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and meanwhile, the Baht is dropping like a stone and the tourists are looking somewhere else for their holidays, the ones that come will be charged more to compensate..............! but in time they will stop coming as there are cheaper safer options, sad as the poor will be most affected...

I don't see any evidence of the above statement.

12/4/2010 = $=32.21B £=49.6737B

1/4/2010 = $=32.33B £=48.972B

24/3/2010 = $=32.25B £=48.19B

If that is 'dropping like a stone' then I'm darned if I can see it!!!!

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I am beginning to realise what a farce this whole thing is---even after so many people killed the perpetrators are still standing,shouting their heads of in the same old places.Let me make a few observations---Arrest warrants were made out over a week ago for various members of the red shirt leaders----quote---"the authorities have moved to arrest red shirt leaders on Thursday"---MOVED?---to where?---Disneyland?Waterworld ? Dreamland ? Timbuktoo?-----Now we really get mad with this lot and shut down their Satelite Channel[ouch!!! that hurt!!!] Then a ban on loudspeakers? Did thet say "no" to handing them over? Govt spokesman Ponitan Wattanayagorn

"would like to proceed further with the implementation of the law" <deleted>!!!!! Neighbours tell me that the troops killed all those Red Shirts---what with?.Rubber bullets????What about the AK47---thats not issued to Police or Army!!!!! <deleted>----Now I know why so many Thais run around with Mickey Mouse Tee shirts!!!! Dougal

My first coup was in 1971 when Thanom Kittichakorn (still can't spell his name) overthrew his own government. That degenerated into the horror of 1976 and through the merry go round to 1992.

The rural people always support the strong man. They have no conception of "democracy" other than it mean the current ruler will give them free stuff.

If the reds win, Thaksin will just be the latest incarnation of the strong man. The rural people will get a few showy trinkets and get screwed again. He will last until his government does something really outrageous, like shooting the children of the elite. Then we will start all over again.

If the yellows win, it will just be a continuation of the current elite in power and the rural people will continue getting the shaft.

Either way the elites will be running things (no matter what color shirts they wear) and the rural people will be getting screwed. That's because they're ignorant and uneducated and so incapable of conceiving or running a government. Much less one that actually works. It just ends up being an excuse to loot for the benefit of family and friends.

It's sad but TIT (This Is Thailand) as my old friend Bernard used to say.

So much hysteria in these threads.

Try to remain calm people. Hysterical people can't think clearly, and make stupid mistakes.

Now more than ever, we need to keep our wits about us.

Sabre, normally I'd say of course you're correct, BUT as the vast majority of posters on TV are westeners who (other than a mere 1 or 2) DO NOT have any power other than leave the god forsaken country, the "hysteria" is all in cyber space.

Let us have our fun thinking that what we feel/say matters. It's a kind of therapy, sport or past time.

Indulge us a little more.

This is more fun than than we've had in years na.

A post bringing the Monarchy into the discussion and the reply to it deleted.

Thank you Lite Beer you're probably correct. It is not as if it was important and revevant to current events.

Thank you for the reality check.

How does this affect Thai people? I do not know and cannot generalise, but I can tell you that last night my wife finally cracked. She was in tears for a long time saying "How can they [the reds] do this to our country when the father of our country [the King] is ill and old and frail. I love my country and I love my King. I will go to see these people and kill them myself. I hate them what they are doing to our country. I love my country" and so on. We have paid for business class tickets to the UK for the whole of May. She is now refusing to go ................................................................................

................ Her relatives, previously Thakskin supporters now hate the very air that he breathes.

This is just one family out of millions. I just wonder how the mood is elsewhere..................

I'd say that my wife and her family have similar feelings and they are lifelong citizens of Surin.

So much hysteria in these threads.

Try to remain calm people. Hysterical people can't think clearly, and make stupid mistakes.

Now more than ever, we need to keep our wits about us.

Sabre, normally I'd say of course you're correct, BUT as the vast majority of posters on TV are westeners who (other than a mere 1 or 2) DO NOT have any power other than leave the god forsaken country, the "hysteria" is all in cyber space.

