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OK now kidnapping??? Shut the f%#$%&@ down!

Many of the reds are Maoists. They are staging a revolution now, don't be fooled. As Mao said, A revolution is not a tea party. Anything goes with this amoral crowd. But the winners won't be the Thai poor people who think they are going to win. It will be the elites again as usual, the red elites, but even more brutal and undemocratic.

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The report I read said that they 'took him out' on a motorcycle, I didnt read anywhere that he was physically dragged out or anything. Maybe he agreed to go with them.

I have no doubt that somchai the guard probably did try to stop them from entering @ some point, perhaps a couple of puffs into his whistle at some point, maybe the poor guard was frightened by the thought that he might have to do something other than open the door, scratch his nuts or adjust his hat. :)

I wonder if this is a bit of a beat up OR was this a kidnap? Please don't start calling me a red.

I really get sick of this biased reporting.

Give me a break ,,, " kidnapped " . Just another way of demonizing and villifying the protesters as an angry mob.

Its obvious this is not a kidnapping in the western sense of the word. Come on !!

He was led away on the back of a motorcycle ,,, probably for talks or meetings and will be home for dinner later tonight.

Whats next ,, are you going to claim they are holding him for ransom of 1 billion bhat ??

Huh? Are you really suggesting that he went willingly and not under threat when 300 motorcycles show up? Sad Sad sad

Don't bother, his line of arguments could be extended to Treblinka and people walking into their demise voluntarily, hence the guards or guilty of nothing...

this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

I have been neutral on this whole 3 Ring Circus taking the position that this is for the Thais to sort out and farang should keep their mouths shut, stay away from the protest sites and generally mind their own business.

But this lawless thuggery...Abhisit needs to take the gloves off. This not about politics now; it's about crass and arrogant disregard for anything resembling civil behavior and rule of law.

What has happened so far is not even close to lawless thuggery. The red shirts are trying to get new elections (forget Thaksin for a minute). Had the police/military not moved in the other day, there might not have been any deaths. The government is afraid they might loose, that is why Abisit has not dissolved the govenmentand called for new elections, it is about holding on to power. IF the red shirts had wanted to cause serious violence there would have been serious problems and many deaths. They have shown remarkable restraint in holding a mob of 50.000 together when what they are doing is basically revolutionary in nature. The government too has shown restraint but they worry about the possibility of loosing this fight by inaction thus the troops trying to route the demonstrators off their turf and death and injury. Stop looking at this from your personal perspectives. This is two major opposing forces and it is amazing to me that the violence is not worse. Can the government really start shooting at the red shirts for parading around town? Do you people expressing ideas about cracking down on the red shirts really realize what chaos that would cause. How many people would be killed? Revolutionary behavior is not peaceful by nature. Pray that things will cool down some. Elections are needed to solve the standoff. The military marching in and deposing Thaksin was the first step in a distructive series of events. Like it or not Thaksin was an elected member of parliment. If indeed the military holds so much power they should have reined in his excesses and set him straight on what was acceptable behavior. It was all a mess from the beginning and many of you call the current government ligitimate. I am no supporter of Thaksin but he was the elected leader before the coup. How can any subsequent government be legitimate after a coup. You wonder why the red shirts are in the streets. Dah, it's a no brainer. They want back their elected government, the one they elected.


It is a little late for APRIL FOOL joke isn't it.

You kidnap people using van, car or even pickup truck. How do you kidnap a grown man on a motobike?

I think ThaiVisa is either trying to be funny, or absolutely bias. Not sure which is which.


I just wish the foreign media could focus on HOW much the elected government have tried to handle the situation. They have AGREED to new election within 9 mounts!!! Go home poor,uneducated farmers and dont let you be fooled by greedy politicians or even killed by YOUR protectors!!

Kidnapping and threats that PM must do this and that is not tolerable in ANY country. Where are the special police forces???

Its about time to scrap the rubber bullets and make a message!

