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Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

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The Democrats had it coming... Although a decision wasn't supposed to be announced until April 20th at the earliest. Seems the "powers that be" have had enough of baby boy Abhisit and quite rightfully so -- they are losing this battle as it currently stands. Time for a change of tactics. It will be interesting to see what Prem's next move will be.

But don't celebrate just yet, the decision still needs to be approved by the High Court.

Indeed it will be extremely interesting to see where Prem goes from here.

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I'm sorry folks but if you have lived in thailand long enough you will realize the game has already been decided. You may see the chess moves and see the goal posts move a little but the result is always the same. If you want to use the chess analogy than yes the pawns will get hurt but most of the others will have a nice life.

On both sides!

I agree with most of your comment but the last is incorrect...the poor stay poor or become/became poorer whilst the middles classes, upper classes, elite and military will stay where they are.



Who is indeed running the country.

Top elites finally cut Abhisit lose.

Reds are right. Thailand has never established a real democracy.

One after another. PM are fully controlled by people behind the curtain.

Thais do need to be free.

Abhisit was always thought of "expendable" .

PM have no authority because they are NOT elected directly by the people

of Thailand

So I guess, this is where the yellows start to prepare for some protests huh? What a mess! I hate to say this, but there is only one solution for Thailand for the next decade or so - a return to Monarchy (most acceptable to the people) or military dictatorship (but given their most recent performance I don't see them being very effective. Once one of the above is done, the work needs to be done to lesson the class differences and educate the people on democracy. Then, and only then might there be hope. off to have some camomile tea and a fag.

This is what the violence was engineered to do: To make the public say the above. It is wy the faciasts murdered people in the 1970's in Italy and blamed it on the communists. It is a common tactic of extremists. Don't fall for it.


An other option will be a new leader for the country.

The new man with a future is the great Korn Chatikavanij. Almost every Thai will look up to this outstanding leader (6'4 ft). :D

He is not involved in the scandal. Korn joined the party just before the 2005 election. After the Democrats loss Korn came into a deputy position as one of the new faces. That means he will not get banned from politics after the Democrats dissolution. He has a top education and convincing concept how to bring the country forward. Foreign investors trust him. He has the support of the Bangkokians, the business people and the 'elite' (when you want use that word). There is no question that Korn is a true and honest royalist, ready to serve Thailand. :)

It is clear, with the current mob democracy and instability the country suffer. A reform with a part-elected part-selected house can be the solution to provide good politics for all people. Bring an end to old politics, corruption and politicians with vested interests. who promise everything to get re-elected. :D

Korn stands for a more yellow shadowed New Politics, opposing slightly the original grassroot concept, that the proto-pad drafted when the finicky constitution rewriter Dr. Weng was still a core member. :D

My guess is that Korn will join the NPP, they will be strong in Bangkok. The 'new Democrats' will stay strong in the south and get additional support in the North. With the red shirt desaster in Bangkok and the recent govt projects kicking in only few people will left who hope for a Thaksin comeback. The EC decision is also only a recommendation for the court, it will take a couple of month more until the final judgment. Plenty time to counter Thaksin, who is running out of time and out of money.

I feel sad for Abhisit, but its a healthy cleaning process and the new Democrats will have a strong comeback with a fresh team and the next government will be a dems & NPP coalition.

Abhisit will stay away from politics and have a comeback when he is in the age of an elder statesman. With 60+ he still have a future and the option of a long career in Thai politics.

Why did it take this long to come up with something like this? A lot of lives could have been spared. What unknown powers were responsible for the delayed justice?

The Army was not counting on having grenades and AK47 in the crowds. Sae Daeng can be thanked for that.


Even if it is going to take time, does Prayuth want to hang on waiting to see who wins the next election, whenever that may be.

The Democratic coalition is wobbling around like a Khao San Road backpacker at 3 o'clock in the morning.

I still think there's going to be another chapter in this that is unexpected and the military will end up back in control until they can pave the way for someone else they can keep under control.