Let us have our fun thinking that what we feel/say matters. It's a kind of therapy, sport or past time.

Indulge us a little more.

This is more fun than than we've had in years na.

There is indeed hysteria. It is most pronounced for a segment which is right out of a textbook.

I would be having fun, if were not for the deaths and casualties. I don't care which side they came from, it's depressing to see a dead 22 year old. (No offense to the older folks.) The parents' heartache will be heavy.

I can't argue with you because what you say is true. However, it is a vindication for some of us because we called it right from Day 1. There are a great many still in denial. I hope they can understand themselves better. It may account for their marriages having broken down, or their kids hating them or their partners cheating etc. The hatred displayed with the cheap shots about skin colour etc. was revealing. There really are a lot of petty self loathing people.


Mr Jirayuth accompanied the red-shirts to the CAT's telecom network centre in Nonthaburi to prove that CAT did not do anything to disrupt the signal.

He denied reports that he was abducted by the protesters and said he was not taken to their rally stage at Phan Fa Bridge.


What are they going to do with him???

no problem: he get a free ride: he goes for inspecting and for reconnecting the broadband. In order to be sure it will correctly done, Arisaman will pay the motorcycle for him....

and now you are condoning kidnapping (at least you certainly appear to be condoning it!) There goes one of the few moderate voices for the Reds that I have seen on here. It is now impossible not to lump you in with the rest that condone this type of violence. (Yes kidnapping is violence.)

Arisman and the reds have added kidnapping clearly to the list of crimes the red leadership is guilty of now. (since some people have chosen to look at holding the Thai soldiers as kidnapping!)

Kidnapping? He's gone off as a pillion passenger with Arisaman driving for God's sake. He also was totally against the shutting down of the signal. You seem a little to eager in your posts to make/score points without checking the facts.

In spite of the fact that you were made aware that there was no kidnapping you still go on in later posts repeating the claim. Do you think that if you keep saying something that is not true people will start to believe you?

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

This is a 3rd world country where if you have money you ARE above the law.

Where else can you drive your car, foot to the metal and if your stopped only pay $7 dollars.

kill a mother of 2 whilst drink driving and only pay $20,000.

To be honest I think you're right. While we get the rough end of it with 200bht fines for nothing (been there done that) we also benefit from 200 baht fines for something. The country is all about money, and I'm only now seeing just how deep that goes. I honestly don't think I like Thailand or its people very much now, and hope (but seriously doubt) that they can substantially change. The reds won't facilitate this, they'll just make it worse. God help Thailand.

How does this affect Thai people? I do not know and cannot generalise, but I can tell you that last night my wife finally cracked. She was in tears for a long time saying "How can they [the reds] do this to our country when the father of our country [the King] is ill and old and frail. I love my country and I love my King. I will go to see these people and kill them myself. I hate them what they are doing to our country. I love my country" and so on. We have paid for business class tickets to the UK for the whole of May. She is now refusing to go ................................................................................

................ Her relatives, previously Thakskin supporters now hate the very air that he breathes.

This is just one family out of millions. I just wonder how the mood is elsewhere..................

I'd say that my wife and her family have similar feelings and they are lifelong citizens of Surin.

Perhaps we should just issue two ballot papers then as obviously nobody in the country feels differently to these two women.

Perhaps the reds are just a mirage?

Is it really beyond people on here to realise that there are differing points of view?

Arisaman will be up on kidnapping charges now , when they catch him he will go away for quite a while.

the israeli mozad faked as english men recently to do the same just like they did in the past to hunt down the nazis.

why should this be any different? :)

do not forget they got away with murder too and to date none of them were tyried in any court, the ICJ in the Haqgue included........


... the reds have added kidnapping clearly to the list of crimes the red leadership is guilty of now. (since some people have chosen to look at holding the Thai soldiers as kidnapping!)

Kidnapping? He's gone off as a pillion passenger with Arisaman driving for God's sake. He also was totally against the shutting down of the signal. You seem a little to eager in your posts to make/score points without checking the facts.

