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I think that the court has enough to hear they are completly at the sold of yellow and unpartial...so they choose to react, ban PAD same they ban other side... but i am worry if PAD supporters will protest in the streets after sonkgran, hope the reds will move before or next clash is comming...


WIKI answers

Thailand is not a developed country, however it is a newly industrialised nation. Thailand should be a fully developed country well before 2050.

So i guess we will all have to wait it out

WIKI answers

Thailand is not a developed country, however it is a newly industrialised nation. Thailand should be a fully developed country well before 2050.

So i guess we will all have to wait it out

judging by the way things are going, Burma, Laos and Cambodia will all get there before Thailand.



Refugee status?...based on the weekend's events?.......absolutely no way, anywhere.

Army's action is, so far, much too soft. How come people tolerates that a "sponsored" minority manage to bother a whole country? A tougher reponse to those unpeaceful protests is needed. Talking is a loss of time.

Government is stalling in order to hide the evidence and get their stories straight before they resign. :)

Many comments on many of the posts on this topic over the weeks have refered to the redshirts almost as if they're another nationality altogether so military action is justified like it would be for an invading force. They're as Thai as their yellowshirt brothers and should be allowed the same voice and treated with the same respect the yellowshirt seige of 2 airports recieved!

i thought they were treated very fairly after their last rampage thru the streets of bangkok. the images of red shirted idiots crashing buses into other buses to block the streets still sits vividly in my memory as i'm sure it does the tourists who cancelled holidays after seeing that. and here we are again months later seeing similar incidents. i don't recall seeing riots or bus crashes when the yellow shirts had that protest at the airport.


can you imagine the next Thai Gov, with Jatu as PM, Seh Daeng as Defence Minister ( remember Takkie promised him this or head of the Army so he could continue being an Army Specialist) Weng as Foreign Affairs and Arisman as Culture Minister and Nattawut as something or other.

A wise man once said , be careful what you wish for ,so to all the Reds , enjoy while you can.

this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

Do you mean the present illegitimate gov't or the protesters?

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

My thought exactly - terrorists for sure and should be treated as such. These acts are not being carried out by simple rural farmers. It is a very well organised attack on the Thai state - all of it funded and controlled by a criminal from abroad, aided by powerful and wealthy groups within Thailand who stand to gain if squareface resumes his corrupt grip on the country.

Ironic that a political group, or at least part of one, that is calling for democracy is resorting to violence, terrorism and kidnapping. These acts are the antithesis of democracy, which requires political advocates to stay within the law. Democracy is just a front for this element of the UDD.

I hate to say it as i love Thailand very much, but does it deserve to be a democracy with vote buying, paying of protestors and its bouncing governments? Perhaps it is just not ready for democracy and the vote :) A sad past seven days...


What are they going to do with him???

They are going to force him to reinstall their broadband connection to their TV station and ultimately get their TV station back to full broadcast.

Gives me an idea - for those occasions when your Thai broadband goes slow or stops but you still have to pay for it (or the situation I am in now where 12call have charged me 300baht for 5 local phone calls plus 5 minutes online and refuse to deal with it) and no one will take your complaint seriously, round up some locals, pay them a few hundred baht and head down to the providers office to get the CEO to solve the problem.

I'll endorse that! I paid CAT 20,000 baht in advance for 1 year's premium Internet service. They could (would) not deliver. I demanded a refund. CAT's response: Tough s**t buddy - no refunds. Period.

I hope they hang him by his balls.

GO, Red Shirts, GO!

Yes great for the red shirts,if the government hadnt switched off their tv station there wouldnt have been any trouble,I dont think for one moment the President of the USA likes Fox News,who are constantly critical of him and his democrats, to the state where they are really rude,but switch the station off!!!

The PM here has enough friends in the media to argue any things stated on the reds channel,no matter what was said on stage they didnt resort to violence,and anyway i personaly think that if the TV hadnt been shut down the reds would have gone home now for the festival.

America has never allowed a TV station to broadcast messages to kill the president. Why do you somehow think it's ok to do so in Thailand?

Embarressment to police forces everywhere. Perhaps if the pm offered them a big bonus they might actually do their job and execute the arrest warrants handed to them.

Nah, that would be too much work.

That's exactly what they've been trying to do and a lot of policeman have died. What do you expect them to do to end this peacefully? They are armed with rubber bullets while the red shirts have ak47s.

Even the red shirt leaders can't control some of their more violent members but then what do they expect when they've been brainwashing them all day.

I really get sick of this biased reporting.


He was led away on the back of a motorcycle

against his will... that's what being kidnapped is, even in western countries.

No different from the yellow shirts, they closed the airport and caused untold damage to the country! The army and the police are a joke!

Remind me again how many police, journalists and bystanders the PAD shot and killed during their protests. :)

What difference does it make what the yellows did anyway. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Hungry, the Bangkok Post is contradicting the Nation with the CAT CEO saying that he was not kidnapped, and that he went willingly. But you will believe what you want to, like the rest of the anti-reds.

WIKI answers

Thailand is not a developed country, however it is a newly industrialised nation. Thailand should be a fully developed country well before 2050.

So i guess we will all have to wait it out

judging by the way things are going, Burma, Laos and Cambodia will all get there before Thailand.


Just curious, where are these highly vaunted " Thai Special Forces" that we keep reading about (In the Sunday Post) their so specialized training to "take care of business" in "any" situation that "may" arise?????? Just curious.

How about getting Sifu (remember him in Pattaya) on the job. He's trained specialist SWAT teams for just this purpose.