An other option will be a new leader for the country.

The new man with a future is the great Korn Chatikavanij. Almost every Thai will look up to this outstanding leader (6'4 ft). :D

He is not involved in the scandal. Korn joined the party just before the 2005 election. After the Democrats loss Korn came into a deputy position as one of the new faces. That means he will not get banned from politics after the Democrats dissolution. He has a top education and convincing concept how to bring the country forward. Foreign investors trust him. He has the support of the Bangkokians, the business people and the 'elite' (when you want use that word). There is no question that Korn is a true and honest royalist, ready to serve Thailand. :)

It is clear, with the current mob democracy and instability the country suffer. A reform with a part-elected part-selected house can be the solution to provide good politics for all people. Bring an end to old politics, corruption and politicians with vested interests. who promise everything to get re-elected. :D

Korn stands for a more yellow shadowed New Politics, opposing slightly the original grassroot concept, that the proto-pad drafted when the finicky constitution rewriter Dr. Weng was still a core member. :D

My guess is that Korn will join the NPP, they will be strong in Bangkok. The 'new Democrats' will stay strong in the south and get additional support in the North. With the red shirt desaster in Bangkok and the recent govt projects kicking in only few people will left who hope for a Thaksin comeback. The EC decision is also only a recommendation for the court, it will take a couple of month more until the final judgment. Plenty time to counter Thaksin, who is running out of time and out of money.

I feel sad for Abhisit, but its a healthy cleaning process and the new Democrats will have a strong comeback with a fresh team and the next government will be a dems & NPP coalition.

Abhisit will stay away from politics and have a comeback when he is in the age of an elder statesman. With 60+ he still have a future and the option of a long career in Thai politics.

Democrats +NPP . Maybe in your dreams :D


The Democrats will lose the next election surely. Abhisit should have called for elections right when Thaksin was kicked out of Thailand and convicted by the courts. Abhisit had the momentum then and Thaksin was down. Now Thaksin has the momentum and the Democrats are down. If elections are held soon, Puea Thai will win with a landslide, because they have shown that the Democrats are corrupt.

I wonder if the Reds will go home now?

Too many people are shouting "som nom na" and "we won" for that to happen.

Hang on, wait...

I'm sorry folks but if you have lived in thailand long enough you will realize the game has already been decided. You may see the chess moves and see the goal posts move a little but the result is always the same. If you want to use the chess analogy than yes the pawns will get hurt but most of the others will have a nice life.

On both sides!

I agree with most of your comment but the last is incorrect...the poor stay poor or become/became poorer whilst the middles classes, upper classes, elite and military will stay where they are.



Then I think you agree with all of it. The pawns are the poor! I don't look at Abhisit and the others as pawns. I think they know what they are getting into and they take a chance for the added rewards but the risk in the end is little in the thai way of doing things (although Taksin may be pushing the envelop).


If the court finds the party guilty, it must take the punishment.

On the other hand, if the reds win next election. the red leaders must seek immunity or they have to spend rest of theor life in jail. That means immunity to the yellow leaders from the airport. Otherwise "double standard"!

If some other group come into the streets and what new election for one or another reason, goverment have to give in or it would be (double standards).

Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

Ha Ha Ha Half of Thai Visa suddenly wonder if they backed the wrong horse...

Rumour is, someone in the democrats got paid 200 baht on a cooking show, and tipped a tuk tuk at least 100 baht. Obvious vote buying.

Only half? to be fair I think those of us with red leanings only make up 15/20% at best - I often feel outgunned when they all come in guns ablaze (rude as well) when I try to put the other side of the case. I have found these threads full of patronizing yellow sympathizers - by the way I heard he cooking red meat for the first course and banana split for dessert - and confused both sides - so that was the end of him!

you could say he jumped out of politics and into the frying pan!

Why do you keep calling non red supporters yellow sympathizers?

Just proves you cannot read or if you can read you do not clearly

understand what it is you are reading.

An other option will be a new leader for the country.

