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Wrote a topic yesterday about observations about a couple of monks I had with my wife, and came back to read it today. Couldn't find it in the forum-section where it was posted and neither in my post-history when doing a search.

So it has magically disappeared. Unless it was removed, but since I haven't recieved any PM-notice that my post in any way was over the line or touching an forbidden subject, I guess it wasn't.

A sidenotice, is that a thread in the news-section about monks have just been locked without any notice from any mod. Or any explanation. (Not my topic, but just saw it.)

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I do not know why your thread was removed but guess it was against forum regs. No big deal is it ?

Anyone who replies to you here must now be discussing moderation issues and so the thread will be closed.

If you want to complain, PM a mod, we mere mortals cannot discuss it here.

Edited by Thetyim
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bronco>> It has been deleted, hence...you cannot find it.

And if no PM is sent, there is infact a high possibility that the user will re-post the topic, since he/she might think there was simply a glitch when posting the thread.

He got some complaints regarding Buddhist issues, and a few of them were deleted / moved. We are guests in this country, and religion is a sensible issue. Thanks for your understanding.

So...if it alright if my wifes posts the topic instead? If so, does she have to make a new user or is it alright to use my account?

I cannot possible see what anyone could have had against the topic, unless ANY posts about ANY monk in ANY form is against the rules. I also clearly stated that I have nothing against the religion, infact, it's the one closest to my perception of the world.

Since the news-post about monks ending up in a fight in news-forum also got locked without any explanation, I'm forced to assume that there is a full censorship enforced on any posts regarding anything around monks, even the onces that might no be ones. You should probably add this to the rules so no-one else makes the same mistake.

Best regards, Z.

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