Has anyone actually got anything constructive to say ... i.e. well researched approaches for solution etc ....???

It would maybe be of greater interest than calling each other "crack heads" ....

The country is now so polarized that it is very difficult to find a solution that would be acceptable to all parties.New elections is not the answer, it is only going to deepen the divide and they are not going to be fair (that is, without vote buying and all candidates being able to campaign freely).

A national government cannot be formed since the parties would never agree on the people who can take part in that one.

A new military coup might bring stability but it is not a solution most people would be in favor of...

the "Farang Community" particularly the yellowish part seems more stressed than the Thais. Cool down.... the higher level (the third hand) has not yet sounded his position,. I think it should come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow

huh? The farang community is more worked up than the Thais? So far we haven't seen the "Farang Community" kidnapping people, attacking 1st Regiment, etc ... nor have we been parading corpses on stage or calling for War and a New Thai State from a stage that leads our followers to then attack.

I have stated "STRESSED": the reaction to events, thelack of humour, the absence of criticism mind....demonstrate that people feels stressed more than Thais in my environment... just a remark

The report I read said that they 'took him out' on a motorcycle, I didnt read anywhere that he was physically dragged out or anything. Maybe he agreed to go with them.

I'm sure he agreed to go with them, because its not like he had any other choice!

OK now kidnapping??? Shut the f%#$%&@ down!

Many of the reds are Maoists. They are staging a revolution now, don't be fooled. As Mao said, A revolution is not a tea party. Anything goes with this amoral crowd. But the winners won't be the Thai poor people who think they are going to win. It will be the elites again as usual, the red elites, but even more brutal and undemocratic.

And would you care to show your evidence for this claim?

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I (i) call aspade a spade.

Have posted my opinion previously that sooner or later a lot of the Reds arte gonna be branded TERRORISTS.

Bush and now Obama did and are fighting a war against terrorists around the world.

US army welcome here.

:) I'm neutral, but why the red shirts are a symbol of peace doves?

Because it plays better than Arisman's molotav cocktails and SaeDaeng's grenades!

I just wish the foreign media could focus on HOW much the elected government have tried to handle the situation. They have AGREED to new election within 9 mounts!!! Go home poor,uneducated farmers and dont let you be fooled by greedy politicians or even killed by YOUR protectors!!

Kidnapping and threats that PM must do this and that is not tolerable in ANY country. Where are the special police forces???

Its about time to scrap the rubber bullets and make a message!

there are not many of rural folks out there anyway. Those you see are families and friends, friends of friends of red shirt leaders and of course Thaksin's private hired army as well as hired organized motorcycle taxis. That's it.


and meanwhile, the Baht is dropping like a stone and the tourists are looking somewhere else for their holidays, the ones that come will be charged more to compensate..............! but in time they will stop coming as there are cheaper safer options, sad as the poor will be most affected...

It is a little late for APRIL FOOL joke isn't it.

You kidnap people using van, car or even pickup truck. How do you kidnap a grown man on a motobike?

You turn up with 300 crazies and tell him to get on the bike or you'll rip his head off. You think he's going to resist?


There are probably more than two possible scenarios, but here goes:

1) The CEO of CAT is a red shirt, therefore willingly went along for a ride;

2) The CEO of CAT is a reasonably intelligent man, and given the antics of a crowd of the red shirts, determined that his life or that of his family would be forfeit if he did not go for that ride.

Other ideas (no matter how well thought out or downright silly) are welcome :)

this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

I have been neutral on this whole 3 Ring Circus taking the position that this is for the Thais to sort out and farang should keep their mouths shut, stay away from the protest sites and generally mind their own business.

But this lawless thuggery...Abhisit needs to take the gloves off. This not about politics now; it's about crass and arrogant disregard for anything resembling civil behavior and rule of law.