The new man with a future is the great Korn Chatikavanij. Almost every Thai will look up to this outstanding leader (6'4 ft). :D

He is not involved in the scandal. Korn joined the party just before the 2005 election. After the Democrats loss Korn came into a deputy position as one of the new faces. That means he will not get banned from politics after the Democrats dissolution. He has a top education and convincing concept how to bring the country forward. Foreign investors trust him. He has the support of the Bangkokians, the business people and the 'elite' (when you want use that word). There is no question that Korn is a true and honest royalist, ready to serve Thailand. :)

It is clear, with the current mob democracy and instability the country suffer. A reform with a part-elected part-selected house can be the solution to provide good politics for all people. Bring an end to old politics, corruption and politicians with vested interests. who promise everything to get re-elected. :D

Korn stands for a more yellow shadowed New Politics, opposing slightly the original grassroot concept, that the proto-pad drafted when the finicky constitution rewriter Dr. Weng was still a core member. :D

My guess is that Korn will join the NPP, they will be strong in Bangkok. The 'new Democrats' will stay strong in the south and get additional support in the North. With the red shirt desaster in Bangkok and the recent govt projects kicking in only few people will left who hope for a Thaksin comeback. The EC decision is also only a recommendation for the court, it will take a couple of month more until the final judgment. Plenty time to counter Thaksin, who is running out of time and out of money.

I feel sad for Abhisit, but its a healthy cleaning process and the new Democrats will have a strong comeback with a fresh team and the next government will be a dems & NPP coalition.

Abhisit will stay away from politics and have a comeback when he is in the age of an elder statesman. With 60+ he still have a future and the option of a long career in Thai politics.

All very true, but this is politics. Has he ever been north of Rangsit?

I would suggest these days having anything approaching a thumbs up from the "elite" is something to not be promoting. This would be an election not an anointing ceremony right? He's a silver spooned smart well educated merchant banker. And good luck to him. You cannot win elections in Thailand on the back of business people and Bangkokians if all the employees vote for the other guy, that horse bolted long ago.

As for the Dem's fresh team. Will they have graduated from the various universities around the world by the time the next election comes around? I would desperately like to know how their recruitment drive among the young overseas educated from Isaan is going? Any takers yet? They don't even know how to drive to Isaan yet alone start winning votes up here.

I am rather sad that Abhisit will have to wait until he is 60+ to allow himself to really start his political career?????? When I hear this kind of thing, I wonder what people are smoking.

Bad Thaksin.

Bad yellows.

Bad Samak.

Bad yellows.

Bad Somchai.

Bad yellows.

Bad reds.

Bad Thaksin.

Bad fake reds.

Bad army.

Bad reds.

Bad Abhisit.

Bad terrorists.

Bad reds.

Bad Democrats.

Bad yellows.

Bad ..... (next) ....

It's more entertaining than the Thai TV soaps. Are there any 'goodies' or are they all 'baddies'???

Indeed everything is bad... :)

Then why are you still in Thailand ?

Election Commission Rule to Recommend Dissolution of Democrats

The Election Commission has ruled to dissolve the Democrats party for Bt258 million baht donation made illegally by TPI Polene. The case will now be forwarded to the Attorney General's Office for its deliberation.

The Opposition claimed TPI Polene had siphoned the money from the capital market and donated it to the Democrats who then used the money to fund its election campaigns in the previous general elections.


-- Tan Network 2010-04-12


Why is it that this has been brought to light now, after 21 deaths and hundreds injured and millions of baht lost from the economy?

Does all these events have to take place first before any legal body has the courage to raise the issue of corruption?

just thinking the same! didnt the last corruption charges( that caused the dissolution of the last govt)for the reds come out when the yellows were at swampy?

The PAD have got nothing to protest about (at least regarding this case). They should stay at home.

And the reds haven't won anything. It's the courts that make these decisions.

The reds may still not get the elections they are after. The ex-Dems and smaller parties may still form government.

