Oxford, well smart boy, sort this one out". He is performing his duty as well as he can.

In some ways I feel quite sorry for him because I am sure in his more innocent days he believed he would be inheriting a PM ship on the back of 20 years of 10% growth and he could really take the country forward. Do you reckon he thinks he took all those years to get educated to get dragged into this mess. He could have done anything with the education he had, but he chose to enter politics, I presume for some misplaced altruistic ideal. After Thaksin's roller coaster 6 or 7 years with good growth and the such, I think he has done Ok and certainly hasn't made anything worse, which is more than most PM's of Thailand.

From minute one, look who he had to team up with. One bunch has a leader who is actually banned (Newin) and the other bunch has a leader who was quoted as proud of being short because it allows his hands to reach further under the table.


I can't understand what the fuss is about concerning the closure of the Red Shirt Brigades television service.

The media is a weapon of war, propaganda is a powerful weapon , the Red Shirt Brigade have in their own words declared war on the government and the government have responded by removing part of the Red Shirt Brigade armoury.

I seem to remember that Thaksin sued journalists and indeed newspaper publishers for obscene amounts of money. he (Thaksin) was doing exactly the same as the current government is doing hindering the war effort by removing part of the arsenal.

Strange how the Red Shirt Brigade declare war without a qualm yet the scream like a baby and throw their toys out of their pram when they get hit, war is not for cowardly puppets who lead from the back it's reality.

Sorry Thaksin puppets but you started it and now you must face the consequences of your actions and rhetoric.

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

I can't understand what the fuss is about concerning the closure of the Red Shirt Brigades television service.

The media is a weapon of war, propaganda is a powerful weapon , the Red Shirt Brigade have in their own words declared war on the government and the government have responded by removing part of the Red Shirt Brigade armoury.

I seem to remember that Thaksin sued journalists and indeed newspaper publishers for obscene amounts of money. he (Thaksin) was doing exactly the same as the current government is doing hindering the war effort by removing part of the arsenal.

Strange how the Red Shirt Brigade declare war without a qualm yet the scream like a baby and throw their toys out of their pram when they get hit, war is not for cowardly puppets who lead from the back it's reality.

Sorry Thaksin puppets but you started it and now you must face the consequences of your actions and rhetoric.

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Well could someone at least throw one of those stones at ASTV to get that drivel off the TV also.

I'm against what the red shirts have done thus far, but nothing justifies denial of free speech in a proper democracy.

Here we go again - free speech has limits- can you yell "fire" in a theater because you want to, just for laughs? No. Can you broadcast a doctored tape of the PM that falsely shows him to be ordering troops to fire on protesters? Call for a mob to attack government officials in their homes (AC chairman and PM)?, say "I will kill him" - talking about the PM? Tell supporters to bring empty bottles to Bangkok and fill them with petrol? In what other democratic country would this be considered free speech? The Reds crossed the line.

The reds on this forum know all of that ... the cries of "free speech" are just a rally point not based in fact

A quote from Chief Judge Joseph Flynn of the State of Connecticut in a 2009 letter to Appellate Court clerks:


Freedom without responsibility is license. If the experience of the French Revolution taught us anything, it is that a government where license reigns in the absence of responsibility cannot long endure; and civil society becomes a casualty when men and women exalt their own rights so irresponsibly that the rights of others are ignored and violated.

He said it better than I could.


May be a blessing in disguise this State Of Emergency thingy, seems a lot more red shirts are heading towards Bangkok since they cut the TV.

I'm against what the red shirts have done thus far, but nothing justifies denial of free speech in a proper democracy.

Here we go again - free speech has limits- can you yell "fire" in a theater because you want to, just for laughs? No. Can you broadcast a doctored tape of the PM that falsely shows him to be ordering troops to fire on protesters? Call for a mob to attack government officials in their homes (AC chairman and PM)?, say "I will kill him" - talking about the PM? Tell supporters to bring empty bottles to Bangkok and fill them with petrol? In what other democratic country would this be considered free speech? The Reds crossed the line.

The reds on this forum know all of that ... the cries of "free speech" are just a rally point not based in fact

A quote from Chief Judge Joseph Flynn of the State of Connecticut in a 2009 letter to Appellate Court clerks:


Freedom without responsibility is license. If the experience of the French Revolution taught us anything, it is that a government where license reigns in the absence of responsibility cannot long endure; and civil society becomes a casualty when men and women exalt their own rights so irresponsibly that the rights of others are ignored and violated.

He said it better than I could.