What has happened so far is not even close to lawless thuggery. The red shirts are trying to get new elections (forget Thaksin for a minute). Had the police/military not moved in the other day, there might not have been any deaths. The government is afraid they might loose, that is why Abisit has not dissolved the govenmentand called for new elections, it is about holding on to power. IF the red shirts had wanted to cause serious violence there would have been serious problems and many deaths. They have shown remarkable restraint in holding a mob of 50.000 together when what they are doing is basically revolutionary in nature. The government too has shown restraint but they worry about the possibility of loosing this fight by inaction thus the troops trying to route the demonstrators off their turf and death and injury. Stop looking at this from your personal perspectives. This is two major opposing forces and it is amazing to me that the violence is not worse. Can the government really start shooting at the red shirts for parading around town? Do you people expressing ideas about cracking down on the red shirts really realize what chaos that would cause. How many people would be killed? Revolutionary behavior is not peaceful by nature. Pray that things will cool down some. Elections are needed to solve the standoff. The military marching in and deposing Thaksin was the first step in a distructive series of events. Like it or not Thaksin was an elected member of parliment. If indeed the military holds so much power they should have reined in his excesses and set him straight on what was acceptable behavior. It was all a mess from the beginning and many of you call the current government ligitimate. I am no supporter of Thaksin but he was the elected leader before the coup. How can any subsequent government be legitimate after a coup. You wonder why the red shirts are in the streets. Dah, it's a no brainer. They want back their elected government, the one they elected.

I don't disagree that elections need to be held. But having elections in this climate would be totally irresponsible. And yes, the Thais did elect Thaksin and he was robbing the country blind, executing innocent people under the guise of "getting rid of small time street drug dealers" Guess that's all fine and dandy with you. To bring him back would further damage this country. It is a serious problem and not at all an easy one. Giving in to crass lawlessness is not the answer either in avoiding violence. I am here on the ground and see the damage it is causing. Are you in Thailand or in LA?

I just wish the foreign media could focus on HOW much the elected government have tried to handle the situation. They have AGREED to new election within 9 mounts!!! Go home poor,uneducated farmers and dont let you be fooled by greedy politicians or even killed by YOUR protectors!!

Kidnapping and threats that PM must do this and that is not tolerable in ANY country. Where are the special police forces???

Its about time to scrap the rubber bullets and make a message!

Monks are joining the fry.

A lot of social problems around the world are created or caused by clerics/religions of any kind.

I say GO HOME to your temple or dungeon wher you are stemming from.

The church or temple or mosque have not to participate in such a amoral outbreak of insanity.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

No different from the yellow shirts, they closed the airport and caused untold damage to the country! The army and the police are a joke!

Hey enough of this yellow shirt crap already. I really doubt that anyone here supported or condones the take over of the airport.

That does not make what the reds are doing right. It was wrong then, it is wrong now !! It needs to be dealt with before it gets even worse.

A message needs to be sent that this type of action will not be tolerated by the reds, yellows or who ever tries to hold a city for their own benefit.

Sadly I have been following these blogs for several days and although I have seen several posts that were written with wisdom and good intentions, they have fallen on deaf ears and are followed up by completely ignorant comments and/or total lies.

I hope I am wrong but it now seems we will only have a couple of possible outcomes. 1) the government crumbles to the requests of the mob and sends the message that any group that is well funded can organize and control the government for their own interests. 2) The military moves in and disperses the mobs and restores order to the majority of citizens and holds elections as promised in 9 months.

If #1 is chosen then thailand will see blood on the streets year after year. If #2 is chosen Thailand will see blood on the streets now but will show that this type of lynch mob mentality will not be tolerated as would happen in any developed country.

Either way we will have sad days ahead. Peace

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I (i) call aspade a spade.

Have posted my opinion previously that sooner or later a lot of the Reds arte gonna be branded TERRORISTS.

Bush and now Obama did and are fighting a war against terrorists around the world.

US army welcome here.

If the US army sets boots on the ground will they pay the Reds first to renounce violence of pull down the statue of Abhisit?