With all of these investigations going on, they may not want to throw around all that bribe money. :)


So this EC hands out a " verdict/conclusion " about which they are not sure because they are still investigating, and still have to summon people to be heard , if I read and understood it all correctly, and were also pressured by one of the sides in the current conflict to do so.

Something tells me that this is not the way to handle this, true or not.

The timing of this announcement seems a bit strange. Coincidence?

I don't think it is strange. In fact it is quite clever since it gives the reds a feeling of victory and they may be more easily persuaded to stop their nonsensical activities in the belief that eventually the Dem party will be dissolved.

If the OAG does agree (a big IF) and forwards the case to the constitution court it'll probably be by early next year when there will be a ruling on it, which in my opinion will not go against the democrats.

Let's wait and see. For now the EC has only issued a recommendation.

I'm much more concerned about the reports that the yellows will show up on the streets on Sunday.




Pravit Rojanaphruk

"As I type these words, rumour spread widely about a possible ultra-royalist coup. A reliable red-shirt source told this writer this afternoon that they’re preparing to face a coup as well adding that a significant number of soldiers are on the red-shirt side and is prepared for a showdown.

If Abhisit (or anyone who might be pulling the strings from behind) think of launching an “ultra-royalist” crackdown or coup by blaming red shirts for seeking to establish a “new Thai state” as the

yellow-shirt People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and a number of conservative ultra-royalist media have long been accusing then much blood will be spilled, so much that it may make Saturday night’s crackdown/confrontation which led to 21 deaths and 858 wounded look

like a miniature dress rehearsal."


They probably wanted to wait and see if Abhisit can hang on to office or not. With the actions of the past days, it has become clear that he must go, so they decided to disband the Democrats, jump ship and jump into bed with Puea Thai again. Just like the coalition partners will now jump into bed with Puea Thai again.

Newin must be thinking ..."Thaksin darling, here I coooooome!!!" :)

If elections are held soon, Puea Thai will win with a landslide, because they have shown that the Democrats are corrupt.

Not to forget that this is the third incarnation of their party [Puea Thai], which has been dissolved TWICE for electoral fraud. If you're looking for some moral high ground around here, there isn't any.

Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

Ha Ha Ha Half of Thai Visa suddenly wonder if they backed the wrong horse...

Rumour is, someone in the democrats got paid 200 baht on a cooking show, and tipped a tuk tuk at least 100 baht. Obvious vote buying.

Mate stick to your 911 conspiracy theories in bedlam, at least while full of crap, they were entertaining :)

Meoow, pffft pffft. Easy tiger!

I just look forward to a real election! The whole city comes to life! No more sulky shopkeepers with a postcard of El Tako on the counter!

They will be Happy Shopkeers! (plus i want to see 'The Nation' squirmm and backpedal. Just as I would like to see a Tako rag squirm if it took over a forum!)

In simple terms: If the reds won, and a 'red' led coalition took over, MY LIFE WOULD IMPROVE AS WOULD MANY IN CHIANG MAI!

If only because of the happiness of the population. (yes im that shallow)

Maybe even my next door neighbour would turn off the red propoganda channel onthe radio! Ah Bliss! 2 hours a day of ranting. I can only hope.

As I understand it this donation to the Democrat party took place before Abhisit was at the helm. The ship is sinking and it is taking an outstanding captain with it....

Abhisit deserves a better end to his career.

Is it possible that Abhisit won't be banned then?

No, Mr. clueless, there is no way out. He was the deputy leader.

I fell still a litttle bit sad for Abhisit, he was promising.

On the other hand it was crystal clear what the EC will recommend the dissolution.(Crystal clear at least for that super smart objective me, i spotted no-one else at this English farang board who saw the signs)

This makes the loss of the last weekend even more terrible. Abhisit turned to be one of the worst PMs Thailand ever had.

The govt supporter at this board who still supported Abhisit left the field of democracy and started to spread ugly lies resorted to disgusting propaganda spins.

They deserve all the mockery that will come over them.

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