When liberty becomes license, dictatorship is near. -- Will Durant


and we all think that you have a squiggily tail....

To the older members, I think we have a generation or two that haven't got a clue as to how any electoral system works or how things work in the real world. Seems that most have no sense of history and no sense of compromise . Abhisit is the best PM Thailand has ever had. Over 500,000 farmers just had their loans cut in half and given up to 15 years to pay them off in some case. The Mekong River Commission (including China) agreed to consider the down stream effects of building dams and have promised to maintain a sufficient water supply to its downstream neighbors. Doesn't this help the poor?

These are not small feats, but they go largely ignored by people that post on this forum because the stupid <deleted> posting here that can't read beyond the first page of a news paper.


Add starts on revamping education REALLY doing it.

And free access school years extended.

And GOOD milk for kids at schools.

Got the downward spiral of the economy sorted out surprisingly fast.

And did the above with Thaksin's Perception Management Professionals

doing the utmost to prevent any of this from appearing real, or especially be heard up north.

And on top of this he was ASEAN president effectively and raised Thailand's image,

and all this with Red Shirts screaming for his blood day in and day out.

There are those that refuse to see, blinded by their prejudices, ideologies,

and just plain personal myopia to the world around them.

It seems nice to forgive their inability to see clearly,

but the also seem to be the LOUDEST buggers here...

I can't understand what the fuss is about concerning the closure of the Red Shirt Brigades television service.

The media is a weapon of war, propaganda is a powerful weapon , the Red Shirt Brigade have in their own words declared war on the government and the government have responded by removing part of the Red Shirt Brigade armoury.

I seem to remember that Thaksin sued journalists and indeed newspaper publishers for obscene amounts of money. he (Thaksin) was doing exactly the same as the current government is doing hindering the war effort by removing part of the arsenal.

Strange how the Red Shirt Brigade declare war without a qualm yet the scream like a baby and throw their toys out of their pram when they get hit, war is not for cowardly puppets who lead from the back it's reality.

Sorry Thaksin puppets but you started it and now you must face the consequences of your actions and rhetoric.

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

There is a real problem understanding freedom of speech in Thailand that is also tied into the rather odd criminal libel laws and then some other laws that prevent discussing undiscussable subjects and the application of the law.

I would reckon if Thaksin ever did get back into the country, there would be quite a few members of this forum getting slapped with some libel suits too.

Now there is another thing for Abhisit to sort out. Criminal Libel laws.

Let's be realistic. Abhisit would probably be good (for a Thai) at doing crossword puzzles or baking a cake from a boxed mix as he's relatively bright. But he's been spoon fed since birth and lacks any managerial skill and any useful political skills. He's accomplishments since being appointed PM by the military junta (or by free democratic elections, if you prefer) are limited to over 3,000 very attractive photos of himself in ribbon-cutting ceremonies with various elite layabouts.

Some might agree, but since when has it been a pre-requisite in any Democracy in the world that your PM or President actually knows what he is doing or has any experience of what they are getting into.

If anything ignorance is bliss, look at Bush Jnr and Gordon Brown. Both should have known exactly what was coming, but alas.......... And yes, the housewife's love him, but then look at Clinton........

Hmmmm the fact that he HAS accomplished more (thankfully to a failed walk-out by the PTP) than Samak or Somchai speaks wonders though, now doesn't it?

I think he has done ok so far. But there was a certain inevitability that the events we see today were going to occur. He has inherited a completely poisoned chalice. Do you honestly believe he thinks he deserves this job 100%? Do you think he doesn't know what had to go on behind the scenes to get him into position, and then it wasn't as though he could refuse could he? His uncles plopped this square and firm in his lap and said, "you went to Oxford, well smart boy, sort this one out". He is performing his duty as well as he can.

In some ways I feel quite sorry for him because I am sure in his more innocent days he believed he would be inheriting a PM ship on the back of 20 years of 10% growth and he could really take the country forward. Do you reckon he thinks he took all those years to get educated to get dragged into this mess. He could have done anything with the education he had, but he chose to enter politics, I presume for some misplaced altruistic ideal. After Thaksin's roller coaster 6 or 7 years with good growth and the such, I think he has done Ok and certainly hasn't made anything worse, which is more than most PM's of Thailand.

From minute one, look who he had to team up with. One bunch has a leader who is actually banned (Newin) and the other bunch has a leader who was quoted as proud of being short because it allows his hands to reach further under the table.