How one possible kidnap an adult on the back of a motosai? Was he chained to handlebar?

It is a little late for APRIL FOOL joke isn't it.

You kidnap people using van, car or even pickup truck. How do you kidnap a grown man on a motobike?

Actually it is quite easy, so long as the person feels that if they do not cooperate then violence will be done to themself, or to other persons or offices. I would probably cooperate fully if I thought the alternative would be violence against my loved ones or against staff I felt responsible for.

Note - I am NOT saying that is what happened. I do not have enough information on which to base an opinion of what actually went on. I just want to clarify that you do not need to tie someone up and shove them in the trunk of a car for it to be a case of kidnapping / involuntary detention.



this is a note for Lumpini police chief Pol Lt Col Sarawut Jindakham

Dear Khun Sarawut ,

Believe ,Rajprasong is under your jurisdiction!Which is Lumpini police station! Correct ?

And Arisaman Pongruangrong( the so called red leader ) is stationed in Rajprasong rally site even

after the arrest warrant is issued against him !

Whose responisbility is to arrest this man ??

Now he kidnapps CAT Ceo !!

Wonderful ,Khun Sarawut !

And when a young man drove Porche hit red motorcycles parked infront of Holiday INN you are the one to run to Jatuporn

to inform not to worry that you had arrested that driver in the Porche !!

WoW -- what a responisble policeman !!!!!!!! Trying to stop red to run havoc !!

I really do not understand why there is a police station and why there are so many police are stationed in this

particular station-wasting our tax money !

We are Thai citizens -

I cant go to Police General hospital for few days now due to the rally --right infront of the hospital !I had to visit to

keep the appointment with the doctors and get the lifesaving medicines !!!

Whose responisbility is it to evacuate these Reds ?

There are numerous criminal gangs working under the asoke BTS with beggar gang on the same side of MTR -snatched purses many times

to elderly tourists -cycles are being stolen from the cycle stands -african criminals hang around Robinson dept store -stealing money from tourists !

all right under the CCTV !!

I really wonder who is responsible and whom do you work for ??

We are scared of your police station now !

Hope God help us !

Anyone know of hotline for complaints through emails against these officers ?

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I (i) call aspade a spade.

Have posted my opinion previously that sooner or later a lot of the Reds arte gonna be branded TERRORISTS.

Bush and now Obama did and are fighting a war against terrorists around the world.

US army welcome here.

If the US army sets boots on the ground will they pay the Reds first to renounce violence of pull down the statue of Abhisit?

How one possible kidnap an adult on the back of a motosai? Was he chained to handlebar?

this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

I have been neutral on this whole 3 Ring Circus taking the position that this is for the Thais to sort out and farang should keep their mouths shut, stay away from the protest sites and generally mind their own business.

But this lawless thuggery...Abhisit needs to take the gloves off. This not about politics now; it's about crass and arrogant disregard for anything resembling civil behavior and rule of law.

What has happened so far is not even close to lawless thuggery. The red shirts are trying to get new elections (forget Thaksin for a minute). Had the police/military not moved in the other day, there might not have been any deaths. The government is afraid they might loose, that is why Abisit has not dissolved the govenmentand called for new elections, it is about holding on to power. IF the red shirts had wanted to cause serious violence there would have been serious problems and many deaths. They have shown remarkable restraint in holding a mob of 50.000 together when what they are doing is basically revolutionary in nature. The government too has shown restraint but they worry about the possibility of loosing this fight by inaction thus the troops trying to route the demonstrators off their turf and death and injury. Stop looking at this from your personal perspectives. This is two major opposing forces and it is amazing to me that the violence is not worse. Can the government really start shooting at the red shirts for parading around town? Do you people expressing ideas about cracking down on the red shirts really realize what chaos that would cause. How many people would be killed? Revolutionary behavior is not peaceful by nature. Pray that things will cool down some. Elections are needed to solve the standoff. The military marching in and deposing Thaksin was the first step in a distructive series of events. Like it or not Thaksin was an elected member of parliment. If indeed the military holds so much power they should have reined in his excesses and set him straight on what was acceptable behavior. It was all a mess from the beginning and many of you call the current government ligitimate. I am no supporter of Thaksin but he was the elected leader before the coup. How can any subsequent government be legitimate after a coup. You wonder why the red shirts are in the streets. Dah, it's a no brainer. They want back their elected government, the one they elected.