I have just come back from Klong Prem prison where I met the parents of an English boy imprisoned because of a corrupt legal system. I have also recently read the the book by the irishman who was falsely accused of murder and banged up for 8 years. You can say what you like about whether people are innocent or not, the problem in both of these cases is that the legal system is corrupt from head to toe. There is no normal civilised behaviour in this country. You cannot tell me that the prison system befits a democratic country and there is no way that it will change under the reds, yellows or any other colour. It is a country where WAI and respect and peaceful pagodas, massage, golden beaches and so on give a semblance of serenity and peace but behind this facade the country is not at all what it seems. Thaksin's lies - so open and obvious - are reflected throughout the society; because of corruption the country is a haven for crooks and farang scammers (big scale). Nobody wants to obey the law and nobody can enforce it.

I am hugely sorry to be part of this society but I am invested in Thailand with my home and family and it would be difficult, nigh on impossible, to live elsewhere.

What I see now in the way that these red people behave is a public manifestation of what goes on behind the scenes. You can get tortured by the police and the police will deny it. Or you can hold a demonstration, fire live rounds that everyone can see in a totally transparent way, and deny it. Your wife can profess to love you but her heart is only as big as your wallet. You can go to help some poor motorcyclist who has been knocked off by a hit and run driver and then be accused of causing the accident. And on and on and on it goes.

Any opportunity for theft, lies, scamming and so on is always taken - with a great big Thai smile.

The reds have blown the whole facade apart and I truly believe that apart from a small minority of enlightened individuals (of which Abhisit is one in my view), Thaksin's boys and girls are the true face of Thailand. My heart is heavy as I write this but Truth Today, eh?

I'm thinking many of the same, what you write. What is behind a smile of Thailand peoples? What is "Land of Smiles" behind a smile? Sure, it has the right smile too, but...

I watched TV when the red shirts leaders talked with the Prime Minister. All smiled and spoke, without angry and listened quietly. Smile ended when the meeting ended. I think that all it has two faces. I think that it has two faces and the great lie, and all large theater. When the red shirt leader speaks to peoples, they are angry and full of fanatism.

I am very sad and disappointed...

Amazing Thailand. :)

Sad to say, Thailand does fit the description of 'a banana republic'

The Electoral Commission has just voted to ask the Constitution Court to dissolve the Democrats (really). If it wasn't a banana republic before, it is now.


Source please

Sorry found it.

Oh well, here we go again.

Urgent: EC resolves to dissolve Democrat

The Election Commission told a press conference that it voted 4:5 to request the Constitution Court's order to dissolve the Democrat Party.

The party was accused of having unlawfully obtained donations from TPI Polene.

In the next step, the EC will pass on the case to the Office of the Attorney-General to consider before sending the case to the Constitution Court.

The Nation


So I guess officially, there are NO clean major political parties in Thailand.

in one word??? DuuuooH!!! The word clean.... and politics in the same sentence????????????? You jest my friend!

According to a friend of my wife who works at CAT, the red shirt mob already "brought him back".

Now honestly, how can "borrowing" someone be called kidnapping?

Something fishy here and it ain't the market down the soi....

and meanwhile, the Baht is dropping like a stone and the tourists are looking somewhere else for their holidays, the ones that come will be charged more to compensate..............! but in time they will stop coming as there are cheaper safer options, sad as the poor will be most affected...

Can you please show me (in what country) where the baht is dropping like a stone. The newspapers have it sitting pretty solid for the past 6 months or so at 32/33. Probably artifucially supported, but nevertheless, very little fluctuation.


The junta is now calling for an election, so let's hope the PM follow's his instruction's and desolves parliment asap!

According to a friend of my wife who works at CAT, the red shirt mob already "brought him back".

Now honestly, how can "borrowing" someone be called kidnapping?

Something fishy here and it ain't the market down the soi....

Probably just went for a chang.


Everyone knows what can be done if you spend enough money......... Taksin is spending alot and he still has a lot left on the table........... "ILL GOTTEN" and "ILL SPENT".

IMO Taksin and the red-shirt Leaders are "terrorists"............ No good in their hearts, ONLY SELFISH GREED.........

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

The red shirts view is that initially Thaksin was elected by a large majority of the electorate, however, the resulting army coup removed him and his government from power, the red shirts regard this as dictatorial, not democratic, hence their demand for the current government to resign and call a new election.

The red shirts regard themselves as a democratic group which is merely asking for a new election, no more and no less, they, and their supporters do not regard themselves as 'thugs or terrorists' at all, since all the want is a new election, and given the strength of their mass support they can not to be ignored and in order to stop the violence the government has no option other than to negotiate with them in order to find a solution to this major political problem.


I was quite sympathetic to the red shirts' cause before, but this is going too far.

The wife was also stopped by red shirts today who demanded to inspect her bag. Apparently this has been happening quite a bit.



Things on the boards have changed. Funny how so many here were saying the Reds were never going to win but now the same people are silent.

Face it people.

Most of the people here who are not Thai do not know a thing about Thai political things and such. Heck, most of these Farangs living in Thailand never voted in their home nations.

Tell them the price of beer is up, and you get their attention. Tell them a bar is closed, and you have a real crisis for them.

The faranag, most who live in Thailand, would actually benefit from a Thai collapse because the Baht would collapse.

Put the baht at 50 or more to the US dollar and all the farangs of the world who come to Thailand to party would smile.

Now I know there are some of you who worked those teaching jobs making 40,000 baht a month. You save it though? NO

It is not a pimple on the arse of an elephant.

Baht 50 or 60 would turn Bangkok into party central again.

Total collapse of the economic system would make most of my friends in Thailand happy.

Nothing better than desperation and hunger for the buyer of goods.

Personally, I am not a buyer of the goods. I am like Al Buddy. Married with Children.

I have not been in the scene for a decade.

But as I said, the 1997 collapse was great for tourists.

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