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US Deeply Regrets Violence, Loss Of Life In Thai Street Protests

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Who cares what the Americans think

As an American I have to say: the second post nailed it.

Who cares what anybody thinks. It is arrogant of any person or State to give there opinion as if it matters. My government was clearly not offering commentary, they speak as if their opinion means something. It does not. This is for the Thai's to resolve however they see fit.

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"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe". Quoted by Thomas Jefferson the third President of the United States.

Who cares what the Americans think

and who cares what YOU think. You're no better than the brainwashed reds with that statement. You seem to put all Americans in the same basket. Do you do the same with your own kind?

The American's living in Thailand obviously don't agree with the majority of brainwashed American's who never leave their nest. You, on the other hand, have left your nest but still hang on to your mother's apron strings and immature ideas .

and let me guess....you'll reply with, "Don't you know how to speak proper English", etc., etc. go back to your pub and drown yourself with suds while watching foolsball.

In my opinion I don't care about what the Americans think, Opinions are like orgasms mines the most important to me. But thanks for your take on things.

you should be very proud of yourself....being a one-handed typist.

But Thais are and that is why we share a treaty of Amity with them.

The US, since the end of WWII has had a lot of interest and involvement in Thailand, and because they refused to punish the Thais for siding with the Japanese against the wishes of the other allies.

Plus the US servicemen almost single-handedly built Pattaya and the Bangkok sex tourism industry, much to be proud of there.

The Americans left Thailand in 1975. There were only three hotels in Pattaya at the time. Hardly a thriving sin city. Perhaps you might check out photos of Walking street at the same time.

Or read a little history about Bangkok during the 1930’s and the number of legal opium dens and dance halls.

You are repeating an oft repeated myth. Ships logs from France and Portugal recorded a thriving brothel industry during the 16th century with some houses employing upwards of three hundred ladies each.


Upon reflection it is very telling to note what is missing from this statement: an endorsement of the current government (or the Red Shirts). It seems clear the US, while they may have an unstated preference, doesn't really care who prevails...they just want peace. I agree!

Who cares what the Americans think

You are right.

The only time Thailand should care what Americans or any other country thinks is when there is a natural disaster. 2+ billion from America and another 5 billion from all the other countries. It would have sucked if nobody was thinking of Thailand then.


Probably like many folk, I supported and had high hopes of Obama.

He has not come out and condemmed murder of civilians in the streets of Bangkok.

Badly misjudged him.Go to hel_l.

Yeah good for you US.. now run along and fight your "terrorism"

Oh, and newsflash, no one really cares what you think :D

Unless of course you come from a country that rides on the coattails of the US, and according to your post i am sure you do. :)

Who cares what the Americans think

Actually this post is not what Americans think, its just a stement put out by the U.S. state depatment, the vast majority of Americans could care less about what is happening in thailand :) However the average Thai might be interested as to what position the U.S. state department has on this issue as the United States is the worlds last remaining superpower :D

Probably like many folk, I supported and had high hopes of Obama.

He has not come out and condemmed murder of civilians in the streets of Bangkok.

Badly misjudged him.Go to hel_l.

Don't feel too bad CLOD, you are among millions who were conned by obama :)

Upon reflection it is very telling to note what is missing from this statement: an endorsement of the current government (or the Red Shirts). It seems clear the US, while they may have an unstated preference, doesn't really care who prevails...they just want peace. I agree!

Reflect on this.

Check out the official statements from Washington when the Burmese generals mass murdered innocent, peaceful, protesters there. Strongly condemning the Burmese regime, for years and years now.

The reds are trying to play a cynical propaganda game that they are something like the PEACEFUL legitimately pro-democracy and freedom 100 percent non-violent Burmese protesters, that Thaksin is the moral equivalent of the near saintly San Suu Kyi, that reasonable and honorable Abhisit is equivalent to the murdering Burmese generals. Washington, and indeed, the world ain't buying that can of BS for one moment.

The statement from Washington reflects that. It demands NEGOTIATION! Washington asked for that before and guess what, the reds were offered a great chance to negotiate and Abhisit made the first and large offer of concessions. The reds walked away offering NOTHING. All of the deaths and injuries are on the red leaders hands. Why does Thaksin think it is OK to destroy his country for the sake of whatever his grand secret agenda may now be?

Who cares what the Americans think

Do not worry little one, Uncle Sam was not being mean to you when he denied you a visa to the promise land. With over 500 people applying for a US visa a day at the US embassy in BKK, some have to be turned down.

Don't take it personal just keep trying and maybe, just maybe, you will have a chance to visit the good ol USA.

Upon reflection it is very telling to note what is missing from this statement: an endorsement of the current government (or the Red Shirts). It seems clear the US, while they may have an unstated preference, doesn't really care who prevails...they just want peace. I agree!

Reflect on this.

Check out the official statements from Washington when the Burmese generals mass murdered innocent, peaceful, protesters there. Strongly condemning the Burmese regime, for years and years now.

The reds are trying to play a cynical propaganda game that they are something like the PEACEFUL legitimately pro-democracy and freedom 100 percent non-violent Burmese protesters, that Thaksin is the moral equivalent of the near saintly San Suu Kyi, that reasonable and honorable Abhisit is equivalent to the murdering Burmese generals. Washington, and indeed, the world ain't buying that can of BS for one moment.

The statement from Washington reflects that. It demands NEGOTIATION! Washington asked for that before and guess what, the reds were offered a great chance to negotiate and Abhisit made the first and large offer of concessions. The reds walked away offering NOTHING. All of the deaths and injuries are on the red leaders hands. Why does Thaksin think it is OK to destroy his country for the sake of whatever his grand secret agenda may now be?

Its called greed. Thaksin was a wolf in sheeps clothing. There is no negotiating with the Reds because they do not have a leader. They are not organized. They are a MOB.

Who cares what the Americans think

King George III said the same thing!!!!!!

....and just for the record....somethings never change... :)

King George thought the colonists should be dealt with harshly for their disobedience and insolence.

From 1811 to the time of his death in 1820 he became progressively insane and blind.

He spent his time in isolation, and was often kept in straight jackets and behind bars in his private apartments at Windsor Castle.

all in the past now ...and cant be repeated..................eh...


with thanks wiki..

Actually I think the West generally should stay out of Thailand's business, not just the U.S.

Yes, by all means .... let's stop all that silly little import/export and tourism nonsense. All it does is help to stabilize the Thai economy and put millions of Thai people to work.

It's pretty pathetic when a standard diplomatic response to terrible and unsettling events brings out all the bashers and cheap shot artists. Shame on the lot of you.

Who cares what the Americans think

Do not worry little one, Uncle Sam was not being mean to you when he denied you a visa to the promise land. With over 500 people applying for a US visa a day at the US embassy in BKK, some have to be turned down.

Don't take it personal just keep trying and maybe, just maybe, you will have a chance to visit the good ol USA.

What the F-ck are you on about?????

Who cares what the Americans think

Do not worry little one, Uncle Sam was not being mean to you when he denied you a visa to the promise land. With over 500 people applying for a US visa a day at the US embassy in BKK, some have to be turned down.

Don't take it personal just keep trying and maybe, just maybe, you will have a chance to visit the good ol USA.

What the F-ck are you on about?????

He seems to think that you are trying to go to the US on a Visa, but after having me and that 'ol cranky American as your neighbors, I'm sure you'll never do that! :D

Happy Songkran to the one Brit I still do like. :) I'll guzzel down a liter for ya this week.

Yeah good for you US.. now run along and fight your "terrorism"

Oh, and newsflash, no one really cares what you think :)

Good one boy, now go lye by your dish :D


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