I don't disagree that elections need to be held. But having elections in this climate would be totally irresponsible. And yes, the Thais did elect Thaksin and he was robbing the country blind, executing innocent people under the guise of "getting rid of small time street drug dealers" Guess that's all fine and dandy with you. To bring him back would further damage this country. It is a serious problem and not at all an easy one. Giving in to crass lawlessness is not the answer either in avoiding violence. I am here on the ground and see the damage it is causing. Are you in Thailand or in LA?

Further comment: how can any rational person that has any knowledge of this situation "forget Thaksin for a minute". He is the cause behind all this and is paying many of the protesters just as he bought most of their votes to get elected in the first place. The man is a cancerous tumor in the vital organs of Thailand. You want to minimize that, go ahead, but I think you are out of your tree.

no problem: he get a free ride: he goes for inspecting and for reconnecting the broadband. In order to be sure it will be correctly done, Arisaman will pay the motorcycle for him....

This is a new method for fixing your TV at home instead to wait several days for repairing...

This is the funniest thing I heard all day! :) I am still laughing whist typing :D

I have been having problems regarding TOT broadband and how I cannot get 4MB even though I am paying the price of 4 but getting 3 (old contract). Who do I need to contact in the reds to organize my customer problem?

On a serious note, I am surprised and it is shocking to see this. Anarchy? Beirut 1980s?

OK now kidnapping??? Shut the f%#$%&@ down!

Many of the reds are Maoists. They are staging a revolution now, don't be fooled. As Mao said, A revolution is not a tea party. Anything goes with this amoral crowd. But the winners won't be the Thai poor people who think they are going to win. It will be the elites again as usual, the red elites, but even more brutal and undemocratic.

And would you care to show your evidence for this claim?

I assume that you are asking about the second post as i am responding to the OP which clearly states "kidnap". A motorbike convoy of 300 people to have a friendly chat with the CEO of CAT sounds a little fishy to me. :)

It is a little late for APRIL FOOL joke isn't it.

You kidnap people using van, car or even pickup truck. How do you kidnap a grown man on a motobike?

I think ThaiVisa is either trying to be funny, or absolutely bias. Not sure which is which.

Ask a hel_l's Angel?


Many many many very very very tired men back on pic ups are passing up here in Chaiyaphum area now all the time. This has been going on all the time since Thailand sat their foot down and stopped these idiot red shirts.

I think the remaining red shirts are the serios ones and they must be stopped quickly and with force. They are able to do whatever in their own minds and therefore very dangerous for everyone here in Thailand. Next... kidnapping of falangs???? Who knows???

Glegolo, Chaiyaphum


What are they going to do with him???

no problem: he get a free ride: he goes for inspecting and for reconnecting the broadband. In order to be sure it will correctly done, Arisaman will pay the motorcycle for him....

and now you are condoning kidnapping (at least you certainly appear to be condoning it!) There goes one of the few moderate voices for the Reds that I have seen on here. It is now impossible not to lump you in with the rest that condone this type of violence. (Yes kidnapping is violence.)

Arisman and the reds have added kidnapping clearly to the list of crimes the red leadership is guilty of now. (since some people have chosen to look at holding the Thai soldiers as kidnapping!)

Kidnapping? He's gone off as a pillion passenger with Arisaman driving for God's sake. He also was totally against the shutting down of the signal. You seem a little to eager in your posts to make/score points without checking the facts.

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