Nobody goes into office with a totally clean slate. Newin is a non-starter as an issue, since his "Friends of Newin" were allied with the PPP before the PPP was disbanded.

Did he want to come into office THIS way? Why not! Ideal would be on an upswell of anti-Thaksin and anti-corruption sentiment country-wide, but how likely is that? Do you think YOU know what went on behind the scenes to get him in office? I know I don't and I also know that anyone that claims to know is most certainly either delusional or was in the room(s).

Now --- we have Abhisit and Korn. Two very admirable men. What do the reds have to offer Thailand?

Jatuporn? Veera? Sae Daeng? Arisman? Weng?

I'm against what the red shirts have done thus far, but nothing justifies denial of free speech in a proper democracy.

Here we go again - free speech has limits- can you yell "fire" in a theater because you want to, just for laughs? No. Can you broadcast a doctored tape of the PM that falsely shows him to be ordering troops to fire on protesters? Call for a mob to attack government officials in their homes (AC chairman and PM)?, say "I will kill him" - talking about the PM? Tell supporters to bring empty bottles to Bangkok and fill them with petrol? In what other democratic country would this be considered free speech? The Reds crossed the line.

The reds on this forum know all of that ... the cries of "free speech" are just a rally point not based in fact

A quote from Chief Judge Joseph Flynn of the State of Connecticut in a 2009 letter to Appellate Court clerks:


Freedom without responsibility is license. If the experience of the French Revolution taught us anything, it is that a government where license reigns in the absence of responsibility cannot long endure; and civil society becomes a casualty when men and women exalt their own rights so irresponsibly that the rights of others are ignored and violated.

He said it better than I could.

Well said!

And a lot better than The Abbot of Citeaux at Beziers.

May be a blessing in disguise this State Of Emergency thingy, seems a lot more red shirts are heading towards Bangkok since they cut the TV.

And you would know this .... how? The thing is that they can legally be detained at the checkpoints for illegal assembly as soon as they enter an area that is under the SoE.

The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.

The joint statement said the actions were unconstitutional and double standard law enforcement.

May be a blessing in disguise this State Of Emergency thingy, seems a lot more red shirts are heading towards Bangkok since they cut the TV.

And you would know this .... how? The thing is that they can legally be detained at the checkpoints for illegal assembly as soon as they enter an area that is under the SoE.

And they would know they are red shirts....how? You said yourself that you saw a bus full of "red shirts" leaving for Bangkok, that weren't wearing any red shirts.

why does every farang think the red shirts are brain dead and the yellow/elite are einstein. I am 33yr old chartered accoutant who quit the rat race from uk to learn about a foreign culture. I have taught at harrow (bkk) and stanford (hua-hin). I have also taught at provincial schools and village schools in phrae and udon thani. The thickest and most narrow minded have been at harrow/stanford. They are the brain dead ones because they don't give a sh*t, they are fed with a silver spoon and have a totally reprehensible western attitude!! They cant even speak english for f*cks sake and the fees are 1 million baht per year(harrow). The kids from the countryside/poor families are so artistic and full of endeavour its unbelievable. Their enthusiasm just needs harnessing and their full potential being realised!

Therefore my point is that the rich/poor divide needs to be reduced to enable the real thai children to flourish and release their inner spirit & talent; for they are so talented and so overlooked!


Maybe this is a "fake poster" just like we have the "fake reds". The poor use of English is almost identical to most of The Nation reporters. :)


Minkwan and Weng... YIKES.

Jatuporm and Arisman... words fail.

Jakrapob and Chavalit? double yikes.

Chalerm and Yingluck... tag team

Jusripatrik, and... and...

and some one that can speak northern...

Try as I might, no one in PTP seems qualified...

Newin begins to look really good in comparison.

Ain't that scary!


there looks a lot more ppl down their "banned" site tonight compared to last night

abisit banning this site and blocking the tv and other new harsher measures is only gonna gain more ppls interest

a bit like when they ban a record/song

Now --- we have Abhisit and Korn. Two very admirable men. What do the reds have to offer Thailand?

Jatuporn? Veera? Sae Daeng? Arisman? Weng?

Chavalit Yongchaiyudh

The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.

The joint statement said the actions were unconstitutional and double standard law enforcement.

Double standard, how so? Are there some other stations inciting insurrection, illegal activity and violence that the government ignored?

Nobody goes into office with a totally clean slate. Newin is a non-starter as an issue, since his "Friends of Newin" were allied with the PPP before the PPP was disbanded.

