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Traveling With Out A Passport


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If you are sending your passport in the post use the likes of FedEx/UPS The British Foreign office asks expat citizens applying for a new passport out of the regional issuing centre in Hong Kong to use DHL Not sure what the US Policy is about its citizens shipping their passports.

For the sake of clarification, whilst UK passports are now renewed in Hong Kong, you only need to send a photocopy of the passport to be renewed, the original stays with you in Thailand.

Edited by theoldgit
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Giving the Passport as a security to Motobike rentals is the way it usualy is.

Give my passport to a stranger? I would never do this! A western passport is worth far more on the black market than a motorbike.

No reputable company would want you to leave your passport with them for security. When renting cars in Thailand I've been asked for a copy of my passport, but never have I been asked to leave the actual passport with them.

Although I don't do so, is it not the case that foreigners are supposed to keep their passports on their person at all times, as Thais are with their ID cards?

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leaving your passport with anyone you dont trust is stupid,, they can be copied, stolen, or sold..and as in anothe rpost,, are worth much more on the blackmarket than a motor cycle,,

i believe you will also find that IF anything went wrong while your m/c company had your passport that your Embassy would not be too pleased with YOU.. once issued a Passport is your responsibility,, (it belongs to your government NOT to you..

when you receiv eit it normally tellsyou to keepit on your person orr in a safe place,, Dont see the embassy seeing the motor cycle store as such a safe place..

We know one friend who did this, and paid for his m/c by credit card,, by the time he came back a week later appx 150,000- baht of purchases had been made on his card..

Another did it in bali.. and ..lo and behold same result..

DONT leave your passport as security for ANYTHING !!

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get real....

so....just pays money that motorbike is worth as deposit ?

because they also want to have some feeling of security....

CC and passport is quite different i think.....with credit card it's easy access to money for them, with passport ? to what ? you still will be safe because you are the owner of ORIGINAL passport, in case another person will try to use it...

and these motorbike rentals that took money from CC: are they still in business ?

what profit would make someone from your passport, if he is running his business longterm ? there is no such thing as reputation here ;] ?

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with passport ? to what ? you still will be safe because you are the owner of ORIGINAL passport, in case another person will try to use it...

Except that you will have to go to the trouble and expense of getting a new one (7436 baht for a 32 page British one) and replace any required visas that were contained in the passport; more work, more expense.

what profit would make someone from your passport, if he is running his business longterm ? there is no such thing as reputation here ;] ?

As already said, no reputable company would ask for a passport as security; but is someone with half a dozen bikes parked up on Beach Road (for example) reputable and honest? Some, for sure; but all?

There is a lot of profit to be made from any passport; particularly if it contains a western visa. If it is actually a western passport then even more profit.

This report is 5 years old, but the problem still remains: Thailand Now Fake Passport Capital for Criminal Underworld, Terrorists.

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It was 2 years ago when I last flew domestically from Bangkok to Phuket and return. Air Asia asked me to produce my passport in exchange for the boarding pass. Might be different now.

It is not unusual for airlines in any country to require a passport or other acceptable (to them) identification before allowing passengers to board domestic flights.

I have never had to give a hotel my passport (and I wouldn't anyway) but have sometimes had to show it when checking in; just as my wife has sometimes had to show her ID card.

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Ok, thanks everyone, I decided to play it safe and found a ticket that will get me to the US after Thailand so no need to send passports.... Next post will have some questions about my stay... Thanks a lot!! Really excited..

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Why are you giving your passport over to a motorcycle rental office? :)

As far as I know, that is the only way to rent a motorcycle.  ("big bike", not scooter.)

I heard it may be possible to not do this if one is willing to leave a huge deposit, but this is how it's done vast majority of time.  

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is right, we ar talking here from MOTOBIKES, 400-1.300 cc 80.000 - 1.000.000.- Baht. (Cars I rent also at companys who accept credit cards)

Even in Patong there is only one place which accepts credit cards for Big Bikes-what I know and this place has no Sportbikes!

So, I get something expensive and I give the renter some security. Up to you when you not give your Passport out of your hands and up to me what I do.

Anyway, i have my own Motobike 400 cc and my own car now. But both in the name of the Ex-mia. That could be more problem than the Passportthing.

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