In spite of the fact that you were made aware that there was no kidnapping you still go on in later posts repeating the claim. Do you think that if you keep saying something that is not true people will start to believe you?

why should he go on arisman's bike if he konows his life is in danger? he would have been shot dead or reduces to a mere cattle carcas by then. never heard of amazing thailand? everything is negotaiable in thailand and that's why the protest lasted a month before it flared up. perhAPS THIS"KIDNAP" IS FIXED SO AS TO PROVIDE AN EXCUSE not to jeopardise or even save the life of the ceo of cat. ever wonder this is possible? :)

thais are no different in "fixing" things to appear otherwise like many others......

heard of "fixed" wrestling matches, "fixed" football games, "Fixed" this and that.........

not long ago, one of british airways ads showed how they tried to "fix" a passenger's flight, remember..........besides the one asking you where you got that hat.... :D ???????

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

This is a 3rd world country where if you have money you ARE above the law.

Where else can you drive your car, foot to the metal and if your stopped only pay $7 dollars.

kill a mother of 2 whilst drink driving and only pay $20,000.

To be honest I think you're right. While we get the rough end of it with 200bht fines for nothing (been there done that) we also benefit from 200 baht fines for something. The country is all about money, and I'm only now seeing just how deep that goes. I honestly don't think I like Thailand or its people very much now, and hope (but seriously doubt) that they can substantially change. The reds won't facilitate this, they'll just make it worse. God help Thailand.


thailand and the girls will miss you and your 200 baht -is it bar fine???- and dollars very much, good luck mate. :)

According to a friend of my wife who works at CAT, the red shirt mob already "brought him back".

Now honestly, how can "borrowing" someone be called kidnapping?

Something fishy here and it ain't the market down the soi....

Probably just went for a chang.

seems like it and quite likely so.....

am sure they had couple of chevas too.....

premium decisions call for premium drinks.....

remember, thais are very lovable people.....

that's why "farangs come to thailand by the millions eack year.

cheers.....to everyone here and especially most thais,,,,,, :)

some people would do anything to get a decent broadband connection!

so would google in china if the latter stop interfering.......with the former.... :D:D:D:D:):D

The lad himself said there was no kidnapping - seems more BS from The Nation. Might as well read the Daily Sport!!! :)

This is the reason why I stop having Nation delived to my home.

Instead I found myself a farang boyfriend to improve my English.

Only later did I realise that he is not even English (actually Turkish), but it is already too late.

Arisaman will be up on kidnapping charges now , when they catch him he will go away for quite a while.

No influential Thai does time. How long you been here?

You have a short memory. There is an ex Health Minister inside right now - and at least one senior Civil Servant.

Taskin certainly has blood on his hands

But Abhisit's hands, are now also covered in blood..he now has to go...

Simple ....let the thai people vote..thats all they want..it's not rocket science....

That's nonsense. Rulers of countries have to make decisions all the time that involve risk of death. Some of those are the wrong decision, some you cannot judge their correctness until more time and events have passed. Democratic nations cast their votes on the wisdom and validity of the accumulated decisions of their leaders at regularly scheduled elections.

The lad himself said there was no kidnapping - seems more BS from The Nation. Might as well read the Daily Sport!!! :)

This is the reason why I stop having Nation delived to my home.

Instead I found myself a farang boyfriend to improve my English.

Only later did I realise that he is not even English (actually Turkish), but it is already too late.


I dont know about the guy being kidnapped.

Abisit and his cronies kidnapped democracy.Sad for thailand.

Back to the flash card style discussions eh.

Red leaders

x Thaksin

= Destruction...

Simple to comprehend like this.

...and you have the petrol bombs and guns

Actually the arms were picked up from the fleeing troops. So what you will find is the reds have the military's left behind ordinance. :)

...and you have the petrol bombs and guns

Actually the arms were picked up from the fleeing troops. So what you will find is the reds have the military's left behind ordinance. :)

and using it.

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