Did he want to come into office THIS way? Why not! Ideal would be on an upswell of anti-Thaksin and anti-corruption sentiment country-wide, but how likely is that? Do you think YOU know what went on behind the scenes to get him in office? I know I don't and I also know that anyone that claims to know is most certainly either delusional or was in the room(s).

Now --- we have Abhisit and Korn. Two very admirable men. What do the reds have to offer Thailand?

Jatuporn? Veera? Sae Daeng? Arisman? Weng?

I have a little insight into what may have gone on to get the parties to jump, but I am not going divulge from who I heard it in a public forum.

I don't deny that Abhisit and Korn are probably admirable men. There are more than a few in Thai politics, but there aren't many PM's who have had the ability or chance to look beyond their own direct local issues ever and then the direct issues of their own MP's. Abhisit at least is trying to lift his head out of the quagmire and deal with some nationwide issues. I applaud him.

This is not about what do the red's have to offer, it is about the country's political system coming to a point where parties start to deal with nationwide issues instead of satisfying their MP's insatiable greed and need for repayment to secure their loyalty.

"Coz times they are a changing".

Since the crash of 97 which I see as a sea-change moment in Thailand, we have had Chuan, Thaksin (plus various TRT incarnations) and now Abhisit. Well one doesn't need to be a genius who might have the highest IQ and better education, but this is politics, not Mastermind. There have probably been considerably less talented men than Jatuporn, Veera, Arisaman, Weng who have run the country in the last 80 years or so. Sae Daeng is a nutter, and a soldier to boot. I mean people welcomed the coup for god's sake, so the only way is up from there in political terms. I prefer my politicians from a ballot box not a gun.

I hope Abhisit survives. I think he will do quite well if he continues to find ways to tackle the issues of the poor, whilst he and his team get the economy moving.

Minkwan and Weng... YIKES.

Jatuporm and Arisman... words fail.

Jakrapob and Chavalit? double yikes.

Chalerm and Yingluck... tag team

Jusripatrik, and... and...

and some one that can speak northern...

Try as I might, no one in PTP seems qualified...

Newin begins to look really good in comparison.

Ain't that scary!

The problem is, if Abhisit falls on his sword and Korn throws his toys out of the cot, the country is absolutely staring into the abyss.

The dearth of talent isn't limited to the red side.

May be a blessing in disguise this State Of Emergency thingy, seems a lot more red shirts are heading towards Bangkok since they cut the TV.

And you would know this .... how? The thing is that they can legally be detained at the checkpoints for illegal assembly as soon as they enter an area that is under the SoE.

News from the family bloody phone hasn't stopped all day.

They are just tourists I guess or visiting family and friends in BKK

The police won't stop em anyway.

Now --- we have Abhisit and Korn. Two very admirable men. What do the reds have to offer Thailand?

Jatuporn? Veera? Sae Daeng? Arisman? Weng?

Chavalit Yongchaiyudh

Are you really putting up a Thai Chinese former general that led Thailand through the float of the Baht that helped make so many rich while sending many others to the poorhouse? (Figurative)

Do you think that one of the people behind the violence of Oct 7th would be acceptable to the people?

The proposed leader of Thaksin's Thai People's Army is your real choice?

Yeah ... he's the guy! He's easily better than Korn or Abhisit :)

I have a little insight into what may have gone on to get the parties to jump, but I am not going divulge from who I heard it in a public forum.

LOL ... hmmm I hold to my statement :)

I have a little insight into what may have gone on to get the parties to jump, but I am not going divulge from who I heard it in a public forum.

LOL ... hmmm I hold to my statement :)

PM me if you want, and I will discuss it on the phone, but I am not writing it here.


Abhisit is surely in his last days having all but committed political suicide. It wasn't enough for him to censor virtually all opposition media. He has just pre-empted the evening soap opera in the middle of the episode. The Thai people will never forgive this act against them.

Now --- we have Abhisit and Korn. Two very admirable men. What do the reds have to offer Thailand?

Jatuporn? Veera? Sae Daeng? Arisman? Weng?

Chavalit Yongchaiyudh

Are you really putting up a Thai Chinese former general that led Thailand through the float of the Baht that helped make so many rich while sending many others to the poorhouse? (Figurative)

Do you think that one of the people behind the violence of Oct 7th would be acceptable to the people?

The proposed leader of Thaksin's Thai People's Army is your real choice?

Yeah ... he's the guy! He's easily better than Korn or Abhisit :)

Better than a Thai Chinese that ordered boats full of Rohingya refugees pulled into the open ocean without gas, food and water and left them to die.

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